The Divas Championship scene going forward


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Nikki Bella has been Divas Champion for over 100 days now. In that time, she and her sister have bullied their division and cheated to win every time someone stood up to them. AJ Lee returned when all hope seemed lost and at this moment she & Paige are looking to prove Nikki Bella that bullies always lose in the end. Sadly, no matter what happens at WrestleMania Nikki Bella won't lose her title. After WrestleMania that could all change!

All four Divas involved in the WrestleMania match want the Divas Championship. Not only that, but Naomi and Natalya both picked up wins against Nikki Bella this year so they earned a title match. I want Nikki Bella to defend her Divas Championship at Extreme Rules in an ELIMINATION CHAMBER match against AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya. That would blow the roof off and showcase the current top Divas all fighting for the Divas Championship in one of the most exciting matches in pro-wrestling.

I see AJ Lee winning the Divas Championship in the Elimination Chamber match to become a four time Divas Champion and prove why she's the best female wrestler in WWE history! The following night on Raw, AJ Lee would successfully defend her title against Nikki Bella in her rematch because Nikki is worn out due to lasting the longest in the Elimination Chamber match( started out 1st and eliminated last). Then Paige wins a number one contenders match on Smackdown and she is set to face off against AJ Lee for the Divas Championship at Payback to renew their rivalry. AJ Lee says she respects Paige and that's why she'll feel bad for her for leaving her disappointed once again. Paige says she's the better wrestler and they brawl. The rivalry is escalated to its highest degree of a bloody feud in the following weeks and both Divas feel they need to end it once and for all. In Payback, AJ Lee battles Paige for the Divas Championship in a Hell in a Cell: End of a Rivalry match. That would be an instant classic and a perfect way to close out a great rivalry.

That's what I want the Divas Championship scene to look like in the months following WrestleMania. It would be awesome! Let me know WWE Universe, what do you want to see in the Divas Championship scene going forward?
Looks like someone took #givedivasachance too seriously but in a wrong way...

Divas to fight in an elimination chamber match? Did you even think twice before you typed "it'll blow off the roof"??

I guess I'm gonna be the only guy to take this post not as a disdain and replying you..
According to WWE's schedule, there's no longer an Elimination Chamber ppv, though that means the concept is free & clear to be brought up at any particular time instead of being on a fixed schedule. Even if the ppv was still happening, there's zero chance of a women's Elimination Chamber match in WWE as long as Vince McMahon is making THE final creative decisions. As of right now, the relevance of the Divas is universes away from what it would need to be to justify using the Elimination Chamber and, again, that's highly unlikely to change with Vince being in charge.

As I've said in other threads, I don't know if Vince is so far out of touch that he doesn't know how to book women in meaningful, competitive ways or simply has no interest in doing it. I'm more inclined to believe the latter because, and this is just my gut feeling based entirely in how I've seen women used on the main roster as a whole, Vince strikes me as someone that subscribes to the belief that women are better seen rather than heard. That means that, again this is just what my instincts tell me, he doesn't feel that women really have anything meaningful to contribute to his universe as wrestlers, so he doesn't really even try.

For example, what was the primary motivation behind The Bella Twins' feud with Paige before AJ returned? They made fun of her because she doesn't tan or her appearance in general. This shit reads like something taken from a bad after school special during the 80s or 90s about mean girls in high school bullying girls who were different. Nobody's going to be remotely invested or interested in a program like that and Vince is either so out of touch that he doesn't realize it or he simply doesn't give a damn about giving women meaningful storylines & feuds. Before that, it was all this lesbian subtext going on in the feud with AJ and Paige, which ultimately reduced two highly talented women wrestlers into little more than *********ory fodder for hooting, hollering members of WWE's male demographics.

You also have to consider the fact that Vince is someone that's generally more interested in what a woman looks like rather than what she can contribute to WWE as a wrestler. After all, look at how many fitness and/or bikini models have made their way into WWE over the past 15 years. That's not to say that there haven't been women in WWE who weren't good wrestlers, nor does that mean there aren't currently women in WWE who aren't good wrestlers because it's not at all true. But, it's more important for them, in Vince McMahon's opinion, to look attractive in slinky, skin tight, revealing outfits. As a result, you have to wonder how many Divas wouldn't have wanted to be in WWE if it meant that they'd be out there busting their asses in matches every bit as physical as what the men were doing? Even calling the women "Divas" isn't reassuring, it certainly doesn't conjure images of women who're out there to passionately lay it all on the line and leaving it all out there inside the ring.
All four Divas involved in the WrestleMania match want the Divas Championship. Not only that, but Naomi and Natalya both picked up wins against Nikki Bella this year so they earned a title match. I want Nikki Bella to defend her Divas Championship at Extreme Rules in an ELIMINATION CHAMBER match against AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya. That would blow the roof off and showcase the current top Divas all fighting for the Divas Championship in one of the most exciting matches in pro-wrestling.

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, when was the last time a Diva's match, other than NXT, blew the roof off the stadium. And I don't see this as becoming close to one of the most exciting matches in pro-wrestling ever.

The problem is you are talking apples and oranges here. AJ, Natalya, Paige and Naomi and miles better than either of the Bella Twins. So just the fact that you have either twin in the match takes away from it right away. The other issue is Vince McMahon doesn't give a rats ass about the Diva's division. I see it being used as a promotional gimmick for Total Diva's.

Unfortunately because of McMahon, and as long as he's still around, we'll never get a good women's division. If you want good women's wrestling, then watch NXT.
I have no desire to see women in an elimination chamber match. There's no reason for that.

I'd like to see Nikki defeat AJ and Paige in title matches, and decisively win feuds over both of them. Nikki is doing an outstanding job as a heel and has a great finisher. It's her time....I've long been a fan of the long heel run with the title so there's genuine excitement and it feels like a big deal when a face finally wins it. I'd like to see someone else get built up to possibly win it from Nikki at Summerslam. Either Sasha or Charlotte, or somebody like Natalya getting built back up and pushed again.

It feels like AJ and Paige have been playing hot potato with the belt for awhile. Paige will get more runs down the line, but she needs a break from the title scene. AJ has held the title enough. Someone else's turn! Let Nikki hold it until that someone else is ready.
You went far ahead in arranging the divas urgh.. WOMEN's division. Personally, I won't like to see violent diva matches. Technical and mat wrestling are very good. A match doesn't needs to be violent to be remembered. But, yeah violent matches are also good. Watching divas going insane is never going to happen even if HHH becomes the in-charge. Sure, he will give us some classisc but, this is complete fantasy.
Trying to look at this in a positive light, at least it's good we are able to have a useful discussion on the divas' title picture. Since the days of Kelly Kelly, the championship was virtually meaningless since they seemed to all take turns wearing the belt for short periods of time. If you were around long enough, you'd get your turn to be champion. Ugh.

AJ and Paige are worthy contenders; they can both work a match and are being given more time to do so than divas usually get. Too, they can work with each other as well as against, although their pairing seems a bit odd as we see them walk to the ring from backstage, doesn't it? Paige keeps glancing at AJ, while AJ completely ignores her. At least when they won their match on Thursday, they celebrated together at the end. Honestly, I had been wondering if Mrs. Punk was so down on the company that she can't hide the fact she no longer wants to be here, which would be a damn shame. At least her work in the ring is still good.

As for the Bellas', I don't know if the company abandoned the "Nikki vs. Brie" program because the fans were "bored" with it; frankly, I thought it was a program long overdue and wanted to see where they'd take it. Instead, it was totally abandoned....and Brie became a heel, for no apparent reason. I figured we'd eventually be seeing Brie and Nikki fight for the title belt; instead, they're together and fighting everyone else.

Still, with four able contenders for the title, we're seeing more that can be offered by the divas than we have in years. Natalya doesn't seem poised to win the belt, but her wrestling ability might put her in the mix, too.

At WM31, the Bellas/Paige/AJ match offers little....but as someone suggested, maybe it's a way to build some momentum for the post-Wrestlemania period as far as the diva division goes.
Look at the hatred for this idea in this thread alone. Could you imagine what a live crowd would do to this match? People don't care about the Divas Division right now, it doesn't matter how much time you give it; they never will. The Divas match at any PPV is know as the piss break and that doesn't look like changing any time soon. And I'm not saying this because I don't believe that they could do a decent job of making that match work, I am saying it because the WWE Universe would never go for this...

Can you imagine how a PPV with this match would sell? You're going to have to give it at least 40 minutes to tell the story. 40 minutes of a 180 minute show represents almost a quarter of the entire PPV. Sorry to say this but that is not going to sell. And at the end of the day, the only thing that matters in the WWE is what sells.

Now don't get me wrong, I want to see the Divas Division get better and more respected and that is definitely on the cards. But this is a ridiculous idea that has no chance of happening whilst Vince McMahon is still handling the company. It's pure fiction at this point. And not something I'm interested in seeing anyway.
Diva's Elimination Chamber match- No Chance, *in a loud almost screaming singing voice* NO CHANCE IN HELL! Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn don't view the Diva's division with respect. And since they don't give a respectable presentation, there's no repspect from the audience. They need to focus on building the audience reaction to the Diva's division (A whole HELL of a lot) before Divas can A- Have main event matches B-Have Gimmick matches or C- Especcially have an elimination chamber. If that ever happened, which in all fairness it should, it would be a long time from now. There is no way the Diva's are over enough to pull off an elimination chamber. Besides, why would the WWE waste such a big match on the divas? The EC is a main event match, and should be filled with main event stars, which the Divas are not. Sorry bro, but that's an impossible idea.

I think after Mania Charlotte should debut as a heel. While they build up Charlotte, Paige wins the title from Nikki and the division gets built around Paige. Then, after a while, Charlotte and Paige feud. That would be really awesome.

The Diva's division needs an overhall. Longer, more meaningful matches. Serious storylines, with characters who are presented as tough, competent, respectable competitors. And it looks like we may have started down that road recently. Honestly, I think the best thing is to cut the crap like Cameron, Summer Rae, Eva Marie, Rosa, and focus on the Divas that actually matter and are actually good like Paige, AJ, Naomi (although she's horrible at mic skills/acting) Natalya and Charlotte. You could keep the Bella's, but don't make them the center of the division. Bring up girls like Sasha Banks and Bayley, and we got ourselves a serious division on our hands. But sadly, as long as Vince, Kevin Dunn, and Total Divas are around, it will be a steep uphill battle for the Divas.
I like the matches that you are bringing up but not in an elimination chamber or a hell in a cell. The matches themselves can all happen but let us add some twists to them. At WM31 during the tag team match let someone come out and interfere in the match so that A.J. and Paige win. During the title match between A.J., Paige, Nikki, Brie, Naomi and Natalya let someone appear at the end after a champion is crowned or she can interfere to help someone win. Here are your choices for the diva who interferes and they are.
1. Charlotte
2. Tamina
how bout u end up with a nxt faction vs main roster divas with paige turning on aj and thebellas with charlotte tamina and such invading wrestlemania and ripping apart the divas division like nexus did
your idea is great, but your idea won't happen. i like the #givethedivasachance thing, but it won't happen that way. what i think WWE should've done is had a tag team match like they are, BUT have the title on the line where the winner of the fall wins the title. it would make the rivalry of AJ and Paige kinda continue and also show friction for the Bellas. personally, i'm not a fan of how the Bellas have been booked for months. i would understand if they had a reason or the Bellas being back together, but the story for it makes no sense. Nikki cost her a match vs. Stephanie, then wins a match where Brie becomes her servant, then sees the light?? now if this leads to Brie turning on her at WM, then i will like it, but i think Brie should've been kept a face after the servant storyline ended. as for what i would do now...i would have Brie walk out on her sister and have her lose. then have a four way where either AJ or Paige win then either after the match or the next night, debut Charlotte. i would (personally) have Paige win a fatal four way at the next ppv, then have Charlotte attack Paige after the match. it would debut her as a major heel.
In reality the division is better than what some people think and worse than what others believe. I don't think this division is strong enough, for example, to get a chamber match or to even start main-event PPV's.

There is definitely some talent. The Bella's are great at what they do; AJ and Paige are both top quality and Nattie is underutilised. Alicia Fox, Tamina, Emma, Naomi and Summer Rae can all play a part too. Cameron and Eva Marie bring interest from Total Divas so have worth of their own. NXT is the interesting part. Charlotte, Bailey and Banks have put on some tremendous matches and the sooner they are on the main roster the better.

Total Divas has been a big success. The women on NXT are putting on incredible matches. The WWE have put those two things together and the landscape for women/divas in wrestling will be at his highest point, ever. Nevermind the prominent roles of Stephanie and Lana.

Where they go is a difficult question. Introduction of the aforementioned NXT women is a great starting place. I'd also give the divas more time in the ring so they can not only show what they are capable of but improve.

The current feud between the Bellas and AJ/Paige is pretty decent. It's not necessarily getting me on the edge of my seat and is certainly the match I'm least intrigued in heading into Wrestlemania but at least it makes sense. There is a good story and there are four talented women; it should be a entertaining.

Hopefully, there is some more logical feuds post-Mania showcasing them as wrestlers. I get it is difficult because there is a lot of talent on the roster but the least the WWE can do is give it a shot. Charlotte, AJ, Paige, Brie, Nikki, Nattie, Banks and Bailey is an extremely strong top-tier level of Divas. That group can definitely take the division to new heights but the feuds/storys need to become more logical resemble what we see with the men.

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