WWE Survivor Series: WWE Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) VS Nikki Bella


WWE.com announced a little while ago that Nikki Bella will take on AJ Lee at Survivor Series with the Divas Championship on the line. With Brie being "instructed" to slap AJ on Raw last week and Nikki attacking her from behind on SmackDown this past Friday, it was pretty obvious this match was gonna happen.

My initial reaction what's gonna happen is that Nikki will have Brie provide some degree of interference in the match that will allow her to win the title. I think what it's all going to lead up to is Brie ultimately challenging Nikki when her time as Nikki's "assistant" is finished, leading to Brie winning the title at some point.

Now, that's a feeling that I have as to what's going to happen, but the problem is that both Bellas are heavily featured on Total Divas. Because episodes of Total Divas are taped months in advance, an edict came down from Vince that women who appear as cast members on the show can't be champion. The problem with that particular little piece of logic is that it only leaves about 4 viable challengers for the title. So unless that leaves some options: Either the idea been rescinded, which is something that I think will cause major headaches for WWE creative, neither of the Bellas are gonna be featured on the show going forward or E! is about to cancel the show due to poor ratings.

I'm leaning more towards the last option because the numbers for this season thus far haven't been all that great. When I say they haven't been all that great, I'm talking roughly equivalent to what Impact Wrestling has often drawn, which is less than a million viewers.
I hope Nikki Bella botches the Rack Attack and breaks AJ Lee's back.... Well, not really, but I nonetheless hope this will be the last I see of AJ Lee for a while. Her feud with Paige has been terrible to say the least (partly because the latter has charisma, mic skills, acting, gimmick and ring presence rating of -100, and partly because they've been doing the same shit for 6 months or so) and as soon as her horrible theme song hits, I find myself changing the channel. As for the "Total Divas can't win Divas Title" rumor, I believe Stephanie McMahon nullified its validity. I never thought I would say this someday, but I hope a Bella (Nikki) walks out of the match as champion... and the lady whom I once considered the PG era Divas division's reckoning- to disappear for quite sometime. I would like to see Naomi as champion. She seems to be a very likable person and fits the babyface criterion very well. Natalya and Emma would be refreshing changes as well.
....but I hope a Bella (Nikki) walks out of the match as champion... and the lady whom I once considered the PG era Divas division's reckoning- to disappear for quite sometime.

Nikki very well might take the title; this feud with her twin leaves little room for running space and if they have to add an element to sustain interest, the divas championship could be it.

Meanwhile, what a sad state of affairs with AJ. I can't decide whether she's lost enthusiasm for working in the profession she chose years ago because she wants to join her husband on the sidelines.....or whether I'm feeling that to be the case because Phil Brooks has taken enough away from us already and I don't want him to also subtract the services of his wife, a performer I've enjoyed watching.

Having Nikki win the belt could add some intrigue to her program; the only reason I can see her losing is to get angry and torture Brie further, which doesn't sound that interesting.
Would rather Nikki win the title as I, like others on here, believe it would help her feud with Brie.

AJ for me, has been lacklustre for quite a while, and I don't think I would miss her at all, given her work since she returned. Whatever the reason for her basically phoning it in, I think she needs to leave and come back with renewed enthusiasm.
I rather see Nikki win as well. It's time they push other divas besides Paige and AJ. I got sick of their feud fast and them switching the title between the two annoying as hell. I would rather see Nikki as champ for a while because she would be a fresh face; maybe possibly feud with Naomi, Nattie, or someone else for the title later on.
Tbh, call me crazy, but Heel Nikki Bella, has been the best divas character since SummerSlam,lMO.

She has played the role well enough, and I think the hate for them comes from stuff before...
I never really saw the hype with AJ. She looks amazing, but the only time I really enjoyed her character was when she was with DB and when she was a GM. After that I didn't really care for her.

Nikki has been a great heel, and she has improved in the ring. Brie as well, and Nikki winning the title will really help boost their feud to something worth while, and they could have a good match for the title with Brie winning. She is over, and you could force feed us until DB returns.
I think Nikki beats AJ at Survivor Series with Brie's help. Brie vs. Nikki at TLC for the title. I don't see the benefit of AJ winning again. She's practically beat everybody. If the rumors are true that she's leaving soon, her losing the title makes a lot of sense.
The Bellas cop a lot of unfair heat because of the Total Divas thing in my opinion. I'm not saying they're amazing, but coming from where they were when they debuted, they've come on in leaps and bounds. In particular Nikki's in-ring work I think is now pretty decent, and I will maintain that her rack attack is one of the most badass finishers in the WWE right now. I will agree with some regarding their promos, they're not great, but I think they definitely deserve more praise with the work they've put in lately. I understand why some people might not have time for them, but I like the Bellas.

As for this match, I'm anticipating a Brie interference that may end up screwing Nikki over in some way, shape or form leading to AJ retaining, but just for something different I'd like to see Nikki win and then go into a proper feud with Brie culminating in a title match at TLC. Either way I anticipate another Nikki V Brie PPV match at TLC, with Brie going over. I'd like to see the title involved too, I don't know if Vince still has the no total divas as champion rule in place or not, or if that was really even a thing in the first place.
If Vince's rule about the Total Divas is still in place, then it's obvious AJ walks out as the champion. But if the rumors about AJ leaving are true, you have to believe in the possibility of Nikki winning.

WWE is still going in circles with AJ VS everyone else, and they've made it clear if you're name is not AJ or Paige, then you have no shot in hell at winning the title, so it's hard to get worked up or explore the possibilities for a new champion.

IF Nikki wins, I'm not too excited about the inevitable sister VS sister feud for Brie's redemption. After all the humiliation and Nikki's betrayal, Brie defeating the evil twin for the championship is the obvious route to wrap up their storyline.

I'll go with AJ for the win, because until she walks away, I'll have a hard time believing in the rumors, but in the grand scheme of things, both outcomes are anticlimactic. If AJ wins, what's next? Another set of predictable and so-so matches? She's already proven she's head and shoulders above the entire division. Nikki as Divas Champion? Sorry, but she doesn't strike me as the type of champion, who will breathe new life into the division, and I'm dreading the thought of WWE hitting the restart switch to put more focus on the Nikki VS Brie saga.
I think AJ retains here. Now, if the rumors of her leaving are true, then I think she wins retains here due to the stupid DQ rule as Brie gets involved.

But, they play up a major injury and she has to "vacate the title" similar to Daniel Bryan. That leaves us with a Nikki/Brie feud where the winner of that match faces the winner of a Divas Battle Royal at Royal Rumble for the belt.

Gives WWE plenty of time to build storylines AND decide on the next champion.
I just wish there was a stipulation that meant Nikki Bella had to wrestle in a bikini....

HAHA exactly...

If she doesn't do Playboy at some point in the next few years it will be one of the great disappointments of all-time.

I know WWE is against it with their "family friendly" attitude now, but I don't care. She made her body ooze sex appeal and she's a money hungry individual... A Playboy spread is only natural at this point.
I go for Nikki Bella! So bored of AJ being champion. We need to see fresh feuds around the title and I see potential in Nattie or Naomi challenging Nikki for the title. I'm sure they can come up with some drama on total divas that leads into the product. NIKKI BELLA for champ!

WWE are in significant danger of taking a MASSIVE step backward with the divas here. We are nearly 2 years removed from Kaitlyn's title win in January 2013. From that moment up until today, the divas division has moved forward in quality reaching the best it's been since the departure of Lita and Trish. If WWE make the horrible mistake of putting the belt on Nikki it would undo a lot of the momentum the reigns of Kaitlyn, Paige, and AJ have given the division as well as the belt. The resulting disastrous Nikki VS Brie title feud that would ultimately follow would destroy said momentum. Please, WWE.... don't do this to the fans. You HAVE divas who can actually WRESTLE. One of them is currently your Divas Champion. Don't allow Nikki, let alone Brie, to win the belt. AJ needs to hold onto the belt until someone like Emma, Summer Rae, Natalya, Layla, or even Paige again can defeat her. Someone who can WRESTLE.

That rant being said, AJ does have an important factor in her favor. Brie is likely to cost her sister the match after having to serve as her assistant in humiliating fashion for the past few weeks. I'm not expecting anything spectacular here. It will probably be the worst match of the night. AJ can only do so much to carry Nikki through a barely tolerable match. I give Nikki credit for improving, but she is NOWHERE NEAR the championship level. If this match sucks (which it likely will) it won't be AJ's fault. It's WWE's fault for pushing Nikki Bella into a title match she does not deserve. I get it, the Bella storyline can be good for generating interest in the divas show, fine. Keep the girls who cannot wrestle away from the title though. Nikki winning leading us to Bella VS Bella for the title is worst thing that could possibly happen to the division. AJ wins and moves on to Layla or Emma. Nikki continues her idiotic feud with her sister in a non-title capacity. The match itself will likely go on next to last with only the Team Cena VS Team Authority match remaining afterward.

AJ retains the Divas Championship.
My prediction for this WWE Diva's championship match is a new divas Champion, Nikki Bella. And i think she does so with deliberate assistance from her twin sister, Brie Bella.

I think that the supposed stipulation that anyone on the cast of Total Divas cannot hold the divas championship has either been rescinded, or it was never accurate in the first place. I think this takes the title off AJ Lee for a little while and she departs from the company, fueling the suggestion that she has left the company for good. However, I see her returning in a few months time to recapture her rightful property.

And I think this allows the company to bail out on the horrible Nikki versus Brie rivalry. This simply hasn't worked, and the company gets a way out by having it be a ruse, a scheme by the heel sisters to capture the title. While there are logical inconsistencies in this, that has never stopped the WWE before. Brie can go from an unwilling accomplice to her sister, to a willing participant.

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