Best/Worst PPV theme songs of 2008?

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Every PPV (as you all know) have their own theme song. 2008 had a number of very good theme songs for each PPV, but which in your opinion was the best PPV theme song of the year and why? And 2008 also featured some not go great theme songs. Which ones didn't you like and why?

Just incase you have forgotten, heres a list of the theme songs and for which PPV they were used for:

Royal Rumble - Airborne "Stand Up for Rock and Roll!"
No Way Out - Seether "Fake It"
Wrestlemania XXIV - Rev Theory "Light it up"
Wrestlemania XXIV - Red Hot Chilli Peppers "Snow (Hey Oh)"
Backlash - Kid Rock "All Summer Long"
Judgement Day - Zididada "Take It All"
One Night Stand - Rev Theory "Hell Yeah"
Night of Champions - Shinedown "Devour"
The Great American Bash - American Bang "Move to the Music"
Summerslam - Jet Black Stare "Ready To Roll"
Unforgiven - Motorhead "Rock Out"
No Mercy - Metallica "All Nightmare Long"
Cyber Sunday - Pendulum "Propane Nightmares"
Survivor Series - AC/DC "Spolin For A Fight"
Armageddon - Guns and Roses "Chinese Democracy"

My favourite PPV theme song of 2008 was by far "Ready To Roll" by Jet Black Stare. I find that it suited Summerslam really well, with its fast pace nature and the fact that the vocals and lyrics are great. It's infact the most listened to song on my iPod. 2nd was either "Fake it" by Seether, "Light it up" by Rev Theory or "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory. Rev are now being very much apart of the WWE, much like bands like Saliva and Limp Bizket have/are. All 3 are very good songs and for some random reason, they suited their respective PPV's.

As for my least favourite theme song of the 2008... I'd probably say Zididada "Take It All" from Judgement Day. I found it highly forgettable and it was one of the few theme songs I didn't download. A close second was "All Summer Long" by Kid Rock. It was alright when it was released in the summer by why was it used for a PPV in April? Even better, why was it even used for a PPV at all?

What do you all think?
Best PPV song of all? Armageddon 2002-2006. The End. Epic song. IDK why they changed it for 07 and 08, but thats the most disapointing thing they have done with ppv songs. I hope it comes back for 09 :-).

As far as this years its all about your taste in songs really. I do agree all Summer Long had no point with a PPV theme, although its a great song.
My favorite PPV Theme of 2008 Was "Ready To Roll" by Jet Black Stare simply because I just thought it was an awesome song and is one I can listen to over and over and not get tired of.
This will be closely followed by "Light It up" By Rev Theory

My least favorite theme of 2008 was "Fake It" by Seether because I have forgotten what it sounds like which proves it didn't make much of an impact on me.
The best theme song hands down was for Wrestlemania 17. 'MY WAY' by Limp Bizket. Rock-Austin HHH-Taker. Classic song to build up those matches.
None of the songs on that list are particularly memorable, except for Pendulum's Propane Nightmares (as you already noted, it was the theme song for Cyber Sunday 2008). However, I would argue that this was the worst theme song for 2008, as I don't think it jibes well with wrestling. Propane Nightmares is an extremely frenetic song which is meant to be heard either live or on a dance floor with very energetic people. When I heard it on the promos for Cyber Sunday, I was both excited and disappointed at the same time. I was excited because Pendulum deserves recognition, but I was disappointed because the song felt so out of place.
Alter Bridge has put in some pretty good songs, Find the Real 2005 Royal Rumble and especially Unforgiven 2007 with the return of the Undertaker with Rise Today. The End for Armageddon is one of the best but the best of any of the ppv songs is Fight for Summerslam 2002, with HBK vs HHH in a street fight. The song perfectly captured that match.

in 2008 there has been quite a few stinkers. Judgement day's was awful as was a number of others. The worst was Backlash, Kid Rock all summer long. This was awful for two reasons: the song's about summer and it was used for April's ppv, it would of been much better for summersalm. The second reason why the song was a stinker was that it was about summer love and the PPV poster including Undertaker staring menacly with a scythe ala grim reaper, they couldn't of picked a worst song for backlash. The best was Devour for Night of Champions
wow c'mon seriously you all need to listen to real music wrestling music is so horrible sorry to offend but with that im gonna tell you all the best ppv song of the year was without a doubt no mercy's all nightmare long by metallica the song was pretty much just released and it was at the perfect time cause no mercy was just around the corner and right in the chours it goes cause we hunt you down without MERCY we hunt you down all nightmare long... it's also an amazing pump up fast paced song and it just so happens to be my favorite song on the almighty metallica comeback album and coming in a close second is chinease democracy great song there a good honorable mention is fake it everytime i hear that song it reminds me of the ppv

and my least favorite is kid rock cause he sucked i too did wonder why they used that queer song
wow c'mon seriously you all need to listen to real music wrestling music is so horrible

Music that the WWE uses is real music, just incase you haven't noticed. You've sorta just contridicted your own arguement there by saying that wrestling music is so horrible but your favourite wrestling song of the year was All Nightmare Long because its a really good song. Make your mind up! Also how the hell is All Summer Long a queer song? I think we all should have an explanation.
I actually thought that All Summer Long by Kid Rock was a good song. It was the only WWE song of this year I really loved for a pay per view. The song isn't bad, and a nice summer time hit, such as Rush had for the WWE a few years ago. There were a couple other ones that I enjoyed, but I couldn't tell you the name of the song, of for which pey per view they were for.
I actually thought that All Summer Long by Kid Rock was a good song. It was the only WWE song of this year I really loved for a pay per view. The song isn't bad, and a nice summer time hit, such as Rush had for the WWE a few years ago. There were a couple other ones that I enjoyed, but I couldn't tell you the name of the song, of for which pey per view they were for.

That is why I've listed them above. :icon_razz:

I can see why you like All Summer Long, it is a good song and was probably my favourite song through-out the summer months. I just didn't understand why it was used as a PPV theme song so early into the year. It would of made more sense to use it for Summerslam and it would promoted both the song itself and the PPV even further.
It's funny I did another thread like this on another forum. I liked Zidada's Take It All song, as well as Ready To Roll, but my favorite was the GAB theme song "Move To The Music." I felt that was the best of 2008. You also left "Snow" off that list for Wrestlemania. It's a really good song, but had no place being a theme song for a number of reasons.

I wasn't a big fan of Rock Out or All Summer Long, they were probably the two worst theme songs of the year. Hell Yeah wasn't that good either.

Fake It - No Way Out
Snow - Wrestlemania
Light It Up - Wrestlemania
Ready to Roll - Summerslam


Night Of Champions
My favourite was definitely Fake It by Seether for No Way Out. This song actually got me hooked on Seether for a while and I now like alot more of their songs. My least favourite was All Summer Long, which is a good song, but not for a wrestling show. It had nothing to do with the event.
My favorites were definitely NWO's Fake It by Seether and WM's Light It Up by Rev Theory. Both those songs really put me on those bands (though I was a moderate Rev Theory fan before). I have since seen Seether in concert for the first time though and I think they're great. And of course Rev Theory sings my favorite song right now "Voices" which is the best wrestling entrance music in years.

The worst was Backlash's All Summer Long by Kid Rock. I do like the song, and it's catchy but I just don't get why it was for wasn't even summer yet. That is one that could be better used at GAB or Summerslam.
Easily the best one was All Nightmare Long, it's one of the best songs that Metallica has ever released IMO. Spoiling For a Fight, Fake It, and Light It Up were all great as well. I really hated the Kid Rock one. Not because of the time of year they uised it, just because it sucks a fat one. I have always, and will always, hate that terrible song.
I'd say Fake It by Seether or Devour by Shinedown are the best cause those 2 bands are in my top 5 favorites.
I was just listining to the song My Turn by Hoobastank and I think it would be a really good PPV song.
These Were My Favorites:

Rev Theory: Light It Up (wm 24) And Hell Yeah (o.n.s)
Shinedown: Devour (n.o.c)
Ac/dc: Spoilin' For A Fight (s.series)
Jet Black Stare: Ready To Roll (s.slam)
Motorhead: Rock Out (unforgiven)
Kid Rock: All Summer Long (backlash)
Metallica: All Nightmare Long (no Mercy)
by far the best PPV theme song of 2008 had to be No Way Outs Seether Fake it in my opinion and the worst would have to be Backlashs Kid Rock All Summer Long personally i like the song but dont you think the whole song maybe could have fitted With Summerslam with the whole summer theme lol
i have to agree with that my way by Limp Bizkit was THE song to hype up WM17. i was about 12 or 13 at the tme and i remember me and my friends getting so pumped up for that wrestlemania, and that song just sold the hype for us. shows wat a good themtune can do
as for 2008, i liked anything rev theory done, i think they suit PPV tunes well. RHCP's snow jus didnt 'go' with wrestlemania 24 for me...

ah sory i left out zone3og's name in the post above. thanks for reminding me of that song bud.

and mannersf1, could u tell me what the theme tune was for NWO that just passed? i loved that song, it was awesome when used to hype the orton/shane match. or any1 else hu knows i too. thanks
Fake It is easily #1, 2nd would be All Nightmare Long.

The worst is without a doubt Kid Rock's crap. The song is seriously horrendous.
Kid Rock's is tied for worst with RHCP....
Cause seriously, that Hey Oh song is the most..... un-wrestling like song I have ever heard. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent enough song. But for Wrestle-fucking-mania? The most aderenaline filled event of the wrestling calender, and they pull out a pop-rock hit that's a borederline ballad? It just seems a bit silly....

And I hate Kid Rock's song. Wow, it's actually terrible...
Seeing as it's my ringtone Pendulum "Propane Nightmares is my favourite. Always thought an edited version could be decent entrance music for a face.
Best - Fake It by Seether. They're a great band. Personally, I prefer RHCP's "Snow", but as stated before, it just didn't fit in with the theme. However "Leave the Memories Alone" by Fuel was decent (It was the song used for Ric Flair promos around WM24). Best WM song ever though has to be "The Memory Will Never Die" by Default. That band is awesome.

Worst - Probably "All Summer Long". Or AC/DC, who have an awful new album. Although luckily "Let It Rock" escaped barely (That was the Royal Rumble theme for 2009, correct?). That's such an awful song by two awful artists.

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