Turning the Knockouts into the Divas?

Believe me they went lower, TNA knockouts had the idead that they can wrestle and it was great! Now, puting the Women's Champion in a box!! comon, I though Angelina wouldve had spider and Tara would have the belt and they put title on the line while velvet strips and roxie has maybe a hardcore match after PPV (like MITB). But comeon and the women who can actually wrestle are now jobbers or done with the company Alissa flash, Sarita, Awesome Kong, and hamada where great! Beautiful people with Angelina leading was very good. TNA is going downhill, they want to be always like WWE at wrestlemania, all mainevents no midcarders
I disagree. I thought this was a cool segment. Let me just ask you this.... did you tune in to TNA to find out who got what box? Exactly. Questions needing an answer will often equal better ratings. People "had" to know who won what.

No, it's not stupid. This segment did what it was supposed to do. Lots of fans would be interested in knowing which Knockout won which box. Would Tara get her spider back? Would she get her title? Would she have to do the strip tease? It works. People watched.

Lacey strip teasing is a bad thing? Newsflash. Lots of straight men watch wrestling. If they have the choice between watching a match on Raw where we often predict the result before it even airs, or Lacey Von Erich wearing almost nothing, what's going to win? Lacey, easily. However, I do agree that the "Leather and Lace" match for next week is stupid, Velvet could have cashed in for a title match and ignite a feud with Angelina! It's not like the "Leather and Lace" match couldn't have still happened! Other than that, I really enjoyed this segment.

I too thought the Knockouts were a great division. Guess what? They still are! Now the more attractive girls are getting more time onscreen, but TNA's girls still have infinitely greater in-ring ability than WWE's divas do. Despite you thinking this was bad booking, this segment did what it was supposed to do because it got people asking questions and curious enough to watch to find out which Knockout won which box.

You're right. People did watch and the ratings showed a bump up to a 0.9 overall (but was it due to the Knockouts or the earlier start time?). However, that doesn't mean that it was good tv. There is alot of bad tv that people watch. Just look at all the reality tv shows on the air.

The Knockouts are still better overall than the Divas, so why not highlight that by having the title settled in the ring? Instead they are resorting to game show-type segments in which one wrestler is forced to strip and the Knockouts title is given away. Not to mention that it makes no sense that Tara had to give up the title in hopes of winning back her spider that was stolen from her to begin with.

So more people watched, but that doesn't make it right and I don't think it does anything to help to promote the Knockouts division or TNA in the long run to build an audience in hopes of competing with the WWE.
The problem is that it was booked horribly. Some of the ideas were fine but the execution was poor. The bad ideas were title as a prop and spider as something people care about. If you want Lacey to strip for ratings that is fine but why have Daffney waste all that time? Lacey is supposed to be a heel anyway, why is she coming out and stripping for the audiences enjoyment after taking out another heel? Also, considering it is theoretically what people tuned in for, it might help if she actually stripped before they decided it was not worth watching anymore halfway through and focused mainly on the brawl. Even as the clusterfuck it was, if it was not the main event I think people would have less of a problem with it.
This whole TNA thing since Hogan and Bischoff took it over is going down the tubes, the women's division is as big a joke as the WWE is now. They got rid of Roxi, Jacqueline, Traci, Kong. Damn!! :banghead: Then you NEVER see Sarita, Taylor, Hamada except for like 5 second increments or bit parts that have NOTHING to do with wrestling. TNA has become T&A for wrestling now with ladies. :wtf: I guess we know what 'creative' means with Sleazy Easy E, and Hormone Hogan. Creative stands for seeing lots of naked girls who can't wrestle "ahem" Lacy Von Erich And how many times are we gonna see her try a moonsault from the top rope and she botches it?? I thought TNA prided itsself on NO BRA and PANTIES matches...etc. Then you see TBP playing strip poker with Val Venis, and mudwrestling. :disappointed:

Then you see someone like Tara (Victoria) who left WWE for THOSE reasons exactly. Now she comes over to the EXACT same thing? :wtf: Then now you have people outside the impact zone warning people "This isn't a family friendly show" So why the hell do you have the tix for free, and why do you try to pride yourself being better than WWE? WWE is no longer doing bra and panties, they don't do blood, they are WAY lower on the cursing now. I'm a little stuck as to how Hogan thinks his version is 'classier' than WWE with naked or next to naked girls in mud/leather and lace etc on his show instead of Vince's watered down product? :twocents:
Truth be told, the Knockouts division has been going into a very similar directionthan WWE women's division.

Less time, going for more attractive performers than ones that are more skilled (still someone has to explain why Taylor and Sarita are not on the show since both are pretty hot, I know that Sarita is on a tour but Taylor is sitting home doing nothing) and that seems to work right now for them. Lets be honest because it is only a quick fix, because eventhough it will keep bringing good ratings it won't help the product that much.

The division is still good but there is too much focus on one group right now, the good thign about it is that from 10 girls you got like 2 matches each week and they pretty much were never rematches or showed the same knockout over and over again, how many mathces have the knockouts have that does not invlves a melee with the BP VS Angelina/Tara and Daffney added to the same group?

Now from the quality of the match, the damn WWE battle royal was shorter and was better than the match (yes even with silly dresses, Dress to impress? WTF?), which does not talk really bad about WWE but it takes TNA down a notch on that department, Madison unfortunately continues to be the most technical but still the jobber from the BP, Velvet has a lot of charisma but the damn DDT looked like crap, if you believe it was a good DDT you have no argument against a bothed Mickie DDT or Maryse anymore.

The only positive about it was Lacey...yes I said Lacey, at least she improved a little, yes the Moonsault-elbow looked a little misplaced but she got what she deserved for the mistake, she got her ass kicked by Angelina, which shoudl had happened a long time ago, at least she is taking wrestling moves now and not screws up in the ring that much last night.
If they want ratings, put The beautiful people in bras and panties every match, that will grab ratings from the perverts. get hamada in tables matches, that will win ratings from the guys who like to see moonsaults through tables from knockouts. get the knockouts in proper matches. most of them have general talent, others *cough* Lacey *cough* are there to attract the guys who like beautiful women.
I really hope that the knockouts don't turn to divas. they are two completely different divisions
Yes! And now we have the Cracker Jack box champion. Why fight and earn the title when you can just wait for the next half-assed, pointless and totally degrading concept TNA comes up with for the TNA knockout title? Until a few months ago, I sincerely loved the knockouts and everything they were willing to do to differentiate themselves from that other pussy company, but now... ooooh now... We seem to have the Divas 2.0 and that might be a way to somehow and TRY to bring in some ratings but so far... I'm willing to say that all the genius and the legend and the "oh my fuckin' god it's Hogan and cie and everything else" has brought us fuck all! Only a cheap copy of things past and nothing edgy, here, now, in the 21st fuckin' century! Is there room, really, for wrestling in this day and age? I'd say yes probably because I'm still an avid wrestling fan at this point, and I sincerely believe I'm not the only one, but just weary of everything the big boys are bringing us in the name of revolutionizing the whole thing...

In my eyes, wrestling is sick... the same way I feel music and movies are sick with remakes and adaptations and everything tacky and just presumed to be what us people like.

The Knockouts are becoming that! God bless Bischoff and Russo and Hogan and they will all bring us the truth, won't they??? Ratings are going down, creativity is down, interest is down but they don't really care now do they? The present seems to be all about the past and that is the saddest thing, us present people, feel, yes?

My heart is all out with these women, regardless of how unmarketable some of you find them, and I fuckin' respect their dedication and their heart and skill and yes, I find them sexy and relevant, mostly because they have more guts than most of us will ever have.

Please, save the Knockouts division before it is too late!!

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