WWE Night Of Champions: WWE Divas Championship - Paige (c) VS AJ Lee VS Nikki Bella


Announced earlier today, Paige will defend the Divas Championship at Night of Champions in a Fatal Fourway bout featuring AJ Lee, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella.

To some degree, I've found myself interested in these two feuds. Paige vs. AJ has become somewhat bizarre with more than a little lesbian subtext added here and there. The Bella Twins' soap opera is something of a guilty pleasure, though I think there's a genuine chance it jumps the shark with the inclusion of Jerry Springer "moderating" a meeting between them this Monday on Raw.

As to who walks out as champion, it's kind of all over the place. I could see any of them winning and the chaotic nature of a fourway match can be used as a means of taking the title off a champion while keeping said champ protected. I don't really see AJ regaining the title while it seems like, to me anyhow, that Nikki & Brie will ultimately spend their time getting in each other's way as their personal issues prevent either of them from scoring the win. I'm gonna go with Paige retaining the title at NOC.

EDIT - I screwed up. This is a triple threat match rather than a fatal fourway. When it was initially announced, I thought I read that Brie Bella would be included. At any rate, she'll be involved in the match somehow.
This feels like a mess, because they're merging two storylines together, but I'm going with Nikki for the win.

It's obvious Stephanie wants Nikki as the face of the Divas division, she's the one, who granted Nikki the title shot in the first place, and she made the announcement for the Fatal Fourway. It's easy to picture a scenario, with Brie seconds away from scoring the pinfall. Nikki sneaks in, steals the pinfall and the title, and Brie has a legit case for a rematch.

You get the sense they're headed for some reign of terror with Nikki as Stephanie's handpicked champion to be the face of the division. Somewhere down the line, we get Nikki VS Brie, so Brie can have her moment of redemption as the new champion.

We've all been wondering, when the time will come for WWE pushing one of the Total Divas as champion, and I have no doubts it'll start with Nikki.
I think paige will win.. For 1 she just won the title a month ago and if they were gonna give the title to a bella then they might have as well keep the title on aj. 2 news came out that by the end of the year Bella's would be put together.
It's not a Fatal 4 Way match, it's a Triple Threat match between Paige, AJ, and Nikki Bella. It was announced on Smackdown by Stephanie.

I see both good and bad from this. The good is Brie Bella will obviously interfere and cost Nikki Bella the match and Paige will get the pinfall on Nikki, protecting AJ and setting up the rubber match between those two at Hell in a Cell. The bad is The Bella's continue feuding and their one-on-one match will have to wait for Hell in a Cell.
Two feuds merged together, both of which should've concluded by now.

Paige should've been given another challenger the night after SummerSlam.
It's not a Fatal 4 Way match, it's a Triple Threat match between Paige, AJ, and Nikki Bella.

Thought I was imagining things! Yes, Brie Bella isn't included in this one, which is proper. After all, a Triple Threat match with a title at stake is about the championship; there shouldn't be a separate feud involving two of the challengers.

Of course, Brie could play a part in the outcome; preventing Nikki from winning the whole thing just when it appears she's got matters in hand. In fact, that's the only reason I see putting Nikki in this in the first place. Do they really want her to be champion? I wouldn't think the feud with her sister has anything to do with title belts.....and a competition for the championship doesn't really have anything to do with a family war.

As for Paige and AJ, I don't know where they're going in this strange feud. If the sublime is meeting the ridiculous: that the reason the title was taken from AJ so soon after winning it was that they wanted to punish CM Punk (an absurd concept, but who knows?) then there's not much reason to give it back to AJ, at least not so soon.

Hopefully, the Paige-AJ feud is going somewhere, instead of just being a weird knock-off of the Trish Stratus-Mickie James semi-gay program of years ago. But whether it is or not, it doesn't really matter which of the two gals wears the belt, does it?

I'll pick Paige to retain.....with Nikki Bella being the black marble in the equation since we don't really know that the Authority wants from her.
This boils down to really AJ and Paige! Nikki is just filler at this point.. No one honestly expects Nikki to win the Divas championship at least i dont.. I love this feud going on right now,with AJ and Paige! Its super entertaining and the best diva feud going since Trish and Lita Imo..

As far as who wins its hard to say,but my gut says Paige will win this one.. Nikki could very well have things in hand and Brie Bella jumps out of the crowd and interferes costing her sister the title,and yet giving another reason to drag this pointless feud on.. Should be entertaining though
I'm happy with this, Paige and AJ can carry Nikki just fine. The real point is P v AJ need something because it was starting to get repetitive. Hopefully Brie costs Nikki and Paige retains.

Though it is a real possibility that Nikki walks out champion because she's aligned herself with Stephanie, it'll backfire. The live crowds will eat her alive, she'll definitely get the Batista treatment. The crowds have been pretty tolerant to the Bella/McMahon feud, even popping occasionally. But if AJ gets pinned by Nikki Bella all hell will break loose.
Natayla should have been in this match instead of Nikki, they didn't even air the footage of how she laid out Paige two weeks ago and even got a win over her prior to that.

Getting back to topic, I expect Paige to maintain due to help from Brie, getting vengeance from being screwed out her win against Stephanie at Summerslam
The only reason I can think of for wwe crossing the two divas story lines over is that they didn't believe the Bellas feud had the legs to carry on his own. I mean there is no way brie vs nikki would be as big a match as brie vs steph. Aj vs paige is a proven crowd pleaser, so the Bellas feud has been put on the back of that to be carried?
Pointless even inserting Nikki in this match let alone devote any time to this silly Bellas feud. Both are horrible at acting, they're like the Kardashians of the WWE. Nattie would have been a better choice since she beat both on RAW a few weeks ago.
This feels like a mess, because they're merging two storylines together, but I'm going with Nikki for the win.

It's obvious Stephanie wants Nikki as the face of the Divas division, she's the one, who granted Nikki the title shot in the first place, and she made the announcement for the Fatal Fourway. It's easy to picture a scenario, with Brie seconds away from scoring the pinfall. Nikki sneaks in, steals the pinfall and the title, and Brie has a legit case for a rematch.

You get the sense they're headed for some reign of terror with Nikki as Stephanie's handpicked champion to be the face of the division. Somewhere down the line, we get Nikki VS Brie, so Brie can have her moment of redemption as the new champion.

We've all been wondering, when the time will come for WWE pushing one of the Total Divas as champion, and I have no doubts it'll start with Nikki.

Ah Shape mate, I see what you mean about "merging storylines" but I'm happy about this. We get a new spin on both feuds, which would otherwise continue by their merry selves and only one of the two might make it onto PPV. This way gets both in and I'm glad of the occasional multi-man match (a whole card of 1v1 is boring to me).

I like your predicition on Nikki being the Orton of the Divas or their Vader rather than Emperor. I'll buy it and hope for that result.

Hopefully though this doesn't spell midcard/de-pushing doom for Paige or AJ (I don't think it will as WWE will get mileage out of this amusingly weird angle).

Should be alright wrestling-wise as well tbh, based on which girls are involved.
The only Divas I find interesting as characters and wrestlers are Paige and AJ. I couldn't care less about Nikki and Brie. Heck the only reason I think I watch their segments is to see how terrible they both are. It's like they're trying to be the Tommy Wiseau's of WWE.

As has been mentioned Total Divas has been going for a while and it was inevitable that one of them would eventually get a title shot and probably win.

Paige and AJ can survive without the belt, they may think the belt may add to Nikki and Brie but the feud is terrible already, adding a belt as something to go for isn't going to do much.
Paige/AJ have a good thing going so I'm not convinced about them adding Nikki. The Bella feud has been awful and I'd prefer if they ended it sooner rather than later.

Where they go with this is puzzling. Paige is a two time champ and has only been on the main roster a few months. Plus she is so young. AJ is almost certainly their best diva but the Bella's are their biggest draws in the division. They are also the stars of Total Divas.

There is a lot of potential with Paige and I think she could align herself with The Authority. AJ could be the rebel and the Bella's somewhere in between. I'll say Brie gets involved and Paige retains although Nikki getting her revenge by beating Brie for the belt has some potential too.
Pointless even inserting Nikki in this match let alone devote any time to this silly Bellas feud. Both are horrible at acting, they're like the Kardashians of the WWE. Nattie would have been a better choice since she beat both on RAW a few weeks ago.

Exactly! I hope it pays off for Nattie going through this Total Divas storyline, having Rosa under her wing.

Nattie is too talented to be held down like this
AJ is almost certainly their best diva but the Bella's are their biggest draws in the division. They are also the stars of Total Divas.

That I whole heartily disagree with, AJ is far and away their best diva and biggest draw. The Bellas are around because who they're banging and Total Divas, that's it. The reason Nikki is even in the match is to plug TD and doing it at the expense of two of their top divas.

I'm not expecting much out of this match. Paige and AJ should be having yet another match by themselves. The addition of Nikki makes me lower my expectations significantly. She cannot wrestle and while she is at least tolerable compared to Brie (who is horrendous in the ring or on the mic) she doesn't deserve a title shot. Hopefully AJ and Paige do most of the work so we don't have to endure too much of watching Nikki trying to work a match. Brie will probably show up to cost Nikki the match, allowing Paige to retain. I'm happy with AJ winning too if she does, but Paige will probably retain. Any outcome that does NOT result in Nikki winning this is acceptable. If Nikki takes the belt, the divas division takes a gigantic step backward from all the good changes it has had in the past 2 years. I see it going on in the middle of the evening with Paige moving on to a new challenger after winning this. Hopefully Emma or Summer Rae.

Paige retains the Divas Championship.
I couldn't care less about the outcome of this match if it was in CZW. THe WWE Diva's division has become a parody of itself, and it isn't worth spending the time watching.

AJ wins this, Brie and Stephanie are involved, and we'll all agree tomorrow morning that WAY too fucking many writer's hours and too much production money was spent on this angle.
I don't like diva's wrestling, but I was pleasently surprised as to how good this was. Nikki is actually better in the ring than I thought.

The only flub was hearing Paige ask AJ if she was ready to take the double power bomb from Nikki when Paige and AJ were on the turnbuckle. You could hear it clear as day.
This was a pretty good match. I figured it would have been. People shit on the Bellas, but they are solid in the ring. AJ and Paige being the workhorses need more TV time imo.
I think Paige is currently the best in the business and actually enjoy watching her wrestle. They need to let her actually wrestle more without stupid things going on.

In the meantime, the result of this was obvious. AJ and Paige are the only 2 women on the roster who can actually perform in the ring, but if Paige won 3 of 4 matches the rivalry would basically be over. Now it's 2-2.

As for Nikki and Brie, they are good eye candy and nothing more. Their microphone work is some of the worst on the entire roster. They are slightly above average in the ring but not enough for more than a 5ish minute match.
I think Paige is currently the best in the business and actually enjoy watching her wrestle. They need to let her actually wrestle more without stupid things going on.

In the meantime, the result of this was obvious. AJ and Paige are the only 2 women on the roster who can actually perform in the ring, but if Paige won 3 of 4 matches the rivalry would basically be over. Now it's 2-2.

As for Nikki and Brie, they are good eye candy and nothing more. Their microphone work is some of the worst on the entire roster. They are slightly above average in the ring but not enough for more than a 5ish minute match.

I do think that they're slowing the feud a bit so to wait until Charlotte is ready for the main roster and possibly start a Paige v Charlotte feud (which would be great)

Just hope they never try and put the title on Briekki, that would be a really sad moment in history.
I continue to be surprised at how down on the Bellas' are many folks on this forum. True, they aren't exactly Meryl Streep in the acting department but I think their ring work is good enough to make a go of it.

Still, WWE takes a look at what's going on in and out of the ring.....and they've plainly recognized that the Sister vs. Sister program isn't strong enough to run by itself.....which has led to the rather strange addition of AJ and Paige to the proceedings. It's been a trick of programming to make this happen, since the latter two have no interest or function in the family feud, yet play an integral part in the Bella war.

Even so, I figured the twins fighting each other would have started by now. Management hasn't changed it's mind about the physical end, have they? Especially since last night's Nikki-AJ match didn't make anyone think Nikki was going to be a threat to win the title, you've got to wonder when the fisticuffs are going to break out.

I'd be interested to see which one looks better in battle against the other.

Not too many times, though.

How about at HIAC? Can you picture "Bella Hell-a in a Cell-a?"
I continue to be surprised at how down on the Bellas' are many folks on this forum. True, they aren't exactly Meryl Streep in the acting department but I think their ring work is good enough to make a go of it.

Still, WWE takes a look at what's going on in and out of the ring.....and they've plainly recognized that the Sister vs. Sister program isn't strong enough to run by itself.....which has led to the rather strange addition of AJ and Paige to the proceedings. It's been a trick of programming to make this happen, since the latter two have no interest or function in the family feud, yet play an integral part in the Bella war.

Even so, I figured the twins fighting each other would have started by now. Management hasn't changed it's mind about the physical end, have they? Especially since last night's Nikki-AJ match didn't make anyone think Nikki was going to be a threat to win the title, you've got to wonder when the fisticuffs are going to break out.

I'd be interested to see which one looks better in battle against the other.

Not too many times, though.

How about at HIAC? Can you picture "Bella Hell-a in a Cell-a?"

if they want to do this properly (seemingly a difficult thing for WWE lately) then you do brie/nikki hell in a cell for no. 1 contender... AJ/Paige for the title one more time to end that feud and go from there...

only issue becomes what you do with the loser of paige/aj cause both need in-ring time, especially paige

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