WWE Divas should be removed.

I wonder. You say that they're entertaining to fans. Are you currently entertained by the women's product in the WWE? As in, right at this moment, looking at both the title situations, you can't tell me it couldnt be massively revamped and improved upon.The problem is, with little to no hope of a renovation coming, what are we waiting out for?

First off I'll say....yes I am entertained by the womens division in the wwe, I'm entertained more than I am when watching hornswaggle beat chavo week in week out. Or a pointless segment with a guest host bumping there crap that I don't want. I'll agree its not the high point of the show, but its not crap. Hell if I'm forced to watch something like Big Brother or Britain/America's got Talent, I'd rather watch a raw with nothing but womens wrestling on it.

As in, right at this moment, looking at both the title situations, you can't tell me it couldn't be massively revamped and improved upon.The problem is, with little to no hope of a renovation coming, what are we waiting out for?

You could say that about absolutely anything. Do you like your house, the one you live in right now....tell me though with unlimited funds could you not go out and buy a better one? Do you like your car.......

Do you like fact that Kofi Kingston has been US Champion for over 2 months and hasn't had a meaningful feud yet.....Do you think therefore we should get rid of the US title belt?

Just because something isn't the best it could be, doesn't mean is worthless.
The Divas do their jobs. Sure they do not highlight pay per views. Sure this is the age with children watching. Sure they are not as good as the former Diva guard was. but they do still break up the show. The Divas go out there, and give us a reason to get hard or whatever you guys do. The help bring in the merchandise money by giving the fans time to run up to the booth.

For the most part, whenever I have met a wrestler, the women have been absolutely great to meet. They are always bubbly, and happy to meet the fans. They sign autographs, and stay after the show. Women bring great excitement.

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