WWE Elimination Chamber: General Discussion & Aftermath

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With the announcement of the WWE Championship rematch between The Rock and CM Punk last night, the build to EC has officially started.

I find myself hoping that WWE finds an excuse to have two Elimination Chamber matches instead of one. At the Hell in a Cell ppv last year, the WWE Championship match was conducted inside the Cell while the WHC wasn't. At EC, it's going to be the other way around with the WHC match taking place inside the Chamber while the WWE Championship match is a standard one on one match.

In the past, there's generally always been one EC match that's been stronger than the other one. It's always helped to make up for whatever aspects the other Chamber match on the show has lacked. While I doubt there'll be two Chamber matches, one can always hope.
I'm not sure if there will be 2 Elimination Chamber matches this year. Usually if one of the world titles if defended in a regular match then an EC is held to determine the number one contender to that title at Wrestlemania. However this year Cena is the rumble winner so the number one contender to the WWE title is already set so any other EC would either be for the WHC or number contender to WHC. Unless they do some sort EC with Cena, Sheamus & Ryback vs. The Shield but I can't see the point of that to be honest
well, my hope is that the World Heavyweight title is contested under the Elimination Chamber firstly because 1) I do NOT want to see another Big Show vs. Del Rio one on one match...2) it gets Orton, Sheamus and others in it and 3) it could lead to a cash in..my hope is that the WWE goes with Sheamus vs. Orton, but keep it non-title and have Del Rio vs Ziggler, so in the Chamber put in Sheamus, Orton, Del Rio, Big Show, then add in Barrett and maybe Kingston and then have Del Rio win a long match and have Ziggler then cash in and go to WM as Champ.....as for another Chamber match, I kinda want to see a Tornado Tag Team Elimination Chamber match and it makes sense too, it would be kinda like the old WCW War Games or the Letal Lockdown matches, so it could happen and be entertaining.
With The Rock busy defending the title against CM Punk, I could definitely see Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback taking on The Shield in an Elimination Chamber War Games style match. I'm all for that idea.
There will be two EC Matches like every year IMO. You have The Rock (c) vs CM Punk for the WWE Title. You're going to have the Smackdown EC, the Raw EC. You're likely going to have Chris Jericho and Ryback involved in the Raw Chamber among others. I can see CM Punk losing again because of The Shield will once again involved somehow leading to a DQ or maybe Rock vs Punk doesn't happen and Rock defends the title in the chamber.

We know what the WWE are like for changing course the last minute. Who's to say that The Rock doesn't defend it in the Chamber and then wins that match. Rock vs Punk could be a a NoDQ match for the title, which would see The Great One retain of course. If CM Punk loses then he could always enter the Raw EC and win that, get his rematch for Wrestlemania 29. But somehow, I don't see that happening. IMO, you have Rock retain and then CM Punk moves on to face The Undertaker at 'Mania.

If CM Punk loses twice to The Rock, then who would believe he could beat The Undertaker or better still, who is going to believe that he could win the title back at mania?
There will be two EC Matches like every year IMO. You have The Rock (c) vs CM Punk for the WWE Title. You're going to have the Smackdown EC, the Raw EC. You're likely going to have Chris Jericho and Ryback involved in the Raw Chamber among others. I can see CM Punk losing again because of The Shield will once again involved somehow leading to a DQ or maybe Rock vs Punk doesn't happen and Rock defends the title in the chamber.

We know what the WWE are like for changing course the last minute. Who's to say that The Rock doesn't defend it in the Chamber and then wins that match. Rock vs Punk could be a a NoDQ match for the title, which would see The Great One retain of course. If CM Punk loses then he could always enter the Raw EC and win that, get his rematch for Wrestlemania 29. But somehow, I don't see that happening. IMO, you have Rock retain and then CM Punk moves on to face The Undertaker at 'Mania.

If CM Punk loses twice to The Rock, then who would believe he could beat The Undertaker or better still, who is going to believe that he could win the title back at mania?

Since brand extension is pretty much gone there is no such thing as a Raw EC or a Smackdown EC. The point people have being trying to make is usually if say the WWE champion defended in a regular match then an EC would be held to determine the challenger for WM. This year John Cena had already chosen to face the WWE Champion at 'Mania so there's no point holding an EC to determine that. The only ways to have 2 EC's now is to have an EC for the WHC and a EC to determine the no#1 contender to the WHC at WM or having thought more about a point I dismissed earlier you could have a EC similar to TNA's Lethal Lockdown. It would pit John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback vs. The Shield. One member of each team would start the match and a member of each team would enter 5 minute intervals (ideally in The Shield's favour), pinfalls or submissions could occur during this time to give a team an advantage. Once both teams have been released from their pods the first pinfall or submission would win the match for the team. Only problem I can see with this is for the match to succeed from a psychological point of view The Shield won have to hold an advantage over Team Cena and that would mean either Ryback or Sheamus would have to be pinned to to build heat for the finish and I'm not sure WWE would have either man lose by pinfall
Well I doubt Miz and Cesaro are done, especially after last night, so there's probably going to be that match. Kaitlyn/Tamina will probably happen. The WHC match will definitely be inside the EC.

It really all boils down to how they go about the WWE Title and if they want another EC match. I pretty much guarantee Rock will defend in a 1v1 with Punk. They're not going to put him through the hell of an EC match with 5 other guys. I wonder of the slight (very slight, but a fun idea) possibility of keeping Rock/Punk 1v1, but still putting them in the cage as to keep out any interference. Again, not likely, but would add another aspect to the match.

As for the Raw side, that one really is a tough call. If they wanted to do a #1 contendership match, that would pretty much guarantee Punk would find a way in and win it, setting up the Triple threat at Mania. They could go a lesser rout and put the US or Intercontinental Title insided the EC. Or as other people suggested, which isn't necessarily a bad idea, put The Shield vs. Cena/Ryback/Sheamus in there. It's easy as hell to write since The Shield constantly runs away through the crowd and all 3 men have a beef. Not to mention Cena needs something to do while he awaits WM29. If they do it, I know I would laugh if Cena/Sheamus/Ryback won and half the butthurt IWC would whine about Shield being "buried." :lmao:
I would like to see it like the rumble, where the winner of the second chamber gets to choose which title to chase for Mania. I'd love to see a Triple threat Rock (c) vs Cena vs Punk at WrestleMania. Or Punk does an Edge at No Way Out 2009 and kicks the crap out of someone to enter the Chamber.

It's a tough one. I'd like to see two Chamber matches, but I just don't think we'll get that.
I was really hoping for 2 Elimination Chamber matches. My 3 Main Events for the February WWE PPV would have been:

Royal Rumble WWE Title shot vs. Money In The Bank World Title shot, winner gets both.
John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

World Championship Elimination Chamber match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. The Great Khali vs. The Miz

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match
The Rock vs. CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker

Damn!! Looking at it, it looks like my Elimination Chamber Dream card Main Events are potentially better than anything the WWE can come up with for WrestleMania.
My Elimination Chamber Card would be:


The Rock retains and goes onto face Cena at WMXXIX


Comedown/Toilet break match after EC. Kaitlyn retains


Team Cena vs. The Shield. Starts out 1 on 1, entrants enter by team at 5 minute intervals. During this time pinfall or submissions allow eliminations to give a team an advantage. When all superstars are in the match, first pin or submission wins


Team Hell No self destruct and Rhodes Scholars win the titles


Cesaro retains


Chamber starts with Jericho & Ziggler. Jericho eliminates Ziggler, however Ziggler returns after Del Rio wins to cash in MITB and wins the WHC

I changed my mind and for some reason the forum won't let my edit my previous post, here's my new card. Results are the same.






I'm pretty sure we'll only see one Elimination Chamber match this year. This has to be Booker T's big announcement regarding the future of the WHC on Smackdown this Friday. I don't have any problems with just one Chamber match this year, because I would rather see Punk VS Rock II than watch Rock defend the title in a Chamber match.

The ending to Punk/Rock is a forgone conclusion, because it wouldn't make sense for Rock to drop the title so close to Wrestlemania. But Chamber matches are usually full of drama, and brutal spots, because six guys are fighting for a world title or a title shot at Wrestlemania.

Well, throwing Rock into a Chamber as champion would just kill all of the anticipation, excitement, suspense, and drama, because you know he's walking out with the strap. With Punk VS Rock at least we can we can expect a good one on one contest, as Punk fights to regain his title. Plus, Punk's character will experience more changes after another loss to Rock.

Also, I expect Miz to win the US Championship from Cesaro on this pay per view. WWE is obviously planning to set up Miz winning the title from Cesaro, and I don't think it'll work it out, but the US Championship could give Miz's character a boost.
6-man Wargames in the chamber... The Sheild vs Cena/Ryback/Sheamus. I LOVE it
Do elimination style or First fall after the last entry. I have always wanted to see them do 3 on 3 in the EC and not always 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 on 1...
I think this is the year WWE finally delivers on a War Games in some shape. I think the WHC will open the show inside the Elimination Chamber while John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus will face The Shield inside the Chamber under "War Games Rules" (though they may not refer to them as such)

With lots of time between EC and WM29 they can crown a No.1 contender for the WHC on the SD after EC.

Overall, the card will likely be the following:

WWE Title
The Rock vs CM Punk

WHC Chamber Match
ADR vs Big Show vs Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

"War Games" or W/E They Plan on Calling It
John Cena/Ryback/Sheamus vs The Shield

IC Title
Wade Barrett vs Bo Dallas

US Title
Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz

Tag Titles
Team Hell No vs Rhodes Scholars

Divas Title
Kaitlyn vs Tamina

MITB Title
Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho
I definitely see two chamber matches, but still not 100% on what they should be. although as of right now, my card would be

WWE Title: Rock v Punk. I would have the lights go out towards the end of the match, everyone thinks its the shield, but when the lights come back on, its CM Punk on his back. Ends up that it is Taker who attacked, setting up Punk v Taker, although I was toying with idea of Punk/Lesnar v Triple H/Taker at WM instead due to how many big matches there will be

WHC Chamber Match: Del Rio v Big Show v Ryback v Orton v Sheamus v Jericho. This can easily set up potential matches for WM in Orton v Sheamus, Big Show v Ryback, and Del Rio v Ziggler v Jericho, with Ziggler using his MITB promising that Jericho will never win the title again.

US Title: Cesaro v The Miz

Tag Team Title Chamber Match: Team Hell No v Team Rhode Scholars v Prime Time Players. Same as normal match, elimination style with last man standing winning the tag team titles for his team. I would have Kane enter first v Titus, and Kane eliminated towards end, before Daniel Bryan comes out last. Rhode Scholars win, after pinning Bryan. Kane blames Bryan because he was pinned, Bryan blames Kane for being already eliminated, etc. Break up storyline basically.

Divas Title: Kaitlyn v Tamina

IC Title: Barrett v Bo Dallas v Winner of IC Cup on Main Event
I don't think they would bring back Brock this early unless they were going to have him in the EC PPV. That said, here is my card

Rock vs Punk
How sweet it would be for WWE to pull the ultimate swerve on everyone and put the strap back on punk. They won't. Rock wins. Meets Cena at WM.

Elimination Chamber for the WHC
Del Rio vs Big Show vs Orton vs Barrett vs Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston
Orton wins and begins his feud with Sheamus for WM. Dolph will cash in then.

Elimination Chamber 6 Man Tag Match
Cena, Sheamus, Ryback vs The Shield
Shield keep the one man advantage throughout until all 6 men enter. The Shield work better together, eliminate Sheamus, eliminate Cena, Ryback looks strong by finishing the himself.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar
The rematch from Summerslam. HHH wins and sets up the rubber match at WM so it's not completely obvious who wins.

Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho
Jericho gets to do something he hasn't done in ages. Win the last match of a feud. Jericho wins before turning tweener to face Ryback at WM. Ziggler takes a step back before cashing in the briefcase at WM.

Team Hell No vs Prime Time Players
PTP take the belts off the champs. Time to let somebody else run with the belts. This way it leads to Bryan vs Kane at WM and leaves Cody open to face his brother Goldust at WM as well.

Divas Championship
Kaitlyn vs Tamina
Kaitlyn retains. Divas division is really struggling.
What if... (And this likely wont happen) but what if... Punk wins back the strap at EC? Rock is entitled to a rematch and Cena already announced his choice to challenge. This would lead to an epic Triple Threat at Mania and leave it so Punk wouldn't have to be pushed into a random feud with little build before Mania. It also gives punk his main event Wrestlemania moment and keeps Cena and Rock happy. Cena/Punk walk away with the strap perhaps in some controversial fashion and this builds up a reasonable spring PPV season.
WWE Championship - The Rock vs. CM Punk

This is already announced. Rock is expected to win possibly with an Undertaker interference, but who knows. I have a feeling WWE might throw a curveball at us and switch up the highly rumored WrestleMania card.

Elimination Chamber - Orton vs. Ziggler vs. Jericho vs. Barrett vs. Bryan vs. Kane

This would be for the number one contendership for Del Rio's title. I wouldn't be surprised if Ziggler cashes in his contract before or after this match and complicates things a little more.

World Championship - Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show (I Quit Match)

I really don't want to see this again either but I think it will happen. One more gimmick match like I QUIT seems suitable for the closure of this feud.

Elimination Chamber (War Games) - Cena Ryback & Sheamus vs. The Shield

I've seen this rumored on these boards and it actually makes a lot of sense, especially considering there's only gonna be one Elimination Chamber match this year.

United States Championship - Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz

Wouldn't be surprised if Miz wins it here. If there's no gimmick match at WrestleMania, then I can see a rematch happening there.

Tag Team Match - Rhodes Scholars vs. Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara

Number one contendership for the Tag titles at WrestleMania? Or possibly Team Hell No drops the titles to Rhodes Scholars before EC and this one is for the titles?
My Elimination Chamber would be like this,

The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk,
WWE Championship

For weeks on Raw vignettes slowly revealing someone who is behind the WWE title match interference and the "unonomyous" video footage on Raw to screw Punk are revealed to be Undertaker who slowly enters into the ring and gives Punk the slit throat and screws Punk out of the match to set up Punk/Taker at Mania.

Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger vs. Big Show vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus,
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Jericho and Del Rio are the final two. Del Rio is about to throw Jericho into the chamber wall before out of nowhere it opens and Jericho falls out onto a cameraman. Dolph Ziggler is shown who locks Jericho out and cashes in to replace Jericho. Ziggler wins but not without a spirited fight from Del Rio.
I haven't been on in awhile, so I decided to come in and see what was going on. But in looking around I haven't seen anyone mention the obvious. A team based Chamber match. Picture Shield vs Sheamus, Cena, Ryback in a team Chamber match. Start off with one from each team then same rules apply. Every 5 min after that a chamber opens releasing any body available. Could be 3 on 1 for a bit or could be even. I picture Shield being up 3 on 1 then 3 on 2 till finally Ryback is released and then Super Cena coming back, then Sheamus recovering and then it being over. Be a great way to push Ryback.further while keeping Sheamus n Cena busy till Mania.

Plus look at it this way it keeps it a lil more unpredictable. It's something different other than in the video games. I look foward to something like this because I can't really see anything on the Raw brand that would qualify for the match in which the PPV is named. What are your thoughts on this?
I imagine Ziggler will be facing Jericho since he said on Smackdown (the writing team showing some logic for once) that he doesn't need the #1 contenders match since he's already got the briefcase.

Looks like on Raw that they're setting up Cena, Sheamus & Ryback vs. The Shield. I'd like to see that take place in a chamber if neither of the title matches aren't. We already know the WHC #1 Contenders match will be.

Del Rio vs. Big Show again. Not complaining though, these 2 have put on very good matches at the last 2 ppvs.

Rock vs. CM Punk obviously.

Cesaro vs. The Miz

Possibly Barrett vs. Dallas. Please tell me they have more sense than to have Barrett drop the title already, especially to this kid. The only explanation for that would be if there's going to be a MITB match at Mania and Barrett wins it.

The only question is which 6 will be in the #1 Contenders Match for the World Title. I'd like to see Team Hell No drop the tag titles to Rhodes Scholars, but both Kane and Bryan were in the opening promo on Smackdown claiming they deserve to be #1 contender. So that leads me to think they're going to be in the match.
I guess the 6 that would make the best match for the shot at the World Title would be: Orton, Barrett, Jericho, Ziggler, Kingston and Swagger. I know Ziggler being in the match isn't exactly logical, but who do you replace him with?

Kane and Bryan should definitely be up against Rhodes Scholars again or even in a triple threat w/ Mysterio & Sin Cara.

I'm just wondering how Sheamus gets into that World Title match at Mania if those rumors of him vs. Orton are true. If he's fighting The Shield with Cena and Ryback at EC, he's removed from the title picture completely.

Also, I love Ziggler, but I do not want to see a cash-in at EC. Del Rio is getting very over as a face and should walk into Mania as champion.
This thread has nothing to do with the gimmick or quality of this PPV, as we know it produces great matches. But We already know the WWE Title aint going to be defended inside the Chamber, and its pretty obvious that the WHC Championship is going to be a single bout too. When this Gimmick Match was created and put in the slot of being the PPV before every Mania, the point of it was both Champions defending there titles inside the brutal structure and defend there titles or seeing who walks out with the strap and headlines Wrestlemania. But this year, it seems not even ONE match will have a title on the line and it just wont have the same feel to it as the Smackdown Chamber match is a No.1 Contenders match and as far as RAW Goes, it looks like there is not even going to be a RAW Chamber match. The theme of the PPV is pretty clear and both Titles should be defended inside the Chamber, but this year it looks like theres only going to one Chamber match, and that one is even for a Championship. In 2011, I weren't that pleased with when they made the RAW Chamber match a No.1 Contenders match because JERRY LAWLER Vs The Miz? But now WWE have completly thrown the unpredictability out of the PPV and going into Wrestlemania and all for what? To see The Rock Headline another PPV? It didnt seem right to have the RR Match not go on last and now a Chamber match isnt going to be on last either. The rock and CM Punk could easily still be the last two in the chamber match with 4 Other Particpants just adding a tiny bit of surprise into the match, being eliminated earlier, leaving them two to go one on one. On the SD Side, i think were headling towards Del Rio vs B Show AGAIN? Fair play to Big Show, but a 1 on 1 Big Show match is not worth more than the WHC being defended in the Chamber. And with reports of the WHC match at Mania being Sheamus Vs Orton, a perfect may to move the belt onto one of them would be inside the Chamber, but WWE Opt to have two Rematches from the Royal Rumble, rather that both titles being defended inside the Chamber.
I keep reading that The Undertaker isn't 100% confirmed for Wrestlemania and WWE are having to look at different scenarios for CM Punk at the event.

The main one I keep seeing mentioned is CM Punk regaining the title at Elimination Chamber and being in a 3 way with The Rock Cena and himself.

This brings me to the point of this thread. No way is The Rock going to lose, and I think WWE are just spreading false rumours so people think Punk has a chance of winning at Elimination Chamber, even though we all know he won't.

Your thoughts?
So I don't know if anybody caught this but over on WWE.com there is an exclusive after Raw footage of John Cena challenging the Shield to a 6 man tag team match at Elimination Chamber. While not officially confirmed,I think it's safe to say that we will see this match. Thoughts?

Personally I still hope that they announce this as the first ever 6 man tag team elimination chamber match. It hasn't been done before and yet here is the perfect opportunity. You have 6 guys and only one elimination chamber match currently announced. Both world title match's will take place in singles competition for the first time in the elimination chamber's PPV history. So in my mind,a 6 man tag elimination chamber match just makes sense. Then again,what I think and the rest of the IWC think as compared to what the WWE thinks are probably polar opposites. Ether way,it would be a first and add an interesting and different atmosphere to the match.

Sound off below.
I have a hard time seeing how or why WWE wouldn't make this an EC 6-man tag. It's just too perfect. Even if it's not, I'm expecting a good match and a win for Team Cena & Friends. If I have any hopes for this match, it's just that The Shield gives as good as they get. I'll be amazed and elated if they get win, but it really doesn't matter either way. They'll come out looking good, Team Cena won't give up, and a good time will be had by all.

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