WWE Crowds Annoying You?

i hear what your saying,when i was watching raw this past week and when HHH announced he would be the guest referee he got little reaction and you could tell he was surprised by it as i was as well considering everyone piss themselves over HHH
3 answers to your 3 questions.

1) No, you're not the only one who's realised. You're right.

2) A combination of several things. The main ones being: More Children, Increased Security, and a Lamer Product in General.

3) No Kidding. The Royal Rumble 1998, I still own the VHS, the crowd are absolutely Bonkers.
The crowd is terrible lately because the product has been so bad for so long. It's starting to pick up and the older fans will start showing back up again. I was at Mania this year and the Raw the night after and my buddy and I had to get our sections involved with chants etc.

The most hostile crowd I ever saw in person was at ECW's Wrestlepalooza 98 at the Cobb County Civic Center. Tons of "We want head" chants going around, me nailing some douche who wouldn't act right in the head with, well, one of Al Snow's heads. One of the security guards taking some guy and beating the shit out of him out back. We could see behind the curtain which led right outside, it was awesome. Bubba Ray telling everyone they were just mad because D'Von fucks white girls. New Jack jumping off the top of a backboard busting his head open. The Franchise defending his title against Snow who was leaving for WWF at the time. This whole show was insane and the crowd was hot the entire time.

Royal Rumble 2002 was awesome and a hot crowd. My friends and I made it on the dvd when Taker whipped Mavens ass up thru the crowd. The crowd was into the whole night.

Armageddon 2000 in Birmingham was a good crowd too. Especially when Rikishi took the choke slam off the top of the cell.

Went to a Nitro back in 97 when Hot Rod came out, Luger racked the Giant and Hogan was pelted with garbage, that crowd was rowdy as hell.

Out of all the cards I've seen the 2 ECW shows were the most insane. Although a house show I saw in 88 with Rick Rude vs Jake Roberts during that whole fued with Roberts wife had the crowd pretty rowdy.
I've noticed this many, glad you made a thread on it. I think fans especially newer ones, but some older ones too that may have lost the fire are idiots. How do you not react to what's going on in front of you as if you were watching Barney live? and you're a parent so you are not awed like your kid?

How can you NOT know to chant "boo yay" (some crowds dont) when they punch each other

or to count to ten when a guy's punching another guy's skull in on the top rope?

there's more than them just being dead silent for matches, I honestly believe some crowds dont know what to do, some references go over their heads and they need to learn more to know more about their role, they need to KNOW THEIR ROLE AND OPEN THEIR MOUTHS!!!!

Anyway I really think they'd be lost if they had some things from the late 90's early 2000's happen and they wouldnt know what to chant, hell, they dont even support most catchphrases or help make stars, we have a part in that too, I'm not talking about Really? thats just one adopted spew-back they'll do

And the most hostile crowd you'll get is an original ECW crowd, anyone and everyone should know that and THE most hostile? ...easy...


"IF CENA WINS, WE RIOT!!!!" and they would have, as much as I wanted RVD to win, I kinda wanted Cena to win just to see the riot
The crowds are really dead as compared to past years. Besides from big names such as Cena/Orton/Punk not too many people get big pops good or bad.

I think since so many children are there they don't know how to acknowledge a good promo and match in the midcards and react to it.

That's what makes matches the most boring to me. If you got a hostile or rowdy crowd the most average match could turn into a five star affair.

I think you have really hit the nail on the head there and virtually answered your own question. The reason the crowds are so lifeless and boring is because of the PG era. The PG era attracts kids and they have no idea how to react or create a good atmosphere.

The attitude era had an adult audience which would just go crazy every night and turn even the most mediocre match into a five star affair. I really miss all the big pops you got back then. The only pop I've heard in recent times that matched them was CM Punk at MITB, that reaction was awesome! If only we could get more energetic crowds like that more often.
TNA definitely does not have the advantage over WWE in this case. The only thing worse than a quiet crowd is a random, uninformed crowd full of tourists. A huge problem i have with watching TNA is the crowd who kill the show for me. WWE crowds have been pretty bad as of late as they are usually rather quiet (chicago was hot, the bay area usually gets hot, and canada is always fun), the majority of crowds are silent and couldn't care less. A big problem though is the show itself which is fuckin boring. There is no reason to get behind any of the under card because they aren't in any storylines. I'll admit, a lot of it is also the kiddies, but wwe was full of kids when i was growing up and we still had an opinion because shit mattered back then.

I hated the fact that when Hogan was supposed to be the big heel in the company, the crowd still chanted his name. TNA's crowd is bad, like you said, because it's a tourist attraction. Having to be told who to cheer and who to boo does not a great crowd make.
i was going to make this thread myself yeah the crowds are dead and there no excuse so dont say its because theres to many kids in the crowd because when punks in the ring he gets a great cheer all from adults so why cant u cheer for more people the only reason the mitb ppv was good is because of the crowd so cheer for other like ziggler or del rio instead of cena punk or orton
When it comes to watching WWE or tna I usually couldn't care less about the crowd. If they're dead I so be it. If they're alive I tune them out. Crowds. In general anoy me dead or alive but really all I care about is the ring work. Every time a little kid smiles on my TV screen..... I feel like smashing it because its annoying.
I looked over the past for post pages and I didn't see any thread that resembled this so I went ahead and made it.

Today As I Look at the Matches in the WWE whether it be Sheamus turning Face, R-Truth Vs. Morrison, Sin Cara returning and doing an absurd flip, or even Mark Henry squashing a no name it draws my attention.

The crowds are really dead as compared to past years. Besides from big names such as Cena/Orton/Punk not too many people get big pops good or bad.

Am I the Only One Realizing It?
It seems like you get pretty good Heel Promos and the crowd rarely even makes a noise. When The Miz Took Out Rey Mysterio their was really no big ruckus at all.

Why Do You Think The WWE Crowds are more silent and not as rowdy?

I think since so many children are there they don't know how to acknowledge a good promo and match in the midcards and react to it.

Mark Henry should be getting way more heat but that's not happening. He gets a good amount for a Heel but it should be overwhelming

I know Mark Henry is no Bully Ray but the TNA crowd goes wild. A crazy crowd adds to the match.

That's what makes matches the most boring to me. If you got a hostile or rowdy crowd the most average match could turn into a five star affair.

The WWE has to do somehing to get the crowd more amped in my opinion
I miss the times when the roof blew off the place now you can hear a cell phone vibrate during a match. That probably why you can hear the wrestlers talking, it's not a loud enough crowd to drown out the talking.

This is One thing TNA has over the WWE as of now. Being family friendly you lose some of the hostile crowds.

Lastly, What was the most hostile and/ or rowdy crowd you have ever witnessed?

Crowds like this really get under my skin.. Im like YESSS! and they're like yay. This is why i don't mid if tna/wwe used canned heat.

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