WWE Elimination Chamber LD - Who's Going to WrestleMania?

Watching WWE This Week on Sky Sports 2... Booker T's commentary makes me laugh. "YOUR FIRED!!!"... "What the hell?!" :lmao:
The only reason I don't think Ziggler is going to get back into the match is because he was fired. If he wasn't fired I would say there's a 100% chance of him being the 6th man, but I see no logical way for the WWE to stick them into the match. Then again, logic has never stopped the WWE before.

Vince could just show up or even send one of those Vince letters that Drew used to have a lot of and say that Ziggler isn't fired and he is put back in the EC. It would be fuckin weak but I wouldn't put it past them to take the easy way out.
I've decided Booker isn't good on commentary but he is hilarious, Matthews and Cole can barely keep from laughing when he makes a point that leads nowhere.

Shit, I laughed too loud and woke up my family, their slightly pissed.
Im pumped for the PPV, and 3 hours after it i start my wrestling training, great day for me. Hope Jericho returns to the chamber.
I wouldn't be surprised if Long came out and made a match between Show and Big Zeke, with the winner getting Ziggy's spot in the chamber

Though what I'd really like to see is when it comes time for Ziggy's empty pod to open and they doing that shit where the lights flash over the pods, that they just go out, a lightening bolt hits the EC, and then the one light shines down on the pod where we see Taker has appeared out of nowhere, at this point both Kane and Berrett should be in the match already, and Taker's eyes would get huge as he comes out of his pod to beat the living shit out of both of them, then we see Triple H run down the aisle break into the EC, and hit the Deadman with a vicious pedigree, setting up WM

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