WWE Doesn't Have Much Time Left

I won't even go into a long argument into why most of you're points make no sense and you're just a mark that hates the product because of the little PG in the top left hand corner. All I'm going to say is this.

How is the business supposed to grow without pushing the younger talent?
Sheamus is one the most over people in the company
Otunga and Gabriel were major parts of the nexus storyline which marks like you drooled over, so now you're just contradicting yourself. The business will never grow and will eventually tube if you where running it.

I don't care if it's PG or not, CM Punk is really the only great thing going and they screwed that up to. The Rock/Cena Twitter War is a joke, I dont even care about that. Jerricho's return was boring, hopefully a feud between he and Punk at Wrestlemania will happen and give the poor product something interesting.

Like I said before, if they want me to pay for their product they can put out something worth what their asking price for it is, which they haven't in years.

When a good storyline comes up I watch, otherwise I dont. Not going to waste my time on boring garbage. May watch the Punk/Jerricho angle because if they dont screw it up it should be great. Creative needs to keep their uncreative noses out of this feud and let the men work. If that happens I will be tuning in for the feud, if not then I will leave again prematurely.

As far as live events go, I've watched what WWE has to offer on tv, not impressed. The WWE when Jim Ross was running Talent Relations could build and find stars, the WWE does not know how to make stars anymore. In the 80's they made legends, same thing under Ross, it's all about creating stars and between creative and Laurainitis they dont do it well, leaving me bored.
Is the WWE exciting like it once was during the attitude era? Nope, not at all. Is the WWE going anywhere anytime soon? Nope, not at all. As one poster put it wrestling isn't cool anymore because is not targeted towards the 18-30 year old male group, UFC is though. WWE caters to a younger audience (and for good reason) as children attending a WWE event are always +1 or +2. Then you add merchandise sales and younger fans tuning in every week engrossed what is put on t.v. and you have a sure way to bring in revenue regardless if you're not making it hand over fist like before. WWE has to answer to many other masters and not just the fans. The fans don't carry weight like shareholders, advertisers, t.v. execs. etc. and it's a bitter pill to swallow (believe me I know) but either shit or get off the pot. Meaning either you're gonna shut up and enjoy the show or just move on. If you don't like it then stop watching it. Simple. I moved on a long time ago as should you ppl who hate on the "product" week after week. But you know what? My 10 year old son LOVES it and why shouldn't he. It's made for him as Vince has to bring in a new generation of fans to carry the company with the new generation of Mcmahons leading the way. It's the way the world works my friends.
I had to register after lurking for so long on here to respond to this crazy assed post.

Obviously a lot of people have no clue how business works.

The WWE could put on a product so bad each week, it makes a show like Glee look good, it still wouldn't go broke. Cash reserve alone, not to mention the McMahon family personal cash reserves, mean, the WWE could last 20 years on that alone....you know, like, if one day the WWE just stopped making money, full stop.

As far as the whole PG era thing....the WWE shifted to PG because of massive, and lucrative advertising and merchandising deals with Mattel, and other sponsors (Slim Jim, Subway etc). They sacrificed a certain edge to their product, to make MILLIONS from business deals. Anyone who tells you they switched to PG for any other reason is kidding themselves.

To switch back to a more adult product would cost them money. Sure, they could do it, and, the ratings might jump to a 6.0. They still wouldn’t make the money they have from their kid friendly deals with sponsors.

As for PPV numbers, sure, they have dropped, but they are STILL MAKING MONEY FROM THEM. Boxing events (outside Marquee events) would kill for PPV sales of 100,000+. They are still money spinners. Maybe by a decreased amount, but, they still turn a profit.

Finally, by people saying that if someone came along with WCW money, and issued a challenge to WWE, they would beat them in 3 years.....Um....yeah...that happened....it was called TNA.....Dixie Carter is the Daughter of an oil tycoon.....an....oil....tycoon.....He makes more money in a month than McMahon probably makes in a year....She has all of daddy's money are her disposal...and still can't make a dent in WWE.

Has anyone ever wondered why Microsoft still makes millions upon billions of dollars each year, and other computer companies struggle, even if they have a superior product? Brand Recognition. The WWE has that....they, through McMahon business dealings, like him, or hate him, has built up brand recognition. The WWE isn't going anywhere, ANYTIME soon. You can hate on the product as much as like, and probably within good reason, but, crazy comments implying they are on deaths legs, is just...stupid.
The OP made some good, interesting points but I don't see WWE going anywhere any time soon. There is no competition whatsoever. In terms of production, entertainment, shows,overall quality of talent, mainstream recognition, etc, no one comes close. TNA is a joke. It's fine as an alternative or as something that people that WWE also watch.

But, gone are the days of another major wrestling/entertainment company to compete with WWE, like WCW. There was a war, WWE won and now they control all of pro wrestling.

Sure there's Ring of Honor and Indy wrestling circuits, and I mean no disrespect to them, but come on....

WWE is a WORLDWIDE cash cow that makes BILLIONS of dollars every year. No matter what WWE does, there will always be fans.

There will always be kids buying T-shirts of the next big guy.

Your points are legitimate but there's just no way that WWE is going anywhere soon.
One thing I think they need to look at is why they are not picking up more business, despite being the hottest they have in years. Jericho, Punk in the summer, The Rock returning, Cena changing his character up a bit, better wrestling by future stars like Dragon, Sheamus and Ziggler, internet bragging rights w/ Ryder and mainstream coverage with Rock, Snooki, Wolverine and Shaq. So why haven't the numbers gone up?

Well, you could point to internet streaming, and that is a big reason. But it is not the only reason. Remember, WM27 sold over a million legit PPV buys and WM28 is expected to get even more. People are willing to pay for WWE products, regardless of whether they can get it for free elsewhere. Not a million for all PPV events but simply selling out arenas for Raw, or getting bumps for lesser PPVs and TV ratings should be achievable knowing that there is a history of people willing to boost them in this way despite internet streaming. So there must be other reasons.

And there are two scarier reasons than internet streaming. (IMO it will become increasingly easier to stop illegal streaming and *eventually* WWE will figure out an alternative that makes it pointless.) One, bad commentary is keeping wrestlers becoming stars. Two, bad scripting is stopping wrestlers utilising their own natural abilities and learning how to use the mic as their own tool.

I've paying attention to the Monday Night Wars era recently. Most of the Attitude era was AWFUL television (Mark Henry fathers a hand, Steve Blackman, vampire gimmicks etc.) and yet WWE became the top dog by creating 4 STARS you had to watch every week in SCSA, The Rock, HHH and Foley. Rocky Mavia turned into The Rock before they could sell any of The People's Merch. WCW on the other hand, didn't pay attention to their undercard stars getting over (#1 bad commentary) and let them be taken away to become stars elsewhere. Once the likes of Jericho and Guerrero made it to WWE though, they had to do things like fued with Chyna and work with Perry Saturn (#2 bad scripting), meaning they had to work longer and harder for the respect they deserved. Similarily, look at Mark Henry. Half of what made the Hall Of Pain gimmick is the unscripted taunts, not on mic but in-ring. He often sounds stale when scripted on mic, and has been given too many convulted storylines that when allowed to be himself, he shined and became a marketable star.

A wrestling company cannot get away with just one of these problems though. Both are cancers. CM Punk finally gets some freedom, away from a lame duck storyline like the New Nexus and he is bought down each week by Cole. Guerrero, finally gaining respect on the commentary team and in the crowds, gets lumbered with LWO and it takes another year to get the momentum back, at a different company.

Freedom to act 'themselves' - whether they feel comfortable as the blue meanie or as an APA member - within a reasonable set of guidelines (i.e. no swearing on tv, hardcore isn't allowed any more etc.) and someone commentating trying to get them over is all they need. But until then, they are stuck with the cancer of storylines built for twitter and Michael Cole.
The WWE, the greatest wrestling company in the world. The invincible, giant empire, the house that the McMahon's built. They are going to be around forever, or so that's what many people think. Am I calling for the head of WWE? Absolutely not, because realistically, unless you have major access to the indy circuit or international wresling, you really don't have a choice, because TNA, well is TNA. The point is that WWE is simply running out of time, how you ask? They don't have any competition. Your right they don't have any competition, but their biggest competition, if any, is themselves. They are their own worst enemy.

Since when are they their own worst enemy? Everything has a purpose at the end of the day. Regardless of if it pisses the fans off or not.

I know I will get some compelling arguments about this, but here's the bottom line:

1. The WWE has a dwindling roster, and don't give me that you have to work the young talent bullshit. You may have to work the young talent, but not at this rate. Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble may have been a huge surprise, but once again, it wasn't what the fans wanted to see, they wanted Jericho. Once again, the WWE has screwed the fans. I don't want to see The Great Khali wrestling anymore, along with Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, and more of the youngsters at this point in time. They are boring as hell and I literally almost fall asleep during every episode of Raw and Smackdown. The biggest thing the WWE has done lately is bringing back Taker and bringing back HBK this coming week. The feuds are getting old, the characters are getting stale, and if the writing team doesn't get creative genius soon, the ratings will keep sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Shawn Michaels has said a hundred plus times that he is done in the ring. He still has a contract with WWE and does what they want. Undertaker will only be around so much longer. Khali is for the fan base in India. The young guns are the backbone workhorses of the company. Not all of them will pan out. That's what roster cuts are for. Sheamus winning the Rumble was a surprise. It makes me curious as a fan to see what he ends up doing. Jericho was only a lock because of the dirt sheet "imminent feud" stuff. Jericho didn't need the win except to add to his laundry list of accomplishments. Sheamus has longevity that Jericho doesn't simply because Sheamus is younger and is solely focused on the WWE at this point in time.

2. The WWE has to take a step back and look at the broadcasting situation. Jim Ross is still employed and is constantly blogging about how he wants to be back behind the table. If the WWE knew what a correct business decision was, they would put him back in the saddle. He can announce like no other and him and the king would be a whole hell of a lot more interesting than freaking Michael Cole. Also, bring back Joey Styles, he is a broadcasting genius, I miss it, bring it back.

JR has said time and time again that the WWE is moving ahead. He had his time and knows that with his health he has to be concerned about it. The travel is hectic.... That is why Joey Styles works for WWE.com now... A one off match with Joey Styles or JR commenting will probably happen but the regular stuff? They've done their time, they need a solid, young replacement. Michael Cole is only doing what he is told but the announcing has degraded, I will agree on that part. The announcer banter/feuds and other bs has detracted from their jobs. Period. Hopefully WWE will realize their mistake there and get a GOOD announce team together aka getting Cole to cover ONE show only.

3. The prices have to drop, yeah sure, the arenas may be packed show after show, but that is the illusion that they put on. I have read several personal blogs about being at a previous WWE Raw or Smackdown show and they blog constantly about all the empty seats and how they increase from show to show. I browsed the prices of the shows, and they are utterly ridiculous. Why in the hell am I going to pay over $100.00 to sit ringside with all these tacked on ticketmaster fees, when I can sit at home and watch front row on the tv. Come on WWE, pay back your fans for supplying the billions you have made over the years. Another price that has to drop is the PPV's, I know for a damn sure fact that it does not cost 54 dollars to put out a PPV in high definition, get your shit straight.

Simple factor of supply and demand. If the WWE is only coming to your neighborhood once this year you'll go. The cost is a non-factor. It is still cheaper than a lot of other options. Seeing it live is a hell of an experience and at the end of the day is definitely worth the cost involved for a fan. Some of the prices could/should drop just to get asses in the seats but die hards will go regardless.

4. Last but not least, they have to get creative, the story lines have to explode, they don't have that "it" factor anymore and they better step it up, or the fans will eventually drop this product and it will be left in wrestling ruins. My God, create a faction that actually features big names so it will work, everyone hates Cena, turn him into a fan hating heel, tired of seeing all this baby face bullshit. Kane's current angle isn't evil enough, make him meaner than hell, ditch the PG shit, go rated freaking R.

Enough said.

Catering to your target audience. The WWE is going to cater to the younger crowd. Their parents will buy them the toys and everything else... and they don't want to see too much sex and blood on TV... its that simple... There is a need/ want for factions simply for face time of under utilized talent but it isn't a sure fire way to help... example is the lack of resolution with The Nexus...

On that note... they won't fail. There's too much money to go in and its too lucrative for them currently...
Another thing I want to add to this. Is the WWE still selling Tickets and still drawing Crowds? Maybe not Sellouts all the time but still drawing pretty well wherever they go? Yes. Do people still Buy the PPVs? Yes. Are people still tuning into RAW & Smackdown? Yes. Is the Business booming like it was in the Monday Night Wars? No but Wrestling is still pretty well watched & apprieciated. So WWE is fine and is not "dying".
How many good wrestlers WWE have released with Kozlov,Chris Masters etc.
The problem in this company is to see eternal wrestler makes return like The rock for an match with John Cena,HBK is coming sometimes,Lilian Garcia is returned too.

I don't understand why WWE doens't put young wrestlers to makes theirs debut,many talent are sacrified for nothing like Drew Macintyre and David Hart Smith and it's an lost of time.
WWE is an curious world and maybe an company like TNA is better cos they make different matchs with original stipulations.
I was going to go into a big long counter discussion, though Hamily Guy did a great job of that already. In a nutshell, it's mostly just a standard post from an IWC member using his or her opinion while trying to suggest that opinion represents the feelings of the majority of fans and that said opinion is rock hard fact.

WWE isn't perfect, never has been and never will be. If one expects perfection, then you're shit out of luck because you're never going to find it. The more I read the OP, the more it ultimately just sounds like yet another post in which they feel the WWE should do EXACTLY what the poster thinks and won't be satisfied with anything other than what he/she wants. That's not to say that the OP isn't entitled to his/her opinion, you can't please everybody after all.

I've said in lots of other threads, however, that threads like this just scream of an arrogance born out of being able to say whatever without any consequences. It's easy to just say "Well, the WWE should just do...." because we don't have anything to worry about. We're not the ones in charge, which means we're not the ones that are risking potentially hundreds of millions of dollars based upon what choices we make. That's not to say that there aren't some good ideas floating around among the IWC sometimes, at least ideas that seem to be good and sound. At the same time, however, how many of us actually have experience working on the business end of a major wrestling company? How many of us have booked a card for a show that'll be watched by anywhere from 4.5 to 5.5 million people at a time?

Also, let's be honest, to suggest that WWE is going to go tits up anytime soon is a ludicrous statement in and of itself. WWE programming is still among the most watched shows on cable television, they continue to draw large crowds, they continue to make lots of money through ppvs, they continue to make lots of money with t-shirts, posters, action figures, DVD releases, various toys in general, etc. If someone doesn't like WWE, I've no problem with that whatsoever. To each his/her own. However, I do wish people would stop creating threads in which they try to substitute personal opinion for facts when the vast majority of the facts don't seem to match up with much of what they're saying. For every disgruntled fan, there seems to be a dozen that seems to be happy with what's going on. As I said, WWE continues to make money hand over fist and the reason for that is simple: there are lots more people that enjoy the product than there are those who don't.
This can be summed up simply by saying:

1. WWE broadcasts are still amongst the highest rated programs on television.
2. The WWE is a lot more than just television shows and PPV's. In order for them to fold, they'd have to tank in the WWE Studios and merchandising divisions.
3. The WWE is under the main umbrella of Titan Sports which is a conglomerate that has just as much of a chance of going under as Apple or Microsoft.

Just like Jack-Hammer said in his initial post, the original poster is just being an idiot and dishing out their personal opinions as if it were fact when it's anything but.
I think everybody really needs to think about this. The talent in the WWE is not anywhere near what it use to be. Look at the names they have lost. And I don't mean those who went to TNA, even though they lost some good people to TNA. First big one is Brock Lesner. The fans hated him, and he made matches that are well worth remembering. Second Bill Goldberg, Huge with the fans and he filled seats. Third, Dave Batuista, he was huge after Evolution. Bobby Lashley, we never got to see his full potentiel. They need to throw these 4 together and start a true stable, that could rise to the fame such as DX or the Four Horseman. Other than that, I don't see many factions that work. Look at what Nexus did, they kind of fizzed out after CM Punk took over.
I think everybody really needs to think about this. The talent in the WWE is not anywhere near what it use to be. Look at the names they have lost. And I don't mean those who went to TNA, even though they lost some good people to TNA. First big one is Brock Lesner. The fans hated him, and he made matches that are well worth remembering. Second Bill Goldberg, Huge with the fans and he filled seats. Third, Dave Batuista, he was huge after Evolution. Bobby Lashley, we never got to see his full potentiel. They need to throw these 4 together and start a true stable, that could rise to the fame such as DX or the Four Horseman. Other than that, I don't see many factions that work. Look at what Nexus did, they kind of fizzed out after CM Punk took over.

This is quite unrealistic, unless the WWE pays these guys so much they can't say no.

Lesnar - Has enough money that he never has to work again. It's well known that he hates the travel schedule the WWE requires. If he were ever to come back to the WWE (and that's a big if), it would very much be on the Undertaker/HHH kkinda schedule. Very sporadic appearances. He wouldn't be around enough to build a proper stable.

Goldberg - Is busy as hell with his various television projects, is aging, and has wasn't very happy in his time with the WWE. He has said that he's be open to wrestling again, but, much like Lesnar, there is no way he'd work a full schedule.

Lashley - is still an mma fighter, and so far as I know, committed to that. Maybe he'd come back, but who knows.

Batista - His return is likely, because his mma deal fell through, but you don't have a stable with just one dude.
the WWE universe knows his Worst period of his existence,all formers wrestlers return are no good for the generation future,i prefer definitively era wrestling.
WWE has painted themselves so deep into a corner they need help from the UFC. What I mean is WWE bragged about putting boxing below NHL ranks as far as favorite sports acroos the board of all demos. WWE need a HGH or Steriods scandal in the UFC to draw positive attention to their company. With this possible network launch VKM in typical VKM fashion is using the RAW brand as an influence to NBCU doesn't sell G4 to the UFC. VKM has one shot of making this network a success seeing UFC's network may be out before the fall of this year.

VKM still believes entertainment drives his company and not that dirty word"wrestling". Since the end of "Attitude" this guy has no clue on what fans want. Anyone can look at a balance sheet and see who is in the top 10 of merchandise and keep that talent in the main event status. Numerous times VKM had said that the fans determined the direction of face/heel of any character. This belief that Cena is like Ricky Steamboat and needs to stay a face is a joke. I suppose the same critics of Cena going heel thought Bischoff was insane turning Hogan a heel and actually that was more succesful in the short run than than the lengthy run of Hulkamania if you just look at the sales. Plus when Hogan went Heel he was still making the same amount of appearances of when he was a face. So this notion that a top face when turned heel isn't good for business is just a bonified lie. I do think if you turn Cena heel is merchandise sales will triple in that one year. Lets see if VKM has the grapefruits. Side note if Cena is turned into a insane heel I do think Cena/Punk rivalry could match the longevity rivalry of Hogan/Savage!

I have always said for a successful WRESTLING company take a little bit of ideaologies from other companies:

Booking and in-ring performances-JCP
Edgy content scaled back a bit from ECW
Storylines ideas from real life situations-Eric Bischoff of his early years before 1999 in WCW
come on dude, the wwe has been in predicaments like this several times, and guess what happened!? austin, HBK, triple hhh, undertaker, rock, umaga, mick foley, cena, orton, kane, and several other guys came in and started the attitude era. lets face it, all these guys gotta go at some point and when the wwe needs someone new they will make someone new. they will get more guys. the wwe isn't going anywhere. no im not trying to compare to the attitude era, what im saying is that when the wwe needed new stars they made new stars.

house shows dont draw high, but the actual shows do well. ppvs do good, its less the price, its more, less ppv's in a year, not buying 2 ppvs in month, needs a month by month bases. the wwe creavtive team needs to be more creative and come up with ideas so they can do 4 - 6 weeks between every ppv.

yes sure the wwe should listen to what the fans want more often (JR) but hey the guys we got right now aren't that bad. as for making it R, well dude, stop with that all you guys need to get it through your head that, they had to stop the pg 14 shit and what not cause the wrestlers were getting injured to much. blame it on benoit if you really want to, but honestly, to many guys were getting seriously injured because of the stunts they were pulling off, the pg thing isnt the issue. sorry man but your argument has to many holes in it.
The WWE isn't dying. They are goin thru a bit of a bad spree right now. I only say that because I'm a Pirate fan and have made ALL of these points before on my team. Tho my team is still stuck in the skid, the WWE is just sliding into it and has a ood chance f getting out. Their prices could be lower, but the prices are usually worth it for the view you get. That's the whole reason for the prices- not based n where they are prices are based on how many of Cody Rhodes' zits you can count. WWE wil get out of the skid, they'll bounce back at some point and dominate again. For now, they are rolling along probably working on a way to get more fans to watch so thy can get more views. Trust me, it's not the ned of the world for them, it's just a bad period of time that hasn't quite ended yet.
I think some valid points are made here. When there is little to no competition, WWE writers and promoters get complacent and feel they don't have to do anything outstanding to fill the seats and put people in front of the television. I was a big wrestling fan when I was a kid and watched it up until WCW went under. I have only recently gotten back into it because my young son likes it and it is a good way to spend time together. Even though I have only been watching it for a few months now, some of the story lines are getting way too repetitive. Case in point is Kane versus Zack Ryder. How many shows can Ryder come out hurt and then get destroyed by Kane? He comes back the next week even more hurt and then gets destroyed again. Are they going to let Kane kill him and then have Eve and Cena wheel him out in a coffin?
Other than that, I don't see many factions that work. Look at what Nexus did, they kind of fizzed out after CM Punk took over.
If you take all of the top veteran mainstays in the WWE, turn them heel and form a mega NWO/MEM-type stable it would work IMO. WWE lacks credible, legit babyface stars right now(which has been an obvious issue since 2005) and the only way they can be made is if you pin them against, evil, credible, dominant heels, which the WWE totally lacks.

Wrestlemania 28 could be a turning point for the brand. By April 2nd we'll know whether they'll go into a whole new direction or stay status quo.
When I see WWE getting red, the company's dead.

I see no red, therefore it will live.

Wasn't it like two or three years ago where they had a really good profit for the year? Like close to 2001-levels?

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