WWE.com Top 50 Good Guys


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!

1. Bruno Sammartino
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
4. John Cena
5. Sting
6. Bret Hitman Hart
7. Dusty Rhodes
8. Dwayne the Rock Johnson
9. Ricky Steamboat
10. Rey Mysterio
11. The Von Erichs
12. The Undertaker
13. The Junkyard Dog
14. The Rock 'n' Roll Express
15. Andre the Giant
16. Jeff Hardy
17. The Ultimate Warrior
18. Magnum T.A.
19. Macho Man Randy Savage
20. Mankind
21. Goldberg
22. Jimmy Snuka
23. The Bruiser & The Crusher
24. Shawn Michaels
25. Bobo Brazil
26. The Road Warriors
27. Mil Mascaras
28. Bob Backlund
29. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
30. Jack Brisco
31. Chief Jay Strongbow
32. Rob Van Dam
33. Verne Gagne
34. Tito Santana
35. Jerry the King Lawler
36. Mr Wrestling II
37. Antonino Rocca
38. Eddie Guerrero
39. Wahoo McDaniel
40. Lex Luger
41. Tommy Rich
42. Ivan Putski
43. Kofi Kingston
44. Pedro Morales
45. Tommy Dreamer
46. Danny Hodge
47. Trish Stratus
48. Bob Armstrong
49. Rocky Johnson
50. Diamond Dallas Page

Bruno at #1 is silly, though. You're never going to coax him into your Hall of Fame, Vince..

Also, anytime Sting tried to turn heel, he was still loved by the crowd, so it makes sense, although I don't mind having him as number 1.. and How is Austin even in this 'Good Guy' list?
Well this depends. If you count Good Guy as how loud and contently the crowd cheers then sure. But if you go by that definition Hogan and Austin are 1 and 2 by a very wide margin over everybody.
Never mind I found it.


50. Batista
49. Randy Savage
48. Vickie Guerrero
47. Mark Henry
46. The Iron Shiek
45. Andre the Giant
44. Eric Bischoff
43. Eddie Guerrero
42. Brock Lesnar
41. Kane
40. Don Muraco
39. The Dudley Boyz
38. CM Punk
37. Ernie Ladd
36. Ivan Koloff
35. Paul Heyman
34. Abdullah the Butcher
33. Terry Funk
32. Randy Orton
31. Kevin Sullivan
30. Jerry Lawler
29. Raven
28. The Fabulous Moolah
27. Paul Orndorff
26. Nick Bockwinkel
25. Vader
24. Harley Race
23. Sgt. Slaughter
22. Undertaker
21. Freddie Blassie
20. Edge
19. Jim Cornette
18. Killer Kowalski
17. Mr. Perfect
16. Sherri Martel
15. Chris Jericho
14. The Original Sheik
13. The Fabulous Freebirds
12. JBL
11. Rick Rude
10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
9. Gorgeous George
8. Bobby Heenan
7. "Superstar" Billy Graham
6. Triple H
5. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan
4. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
3. Mr. McMahon
2. Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen
1. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
Actually, to my knowledge Sammartino never worked as a heel, so he'd be a fair number one given his constant alignment and success.

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