WWE changing superstars theme songs... For the worse.

Christian old theme song was better than his new re make one. Granted his old one matched his heel persona before he went to tna, his new song sounds cheesy and he gets little to no pop from the crowd from it. Guys like Edge, wheter you hate him or love him, once his music hits you either say.............."Yes its EDGE! or........" FUCK NOT EDGE! I remember going to a wwe live event when he had his old music. It was christian vs benoit vs King....... no it was just Booker T then, in a triple threat. Back then you had the option to buy a program but if you didnt then you had no clue who was fighting that night. Anyways when it was christian turn to come out all it took was the sound of the 10 seconds of instrumental that plays before the lyrics hit and people were fucking going nuts with boos and cheers. The point is, is that now i dont even see people standup when his music plays
Hell look at Christains return to WWE. The music made it lame and he was gone for 4 years. If they had his old music it probly would of have been better and had a little bit of a build up. Well Todd Grisham didn't help either he was just like "it's christain" that was it.
In this day and age, the theme is very important to the fans. I believe the fan's loyalty to the superstar may change if the superstar is given a theme that lowers his credibility.
Luke Gallows' theme is actually very very old. Big Show used it when he first came to the old WWF in attitude era. And it doesn't match his gimmick at all. Last time I checked, Staight Edge was about Punk Rock, not weird rap beats.

Actually Straight Edge is about no drugs, sex, alcohol, or cigarettes... Choice of music has nothing to do with it... And Kill Switch Engaged is NOT Punk Rock. They're Metal, learn your stuff :P

As for theme songs, I have to admit that at times they annoy me... however, within recent times, they haven't bothered me much except for Cody Rhodes. Yes, he needed a change but his new song sucks.

Changes that I truly like are...

Nexus - From using their Pros themes to using "We are One" by 12 Stones, I think this song fits the group entirely. It shows how they connect and prevail all the time, each and every time.

Evan Bourne - Don't know if people remember much, but Evan Bourne used to come out to a very lame theme song... Now his "Born to win" theme is amazing, and I love the lyrics in it... although Bourne doesn't win much, it's still pretty kick ass.

Drew McIntyre - Don't get me wrong, his old theme was good. For a generic wrestler, his theme fit perfectly... But when he was crowned the "McMahon's Crowned Jewel" then he needed a theme change. And with how he tormented Long, Hardy, and Kingston I would say "Broken Dreams" have fit him perfectly.

Ones I don't approve of...

Kane - I HATE HATE HATE his current theme song. I personally think that Slow Chemical was his best theme song, although it doesn't fit him anymore. I would love to see him go back to his oldest theme song though, I loved that one too... like cream my pants love

Rey Mysterio - I loved his original theme song, and still bang it in my car every now and again

Cody Rhodes - I said it earlier, he needed a new song, but this isn't it. I personally think that Johnston could've come up with something better.

Cena - My time is now is old... I would love to see him come out with "Bad Man"

And here's some that I think, or want, to have theirs changed.

Khali - Because I'm really going to be terrified of a 7ft ****** who comes out to Punjabi Porn music.

Jillian Hall - Give it a Techno Remix, and it'll go over well in the arena.

Gail Kim - I hate her period... but I'd hate her less if she'd change that song (and fix her face).

Kelly Kelly - Makes no sense to me...
Kane and Mr. Kennedy were two I was originally going to post in my arguement... I feel stupid now that I didn't.

Kane's theme had NO reason to change. Sure, this one's more... Terrifying if you get me, but Slow Chemical's explosion of sound at the beginning made Kane's presense known to everyone in that arena.

As someone else posted, YES Kennedy's old theme was badass, and the newer version that turned up is god awful in comparison.
I honestly don't like Nexus's "We Are One" theme. Besides the fact that the lyrics fit them perfectly, I hate it. The beat and melody and chord progression just doesn't fit them. Maybe if they were face, but not a group that's about beating the shit out of everybody.

I loved when Edge changed his music to Alter Bridge. One of my favorite theme songs that wasn't used so long was RVD's new one in 2006.

As for generic themes, there is only one person I can think of that should stick with his no matter how big he gets: William Regal. The music just fits him.

Who needs new music:
Kane- PLEASE go back to slow chemical

John Cena- I know it's a close personal song for him, but those damn trumpets are annoying.

Jericho- They should have Fozzy sing it.

Jack Swagger- It's really confusing, and I would love for him to just have an instrumental like Kurt Angle had.
I gotta agree, Kane's new theme is just plain awful. He should go back to Slow Chemical.

And Decarow, You don't like We Are One? It's quite possibly 12 Stones' best song, And the lyrics, chord progession and beat suits the group perfectly.

But I will agree that Regal should never change themes, Suits him perfectly!
i agree that Jericho should have a Fozzy song. and really, the only reason i think Cena should not only get a new song, but should have never had this song as his own, is because he and the guys behind it, broke copyright laws, the little intro to the song is ripped off of "Anti Up" from MOP. and was a lawsute from it. settled out of court of course, but maybe when his new CD comes out he'll get a new one. Big Show's i never had an issue with really.. now Matt Hardy.. there is someone in need of a new one.
I think that the most generic song is actually Randy Orton's "Voices" (I know I'll get killed for this) but, part of it reminds me of the MNM theme... And that's NOT a good thing.
i agree that Jericho should have a Fozzy song. and really, the only reason i think Cena should not only get a new song, but should have never had this song as his own, is because he and the guys behind it, broke copyright laws, the little intro to the song is ripped off of "Anti Up" from MOP. and was a lawsute from it. settled out of court of course, but maybe when his new CD comes out he'll get a new one. Big Show's i never had an issue with really.. now Matt Hardy.. there is someone in need of a new one.

Jericho won't associate himself with his band in WWE because he fears his image will cross over and affect his listeners. He tries to keep them separated. He is usually always a villain...and a good one at that...and fears that fans will either boycott or rip apart his music.

I don't blame him. I personally think both his personality as a villain is great and his band is pretty decent.
Actually Straight Edge is about no drugs, sex, alcohol, or cigarettes... Choice of music has nothing to do with it... And Kill Switch Engaged is NOT Punk Rock. They're Metal, learn your stuff

The band is called Killswitch Engage man........... I think it's you who should learn their stuff.

Sometimes a wrestler that chagnes their theme song can in effect change their whole persona. A wrestlers entrance is a VERY important ingrediant, especially in WWE. Theme music needs to perfectly suit a wrestler, like Flair's or HBK's or HHH. The only really current WWE guy that has theme music that perfectly suits him is Randy Orton. That music should never, ever, ever change man. I'm a metal fan myself and don't really have any thoughts on that pussy metal/soft rock kind of thing, but "Voices" suits him perectly. When you hear that song start up, you instantly know whats coming. Randy Orton completly owns that song man.

If they are going to change any songs it should Undertakers. While there is nothing wrong with current theme, if they brought him back with a slightly updated version of his Ministry theme song it be fuckin amazing man. Complete with the big string symphony and heavy guitar riff. That song was evil man.
What are you talking about, man? They fit perfectly! Generic rock songs from generic rock bands for generic wrestlers. Makes all the sense in the world to me.

Nah, but seriously, before the Sidious peanut gallery comes with their label-maker, I do agree – the theme music today is nothing to what it used to be, and I blame that primarily on the fact that they're signing generic bands to perform them.

For every CM Punk, where the music truly fits, you've got a dozen Nexus', DiBiase's and Rhodes' where it's totally interchangeable to the point that one could come out to the others music and few would notice.
CM Punk's entrance is perfect for him, it just fits his persona and intensity.
Can't believe he only got it coz Orton rejected it as his own.

Drew Mcintyre probably has the best entrance music at the moment. Its just very well done and I kinda feel sad that a great entrance theme like that might go to waste if he doesn't cut it in the E.

And yes yes please change Kane back to Slow Chemical. His current theme is like the background to a Dungeons & Dragons' game. Hell! give him back his first theme!!
Theme's that were changed for the better:
Cody Rhodes - I hated his generic theme, and the new one clearly goes better with his gimmick.
Randy Orton - "Voices" fits his current gimmick, and still fits to his whole "tweener"-style gimmick.
The Nexus - Sure, some people are hating on the new theme. But, seriously.. The song fits them to a "T" and you can't say that it doesn't.

Theme's that were changed for the worse:
Really, the only one that pops into my head, is Kane's. At first, it somewhat fit the new persona he had.. But that lasted for a brief period of time. Either bring back his original theme, or give him "Slow Chemical" once more. Either would be better than his current.

Someone who needs a change:
Jericho - Come on, he's used "Break Down the Walls" since his debut in the WWF. Don't you think it's time to switch it up a bit? I mean, the only time it really changed, was when he was with the Big Show.. And even then, it was basically the same song. For better or for worse, Jericho needs a change. "Break Down the Walls" just doesn't really fit his current heel persona that well. That could just be me, though.
CM Punk's entrance is perfect for him, it just fits his persona and intensity.
Can't believe he only got it coz Orton rejected it as his own.

Drew Mcintyre probably has the best entrance music at the moment. Its just very well done and I kinda feel sad that a great entrance theme like that might go to waste if he doesn't cut it in the E.

And yes yes please change Kane back to Slow Chemical. His current theme is like the background to a Dungeons & Dragons' game. Hell! give him back his first theme!!

Orton didn't reject Killswitch Engage, he was pissed when WWE gave it to Punk. He personally pitched it to WWE, used it for a week, then they told him it didn't fit and gave him 'burn in my light' back, only for Punk to debut it within a fortnight. There's an interview confirming this.

I agree about Kane, and about 'Broken Dreams' by Shamans Harvest.
There are two themes I really don't get at the moment. One is Ted DiBiase's. He's playing the "million dollar man" gimmick yet they use "it's a new day" legacy theme? If they're gonna use an old one at least use "priceless" as it fits his gimmick. The other one is Eve's "she looks good" because, well, she doesn't look good. It should be called "she looks butch".

Ok, so many things to comment on.......

Jericho - Come on, he's used "Break Down the Walls" since his debut in the WWF. Don't you think it's time to switch it up a bit?

No he hasn't. For a brief period in 2002 he used "King of the World" which I think was by Saliva. I was watching the first Elimination Chamber from Survivor Series 2002 the other day and he came out to it with Saliva playing it live. It was dump.

Case #1: The Big Show. Big Show's current theme sounds like his old theme done by a cover band who only covers that one song.

I think his "new" theme suits him better being slower. He's a 7ft tall, 500lb giant - his music shouldn't be fast. Although it does sound like "Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles.

It’s a very good song and the lyrics are just completely dead-on with The Miz’s character.

I've noticed a lot of people have said the lyrics really suit Miz's character - can someone explain that please? He's been going on about how he wants to be taken seriously, etc but the chorus goes "I came to play".

Dude Busters: I might be the only one to think that the remix of "Bittersweet Symphony" that they used for 2 weeks was good, but their current song is too plain.

Thank you! No, you're not the only one. My housemate even learnt how to play it on the organ we have in our lounge and he was well disappointed when they came out with a different tune only 2 weeks later. He still kept playing it on the organ every time they came out though!

Why don't any Divas have good themes? Or get themes changed?


also brian kendrick really needs a new theme. I think more superstars should use more mainstream artists like jack swagger uses rage against the machine

Ok, you're so wrong on all accounts there. Kendricks theme tune in TNA is awesome. So many people complain about "generic rock" themes and then when someone doesn't have a generic theme, it gets dissed!
I don't think superstars should use more mainstream bands, they should use lesser known ones - there are plenty of good bands out there.
And lastly, Jack Swagger's theme isn't done by Rage Against The Machine - it's by a Rage tribute band called "Age Against The Machine".

really one that i was not a fan of, was when HHH switched to "King of Kings" and then switched back like 2 weeks later.

I think this was because he was entering a fued with King Booker and they wanted to play the "King" angle. After the fued was over, he went back to "the game"

How has Kane not been brought up in this thread. Seriously. His old music (Slow Chemical) was awesome. His new music is god damn awful.

I'm a massive fan of 'slow chemical' but 'man on fire' is still pretty good. Have a massive joint and stick it on your headphones, it's quality!

Drew's entrance music is the best current music and MILES past his first theme. ...............Christian has another good entrance. Same song they just keep updating it over the past couple years.

I like Drew's theme but I really liked his old one too - but i'm probably the only one! Also, i'm pretty sure Christian has had quite a few different songs. My favourite is that "on your own" one. I've even covered it in my band.

The theme songs all sound the same these days. I can barely tell them a part from one another. It's all some form of washing machine sounding modern "rock" or something.

I don't think that's true, just look at the wwe ones that are not "rock" songs. R-Truth, Uso's, Khali, Goldust, Cena, Mark Henry, MVP, Regal, Zack Ryder, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Chavo, Taker, JTG, any of the divas.....shall I go on?
I think this was because he was entering a fued with King Booker and they wanted to play the "King" angle. After the fued was over, he went back to "the game"

Nope. King of Kings debuted in 2006 at Wrestemania 22 when HHH came out looking like Conan the Barbarian. He didn't fight King Booker until Summerslam 2007. And I believe they played King of Kings and an intro to his real theme at PPVs. It was real confusing. "King of Kings" would play with the awesome ass video, then you'd hear "It's time to play the game!" and he would come out like normal.
Nope. King of Kings debuted in 2006 at Wrestemania 22 when HHH came out looking like Conan the Barbarian. He didn't fight King Booker until Summerslam 2007. And I believe they played King of Kings and an intro to his real theme at PPVs. It was real confusing. "King of Kings" would play with the awesome ass video, then you'd hear "It's time to play the game!" and he would come out like normal.

We're talking about the same thing but the original remark was how it only lasted a few weeks. It seemed like "king if kings" only went for a really short time because from summer 06 through to his injury in jan 07 he'd been with DX, coming out to the DX theme. Then HHH came back from injury (he'd been out for 8 months) to fued with King Booker and used "king of kings" for that. Then Booker then got done for roids and quit. HHH then reverted back to "the game", but with the "king of kings" intro but this was only for a really short while.
The one I hated the most was when they changed Kane's "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven theme back to his old theme. "Slow Chemical" is a badass song and they never should have changed it.
This is to clear up the Orton/Punk debacle over the KSE song. On air, Teddy Long "tagged" the song onto Orton to promote the new CD, WWE Wreckless Intent. I remember precisely hearing the announcers saying that.

Also I hated Big Daddy V's theme song. It was such a clusterfuck. In fact I hated his whole gimmick. I understand it was a better for for ECW than Viscera was, but damn.
There are many themes to think about but right off the bat I think of Jeff Hardy.

When Jeff Hardy's new song was introduced I was like "What?"
It wasn't a horrible idea to add lyrics and stuff but I really liked his old Hardy Boyz theme.

Also I never liked when Triple H used the "King of Kings" theme song. It sucked.

And Luke Gallows should probably be using "This Fire Burns", the same song CM Punk uses.
None of those themes suck bro, they're actually decent. Bret Hart's remixed theme isn't all that different from his old one, Big Slow Show's theme is pretty good too, and Jeff Hardy's theme was actually pretty good. All themes need an update every once in a while so as to not get stale. You wouldn't want to get bored of the themes so they change it up.
Sometimes wrestlers in today's age need new songs to match their gimmicks so to say. Jeff Hardy's No More Words was quite good if you ask me and it represented all that he stood for. Plus, he was going to be a top face, so he needed a new theme that he could relate to instead of his old tag team song. Big Show's new theme is just a new and improved version of his old one and I think it sounds quite good also if you ask me. And for Bret I have to agree with you because the song he used to use reminds you of the old Bret Hart who was the best technical wrestler of his time. There was really no need to change Bret's song.
I actually like Jeff Hardy's theme music more than I liked Jeff Hardy :rolleyes:

But Live4DaMoment said it best,you always have to be willing to adapt and change your music just to keep it fresh.Sure Jericho kept Break the Walls Down for a long time,but there's been many differnet versions of it.Then at one point he was using "Don't You Wish You Were Me" by Fozzy.

R-Truth says he wants to have one song for Tv and another for PPV.Sounds good to me.MVP's also in the studio recording his own theme music.It's about time. "Tick Tock, you're about to stop living"? Yeah,that's just awful.

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