WWE Extreme Rules 2014 VS WWE Extreme Rules 2015

Which was better?

  • 2014

  • 2015

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
The 9th in the series!! After 4 years, it's back and I'm going to have a look at the last two Extreme Rules ppv's..


Lets have a look at the cards,


  1. El Torito (with Diego and Fernando) defeated Hornswoggle (with Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater) in a WeeLC match
  2. Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) defeated Rob Van Dam and Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) in a Triple threat elimination match
  3. Alexander Rusev (with Lana) defeated R-Truth and Xavier Woods by submission in a 2-on-1 handicap match
  4. Bad News Barrett defeated Big E (c) in a Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
  5. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) defeated Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) in a Six-man tag team match
  6. Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) defeated John Cena by escaping the cage in a Steel Cage match
  7. Paige (c) defeated Tamina Snuka by submission in a Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
  8. Daniel Bryan (c) defeated Kane in a Extreme Rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship


  1. Neville defeated Bad News Barrett in a Singles match
  2. Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Harper in a Chicago Street Fight
  3. Dolph Ziggler defeated Sheamus in a Kiss Me Arse match
  4. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods) defeated Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (c) (with Natalya) in a Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
  5. John Cena (c) defeated Rusev (with Lana) in a Russian Chain match for the WWE United States Championship
  6. Nikki Bella (c) (with Brie Bella) defeated Naomi in a Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
  7. Roman Reigns defeated Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
  8. Seth Rollins (c) defeated Randy Orton by escaping the cage in aSteel Cage match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with the RKO banned and Kane as the gatekeeper
While it was only a few days ago, the only match that kept me up for this years event was the Las Man Standing match.. With that being said, I have to go with 2014!! I have heard reviews about this years show being boring, I wouldn't say that, but it definitely a disappointment when it comes to Extreme Rules PPV. Last year, was memorable and watching it live at home, I was awake throughout. The build up really helped the ppl become a success. Cena vs. Wyatt had a great match an Mania, but the mind games had continued, the fans got involved in a creepy song and we saw Bray Wyatt win what was a very good Steel Cage match. My favourite match of the night was the 6-Man Tag match, how can anyone not enjoy this from start to finish. The main event wasn't exactly the best match, but I enjoyed it.
What I did enjoy about 2014!!
6-man tag match
Steel Cage match
Soo, What do you say?? 14' or 15'??
I would have to say 2015.

2014 had really one good match with Shield vs Evolution.

Cena match was better 2015.

Main Event was better 2015.

Reigns vs Big Show in 2015 was the best singles match on any of the two cards.

2014 PPV went exactly how it looked like it would on paper, while 2015 at the very least kept people on their toes without compromising the integrity of the storylines they are trying to establish.
I'm going with 2014 simply because of the Shield/Evolution match. It was the only 5 star match on both cards. Everyone wanted to see this clash of the titans and they didn't disappoint. I'll never forget Seth Rollins throwing himself off the balcony onto HHH, Orton and Ambrose, and Jerry Lawler yelling "OMG he came out of the sky" It should rightly have won the Slammy for MOTY, there weren't many better.

Rusev's match was also better, and Cesaro's put in two good matches. It was great last year, and the tag match this year was one of the best on the card.

This year the matches were marginally better. The Chicago Street Fight was hilarious, the LMS match was great, and the Cena match was a little better than the cage match the year before. The main event on both cards was a bit of a let down.

But because of the Shield/Evolution match, I'll go with 2014.
I'd say this year's shockingly. Just like WM 31, the lineup wasn't screaming instant classics like WM 17, 19 etc. but surprisingly with this year's ER every match was decent and had a legit feud to it.

The tag title match amazed me. I didn't expect it to be so good.
This year was no better than 6/10, last year's was closer to 7/10.

Cena v Wyatt was decent with a weird ending; Cens v Rusev was boring, saddled with one of the worst gimmick matches people can get given, and was easily Cena's worst ppv match in years, IMO

The match of the night this year was the Last Man Standing match, which says it all really: the very fact the Big Show's singles match is the match of the night in 2015 tells you how good the rest of the card was. Perhaps if the other wrestlers upped their games like Show and Reigns, ER15 could have been a highlight of the year; as it is, after a cracking year on ppv in 2014, this year has been a let down, Wrestlemania aside.

2014 for me
2014's edition of Extreme Rules was much better than 2015's. From start to finish, last year's Extreme Rules was an overall good show. The only downsides to it being the WeeLC match, weird ending to Cena VS Bray, and the lack of Extreme stipulations. At least the WeeLC match was not on the main card.... Those things aside, 2014's Extreme Rules was one of the better shows of the year. It had the excellent Shield VS Evolution match, a good opener, a good World Heavyweight Championship match, and even a good Divas Championship match. When you compare last year's event to this year's Extreme Rules, we saw more gimmick matches this year but a lot of the stipulation were stupid and the show overall was weaker. The Russian Chain gimmick was really weird, the Divas Championship match was awful, the Chicago Street Fight (while good when you look at it as a whole) took a random lengthy break before finishing later on in the evening, the World Heavyweight Championship match could have been a lot better with the RKO not being banned and less focus on the Rollins/Kane tension, to name a few issues. I won't even START on how dumb the concept of a Kiss Me Arse Match is. Don't get me wrong, the show didn't suck, it just was a bit step down from last year's Extreme Rules and I don't expect it to rank in the upper half of 2015's PPV's once the year is over. It's 2nd to last with only Fast Lane being below it at the moment.

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