WWE Fast Lane: Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan (Mania main event spot)

If Bryan will he get booed (at all)

  • Yes, Because fans will not be happy that he chose to steal a future stars glory and moment

  • No, because it's what they wanted all along

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I agree with the notion that it takes two to make a match as it can't all be done by one man. I don't think the term "carrying" is accurate as it implies that the other guy brings nothing to the table, though "calling" the match is probably more accurate.

As far as the crowd goes, I've seen better but I've also seen a lot worse. The fans weren't super interested in really anything that was going on, but they certainly didn't piss all over the show either. Their biggest interest ultimately lay where we expected it to be: the Triple H/Sting confrontation, Cena vs. Rusev and Reigns vs. Bryan. I think part of the problem with this match was that most fans either expected Reigns to win or that it'd end with some sort of no contest and it ultimately affected the crowd's investment. Most didn't go into the match genuinely thinking that Bryan had a solid chance of winning like we saw at WrestleMania because too many people have read the same reports or have been watching long enough to read the signs of when Vince McMahon has made his final decision on something, especially if that decision is one that a good number of them aren't really that interested in. So, as a result, I think the best that they could hope for was just a strong, competitive match, which is what they received, and I think it was ultimately enough for the night.

Daniel Bryan's long had a reputation of being able to put together top quality matches and to make other wrestlers look strong in the process whether they win or lose. We've seen Bryan have strong matches against guys who, for the most part, are touted as being pretty dull inside the ring much of the time like Big Show, Kane and Mark Henry. While I think that the abilities of these guys are underappreciated, they most definitely shine brighter when they're put up against someone who knows can help highlight their more positive aspects during matches.

Roman Reigns had a strong match against Daniel Bryan, it was easily Reigns' best singles match. Bryan helped make Reigns look like a star, but let's not fool ourselves into believing that Reigns could've had just as good of a match with anyone else on the roster. For about a decade, Bryan's been regarded as one of the best in-ring wrestlers in the world not just for his technical knowhow but, as I alluded to, because he knows how to help put together matches with consistent quality. The result is simple: of course Roman Reigns looked really good, though it wasn't ALL because of Bryan as Reigns had to hold his end of course.

Still, I don't think very many of the doubts were erased in the minds of a lot of people. Some are just gonna hate on Reigns on pure principle, however ludicrous it might be, some might be convinced, some who were on the fence might be leaning more towards the more optimistic side but I don't think a whole helluva lot of opinions were changed. As I've alluded to, it's very difficult not to have a strong match with Daniel Bryan, so there are still some doubts as to what Reigns can ultimately do in a program with someone maybe not as strong in the ring. Also, the doubts regarding Reigns' personality, charisma and promo skills are still as strong as ever. Reigns has a solid base of fans made up mostly, not entirely but the majority, seem to be women and younger kids while most of the boos seem to be come from the adult males in the audience; all in all, it's pretty similar to the response John Cena typically gets. How much of the "hate" is genuine and how much of it is simply the thing to do at live events is uncertain for Reigns as it's still so very early in his push.
The result is simple: of course Roman Reigns looked really good, though it wasn't ALL because of Bryan as Reigns had to hold his end of course.

Which reminds me, for all those casual fans who have soggy pillows this morning from having cried themselves to sleep like night because Daniel won't be going for the world championship, remember this: You'll still get to do your precious "Yes!" chant at WM31; it's just that Daniel will be facing someone else other than Brock Lesnar.

Then again, the way things go in WWE, although Roman Reigns' ring performance is significantly better than it has been, WWE management will still be watching him closely....and if they think he can't look credible against Brock, this is pro wrestling and provisions could be added, even at the last possible moment which might wind up inserting Daniel....or someone else....into the title match. Last night, when the two were being counted out of the ring (and don't tell me Roman made it back in by the count of 10, because he didn't) I was afraid neither would make it back and we'd wind up with a 3-way at WM31, which would have detracted from the event.

Personally, I hope it stays one-on-one.....but the main point is that Daniel Bryan will be at WM31; he ain't going nowhere, even after losing cleanly to Roman.
Which reminds me, for all those casual fans who have soggy pillows this morning from having cried themselves to sleep like night because Daniel won't be going for the world championship, remember this: You'll still get to do your precious "Yes!" chant at WM31; it's just that Daniel will be facing someone else other than Brock Lesnar.

Then again, the way things go in WWE, although Roman Reigns' ring performance is significantly better than it has been, WWE management will still be watching him closely....and if they think he can't look credible against Brock, this is pro wrestling and provisions could be added, even at the last possible moment which might wind up inserting Daniel....or someone else....into the title match. Last night, when the two were being counted out of the ring (and don't tell me Roman made it back in by the count of 10, because he didn't) I was afraid neither would make it back and we'd wind up with a 3-way at WM31, which would have detracted from the event.

Personally, I hope it stays one-on-one.....but the main point is that Daniel Bryan will be at WM31; he ain't going nowhere, even after losing cleanly to Roman.

Not only was the count out an issue Bryan's leg was on top of reigns during the count in the ring. I think what I and other db fans are concerned about is he's treated as an afterthought except when forced. He deserve better than sheamus.
I'm hoping they don't do this but Reigns messing up the count out could easily become a storyline reason for Bryan to insist he was screwed by the ref. I don't think they will go down this route but it worried me that the commentary team mentioned it and said that Reigns not being counted out might have been the ref taking pity on him. He was clearly counted out anyway so the evidence is there for them to use if they so wish.

The bigger problem is still that Reigns beating Bryan drew a tepid reaction in the arena and you had shots of people walking out mixed in with some fans celebrating and some fans just looking bored. This isn't the position you need Reigns to be in heading in to a showdown with Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.
I know the same thing could be said about me and the iwc in general but we're the customers

Except that the IWC isn't THE customer: It's a small subset of THE customer that consistently grossly overrates it's own importance in the grand scheme of things and whose views are not representative of the overall fan base as a whole.
I'm hoping they don't do this but Reigns messing up the count out could easily become a storyline reason for Bryan to insist he was screwed by the ref. I don't think they will go down this route but it worried me that the commentary team mentioned it and said that Reigns not being counted out might have been the ref taking pity on him. He was clearly counted out anyway so the evidence is there for them to use if they so wish.

The bigger problem is still that Reigns beating Bryan drew a tepid reaction in the arena and you had shots of people walking out mixed in with some fans celebrating and some fans just looking bored. This isn't the position you need Reigns to be in heading in to a showdown with Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Yea there was a lot of botched officiating last night. The count out botch, the fact that DB technically had Reigns pinned for like 30 seconds when his legs were on top of Reigns, and the ref never counted too three during the Stardust/Goldust match he just hit the mat twice than called for the bell he even looked confused. Maybe there was a lot of changes made right before the show that through things off. I also found it weird that Orton took so long to come out and that Rollins ran out the arena for no reason and they never mentioned it again. Good ppv imo but confusing.
Except that the IWC isn't THE customer: It's a small subset of THE customer that consistently grossly overrates it's own importance in the grand scheme of things and whose views are not representative of the overall fan base as a whole.

Given advent of the network, I would say the iwc had gone up in terms of customer importance. Plus the high margin items are all iwc stuff front row seats, travel packages etc.
Given advent of the network, I would say the iwc had gone up in terms of customer importance. Plus the high margin items are all iwc stuff front row seats, travel packages etc.

Except that this isn't the '80s and the WWE isn't a gate driven company anymore. The real revenues are in merchandising and TV deals and THAT is driven by the 90% of the fans who aren't members of the IWC. Front row seats at the arena are just gravy income to the WWE.
Except that this isn't the '80s and the WWE isn't a gate driven company anymore. The real revenues are in merchandising and TV deals and THAT is driven by the 90% of the fans who aren't members of the IWC. Front row seats at the arena are just gravy income to the WWE.

I can agree that the tv deal thing is correct but I do believe the iwc probably has a heavy influence on merch sales. Regardless bryan is more than just an iwc guy he's loved/liked by most and certainly more so than reigns. The wwe even knew thar that's why they brought back bryan to promote the rumble and gave him the only rumble based storyline heading into the rumble and then they went with roman which most saw coming
I can agree that the tv deal thing is correct but I do believe the iwc probably has a heavy influence on merch sales. Regardless bryan is more than just an iwc guy he's loved/liked by most and certainly more so than reigns. The wwe even knew thar that's why they brought back bryan to promote the rumble and gave him the only rumble based storyline heading into the rumble and then they went with roman which most saw coming

re merchandise sales: That's driven by the kids not the IWC.....And that's the biggest reason WWE programming is so geared to children (to my disgust): Because they're the one generating revenue (ie getting Mommy to buy it for them) from action figures and "swag".

The issue isn't really Bryan per se as he has crossover appeal, but rather the notion that the IWC needs to be catered to with the same deference as the casuals who make up the vast bulk of the audience.
re merchandise sales: That's driven by the kids not the IWC.....And that's the biggest reason WWE programming is so geared to children (to my disgust): Because they're the one generating revenue (ie getting Mommy to buy it for them) from action figures and "swag".

The issue isn't really Bryan per se as he has crossover appeal, but rather the notion that the IWC needs to be catered to with the same deference as the casuals who make up the vast bulk of the audience.

I think the idea of returning to tv-14 is obviously out of the question as far as iwc requests go but if the casuals will roll with bryan at least at a rate of equal to or greater than reigns and the iwc/hardcore fans demand him then why not go with him.
I think the idea of returning to tv-14 is obviously out of the question as far as iwc requests go but if the casuals will roll with bryan at least at a rate of equal to or greater than reigns and the iwc/hardcore fans demand him then why not go with him.

Because if you're going to do that then you might as well just go with Cena again as he's the most over with the casuals by far. But neither of those options builds new stars which is something the WWE is desperately in need of. You can't wait until your old stars are washed up to start building new ones: That's what killed the AWA and contributed to killing WCW. Right now Cena and Bryan are over without the belt so you aren't losing anything by not putting it on them. Using the belts to build a new batch of stars makes more sense than anything else. Why waste Lesnar's rub on someone who doesn't need it? And if you are, why bother building him up as a monster in the first place? That's the whole point of building a monster heel: To give the rub to rising face for taking him down.
Last night was weird in that two things conflicting things happened that I wanted to happen and now I'm just confused!

First off, I'm happy Reigns won clean and that the WWE didn't go with a three-way match for the second year running. I feel had they done that it would have done irreparable damage to the idea of the Rumble winner going to Mania.

Can we please stop with this? They do this ALL the time.

Did Austin not getting the title shot at WM13 do irreparable damage to the Rumble? What about WM16 when it was made a Fatal-4way and The Rock actually lost his number one contender spot at No Way Out that year?

No damage would have been done at all - and this time next year, everyone would still be talking about how important winning the Royal Rumble is.

If anything - they've done far worse damage by having Rumble winners go after the "B championship", not in the main event, but on the FIRST match on the card. Yet the concept of the Rumble still isn't devalued.

As for Reigns - I agree it was the right call for him to win. Having Bryan in there is shoe-horned and illogical booking, so as unready as Roman is, he needed to win last night. Now as for the match itself vs Lesnar - they can give it 15 min instead of 25 min.

They often have big matches between less than stellar in-ring workers go shorter:

WM20: Lesnar/Goldberg - 14 min
WM21: JBL/Cena - 11 min
WM22: Mysterio/Orton/Angle - 9 min
WM23: Batista/Undertaker - 15 min
WM24: Cena/Orton/HHH - 14 min
WM25: Cena/Edge/Big Show - 15 min

And then put HHH/Sting on last anyways to wipe the taste out of people's mouth.
Can we please stop with this? They do this ALL the time.

Did Austin not getting the title shot at WM13 do irreparable damage to the Rumble? What about WM16 when it was made a Fatal-4way and The Rock actually lost his number one contender spot at No Way Out that year?

No damage would have been done at all - and this time next year, everyone would still be talking about how important winning the Royal Rumble is.

If anything - they've done far worse damage by having Rumble winners go after the "B championship", not in the main event, but on the FIRST match on the card. Yet the concept of the Rumble still isn't devalued.

As for Reigns - I agree it was the right call for him to win. Having Bryan in there is shoe-horned and illogical booking, so as unready as Roman is, he needed to win last night. Now as for the match itself vs Lesnar - they can give it 15 min instead of 25 min.

They often have big matches between less than stellar in-ring workers go shorter:

WM20: Lesnar/Goldberg - 14 min
WM21: JBL/Cena - 11 min
WM22: Mysterio/Orton/Angle - 9 min
WM23: Batista/Undertaker - 15 min
WM24: Cena/Orton/HHH - 14 min
WM25: Cena/Edge/Big Show - 15 min

And then put HHH/Sting on last anyways to wipe the taste out of people's mouth.
When the hell did Orton, Mysterio, and Angle become less than stellar in ring workers?
Lol. HHH, Cena, Orton, Angle, Edge : all guys reputed to be some of the best in the world.

And Reigns should get the full 25 minutes.
Lol. HHH, Cena, Orton, Angle, Edge : all guys reputed to be some of the best in the world.

And Reigns should get the full 25 minutes.

If reigns goes 25 minutes he'll leave with ptsd from being so hated by the crowd. Plus lesnar isn't a ring general like bryan , it's going to be a train wreck.

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