WWE Divas>TNA Knockouts

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Very good points Dexter. I myself would watch a program for both the Women and Tag Team matches since I have been a fan of both since my youth. A great Heavyweight Division is very good to have but I am in the vast minority that would rather see skilled women and great tag teams do there stuff than a few big named stars dominating the main event. Those are the big things that drew me to TNA a few years back when WWE were slowly starting to make the tag division scarce and Trish and Lita retired leaving the women's division in ruins.
My God... the day has happened. M_F has made a bad post about women's wrestling. I love you as a great poster in our line of work, but I need to correct you. I can't believe I missed this thread! Let me explain:

The WWE Diva's = The TNA KnockOuts

WWE Diva's:

- The "Model" Appearance. Every female wrestler who walks into the WWE ring are equipped with looks that can kill. They have satisified the large male portion of the audience that come to see wrestling for the girls showing themselves off & groping each other's hot/sweaty bodies just for our entertainment.
- Reputation & exposure. The WWE are in a position of monopoly. When somebody mentions wrestling, the first business that comes to mind in the majority of society is WWE. With this in mind, when comparing the best business in wrestling with another business that is up-&-coming... there will be a definite bias as to who are considered the more credible simply by rep. Don't believe me? Look at these forums... it would be like comparing an up&comer with little rep against an established person with high rep. Which would you assume to be the better poster without any analysis taken?
- History. WWE has been around for many generations of wrestling. They have acquired some of the best female wrestlers back in the day with great exposure, such as the Fab Moolah & Wendi Richter. Over the years, many other females have stepped into the ring that have made the division great like Trish, Chyna, Alundra Blaze & so on. TNA hasn't been in the industry for one decade yet. WWE wins by default.

TNA KnockOut's:

- Wrestling Ability. Alot of the TNA KnockOut's have honed their craft from an all-womens wrestling promotion. Many of these from SHIMMER, a highly respected organisation in association with ROH. These girls have learned the ways of being phenomenal wrestlers in their training as there isn't any male competition around to take the spotlight away from them.
- Characters. TNA KnockOut's go further than the heel/face diva persona's WWE uses at the moment. Half of the TNA female roster have in-depth characters that allows people to create a connection with the KO's & be kept interested with the division. ODB is a stereotypical white trailer trash women, The Beautiful People are a stable of stereotypical high-school/college ****s that are arrogant about their own beauty whilst bitchy about any other girls who have a chance & Raisha Saeed has got the Islamic thing going. What does WWE have? A girl who thinks she can sings & a stereotypical french person?
- Feuds/Storylines. The duration of these are far more greater than the WWE's. For a TNA fan, watching a Wilde/Kong match would instantly rekindle the memories that these two girls put each other through. These two had epic matches. For a WWE fan, watching a Phoenix/James match wouldn't have the same effect. Some would say that it is great to pit two girls who can wrestle together in the one match. Not all the fans [not including recent ones] would remember the feud these two had.

The only reasons that the Divas have an advantage over the KO's is simply the fact the WWE own the Diva's. They are given instant prestige & credibility. KO's have to earn their own rights & are all in it together to try and solidify the division. I can tell you, if the WWE owned the KO's or if TNA was around as long as WWE with similar prestige... then the equation would become:

TNA KO's > WWE Diva's

For now, there are on par. This is coming from somebody who is an avid Mickie James fan & believes she alone is greater than any TNA KO.
Some people that say Knockouts are better than divas because their wrestling skills are better got caught in the trap that they set.Because in this logic when we convert it to male's league we should have to hate Jeff Hardy,Cena,Triple like IWC do.Because when people are defending to them people bring up the facts like they're huge draws,they are the reasons people watch the show,they might not be technical in the ring nor put a 50 minutes of technical 50 minute match but they are more entertaining in the ring and other things like that.So why would females must put great technical matches while males don't have to.

WWE divas are entertaining for WWE crowd and people want to watch them just like they want to watch Cena,Hardy,Batista.Doesn't being a good wrestler mean being over and cared by people.We can't say Cena has the best in ring abilities in the world or can put a hour match but he's without a doubt the best performer.It's same for women's too.Maryse is right now the best female in the business.People want to get her ass beat so people watch the show for her.The closest thing in TNA to Maryse are Beautiful People and look their in ring skills are nowhere near to Kong's or Gail's but people want to see what they do next.

So why some people judge female wrestler for their wrestling abilities while they love their favorites even though they lack these abilities.I think divas in every way,shape or form better than knockouts.Yeah maybe they are eye candys but they are the ones people care and want to see.People don't want to see Sara Del Ray vs Daizee Haze for 20 minutes good in ring action they want to see someone kicking Maryse's ass so hard.Just like in male's division WWE divas do their job's better than anyone else in the business and it's entertaining people.
[115]FalKon;1279421 said:
TNA KnockOut's:

- Wrestling Ability. Alot of the TNA KnockOut's have honed their craft from an all-womens wrestling promotion. Many of these from SHIMMER, a highly respected organisation in association with ROH. These girls have learned the ways of being phenomenal wrestlers in their training as there isn't any male competition around to take the spotlight away from them.

So you're comparing Shimmer then to the WWE who go to great lengths in training their Diva's in their farm league and developing their Diva's skills long before they get to the main rosters of the WWE? Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, Katie Lee, Mickie James, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Natalya Neidhart, Melina, and the list goes on and on all have spent years honing their skills and are just as capable as anyone in Shimmer (or therefore TNA).

Might I add that Victoria is a former WWE developed talent, and also..

ODB, Taylor Wilde, Angelina Love, Sojourn Bolt, all spent YEARS in WWE developmentals being trained, long before they got to TNA. The only Knockouts that really don't have roots as WWE Diva's are Awesome Kong (who Japan gets credit for), Cheerleader Melissa (Shimmer) and Sarah Stock (Mexico). So you giving credit to Shimmer and your logic behind the Knockouts' wrestling ability is not exactly true, is it?

In fact, much of the Knockouts division could be tossed into this silly label as "WWE castoffs".

- Characters. TNA KnockOut's go further than the heel/face diva persona's WWE uses at the moment. Half of the TNA female roster have in-depth characters that allows people to create a connection with the KO's & be kept interested with the division. ODB is a stereotypical white trailer trash women, The Beautiful People are a stable of stereotypical high-school/college ****s that are arrogant about their own beauty whilst bitchy about any other girls who have a chance & Raisha Saeed has got the Islamic thing going. What does WWE have? A girl who thinks she can sings & a stereotypical french person?

And this seems a bit of an exaggeration here. What characters do the Knockouts really have? ODB certainly has a character, the Beautiful People as a whole have a gimmick but they really have no characters individually, Awesome Kong has a character, Daphne certainly does.. but half the Knockouts roster is really rather bland and don't have much in terms of character. What distinguishes Taylor Wilde from any other blond? What makes the crowd connect with her, exactly?

And the Diva's don't have characters? Mickie James has an in depth character that has developed from her debut in the WWE to right now, and the fans have a clear connection with her. Beth Phoenix has a clear character that has developed from her dominance in the beginning to her development with Santino until now. Natalya Neidhart, Jillian Hall, Katie Lee, Melina, Gail Kim, Maryse, Michelle McCool they all have characters and are distinguishable.

- Feuds/Storylines. The duration of these are far more greater than the WWE's. For a TNA fan, watching a Wilde/Kong match would instantly rekindle the memories that these two girls put each other through. These two had epic matches. For a WWE fan, watching a Phoenix/James match wouldn't have the same effect. Some would say that it is great to pit two girls who can wrestle together in the one match. Not all the fans [not including recent ones] would remember the feud these two had.

This is clearly opinion based because the WWE has a far greater fanbase and therefore the majority who would remember feuds with Phoenix/James, McCool/Melina is far more then those who might remember a Wilde/Kong feud. The feuds in TNA are nothing special and are being a bit overexaggerated, as are the matches that came from them. Just like people are overexaggerating the Diva's who can't wrestle well compared to the Diva's who can wrestle just as well as any Knockouts.

When was the last time people talked about the Knockouts being the top ratings draw on the show every week? That kind of ended and disappeared didn't it once Gail Kim left.

For now, there are on par. This is coming from somebody who is an avid Mickie James fan & believes she alone is greater than any TNA KO.

When you compare them by wrestling ability there's just as many Diva's who are as good if not better then the Knockouts. When you compare the connection they get from the crowd then the Diva's come out on top there, too. When you compare mic ability then Mickie James, Melina, Beth Phoenix, certainly Natalya Neidhart, etc, are all good in that department. The Knockouts? The Beautiful People are horrible on the mic. The only Knockouts who are any good are Victoria and Daphne, both of which have experience in WWE/WCW respectively.

I personally think the Knockouts or overrated and the Diva's are underrated.
Oooo... a debate? I shall post.

So you're comparing Shimmer then to the WWE who go to great lengths in training their Diva's in their farm league and developing their Diva's skills long before they get to the main rosters of the WWE? Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, Katie Lee, Mickie James, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Natalya Neidhart, Melina, and the list goes on and on all have spent years honing their skills and are just as capable as anyone in Shimmer (or therefore TNA).

You are correct in the fact that the diva's are trained extensively in the WWE farm territories to create credible female wrestlers whom either started off with little to no wrestling knowledge or do not have any experience in the mainstream society. However, I am comparing SHIMMER to the WWE with good reason. Yes, WWE is mainstream & have better training programs... but SHIMMER is an all-women's wrestling promotion that is strictly designed on producing great female wrestlers of the future... basically the well-respected training facility for women wrestlers.

What I am saying here is that the women whom get initially groomed for higher order wrestling companies & eventually into the mainstream in companies like SHIMMER have the greater wrestling ability & knowledge [eg. Beth Phoenix] than those who get jacked straight into the WWE's developmental territories as models [eg. Rosa Mendes]

Might I add that Victoria is a former WWE developed talent, and also..

You are asking an avid womens wrestling fan about a mainstream female competitor? Why?

ODB, Taylor Wilde, Angelina Love, Sojourn Bolt, all spent YEARS in WWE developmentals being trained, long before they got to TNA. The only Knockouts that really don't have roots as WWE Diva's are Awesome Kong (who Japan gets credit for), Cheerleader Melissa (Shimmer) and Sarah Stock (Mexico). So you giving credit to Shimmer and your logic behind the Knockouts' wrestling ability is not exactly true, is it?

In fact, much of the Knockouts division could be tossed into this silly label as "WWE castoffs".

Ah... this is where you are wrong. I do not have flawed logic about the KnockOut's. By simply going through the list of current & alumni of all the female wrestling promotions that are deemed "worthy" & "respected," I will guarantee you that the ratio of female wrestlers that enter TNA to the female wrestlers that enter WWE will be greater. Most of these same female wrestlers are considered to be those with the greatest wrestling talents of the respected industries. I can safetly assume that being trained in SHIMMER influences your chances in an increase of wrestling ability.

BTW, you argue that WWE training is on par with the likes of SHIMMER... can you explain to me how some of the diva's do not have as sufficient wrestling knowledge compared to the other diva's who are in the exact same position but went to SHIMMER to hone their crafts?

Also, TNA consists of many WWE cast-offs. I don't care about this. One companies trash is another companies treasure I say.

And this seems a bit of an exaggeration here. What characters do the Knockouts really have? ODB certainly has a character, the Beautiful People as a whole have a gimmick but they really have no characters individually, Awesome Kong has a character, Daphne certainly does.. but half the Knockouts roster is really rather bland and don't have much in terms of character. What distinguishes Taylor Wilde from any other blond? What makes the crowd connect with her, exactly?

And the Diva's don't have characters? Mickie James has an in depth character that has developed from her debut in the WWE to right now, and the fans have a clear connection with her. Beth Phoenix has a clear character that has developed from her dominance in the beginning to her development with Santino until now. Natalya Neidhart, Jillian Hall, Katie Lee, Melina, Gail Kim, Maryse, Michelle McCool they all have characters and are distinguishable.

This part doesn't make sense to me at all. You argue that Talyor Wilde lacks a character. Yes, she does... I give you that one. But you then say that Gail Kim has a character? What's that exactly, being from Oriental decent? She hasn't got a character, albeit her short time in WWE. With her eventual heel turn in the works, they may give her something.

Mickie James HAD a character as a psycho. All she is now is a well-respected female competitor with no character. Kind of like the Shawn Michaels of now when he is not in DX. People love them because of what they did for the business, so an instant connection has been built.

Beth Phoenix is the "big woman" who has extraordinary power in her moveset. They named her the Glamazon to shed light on this fact. Last time I checked, being a big person was not a gimmick. It is the competitor class you are given.

Natalya is a part of one of pro wrestling's greatest families, the Hart's. Being a 2nd or 3rd generation superstar... even when embracing the past... does not define as a character.

Katie-Lea is being portrayed as the "sister" of Paul Burchill. This can go either way on the character/gimmick, depending on how many view the situation. However, as a wrestler... not a storyline... she has not got character. She still resembles that heel diva character that all heels have.

Michelle McCool is also a toss up. When she was a face, all she had to her was being a face diva. Now with the heel turn, she has become somewhat meniacle & devious... but thats what all heels do. When she was the teacher, she had a character. Now, she is just a mean diva... like every ther heel diva.

Melina... I did forget to mention her. She does have that whole papparazi thing going implying she is famous... she is a face diva whose actions show heel diva... she did that showgirl thingy... Ohkay, I will award you Melina.

Maryse & Jillian I both mentioned. They both have some character.

What about Eve, Kelly, Mendes, Layla??? Do they have characters besides being a face diva or a heel diva. The only one I can think of not mentioned that has character is Maria... but I do believe they are playing down the blonde character.

By the list I created compiling of the KO's with Diva's to find out who has characters... there are more KO's with definited characters than diva's. Not is not bad logic.

This is clearly opinion based because the WWE has a far greater fanbase and therefore the majority who would remember feuds with Phoenix/James, McCool/Melina is far more then those who might remember a Wilde/Kong feud. The feuds in TNA are nothing special and are being a bit overexaggerated, as are the matches that came from them. Just like people are overexaggerating the Diva's who can't wrestle well compared to the Diva's who can wrestle just as well as any Knockouts.

When was the last time people talked about the Knockouts being the top ratings draw on the show every week? That kind of ended and disappeared didn't it once Gail Kim left.

All posts are basically opinion followed by facts to back yourself up.

Anywayz... of course the company with the greater fanbase will have more memorable feuds than that of a smaller company. Thats a fact. However, the WWE feuds concerning the female competitor's are basically challenger vs. champion with both females every week wrestling each other in tag matches or being managers. It is the same storyline repeated over & over again. The last time WWE used a different approach was with the James/Stratus feud. TNA goes in different directions. With the Beautiful People, they have been on TV involved in some storyline against other divas... without a title. Remember BP vs. Wilde/Roxxi feud? Women's feuds don't exactly follow the strict challenger vs. champion storyline that WWE uses, do they?

BTW, Gail Kim was not one of the acquired talents where people discussed about them. Awesome Kong, Sarita, the formation of the BP... ring a bell? Sure, they may not be featured as the top draw every week, but when these events happened, they were on peoples minds. And since when did the WWE Diva's became the top draw for the show? Last time I checked it was the time James/Stratus feud.

When you compare them by wrestling ability there's just as many Diva's who are as good if not better then the Knockouts. When you compare the connection they get from the crowd then the Diva's come out on top there, too. When you compare mic ability then Mickie James, Melina, Beth Phoenix, certainly Natalya Neidhart, etc, are all good in that department. The Knockouts? The Beautiful People are horrible on the mic. The only Knockouts who are any good are Victoria and Daphne, both of which have experience in WWE/WCW respectively.

I can honestly say for somebody who watches WWE over TNA, that the KO's have the better wrestling ability than the WWE Diva's. I have seen more botches in a Diva's match than a KO match. I have seen more innovative & wrestling-type offense delivered in a KO match than a Diva match. Sure, you got Beth, Natalya & Mickie to create great matches... but so do TNA with Kong, Sarita & Flash. Simply put, the Diva's wrestling abilities mimmicks that of male's wrestling back in th 80's. Expanding outwards from the simple movesets. KO's are about in the late 90's.

Crowd connection between TNA & WWE cant be measured by sound. TNA dominants small arenas whilst WWE have huge amounts of room for shows. No matter how you look at it, there isn't a measurable way of finding this. Unless, you place each competitor on both companies & judge. From Alexis Laree in TNA to Mickie James in WWE, I'd say she recieved a very great crowd connection for both. No comparison.

Mic skills are a touchy subject. Not very many women in the mainstream are any good on the stick. This is an area where males are simply better. However, WWE will always win this battle as they are focused on the entertainment area. If you have not got some sort of mic skill, you won't succeed. In TNA, despite the fact most of what is done is talking, it is all about the wrestling. Mic skill is not neccesary for any wrestler, but it helps.

Anywayz... women's mic skills & charisma is produced through their appearance & their actions... not their words. People are more inclined to listen to males over females any day of the week. The women are there to talk physically via their bodies not their mouths, unless it is sexual or is used to further a character/feud.

I personally think the Knockouts are overrated and the Diva's are underrated.

Only the Diva's are underrated... the KO's are on par with the critics in my book.
[115]FalKon;1284614 said:
You are correct in the fact that the diva's are trained extensively in the WWE farm territories to create credible female wrestlers whom either started off with little to no wrestling knowledge or do not have any experience in the mainstream society. However, I am comparing SHIMMER to the WWE with good reason. Yes, WWE is mainstream & have better training programs... but SHIMMER is an all-women's wrestling promotion that is strictly designed on producing great female wrestlers of the future... basically the well-respected training facility for women wrestlers.

What I am saying here is that the women whom get initially groomed for higher order wrestling companies & eventually into the mainstream in companies like SHIMMER have the greater wrestling ability & knowledge [eg. Beth Phoenix] than those who get jacked straight into the WWE's developmental territories as models [eg. Rosa Mendes]

For one, not all TNA talent is from Shimmer, as I stated before. The Beautiful People, like Angelina Love, are not from Shimmer nor were they trained by Shimmer, Love was trained by the WWE and she’s TNA’s top Knockout right now. Victoria who was also given the spotlight upon her debut and is still being pushed in it now is a WWE product, much like Gail Kim who was the top TNA Knockout during her time there. As many as you can attach to Shimmer as being trained you can also attach to the WWE.

And also; every woman whose entered the WWE from a Shimmer background has been sent to the farm league for much more training and development. So they may start with a foundation but they’re certainly not ready by WWE standards with all the assets, abilities, and knowledge they need when they come from Shimmer. So comparing Shimmer to WWE, WWE doesn’t view them as on the same level because they go through EXTENSIVE training for years even after years performing and developing in Shimmer.

On a side note, people make out that the WWE Diva’s consist of more models turned wrestlers then straight women wrestlers, which is not true at all. And the one’s who do come from a model background, many of them like Maryse, Kelly Kelly, and Eve Torres have still gone through extensive training and aren’t as horrible in the ring as people imply.

Ah... this is where you are wrong. I do not have flawed logic about the KnockOut's. By simply going through the list of current & alumni of all the female wrestling promotions that are deemed "worthy" & "respected," I will guarantee you that the ratio of female wrestlers that enter TNA to the female wrestlers that enter WWE will be greater. Most of these same female wrestlers are considered to be those with the greatest wrestling talents of the respected industries. I can safetly assume that being trained in SHIMMER influences your chances in an increase of wrestling ability

BTW, you argue that WWE training is on par with the likes of SHIMMER... can you explain to me how some of the diva's do not have as sufficient wrestling knowledge compared to the other diva's who are in the exact same position but went to SHIMMER to hone their crafts?

I touched on this before. Those who were in Shimmer still went through WWE training for years afterwards before becoming prominent and credible wrestlers on top WWE brands, so they didn’t exactly hone their crafts IN Shimmer. Those who you claim are not on par with the likes of Shimmer, or the real wrestling women in the WWE, are all those who were taken from Diva’s searches and other competitions attempted to draw in ratings (I assume) and therefore weren’t given the training they needed before being thrust on television. But as their careers proceed they’re being taught as they go and you can clearly see improvements of those Diva’s who were taken from Diva searches, etc. So that would be why they’re not on par, because they haven’t gotten proper WWE training yet, like the Majority of the women’s roster has.

Also, TNA consists of many WWE cast-offs. I don't care about this. One companies trash is another companies treasure I say.

My point wasn’t just that they were WWE cast-offs, its that they were trained and developed by WWE, not by anyone else (like Shimmer).

This part doesn't make sense to me at all. You argue that Talyor Wilde lacks a character. Yes, she does... I give you that one. But you then say that Gail Kim has a character? What's that exactly, being from Oriental decent? She hasn't got a character, albeit her short time in WWE. With her eventual heel turn in the works, they may give her something.

Mickie James HAD a character as a psycho. All she is now is a well-respected female competitor with no character. Kind of like the Shawn Michaels of now when he is not in DX. People love them because of what they did for the business, so an instant connection has been built.

Beth Phoenix is the "big woman" who has extraordinary power in her moveset. They named her the Glamazon to shed light on this fact. Last time I checked, being a big person was not a gimmick. It is the competitor class you are given.

Natalya is a part of one of pro wrestling's greatest families, the Hart's. Being a 2nd or 3rd generation superstar... even when embracing the past... does not define as a character.

Katie-Lea is being portrayed as the "sister" of Paul Burchill. This can go either way on the character/gimmick, depending on how many view the situation. However, as a wrestler... not a storyline... she has not got character. She still resembles that heel diva character that all heels have.

Michelle McCool is also a toss up. When she was a face, all she had to her was being a face diva. Now with the heel turn, she has become somewhat meniacle & devious... but thats what all heels do. When she was the teacher, she had a character. Now, she is just a mean diva... like every ther heel diva.

Melina... I did forget to mention her. She does have that whole papparazi thing going implying she is famous... she is a face diva whose actions show heel diva... she did that showgirl thingy... Ohkay, I will award you Melina.

Maryse & Jillian I both mentioned. They both have some character.

What about Eve, Kelly, Mendes, Layla??? Do they have characters besides being a face diva or a heel diva. The only one I can think of not mentioned that has character is Maria... but I do believe they are playing down the blonde character.

By the list I created compiling of the KO's with Diva's to find out who has characters... there are more KO's with definited characters than diva's. Not is not bad logic.

What is your definition of a character? Mine is the same as the dictionary which states that a character is “the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.” This being said, the majority of the Diva’s, and certainly those I stated as examples before, are all distinguishable from one another. It doesn’t have to be some in your face Gimmick like the Undertaker for a wrestler to have a character and be distinguishable from others. Mickie James is distinguishable from anyone else, and despite the gimmick she was given in her beginning not being a factor now when a wrestler (male or female) gets to a certain point and have made a connection with the crowd, have become known characters to them, then they don’t need to push a gimmick any longer. They’ve made the connection, the crowd understands their character.. that’s true about Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, and the list goes on. Natalya Neidhart is easily distinguishable from others based on her family heritage (which is a gimmick), based on her personality and looks. Katie Lee is distinguishable based on her heritage, her looks, and the history that’s been developed with her and Burchill since they started. There’s certainly some that don’t have character, or haven’t distinguished themselves, but that’s the minority and I’m referring to the majority as an example of them having just as much character and quality in those characters as TNA’s Knockouts. I don’t believe Taylor Wilde has really distinguished herself from any other blond past or present, I don’t think the Beautiful People have distinguished themselves from one another and you’d be hard pressed to pick out one of them and describe her from the other two to someone whose never seen TNA wrestling or the Beautiful People before. The only ones who have really distinguishable characters are Awesome Kong, Tara/Victoria (but that’s more so because she’s known by most from her days in the WWE), and Daffne (whose not really even a Knockout because she rarely wrestlers), and ODB whose the clearest character or gimmick, which is certainly not the Majority of the Knockouts division.

Anywayz... of course the company with the greater fanbase will have more memorable feuds than that of a smaller company. Thats a fact. However, the WWE feuds concerning the female competitor's are basically challenger vs. champion with both females every week wrestling each other in tag matches or being managers. It is the same storyline repeated over & over again. The last time WWE used a different approach was with the James/Stratus feud. TNA goes in different directions. With the Beautiful People, they have been on TV involved in some storyline against other divas... without a title. Remember BP vs. Wilde/Roxxi feud? Women's feuds don't exactly follow the strict challenger vs. champion storyline that WWE uses, do they?

I do believe that wasn’t your argument in the first place. You claimed the Knockouts feuds were better then the Diva’s feuds which comes down to how memorable they are and how the majority of wrestling fans view them, then you just agreed with me that WWE has a greater fanbase and have more memorable feuds then a smaller company in TNA. What makes up the feud doesn’t really matter, it’s the feud itself and the payoff in the matches that matters. WWE wants to push their feuds around the women’s championships because they don’t want to push the women beyond the championship scene, that’s their prerogative and they’ll entitled to do that. They may always revolve around the championship but the build up in them isn’t always the same, Beth/James was built up differently then Melina/McCool, and both were built up differently then James/Maryse. What exactly has been different about the feuds in the Knockouts division? For ages it was the unstoppable monster of Awesome Kong against any challenger that had to try to beat the impossible; feud after feud was built up with that same general storyline. Now it’s the same storyline with the Beautiful People rehashed over and over against every person they feud with. It’s not a different storyline, its just a different build up. That’s my point.

BTW, Gail Kim was not one of the acquired talents where people discussed about them. Awesome Kong, Sarita, the formation of the BP... ring a bell? Sure, they may not be featured as the top draw every week, but when these events happened, they were on peoples minds. And since when did the WWE Diva's became the top draw for the show? Last time I checked it was the time James/Stratus feud.

What are you talking about? Back when the Knockouts division was being hailed and were drawing the most ratings on the entire show, Gail Kim was so certainly headlining the division against Awesome Kong. The Knockouts are no longer the top drawing segments on TNA television anymore, so what happened? What’s changed? That was exactly my point.

And the WWE Diva’s will never become the top draw for a WWE show. You know why? Because TNA’s male stars don’t draw, and so that allows the women to step up and become the draw to a far lesser fan base. They get 1.2 ratings overall, that’s nothing, that’s a small time fan base. I guarantee any segment with WWE Diva’s would do would get that number on WWE television. The male performers in WWE are the bigger draws, and they’ll always be that, certainly since the women don’t get the same opportunities or get pushed to the same degree as the men.

I can honestly say for somebody who watches WWE over TNA, that the KO's have the better wrestling ability than the WWE Diva's. I have seen more botches in a Diva's match than a KO match. I have seen more innovative & wrestling-type offense delivered in a KO match than a Diva match. Sure, you got Beth, Natalya & Mickie to create great matches... but so do TNA with Kong, Sarita & Flash. Simply put, the Diva's wrestling abilities mimmicks that of male's wrestling back in th 80's. Expanding outwards from the simple movesets. KO's are about in the late 90's.

That’s certainly your opinion and I can respect that. My opinion is the Knockouts are highly overrated. I’ve watched a great deal of matches where they botch moves, where they’re not fluid or crisp in the ring, or they just don’t keep my attention. And innovative and wrestling type offense isn’t really comparable between the two companies since the Knockouts have free reign to do whatever they want and the Diva’s have to adhere to the WWE style of wrestling which tells a story and can be restricting in “spots” and mere moves.

Mic skills are a touchy subject. Not very many women in the mainstream are any good on the stick. This is an area where males are simply better. However, WWE will always win this battle as they are focused on the entertainment area. If you have not got some sort of mic skill, you won't succeed. In TNA, despite the fact most of what is done is talking, it is all about the wrestling. Mic skill is not neccesary for any wrestler, but it helps.

Anywayz... women's mic skills & charisma is produced through their appearance & their actions... not their words. People are more inclined to listen to males over females any day of the week. The women are there to talk physically via their bodies not their mouths, unless it is sexual or is used to further a character/feud.

Mic skills is part of what it means to be a performer and a wrestler. It’s part of the make up, so it’s a very valid part of measuring the better wrestler between Knockouts and Diva’s. Its not just about the physical wrestling that happens in the ring, its about the connection with the crowd, the reaction, the charisma they show, and the ability on the mic as well to show their charisma and character and connect with the crowd. They don’t just wrestle in the ring, they cut promos and they do segments and those are just as important in getting over their character, their feud, and everything else on television. So its very important and the Diva’s are superior in that.

Only the Diva's are underrated... the KO's are on par with the critics in my book.

Once again we disagree.
Damn... I have to respond to this monstrous post. Before I argue some more, you have earned my respect Mister Rob. Maybe even some rep for your contributions...?

For one, not all TNA talent is from Shimmer, as I stated before. The Beautiful People, like Angelina Love, are not from Shimmer nor were they trained by Shimmer, Love was trained by the WWE and she’s TNA’s top Knockout right now. Victoria who was also given the spotlight upon her debut and is still being pushed in it now is a WWE product, much like Gail Kim who was the top TNA Knockout during her time there. As many as you can attach to Shimmer as being trained you can also attach to the WWE.

And also; every woman who’s entered the WWE from a Shimmer background has been sent to the farm league for much more training and development. So they may start with a foundation but they’re certainly not ready by WWE standards with all the assets, abilities, and knowledge they need when they come from Shimmer. So comparing Shimmer to WWE, WWE doesn’t view them as on the same level because they go through EXTENSIVE training for years even after years performing and developing in Shimmer.

On a side note, people make out that the WWE Diva’s consist of more models turned wrestlers then straight women wrestlers, which is not true at all. And the one’s who do come from a model background, many of them like Maryse, Kelly Kelly, and Eve Torres have still gone through extensive training and aren’t as horrible in the ring as people imply.

This is exactly the same type of post that I would have posted up, but you beat me to the punch. What you summarised here was exactly the point that I have been trying to get across. SHIMMER is only a foundation for the female wrestlers & that all who go through the promotion have an advantage when progressing through the rankings of women's wrestling. They hone their crafts in this promotion before learning the arts of being a mainstream competitor.

I did not say that all TNA talent came from SHIMMER, but around half did. Basically every full-time KnockOut besides Christy Hemme honed their crafts in a women's wrestling promotion before entering TNA with some going to WWE for developmental training. Most of these women attended SHIMMER and have benefited from it positively. No female wrestler that has made it to mainstream wresting from companies like SHIMMER has failed in their endeavours in performing to their best off the get-go. They have certainly surpassed other women wrestlers in the early stages faster than others due to this fact. The debut of Sarita in TNA was not epic, but certainly a female to watch out for. However, in the instance of the debut of Kelly as a wrestler... she slowly progressed in becoming a good wrestler. Does not mean Sarita is better than Kelly, but just that the training Sarita received gave her the edge from an early stage in her mainstream career as opposed to Kelly whose main training came from the WWE farm territories.

As for the WWE stereotypically dubbed model employment system, I do realise some do not come from this process like Mickie James, Beth, Natalya & Katie-Lea... & that those who do like Maryse & Eve aren't horrible in the ring & do go through extensive training. WWE farm territories do tremendous jobs in transforming these women no matter how long their stay with the company. However, they are not as wrestling-profound as say those who went through promotions like SHIMMER & that shows in the ring.

I touched on this before. Those who were in Shimmer still went through WWE training for years afterwards before becoming prominent and credible wrestlers on top WWE brands, so they didn’t exactly hone their crafts IN Shimmer. Those who you claim are not on par with the likes of Shimmer, or the real wrestling women in the WWE, are all those who were taken from Diva’s searches and other competitions attempted to draw in ratings (I assume) and therefore weren’t given the training they needed before being thrust on television. But as their careers proceed they’re being taught as they go and you can clearly see improvements of those Diva’s who were taken from Diva searches, etc. So that would be why they’re not on par, because they haven’t gotten proper WWE training yet, like the Majority of the women’s roster has.

Interesting point. The only thing that I will argue is that when a female wrestler hones their crafts in SHIMMER, I simply refer to professional wrestling in general, not specifically based on performing for one company. These promotions allow wrestlers to develop knowledge in the wrestling world so they are able to easily adapt to the different styles of wrestling different companies use. This gives wrestlers that come from companies like SHIMMER a stepping stone into the wrestling world. Some of the diva's that don't go through this process get thrusted straight into learning how to wrestle in general whilst still trying to adapt to the companies style simultaneously. It might be more difficult thus might equating a long duration for learning the ropes per se. Otherwise I agree...

My point wasn’t just that they were WWE cast-offs, it’s that they were trained and developed by WWE, not by anyone else (like Shimmer).

Oh... righto then...

What is your definition of a character? Mine is the same as the dictionary which states that a character is “the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.” This being said, the majority of the Diva’s, and certainly those I stated as examples before, are all distinguishable from one another. It doesn’t have to be some in your face Gimmick like the Undertaker for a wrestler to have a character and be distinguishable from others. Mickie James is distinguishable from anyone else, and despite the gimmick she was given in her beginning not being a factor now when a wrestler (male or female) gets to a certain point and have made a connection with the crowd, have become known characters to them, then they don’t need to push a gimmick any longer. They’ve made the connection, the crowd understands their character.. that’s true about Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, and the list goes on. Natalya Neidhart is easily distinguishable from others based on her family heritage (which is a gimmick), based on her personality and looks. Katie Lee is distinguishable based on her heritage, her looks, and the history that’s been developed with her and Burchill since they started. There’s certainly some that don’t have character, or haven’t distinguished themselves, but that’s the minority and I’m referring to the majority as an example of them having just as much character and quality in those characters as TNA’s Knockouts. I don’t believe Taylor Wilde has really distinguished herself from any other blond past or present, I don’t think the Beautiful People have distinguished themselves from one another and you’d be hard pressed to pick out one of them and describe her from the other two to someone whose never seen TNA wrestling or the Beautiful People before. The only ones who have really distinguishable characters are Awesome Kong, Tara/Victoria (but that’s more so because she’s known by most from her days in the WWE), and Daffne (whose not really even a Knockout because she rarely wrestlers), and ODB whose the clearest character or gimmick, which is certainly not the Majority of the Knockouts division.

I think that you & myself could go on forever about this debate. My definition of a character is solely about the person as a person. It is not about their wrestling style, it is not about their heritage, it is not about whether they are a face or a heel. All it is about is the personality they have that is no directly related to the list mentioned above. Sure, some like Mickie does have some character that she is determined & will face every challenge... but that goes the same for being a face. The reason why she is distinguishable is not due to her character at all. It is because of her wrestling ability, her ability to perform, how she entertains & connects with the crowds even though she may come & go & how the crowd respects her as a wrestler. None of these have anything to do with character. It lies somewhere with being a face that she is able to connect with them positively & shares a respecting bond between each other.

I do not include embracing family heritage as a character or a gimmick. It would be like saying Ted DiBiase having a character as he embraced his heritage due to his name & repeating old catchphrases. Or calling myself in real life a character because I am my father's son. Being a 2nd or further generation star is just a tagline more or less in my definition of character. What I include for being a character is the personality as I said. What makes them completely unique from one another. Take Maryse for example. She has cockiness & arrogance like some heels, but the way she produces it fused with her french canadian background creates an aura of her own... being a women who thinks her own shit don't stink. I believe other heel diva's like Natalya don't possess that same quality.

I do believe that wasn’t your argument in the first place. You claimed the Knockouts feuds were better than the Diva’s feuds which comes down to how memorable they are and how the majority of wrestling fans view them, then you just agreed with me that WWE has a greater fanbase and have more memorable feuds then a smaller company in TNA. What makes up the feud doesn’t really matter; it’s the feud itself and the payoff in the matches that matters. WWE wants to push their feuds around the women’s championships because they don’t want to push the women beyond the championship scene, that’s their prerogative and they’ll entitled to do that. They may always revolve around the championship but the build up in them isn’t always the same, Beth/James was built up differently then Melina/McCool, and both were built up differently then James/Maryse. What exactly has been different about the feuds in the Knockouts division? For ages it was the unstoppable monster of Awesome Kong against any challenger that had to try to beat the impossible; feud after feud was built up with that same general storyline. Now it’s the same storyline with the Beautiful People rehashed over and over against every person they feud with. It’s not a different storyline; it’s just a different build up. That’s my point.

After many posts it sounds like you seem it be in favor of the WWE Diva's... anywho, my argument is this. The TNA storylines offer something more than the basic "challenger vs. champion" feud whereby they have grudge matches between other female wrestlers without the title. Something I have not seen in the WWE for a while & is quite refreshing to see. They give a little more time & effort into their feuds by utilising more mic time centred on the KnockOut's rather just the in-ring matches. More of the feuds in general seem to go for longer durations & add an element to the storyline that will lead fans to watch the feud til the end. The wrestling abilities that are usually involved equate to that little extra spice to their matches.

However, the WWE have a much larger fanbase & they have more of an audience than a smaller company. With whatever they decide to do with their roster, as is their prerogative, is up to them. They can push as many "challenger vs. champion" matches as they want, and they still will get people to pay attention. If done correctly or interestingly enough like the James/Stratus or the McCool/Melina feuds, then the wrestling world will deem these as more memorable due to the fact that the WWE are in control of the wrestling world & everything involved with the WWE are more prestigious.

I apoligise if my words seem to conflict together.

What are you talking about? Back when the Knockouts division was being hailed and were drawing the most ratings on the entire show, Gail Kim was so certainly headlining the division against Awesome Kong. The Knockouts are no longer the top drawing segments on TNA television anymore, so what happened? What’s changed? That was exactly my point.

Ohkay... point taken. During this time I was on holidays with having no TV for watching Impact & the like with my limited internet access cutting out frequently. I haven't actually seen these matches for myself though, I should look this up & then I will come back to discuss this with you.

And the WWE Diva’s will never become the top draw for a WWE show. You know why? Because TNA’s male stars don’t draw, and so that allows the women to step up and become the draw to a far lesser fan base. They get 1.2 ratings overall, that’s nothing, that’s a small time fan base. I guarantee any segment with WWE Diva’s would do would get that number on WWE television. The male performers in WWE are the bigger draws, and they’ll always be that, certainly since the women don’t get the same opportunities or get pushed to the same degree as the men.

The WWE Diva's will NEVER become THE top draw for the WWE. That is fact, but depending on the situation & how the WWE pushes storylines & their Diva's, they can make top draws for shows. It is doable as some of the Diva's on the roster can certainly be pushed to become the upper-midcard area & be considered legit wrestlers in holding these spots.

That’s certainly your opinion and I can respect that. My opinion is the Knockouts are highly overrated. I’ve watched a great deal of matches where they botch moves, where they’re not fluid or crisp in the ring, or they just don’t keep my attention. And innovative and wrestling type offense isn’t really comparable between the two companies since the Knockouts have free reign to do whatever they want and the Diva’s have to adhere to the WWE style of wrestling which tells a story and can be restricting in “spots” and mere moves.

And do you know why they are restricted? As there are a higher proportion of WWE Diva's that can not handle the free reign restrictions, as well as the whole PG era thing & ultimate safety comes first type ruling. I believe Jillian is able to do a top rope finisher like the 450 splash before she got bound, but they decide to can it due to the fact that it would pose a risk in the ring. There are KnockOut's who have been designed & trained to handle the rough moves that pose high risks, like Sarita & her lucha experiences.

Mic skills are part of what it means to be a performer and a wrestler. It’s part of the makeup, so it’s a very valid part of measuring the better wrestler between Knockouts and Diva’s. It’s not just about the physical wrestling that happens in the ring, it’s about the connection with the crowd, the reaction, the charisma they show, and the ability on the mic as well to show their charisma and character and connect with the crowd. They don’t just wrestle in the ring, they cut promos and they do segments and those are just as important in getting over their character, their feud, and everything else on television. So it’s very important and the Diva’s are superior in that.

That is correct sir. However, like I said... this is an area where females need more training in to perfect. But then again, many women seem to get over dut to what they do in the ring, how the make themselves look & their actions mainly. Beth Phoenix doesn't have the greatest mic skilss in the world, but she seemed to get over. Why? From her wrestling abilities in what she could do in the ring. She was a power wrestler who was very good at wrestling. Many people took notice of her strength & performance, & now she is over as a dominant female competitor.

Once again we disagree.

Well, I certainly enjoy the disagreement. Great posting skills & knowledge that gives me a headscratching at times. Mister Rob, you are by far the hardest challenge I have met so far. Why your rep bar isn't higher than mine does not make sense to me. I hope we can continue to disagree, I am having fun with these posts. Agree?
If you compare both rosters at the moment, the divas and the knocout would probably be equal since except fo a few exception they both have a really talented group of woman wrestlers. The only diffrence that makes the Knockout better then the diva's is the way they are promoted. In TNA, they gave them the freedom to wrestles there style of wrestling and they promotes them like they were any other male wrestler out there. The WWE doesn'T do that, for the most part it'S always the same match going on just with diifferent diva's.

TNA actually let the knockouts got promo's, The beautiful peoples are one of the most hated faction in TNA. Daffney is one of the best promo girl in the business and without Promos, i don'T think ODB would be has popular as she is today. Plus TNA isn'T scared of letting woman wrestles the same type of match then men. Just look for exemple the whole feud between Daffney and Taylor Wilde. These girls did stuff that most WWE diva'S wouldn't even try to do if they had the chance.

So compare that to what the WWE diva's are doing right now. The only time the diva'S are giving promo time is when they are in a backstage segment flirting with a male wrestlers. Rarely will you see the diva's get a interview segment on T.V. or PPV. For some reason, most time they are stuck in tag team matches on t.v. then use as filler between the 2 main events on PPV, that when they are actually put on a ppv card because lately they are not even able to make the card.

The fact of the matter is this if you compare the diva's and the knockout based on talent, they are equal but based on how they are promoted, the Knockouts are better then the diva'S hands down because they have TNA actually caring about them, something the diva'S don'T have.
The Divas were good at somepoint but they are an AWFUL division now. Kelly Kelly can not wrestle or put on good matches...Shes cute but she can't wrestle...She can do moves but she can not wrestle. Melina can wrestle but she's awful at cutting promos.

Wrestling fans don't need to see ass and tits to enjoy women's wrestling, Porn and Playboy was invented for that reason alone. TNA puts on better matches, they're women cut good promos and get regular focus.

Anyone who would compare WWE's Divas to TNA's Knockouts doesn't know the value of women's wrestling. WWE is a disgrace to women's wrestling, Beth Phoenix is one of their best wrestlers and she's treated like shit by the fans according to her, not just because she is a heel.

If WWE wanted to improve their Women's division they wouldn't focus on looks rather than getting women that can actually wrestle with good looks like Tara, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Sarita, Alissa Flash, etc.
I'm not a huge fan of women's wrestling, but I think that overall the TNA Knockout's are better than the WWE Diva's. Instead of just having a bunch of women whose only difference is whether they are blonde or brunette TNA has a multitude of different women.

You have a monster, a vampire, and a stable just to mention a few. Furthermore, I think the match quality of women's wrestling in TNA is better than it is in the WWE. Rarely is there ever a Diva's match that I care about, but most Knockout's matches are pretty good. They even have women's gimmick matches in TNA, ranging from Ladder Matches to Tack Matches.

Men may care mostly about how women wrestlers look, but wouldn't they care more if they were hot and could fight? If some of the Knockout's matches were featured in the WWE I'm sure they would be a huge success, much more than the current WWE women's division.
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