WWE Fast Lane: Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan (Mania main event spot)

If Bryan will he get booed (at all)

  • Yes, Because fans will not be happy that he chose to steal a future stars glory and moment

  • No, because it's what they wanted all along

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I like the idea of having Reigns win at Fast Lane, only going on to lose to Brock at WM. If it is in fact Brock's last match with the WWE, why end his dominance on a sour note by letting someone beat him that the majority of fans aren't behind. Brock retains at Wrestlemania, cutting a promo the next night on Raw saying that he's got nothing left to conquer in the WWE and that he's headed back to UFC. The Authority comes out and says if he's leaving he'll have to vacate the title, setting up a King of the Ring type scenario for a match at Extreme Rules for the vacant WWE title match. If not that route, then perhaps a Fatal Four Way featuring Reigns, Bryan, Rollins, and whoever else they feel is ready for a title run after Mania. However, I think Rollins cashing in at the end of the match is what's really gonna go down.

I don't quite get this line of thought, where people say that Brock should win at Mania and then just leave the WWE unconquered... where is the benefit for the others in that? Why let Brock leave for UFC with a chip on his shoulder after some very strong booking?

IF Brock is leaving after Mania, then he absolutely has to be conquered by someone, whoever it may be. That is "Best for Business".
I REALLY want to see how WWE will write itself out of this corner. This is basically a match in which any outcome seem to be potentially terrible and enraging for the fan

Reign beating the most over babyface on the roster would be a disaster
Bryan going over and fighting lesnar at wrestlemania will both destroy the push they so much want for Reigns and also make little sense in storyline
Ziggler interferring is just stupid

The only way I see this ending without being utterly stupid is if Reigns wins by turning heel. Lesnar is basically a face anyway at this point.

I think the match itself makes the most sense at this point, believe it or not.
Assuming the plan is for Reigns to go over Bryan and onto Lesnar at Mania, he either;
1) Wins back some fans and goes onto Mania as the Babyface as initially planned.
2) He wins, gets booed out the building a la Rumble, and then cements a heel turn, with Brock instead taking over as the Babyface, which isn't very hard at this point, anyways.

Also, why would Ziggler interfering make no sense? IF he is set to be Bryan's Mania opponent, then him interfering in the match and cementing an 'unlikely' heel turn might be a good way to swerve fans and take their attention off of a Reigns win at FL(assuming that is the WWE's direction).

Now, let's say they went with Heel Rollins.
That would have actually been setting up for a worse scenario, as it is highly possible that Rollins, the Traitorface, Authority's Lap Dog and Scumbag Heel, could have been cheered big time over Reigns.
Such a reaction would absolutely not be welcome by the WWE, and it would cause more harm than good, since Rollins is supposed to be booed after all that he has done.
Also, why would Ziggler interfering make no sense?

The fans are still very behind him, I mean yes, they will cheer Bryan over him, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me turning him heel right now. Also keyfabe wise is not great since it would come out of nowhere, all his stuff lately has been super-face-anti-authority.

Beside that I kinda of feel that a non-clean finish would hurt Reigns quite a bit.
The fans are still very behind him, I mean yes, they will cheer Bryan over him, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me turning him heel right now. Also keyfabe wise is not great since it would come out of nowhere, all his stuff lately has been super-face-anti-authority.

Beside that I kinda of feel that a non-clean finish would hurt Reigns quite a bit.

This just goes along with what HHH said regarding kayfabe being dead.

IF Ziggler were to screw Bryan, given that both are favourites of the crowds, it would be interesting to see how fans react to such a feud.
Either Ziggler screws Bryan and gets heel heat, or his 'real fans' back him up and we have a face vs face battle for Mania.

Either, I'm sure, once given time, the matches between them would deliver.

As for a non-clean finish, I think Bryan vs Reigns would need its own well-built feud in the future.
So I don't think a non-clean finish would be much of an issue, as much as putting in a good in-ring performance would be for Roman Reigns at this time.
In my opinion, this needs to be a solid 25-minutes match, with close calls and lots of action from both sides, only for Roman to come out the winner in the end, after putting the best performance of his career so far.

No interferences, just those two tearing each other apart in order to prove, who's going to 'Mania to face Brock Lesnar.
There is Gonna be a terrible twist in the tale. The creative team are left with an intricate work for Wrestlemania due to the poor booking at the Royal Rumble.

If Daniel Bryan wins at fast lane and get a title shot at WM 31 he'll get the heat because fans would treat him like he stole Roman's spot.

But at the same time, if Roman Reigns win, he'll get heat because he's beating a top baby face of the company and we should notice that prior to Royal Rumble Roman in an interview quoted that Daniel Bryan isn't a threat to him and they should compare their size difference.

They need to put up a great match to earn the crowd's spot and should give mutual respect in the end no matter whoever wins!

This. Kayfabe is pretty much dead in WM season, so nobody gives a damn about who is supposed to be a bad guy and who is supposed to be a good guy and who and why they supposed to cheer.

Solid 25 minutes match, "this is awesome" chants, handshake in the end whoever is the winner, this is the only way to go. Oh, and don't let Vince write Roman's promos again.
IF Brock is leaving after Mania, then he absolutely has to be conquered by someone, whoever it may be. That is "Best for Business".

I guess I just like a more organic push for someone, and having Reigns beat Brock one on one at WM is just another thing they'll be handing over to a guy who, presumably, won't be ready. Why does Brock "absolutely" have to be conquered? If Reigns beats Brock at Wrestlemania cleanly, I feel like Brock's run will lose substantial value over time and he won't be as big of a physically imposing spectacle as he is now. Reigns will be deemed as the guy that "Conquered The Beast," and while I see the value in that, what happens when someone inevitably beats Reigns? Guess we gotta start calling that person the guy who "Conquered The Guy Who Conquered The Beast." It just goes on and on. Why not build Roman up, have him go against the top guys currently in the business and really prove his place as the next big thing, and if/when Brock returns, then have him beat him once Roman has reached his potential. I just think that in the grand scheme of things, that would have a bigger impact. Don't just hand Brock, who mind you, has beaten the likes of The Rock, HHH, John Cena, and Kurt Angle, over to a guy who isn't a sure thing. Make him earn that.
I guess I just like a more organic push for someone, and having Reigns beat Brock one on one at WM is just another thing they'll be handing over to a guy who, presumably, won't be ready. Why does Brock "absolutely" have to be conquered? If Reigns beats Brock at Wrestlemania cleanly, I feel like Brock's run will lose substantial value over time and he won't be as big of a physically imposing spectacle as he is now. Reigns will be deemed as the guy that "Conquered The Beast," and while I see the value in that, what happens when someone inevitably beats Reigns? Guess we gotta start calling that person the guy who "Conquered The Guy Who Conquered The Beast." It just goes on and on. Why not build Roman up, have him go against the top guys currently in the business and really prove his place as the next big thing, and if/when Brock returns, then have him beat him once Roman has reached his potential. I just think that in the grand scheme of things, that would have a bigger impact. Don't just hand Brock, who mind you, has beaten the likes of The Rock, HHH, John Cena, and Kurt Angle, over to a guy who isn't a sure thing. Make him earn that.

IF Brock is leaving, then he has to get conquered by someone as it would be pointless to build him up so much and then just let him leave unbeaten.

I didn't mention anyone by name in terms of who should conquer him.
IF Brock is leaving, then he has to get conquered by someone as it would be pointless to build him up so much and then just let him leave unbeaten.

I didn't mention anyone by name in terms of who should conquer him.

You didn't mention anyone by name, but there was no need to lol it's pretty likely that Reigns wins at Fast Lane and goes on to face Brock at WM. There's no one but Reigns who's going to be in line to "conquer" him if Brock is in fact leaving the WWE. What would be more entertaining to you? Brock coming back to the WWE after a stint with the UFC and challenging Roman, a guy he's already lost to, or Roman going on a solid title run, taking on the best in the business in victorious fashion, then coming face to face with the one guy he has yet to beat later on down the road? The answer is pretty obvious to me, but then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
You didn't mention anyone by name, but there was no need to lol it's pretty likely that Reigns wins at Fast Lane and goes on to face Brock at WM. There's no one but Reigns who's going to be in line to "conquer" him if Brock is in fact leaving the WWE. What would be more entertaining to you? Brock coming back to the WWE after a stint with the UFC and challenging Roman, a guy he's already lost to, or Roman going on a solid title run, taking on the best in the business in victorious fashion, then coming face to face with the one guy he has yet to beat later on down the road? The answer is pretty obvious to me, but then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

You don't build Brock to be unbeatable and plan a possible storyline on an assumption that he will come back after refusing to renew his contract and leaving the company. The idea makes sense, but it isn't a sensible thing to do at all.

Rather, let someone beat Brock, who is active, that can actually be there to build storylines around.

Seems a pretty easy decision to make when you look at it.
You don't build Brock to be unbeatable and plan a possible storyline on an assumption that he will come back after refusing to renew his contract and leaving the company. The idea makes sense, but it isn't a sensible thing to do at all.

Rather, let someone beat Brock, who is active, that can actually be there to build storylines around.

Seems a pretty easy decision to make when you look at it.

It's not a sure thing that he'll be back, but the WWE has a pretty good track record of bringing back legendary superstars to face the current stars (i.e. Hogan, The Rock). Hell they even managed to bring Bret Hart back after Vince screwed him many years ago, though that match was against Vince himself. I have nothing against Reigns, I don't think it's his fault that he's getting all the heat that he's getting. But don't you think the Royal Rumble match is a pretty good indicator as to how the fans will react to him getting another huge accolade on his resume he may or may not deserve when the time comes? I don't disagree that beating Brock will benefit the person who beats him in the long run, just don't feel like now is the right time, especially for Reigns.
I don't think there's any danger of Daniel Bryan getting heat if he wins. 90% of the crowd or more wants him to headline WrestleMania. The small minority of Roman Reigns' fans aren't going to be able to change that. Bryan winning is the RIGHT way to go, but it's not happening. I don't see any way that Reigns doesn't go on to WrestleMania to win the title, WWE has way too much of a hard-on for him. They're convinced that Reigns is going to be THE guy, and are determined to make him that no matter how unready he is.
It's not a sure thing that he'll be back, but the WWE has a pretty good track record of bringing back legendary superstars to face the current stars (i.e. Hogan, The Rock). Hell they even managed to bring Bret Hart back after Vince screwed him many years ago, though that match was against Vince himself. I have nothing against Reigns, I don't think it's his fault that he's getting all the heat that he's getting. But don't you think the Royal Rumble match is a pretty good indicator as to how the fans will react to him getting another huge accolade on his resume he may or may not deserve when the time comes? I don't disagree that beating Brock will benefit the person who beats him in the long run, just don't feel like now is the right time, especially for Reigns.

No one is denying that guys has been brought back. However, you are proposing a whole angle which would be built around a guy getting to leave the company. That just doesn't make much sense at all.

My point is regarding Brock and the folly in letting him leave unbeaten after breaking the streak and squashing the current Face of the company in addition to almost invincible booking.

You are the one who has brought Reigns into this equation, thus I will bite.
Assuming Reigns is chosen to go over Brock at Mania, there are loads of scenarios that make sense which can be used to give the rub of the 1 in 21-1 to someone who will still be in the company after Mania 31...

Reigns wasn't booed out of the building at RAW this week, in fact he was being cheered more than booed. Thus, he might well be accepted.

IF he is indeed booed at Mania, then the company can turn him Heel and maybe make him into the "Next Big Thing" as Heyman himself alluded to on the snowed out episode of RAW.

OR they can have a Rollins cash-in after Reigns beats Brock.
OR have Rollins cash-in on Brock after Reigns does all the hard work.

There are more ways that it could be done, and it might not even involve Reigns depending on how Fast Lane plays out with Bryan vs Reigns..
@LARISANO You bring up valid points, so please know that I'm not trying to discredit your arguments. But I think taking a gamble on Brock ever returning is one worth taking. From a monetary standpoint, I think it makes the most sense, and pro wrestling is after all a business. By having him lose cleanly to Reigns at Wrestlemania, I feel like his draw is gonna take a serious hit if he ever comes back. He won't be the unconquered beast anymore if he does in fact lose to Reigns. Not to mention, Reigns doesn't necessarily have to beat him to get over. The triple threat match at the Royal Rumble has brought Rollins to new heights as a competitor. He's earned a ton of respect, including my own, from a lot of people both attached and unattached to the WWE. Sure having Reigns beat Brock at WM will elevate his career more than losing will, but having him lose a close, hard-fought battle will still push him in a positive direction.
I don't think there's any danger of Daniel Bryan getting heat if he wins. 90% of the crowd or more wants him to headline WrestleMania. The small minority of Roman Reigns' fans aren't going to be able to change that. Bryan winning is the RIGHT way to go, but it's not happening. I don't see any way that Reigns doesn't go on to WrestleMania to win the title, WWE has way too much of a hard-on for him. They're convinced that Reigns is going to be THE guy, and are determined to make him that no matter how unready he is.

Exactly, Bryan is being used to try & get Roman over. Nothing more, nothing less. The smart money has Bryan winning & Reigns turning heel, leading to Roman taking the belt off Bryan at Summer-Slam in a Benoit-Orton passing-of-the-torch moment.

I think the problem is that VKM thinks this is Cena all over again & If he only persists, he'll have a guy who is 'controversial' & who people pay to boo & cheer. But Cena had gotten over naturally with his own gimmick two years beforehand & had an established fanbase when people turned. Roman doesn't really have that yet.
Exactly, Bryan is being used to try & get Roman over. Nothing more, nothing less. The smart money has Bryan winning & Reigns turning heel, leading to Roman taking the belt off Bryan at Summer-Slam in a Benoit-Orton passing-of-the-torch moment.

I think the problem is that VKM thinks this is Cena all over again & If he only persists, he'll have a guy who is 'controversial' & who people pay to boo & cheer. But Cena had gotten over naturally with his own gimmick two years beforehand & had an established fanbase when people turned. Roman doesn't really have that yet.

To be honest I wouldn't want to see that. I would rather Reigns win and move on to beat Brock for the belt at Mania with Seth coming out with Heyman (Who leaves mid-match when Reigns is control disappointed at Brock.) Roman is in the ring celebrating his win while Brock is still down. Paul picks up the mic and demands Brock to F-5 Reigns as Rollins climbs in the ring. Lesnar get's in Reigns face only to F-5 Seth. The next night Roman confronts Seth the two face off in the main event of Raw. Roman wins the match by DQ, Seth goes to cash in again but Dean stops him holding to his promise. After Seth runs off Dean shakes hands with Roman and then hits him with the Dirty Deeds turning heel. Roman/Dean feud over the belt with Seth cashing in at Payback and then at MITB Dean wins the case. At MITB Seth vs. Roman goes to a draw. At Battleground after Seth vs. Roman II Dean cashes in. Shield Triple Threat at Summerslam and the post-SS Dean and Seth feud for the title with Bray eventually taking it off one of them, while Roman becomes the first man to beat Rusev at Survivor Series (while a jealous Cena looks on backstage,who had storyline had his career ended at Mania by failing to beat Rusev at Mania after putting it on the line in a desperate attempt the prove he still got it after Rusev squashes him at Fast Lane. And then Cena "comes out of retirement" and loses to Rusev again at SS and then say he is leaving until he find his "mojo" but will be back. At RR Reigns faces Bray for the title in a no-dq match. During that match Wyatt would get his self DQ'ed only for Cena to make the save only to turn heel on Roman. Then Bryan could FINALLY win the Royal Rumble. Then we got the two main events for WrestleMania 32. That's just how I would fanasty book it.
Roman got booed at RR because Bryan didn't win. But Roman is slowly earning his fans back. On Smackdown he came out to a mixed reaction, but after his match with show left with just cheers. He came out on Raw to a mixed reaction but it turned into all cheers by night's end. But as I noticed Daniel Bryan was the one starting to recieve the boo's. I feel that if Bryan wins at Fast Lane people will feel bad for Reigns and boo him. The reason would be Roman already won the RR so why should they change it now. I've seen comments on here,the main site,Wrestling Inc,Facebook,and WWE.com and it seems the majority doesn't want Bryan to win at Fast Lane or main event WrestleMania this year anymore. Also it adds to the fact that over the last few weeks Roman hasn't stunk up the mic and has been putting on decent to solid matches on TV. But I want to know am I the only one who thinks that at Fast Lane IF Bryan somehow wins he will leave with boo's.

I think if Bryan wins, Bryan would get cheered louder than ever. It would be a feel good story. I couldn't see Bryan get booed. Reigns booed on the other hand, I could see it.
Last night, we saw Daniel Bryan beating Seth Rollins in a fantastic match to set up a date with Reigns at Fast Lane for Reigns' Mania main event spot. While I expect a very good match here, it also gives a nice hook for the Fast Lane PPV. Also, a lot of Bryan fans might just believe that Bryan has another shot at Main Eventing yet another Mania.

How do you see this match going? As a Bryan fan, I'd love for Bryan to win and main event second Mania in a row. On other hand though, I really don't think that's the route WWE should take. I mean, if you eventually had to put Bryan in that spot, why not let Bryan win the Rumble itself? Why go through all these shenanigans? I mean, if Bryan wins, it'd be second time in a row that Bryan goes on to main event Mania without winning the Rumble. And while Batista at least retained his spot last year, Reigns may not retain his.

I have a feeling that Reigns will win a hard fought match and might just receive an endorsement from Bryan. I also believe this match would be better than your usual Reigns match.

Anyway, this match is something I look forward to. What do you guys think?

I think Reigns is going to win clean. The reason why is because this match was made out of controversy and last thing they need is The Authority/Dolph Ziggler interfering.

I think Bryan will carry Reigns to a great match and I guess WWE assumes with Reigns winning clean and beating Bryan will solidify Reigns' credibility as a main event wrestler.
The only way this match makes sense is the reason other's have been saying. The WWE are using Daniel Bryan's popularity to help get Reigns over. That in itself is a huge problem for Reigns. His cousin tried to interject in the Rumble match and look what happened, now they have to resort to Daniel Bryan.

I do realize that other wrestlers help to put newer wrestlers over, but Reigns was over when he was with the Shield. It's only been since they split up and fans realized that he's not all he seemed, that they've gone south on him. Yes he has a great look, but he is lacking in the fundamentals that you need to be a great wrestler. He needs to improve in the ring, and on the mic.

I'm a Reigns fan, but I'm insulted and feel bad for Daniel Bryan. Bryan is a guy who has worked his ass off to craft his skills, and now he has to use them to put over a guy who isn't anywhere close to him, either in in-ring skills or popularity.

The WWE has underestimated Daniel Bryan fans again, and if they think that the "Yes" movement will get behind Reigns, even if Bryan endorses him they will see through the smokescreen. Instead of trying to deflect heat on Reigns, they will have succeeded in making sure that it stays on him for a long time to come.

Reigns will win the match at Fastland. He'll be boo'd out of the arena. Vince will scratch his head in wonderment because he will finally realize that the main event at Mania is fucked. And when Reigns meets Lesnar at Levi stadium at the end of March, the crowd will shit all over them. It's not like the WWE didn't have any warning that it would happen and they can only blame themselves.
The only way this match makes sense is the reason other's have been saying. The WWE are using Daniel Bryan's popularity to help get Reigns over. That in itself is a huge problem for Reigns. His cousin tried to interject in the Rumble match and look what happened, now they have to resort to Daniel Bryan.
They're giving a kayfabe chance for DB to get into the Mania Main Event since he didn't win the Rumble, again in kayfabe.
I do realize that other wrestlers help to put newer wrestlers over, but Reigns was over when he was with the Shield. It's only been since they split up and fans realized that he's not all he seemed, that they've gone south on him. Yes he has a great look, but he is lacking in the fundamentals that you need to be a great wrestler. He needs to improve in the ring, and on the mic.
The SHIELD was over, and Roman has been gaining massively in popularity over over the last 9 months or so as a singles guy. He has a great look, and he's passable in the ring. Let's not act like he's Mr. Kennedy, dropping guys on their heads, he's still a hard working, very talented guy. He's not Eddie Guerrero, but that's hardly an issue. It's not like he's a much worse wrestler than Sheamus or Kane or Show or any typical large brawler types.
I'm a Reigns fan, but I'm insulted and feel bad for Daniel Bryan. Bryan is a guy who has worked his ass off to craft his skills, and now he has to use them to put over a guy who isn't anywhere close to him, either in in-ring skills or popularity.
I doubt that Daniel Bryan has even this amount of issue with the booking. The implication that Daniel Bryan works hard, but Roman Reigns doesn't is just unfairly attributed. Roman isn't being handed anything. He's been a worker his whole life, too. If your argument is that because Roman didn't spend a decade wrestling in VFWs for $50 payoffs risking his life every week, and instead was earning his broken body on a football field, that he isn't allowed the Wrestlemania Main Event, I would argue that that isn't a reasonable request. John Cena never spent any real time in the VFWs and high schools in Pennsylvania botching flip spots and he's doing just fine.
The WWE has underestimated Daniel Bryan fans again, and if they think that the "Yes" movement will get behind Reigns, even if Bryan endorses him they will see through the smokescreen. Instead of trying to deflect heat on Reigns, they will have succeeded in making sure that it stays on him for a long time to come.
The WWE doesn't care about catering to the fans that dump on the product, because those fans cannot be sated. Daniel Bryan is the type of guy that already endorses Roman Reigns, and endorses everyone. He's a generally nice guy that isn't jealous when it's someone elses turn to try out the top. Daniel Bryan probably doesn't really care about who headlines WM31, since he had a record level of push into the Main Event at WM30. It's not about deflecting heat, it's about using one over guy to help elevate the other. No one had a problem with Cena put Bryan over at Summerslam 2013, Cena fans didn't shit all over the match because a comedy act tag team guy was moving up.
Reigns will win the match at Fastland. He'll be boo'd out of the arena. Vince will scratch his head in wonderment because he will finally realize that the main event at Mania is fucked. And when Reigns meets Lesnar at Levi stadium at the end of March, the crowd will shit all over them. It's not like the WWE didn't have any warning that it would happen and they can only blame themselves.
Vince, Hunter, all of the agents and producers, Stephanie even, they won't wonder a thing. They'll count their massive piles of cash from every smark that bought a ticket to come in and crap on a match.

This match will be a good match. Daniel Bryan can perform, and Roman Reigns can look good. Rollins will probably interfere, at least I'm hoping, because I REALLY wish it was Rollins and Bryan at Wrestlemania. This gives Roman a win, protects Bryan, and sets up two matches at WM31.
They're giving a kayfabe chance for DB to get into the Mania Main Event since he didn't win the Rumble, again in kayfabe.

All reports have said that Vince doesn't want Bryan in the main event at Mania again, and he is still intent on pushing Reigns. If you didn't think that the WWE knew when Bryan was coming back then you're fooling yourself. If anyone knew other than Bryan it would have been them. You don't think he would have kept them in the loop regarding his health. So they knew that he would be back before the Rumble, and considering that Reigns was out as well, they had chances to change the outcome, they didn't. Two of their top stars are coming back at the same time, and they picked which one they wanted to win. They didn't pick the fan favourite, Vince underestimated Bryan's popularity again and booked the Rumble wrong.

The SHIELD was over, and Roman has been gaining massively in popularity over over the last 9 months or so as a singles guy. He has a great look, and he's passable in the ring. Let's not act like he's Mr. Kennedy, dropping guys on their heads, he's still a hard working, very talented guy. He's not Eddie Guerrero, but that's hardly an issue. It's not like he's a much worse wrestler than Sheamus or Kane or Show or any typical large brawler types.

Reigns has had maybe 4 months as a singles wrestler if you take out the time he was recovering from his operation. They split in June, and he went out in September, came back in December. And he was over when he was with the Shield and after Rollins hit him with the chair the night they broke up, that pretty much sealed him as a fan favourite. For some reason though the fans have soured on him over the last few months, I have no idea why, maybe because it's because of the fact that he's really not all he's cracked up to be, he needs way more time to get ready. Oh and most of the time he was doing singles matches he really wasn't. I've never seen a singles wrestler booked in so many tag matches. The WWE was still trying to overcome his weaknesses even after the Shield breakup.

I doubt that Daniel Bryan has even this amount of issue with the booking. The implication that Daniel Bryan works hard, but Roman Reigns doesn't is just unfairly attributed. Roman isn't being handed anything. He's been a worker his whole life, too. If your argument is that because Roman didn't spend a decade wrestling in VFWs for $50 payoffs risking his life every week, and instead was earning his broken body on a football field, that he isn't allowed the Wrestlemania Main Event, I would argue that that isn't a reasonable request. John Cena never spent any real time in the VFWs and high schools in Pennsylvania botching flip spots and he's doing just fine.

Where did I say that Reigns wasn't hard worker, please quote where I said that? I said that Bryan was a hard worker, don't put words in my mouth, or twist them to suit your version of what I said.

The WWE doesn't care about catering to the fans that dump on the product, because those fans cannot be sated. Daniel Bryan is the type of guy that already endorses Roman Reigns, and endorses everyone. He's a generally nice guy that isn't jealous when it's someone elses turn to try out the top. Daniel Bryan probably doesn't really care about who headlines WM31, since he had a record level of push into the Main Event at WM30. It's not about deflecting heat, it's about using one over guy to help elevate the other. No one had a problem with Cena put Bryan over at Summerslam 2013, Cena fans didn't shit all over the match because a comedy act tag team guy was moving up.

Daniel Bryan can endorse whoever he wants, but the fans do not have to go along with it. The Rock tried to endorse Reigns at the Rumble, did it work, did the fans go along with it? No they boo'd both of them so much that the Rock blew his promo afterwards. Of course other wrestlers will try to help out someone in need, but again doesn't mean the fans will like it.

Vince, Hunter, all of the agents and producers, Stephanie even, they won't wonder a thing. They'll count their massive piles of cash from every smark that bought a ticket to come in and crap on a match.

Oh and that's a good reason to put on any pile of shit you feel like? These fans are paying a great deal of money in some cases to attend this show. They've bought their tickets months in advance. Some before Reigns returned. Yes you take your chances with the cards, but it doesn't mean that Vince and co. have to put on a crappy show for them. I'm sure it's not the objective of anyone who puts out an entertainment product to go, "Well we put out a shitty product today, but who gives a fuck, we have their cash". With UFC gaining in popularity all the time, Vince doesn't have to worry about another wrestling company, he has to worry about losing fans for good.

This match will be a good match. Daniel Bryan can perform, and Roman Reigns can look good. Rollins will probably interfere, at least I'm hoping, because I REALLY wish it was Rollins and Bryan at Wrestlemania. This gives Roman a win, protects Bryan, and sets up two matches at WM31.

Looking good works in the movies, on the catwalk and in pictures, it doesn't get the job done in the wrestling ring. I wish it were Rollins and Bryan as well and they had taking the belt off Lesnar sooner, but it is what it is. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
Reigns has had maybe 4 months as a singles wrestler if you take out the time he was recovering from his operation. They split in June, and he went out in September, came back in December. And he was over when he was with the Shield and after Rollins hit him with the chair the night they broke up, that pretty much sealed him as a fan favourite. For some reason though the fans have soured on him over the last few months, I have no idea why, maybe because it's because of the fact that he's really not all he's cracked up to be, he needs way more time to get ready. Oh and most of the time he was doing singles matches he really wasn't. I've never seen a singles wrestler booked in so many tag matches. The WWE was still trying to overcome his weaknesses even after the Shield breakup.


I think the reason why fans turned on him (besides fans liking Bryan more) is because Roman Reigns has been pretty much exposed after the Shield breakup. As a member of the Shield Reigns has been pretty good along with Ambrose and Rollins all three complimented each other and hid each other's weaknesses.

However when The Shield broke up it forced Rollins and Ambrose to improve on their skills sets so they can over come the shortcomings they had as part of the Shield. It worked for Rollins and Ambrose has improved but is still ways away from being a main event guy.

However while Ambrose still needs work Reigns is furthest away from the two. His matches hasn't improved and neither is his promo skills. Now, why is this? How come the one who was destined and booked to headline WM31 hasn't improved from his Shield days while the other two who were supposed to be mid carders or upper mid carders progressed better?

My theory is that Reigns has been complacent. Now we all heard that Austin Podcast where his guest said that Reigns feels entitled and Austin also said he hasn't heard any stories of Reigns going the extra mile to improve himself. No why? If I was working at a company and someone told me I was being promoted from a junior sales rep to a senior executive within a year no matter what, what gives me the incentive to improve? I am going to get promoted anyways over the harder working and more talented guys so why bother?

That's my theory a combination of being part of the Shield hiding Reigns' weakness now exposed with perhaps his lack of desire to improve himself means he hasn't done anything to really rally behind Reigns as "the guy".
OK, this might sound like a crazy idea but in my defense, it's 2 in the morning here, so here goes nothing.

I think the WWE is desperate to have Reigns as the top babyface for reasons best known to them. Daniel Bryan is the guy that gets the biggest face reactions on the roster. What could be the solution to this? Maybe, turn Bryan heel?

There have been things leading up to it. Bryan got injured when he was WWE champion and therefore he could not fulfill the expectations that his fans had from him. Then again, when he comes back, he announces that he will win the Royal Rumble but he fails at that. Bryan could say that he could not risk disappointing his fans again. So, in the match between him and Reigns, The Authority comes out, and helps Bryan win, in a move reminiscent of Austin's turn on Rock at the end of WM 17.

I think Vince will come out the next night and either announce a rematch or we will get to see a Triple Threat at Mania. Either way, and I repeat, it's 2 AM over here in India, I believe Bryan is going to turn heel at Fast Lane.
I usually don't fuss about who wins and who loses, but when it's for a main event spot at Wrestlemania, you give it to your most over guys. Reigns is not one of them. Bryan is. Along with Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins, and Ziggler, is more over and a better option.

Have a feeling they'll have Ziggler screw Bryan or some shit to set up that (which they think will satiate fans but it won't).
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that what transpires at Fast Lane is going to be a two-tier game of Chicken.

The first part is the fans- or rather, the so-called 'vocal minority'- are going to DARE Vince to have Roman go over clean in the match.

And the second part is Vince daring those exact same fans do their their worst damage possible after Reigns goes over.

You don't often get a match that puts the whole of the WWE Universe into glaring relief and lets you know where things stand. That's actually a little terrifying.

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