WWE Elimination Chamber LD - Who's Going to WrestleMania?

SOM, that picture is HILARIOUS! I tried to rep, but I need to spread.

I can't wait for this shit. The last hour before the PPV starts takes FOREVER to pass.
While we are waiting with less than an hour to go, here's an awkward looking picture of the Miz:


If I could rep you more than once I so would. :lmao:
Wrestling starts two hours later now then what they did two years ago? Ha... I wake up rushing around going mental to find out instead of being an hour and 15 minutes late, but I'm actually 45 minutes early?
What are everyone's last minute picks?

I got KozTino, Del Rio, Miz, and for the chambers, I'm going with my crazy convoluted theories, and saying Morrison and Christian. Deal with it.
I like how I've chosen tonight to be the night where I stay up to watch a PPV live, when I've been up since 6am. Man, these EC matches had better be good.
Can't wait for this show. Sure there are going to be dull moments between the cell matches, but who cares. We'll have our matches for Mania figured out by the end of the night tonight.
What are everyone's last minute picks?

I got KozTino, Del Rio, Miz, and for the chambers, I'm going with my crazy convoluted theories, and saying Morrison and Christian. Deal with it.

All of this, except I got The Corre. That way they can go to Mania and lose to Team America (DB^2)
Personally I would love to watch this tonight but it will probably be impossible to find any means.
Ziggler is just going to worm himself into the match...If he does, it would be great if he walked out with the title. No other scenario seems as plausible as this.
The only reason I don't think Ziggler is going to get back into the match is because he was fired. If he wasn't fired I would say there's a 100% chance of him being the 6th man, but I see no logical way for the WWE to stick them into the match. Then again, logic has never stopped the WWE before.
No way Taker is going to come back tonight unless he shows up after the EC. He surely isn't going to wrestle. He's got to heal up as much as possible to be ready for his one match a year now at Wrestlemania.

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