WWE Elimination Chamber LD - Who's Going to WrestleMania?

Here's a link to a list of proctologists. I think you'll find them quite useful in helping you get your head out of your ass.

Omfg, kids. You don't even answer anything I've said. Well, fuck it, I don't care.

And I'm not trolling, I don't like Lawler that doesn't mean I would not say that he got a good match out of Miz but he didn't, the match was very slow, it didn't have any pace and it was at the same level as R-Truth vs. Mason Ryan match at RAW two weeks ago (?).

Of course, I understand the feud, I don't like the outcome, Cole vs. Lawler doesn't make it for me, I know that kids and some fans want to see Cole getting his ass kicked, I don't care about it, Cole doesn't even bother me, I ignore it, he is not even that good as a heel to me to care about him that much.

Well, I will skip their "match" at Wrestlemania. I think that Lawler deserves to get a match at Wrestlemania but I would actually prefer if he had a match with someone that can work a match, watching Lawler beatdown Cole doesn't make it for me, as sure as McMahon vs. Bret Hart didn't make it for me.

I'm afraid the outcome will be bad. I think I have the right to see what I think about the feud, I think it sucked a lot, it didn't help The Miz, sure he kept the title one more month, but what? He beat a Hall of Famer? Of course, but Lawler didn't look like a threat as much as WWE wanted it.

Of course you can like the match, you can like the feud, as sure as hell I can't like them. I'm not trolling, I was just happy, well at the same level that Cole was, that the feud was over. Get over it, if you like the feud that much, you will like Cole vs. Lawler at Wrestlemania, I won't, it doesn't matter.

Wow... that was... terrible. Way to get your best heel out of the match seconds after he gets in. Terrible terrible idea.

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