WWE Champion John Cena: Who plays the foil?

Who will end John Cena's WWE Championship reign?

  • The Rock at Wrestlemania

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • The Miz

  • CM Punk

  • HHH

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


King Of The Ring
So it's been awhile since Ive done one of these, since the champions have been pretty set for awhile. Miz held the title fr over five months, surprisingly through Wrestlemania. It took a triple threat Cage match at an off-brand PPV for the Miz, surprisingly to me, to drop the title to John Cena. Miz seemed to be gaining momentum as a good heel champion, so the switch almost pulled the rug out from underneath it. But love or hate it, John Cena is your WWE Champion for the tenth time, which leads me to my first question: Why do you think they picked now to do the title switch?

For those who missed it, the main event of ther Extreme Rules PPv was a triple threat cage match between Cena, Miz, and John Morrison. With Morrison incapicitated due to a vicious attack from R-Truth, Cena took advantage, delievering a super FU from the top rope, pinning the Miz and gaining the title. Last night on Raw, Miz exercisized his rematch clause, and appeared to have won the title. After watching the replay, the ref reversed his decision, disqualifying Miz, with Cenaa remaining as champion. Later in the night, Cena approached The Rock, promising to hold the title until WM 28, where they'll square off for the WWE title. The problem is, theres a slew of challengers in his way. Knowing this, will Cena be able to keep his promise to Rock?

Speaking of challengers, we have Alberto Del Rio, who believes it's his "destiny" to win the title. Cena and Miz likely have unfinished business after last nights controversial finish. CM Punk figures to be in thr mix somewhere, and R-Truth is catching on as a heel. Then we look at the babyface side, where perhaps a John Morrison is ready for his first title. Perhaps Rey Mysterio has one more run in him. Hell, maybe we'll see a HHH return to try and capture one more. And the wild cards are the Rock, who Cena promised a WWE championship match with at next Wrestlemania, and the Money in the Bank winner in July. Cena could easily lose his title, and regain it in the process. So I ask.....

Will John Cena lose his WWE title before next years Wrestlemania?

Who will be the one that takes the tenth WWE title from John Cena?

In your opportunity to build the storylibe, how will Cena's title loss play out?

And have fun with this. Poll is coming.
I voted for The Rock. I am not 100% sure that is what is going to happen, but MY GOD it would it absolutely awesome to see The Great One with the WWE title strapped around his waist again, I would probably MTFO for about half an hour.

Now, I am not sure that this will happen, I wouldnt be shocked at all to see Cena beat Rock and turn heel at next years Mania, and I cannot see WWE keeping Cena as champion all year, they will almost certainly have him lost it before then, but then reclaim it in order to face The Rock at Wrestelmania.

However, what I would like to see is for the WWE to let Cena have the belt til then. He doesnt have to be the premier storyline every month, in fact I would even like to see a PPV without a title match once or twice this year, but then have Cena in a high profile match or feud at the others, beating all challengers and maintaining the prestige of the title until he faces The Brahma Bull and loses.

Whether The Rock remains champion afterwards I dont know, I doubt he would. But this could then lead to a WWE-wide tournament....a NEW King Of The Ring, where you not only get the crown, but the WWE Title too. The most prestiguous KOTR tournament ever, where the winner is not just the person WWE will push next, but THE MAN in the WWE. Infact, why not take the opportunity to begin a year long tournament, with the main event at NEXT years WM (WM29) to crown the Undisputed WWE champion.

Just a dream, but fuck me it would be epic.
For some reason I think WWE will be dumb enough to make this a title match and have Cena dominate all the way to WrestleMania 28 but Rock can't win the title he's going to wrestle that one match so that would mean Cena would have to win.

But since I'm hoping to god that nothing of the sort ever happens I'd like to believe that Cena will lose his title by Survivor Series to Punk or Jericho, have Cena bitch and moan about it, try to win the rumble, but after losing the rumble he realizes that the bigger thing is the Rock and he has to focus on surviving in the ring ONE ON ONE WITH THE GREAT ONE.
Now, I am not sure that this will happen, I wouldnt be shocked at all to see Cena beat Rock and turn heel at next years Mania, and I cannot see WWE keeping Cena as champion all year, they will almost certainly have him lost it before then, but then reclaim it in order to face The Rock at Wrestelmania.

I agree with you on this point mate.. I do see Cena facing The Great One at Wrestlemania for the WWE Champion.. However I hope VKM has taken his lesson and wont force Cena down our throats for 11 months.. That being said and the plans of ADR facing Cena at Summer Slam, I see him winning the title from Cena.. That could be a nice little battle.. Also I see a Miz/Swagger face turn somewhere on the horizon this year, as well as JoMo winning the MITB on RAW side.. So probably JoMo gets it from ADR, Miz gets it back somehow and Cena then steamrolls his way, the usual self to Wrestle Mania..

Now I dont think Rock is going to beat Cena at Wrestlemania, Its sort of paying his dues to the company and business and giving Cena that push into Stratosphere of Wrestling Legend (AND DOWN OUR THROATS TOO, YUCK ALREADY :banghead::banghead::banghead:)
I think they picked now to do the title switch because it was time to take the title off of Miz. He got to walk out of Wrestlemania with a title retention. Against CENA. That's a huge accomplishment, and so is having the longest title reign in 3 years. I think they are going to build up to a Cena VS Del Rio match at Summerslam, when destiny finally comes in the form of the WWE Championship for Del Rio. He will then lose it somehow to Cena before Wrestlemania against The Rock. Morrison is busy feuding with R-Truth, and Raw is full of heels so a face needed the belt. Miz had no one else to feud with except maybe Rey, and I refuse to pay money to see Rey VS Miz in a title match. Cena's loss (likely to Del Rio at Summerslam, or after another MITB cash-in) would cause him to get frustrated (kayfabe) and channel some of his ruthless aggression, as he tries to get the title back in time to defend it against The Rock at Wrestlemania 28. I can see something like that playing out, and if it does, we could be in for an interesting year.
I did previously say that I was excited for the prospect of Cena feuding with Alberto Del Rio at, before and/or after SummerSlam. However, that was before I learned that CM Punk was sticking around on Raw and so the prospect of what could be an all-time great feud would be revived. Obviously the WWE needs to do a few things to make a Punk/Cena feud work. They won't, of course; they'll just chuck him with Del Rio or Miz instead.

  • Get Punk away from Nexus

    I loved Nexus when-- no, I'm going to stop there. I had a moderate sort of appreciation for Nexus that could possibly be construed as me liking them for the first, I dunno, month of their existence. The shit will always fall to the bottom. Punk can only plunge his hands into that filthy bowl and pull them up so many times before nobody can stand the smell any more and they just have to be flushed.

  • Give Punk the belt, have Cena chase him for it

    Well, he made a promise to The Rock, didn't he? Have Punk take it and rub it in his face. Have him take his balls out and teabag Cena. Wait, what? I mean, uh, nothing makes an interesting feud like-- sorry, I'm thinking about Punk's balls too much. I'll be back to finish this later.

So, in summary; CM Punk. Good, isn't he?
i really think the only answer at this moment has to be Del Rio. Punk definitely has the credibility to jump right into the main event picture but i don't see WWE giving a guy who isn't tied down to the company a run at the title. VKM learned that lesson in Montreal. the thing i've been really mulling over since last night has been Cena's insistence at his match at WM being a WWE Title match. what gets under my skin about it, is this automatically kinda buries the winner of the Royal Rumble. The winner would have to choose the World Heavyweight Title and it's still an honor to hold that belt but not having the option to choose what belt you want to go after definitely diminishes the impact of winning the Rumble, IMO. It's a very strange time for WWE creative right now and i think that's why we are seeing so many strange decisions with regards to booking and non organic story telling. what do you guys think about the Royal Rumble issue? again i apologize for posting that question here but i don't have the ability to make a new thread yet.
I thim you have to keep Cena as champ until the RR at least and then lose it at the RR , because if is not the champ at the RR, what does he do, as he really can't compete in the RR as there would be no point of him winning it because he already has a set match at the RR. Also if he is the champ after the RR, then we know the winner can not challenge for Cena's title as he is already in a match at WM28.
I'm going to break down the choices one by one, because most of them have little to no chance of winning.

The Rock- No chance. He's coming back for one night only, which is exactly how it should be. Anything else just diminishes the specialness of having him wrestle Cena at Wrestlemania 28, and having him win the belt would mean he needs to drop it to someone else. True, he could win the belt and vacate it, but what's the point of that? There is none. Every other guy on this poll has a better chance than The Rock.

Alberto Del Rio- He's already had a title shot at Mania and he put on a stellar match with Christian at Extreme Rules. Del Rio has everything it takes in the ring to become a champion, but he's still missing that certain something that puts him at the top of the main event where guys like Cena and Miz sit. I think he just needs one more really good, malicious feud to put him up there though, and it appears that Rey Mysterio will be lending his talents to help elevate Del Rio to the very top in the immediate future. I'd say this is our winner right here, and he grabs the title from Cena at Royal Rumble with some help from his friends.

The Miz- John Cena and The Miz could feud forever and I'd be happy, these guys just make magic happen together. That said, it's time for the other guys to get a chance to shine, and Miz could definitely stand to give rubs to other up and coming faces like Kofi, Evan Bourne, and (dare I dream) Zack Ryder. He could also give us a proper blow off to his long standing feud with Morrison or even feud with Triple H. There is much for Miz to do besides feud with Cena over the belt, and I think the WWE would like to expand his horizons a little bit.

CM Punk- If he's out the door as it is being reported, then he has even less of a chance than The Rock. However, if we ignore the reports, I say Punk has the second best chance of the guys on this list. Punk is a master at the art of professional wrestling. He knows how to make all the fans hate him with ease, and he's a genius ring-psychologist. Now this doesn't always lead to a push, but Punk seems to have made enough of a name for himself that he will find a way to get this push, and he and Cena can put a proper end to their feud that ended shortly before Royal Rumble.

Triple H- The Game is past the point of his career where a title reign would be interesting. It's clear he's trying to transition into less of an on-screen role, so I doubt he'd get himself involved in a feud as crucial to the program as a feud with the WWE Champion. If Trips wants to get involved on the show, it'll be to elevate younger talent like Miz or Del Rio, not to pad his already impressive resume.

Rey Mysterio- I think Rey might have a world title reign or two left in him, but he's not beating Cena for the title. He simply is not, nor will he ever be, on Cena's level. Perhaps we'll see him lift it off of Del Rio somewhere down the road, but not Cena.

Other- Mason Ryan? Seems way to soon for him. Skip Sheffield? The WWE would be foolish to push him straight into a feud with John Cena with Skip playing the heel when there is so much midcard heel talent for Skip to feud with. Jericho would be a viable option, but I don't want to put too much thought into him because he could be coming back to play a wide variety of roles.

So I think Alberto Del Rio is the guy to foil Cena, and he does it around the Royal Rumble. This gives Cena a nice lengthy title reign and it keeps him exciting while we all await his Wrestlemania 28 match with The Rock. I think Del Rio uses Ricardo Rodriguez and possibly another outside combatant to screw Cena out of his title, and then Del Rio retains against Cena and four other men in the Elimination Chamber.
i really think the only answer at this moment has to be Del Rio. Punk definitely has the credibility to jump right into the main event picture but i don't see WWE giving a guy who isn't tied down to the company a run at the title. VKM learned that lesson in Montreal. the thing i've been really mulling over since last night has been Cena's insistence at his match at WM being a WWE Title match. what gets under my skin about it, is this automatically kinda buries the winner of the Royal Rumble. The winner would have to choose the World Heavyweight Title and it's still an honor to hold that belt but not having the option to choose what belt you want to go after definitely diminishes the impact of winning the Rumble, IMO. It's a very strange time for WWE creative right now and i think that's why we are seeing so many strange decisions with regards to booking and non organic story telling. what do you guys think about the Royal Rumble issue? again i apologize for posting that question here but i don't have the ability to make a new thread yet.

You bring up a good point. I was talking to a friend last night about something like this. Mostly the RR issue. Who is to say that Cena WILL hold the title until Mania? He could drop it, and end up in the Rumble, and win it. He could then challenge at EC, and win it then, thus giving us Rock and Cena for the title at Mania. As to whom he would drop it to, before hand? Del Rio and Punk are good ideas, but I don't see why Miz can't have a second run. Hell, this is a bit of a long shot but Ziggler wouldn't be a bad idea too...if only a short run...like a month.
So it's been awhile since Ive done one of these, since the champions have been pretty set for awhile. Miz held the title fr over five months, surprisingly through Wrestlemania. It took a triple threat Cage match at an off-brand PPV for the Miz, surprisingly to me, to drop the title to John Cena. Miz seemed to be gaining momentum as a good heel champion, so the switch almost pulled the rug out from underneath it. But love or hate it, John Cena is your WWE Champion for the tenth time, which leads me to my first question: Why do you think they picked now to do the title switch?

For those who missed it, the main event of ther Extreme Rules PPv was a triple threat cage match between Cena, Miz, and John Morrison. With Morrison incapicitated due to a vicious attack from R-Truth, Cena took advantage, delievering a super FU from the top rope, pinning the Miz and gaining the title. Last night on Raw, Miz exercisized his rematch clause, and appeared to have won the title. After watching the replay, the ref reversed his decision, disqualifying Miz, with Cenaa remaining as champion. Later in the night, Cena approached The Rock, promising to hold the title until WM 28, where they'll square off for the WWE title. The problem is, theres a slew of challengers in his way. Knowing this, will Cena be able to keep his promise to Rock?

Speaking of challengers, we have Alberto Del Rio, who believes it's his "destiny" to win the title. Cena and Miz likely have unfinished business after last nights controversial finish. CM Punk figures to be in thr mix somewhere, and R-Truth is catching on as a heel. Then we look at the babyface side, where perhaps a John Morrison is ready for his first title. Perhaps Rey Mysterio has one more run in him. Hell, maybe we'll see a HHH return to try and capture one more. And the wild cards are the Rock, who Cena promised a WWE championship match with at next Wrestlemania, and the Money in the Bank winner in July. Cena could easily lose his title, and regain it in the process. So I ask.....

Will John Cena lose his WWE title before next years Wrestlemania?

Most likely will. Its entirely pointless to keep it all the way until 'Mania. Especially if they want to build the Miz. Look, we get it, Cena's the man. There's no need for him to go through the roster especially because the ones that are contenders for the title (with the exception of the Miz) cannot afford to lose that contention and they're at the cusp of being main eventers. Fodders, I understand, but not these guys. They're too small to lose to Cena and too big to job to him if you catch my meaning. No? Okay.

If Morrison went up against Cena and lost, he'd lose his credibility. He'd be back where he started. Same with Del Rio and most other big heels from Smackdown.

But everyone (with the exception of Del Rio) is too small to win against Cena. Mysterio vs Cena will be interesting but Cena would still go over.

Who will be the one that takes the tenth WWE title from John Cena?

Mysterio's not gonna go over, Miz needs to move on, Morrison has a Troof to deal with, Orton's gone. Guess that leaves Del Rio.

Well since we got a couple more PPV's before Summer Slam and that being the first of the big four, I'd say Del Rio's gonna take the strap off of him.

Del Rio should have been Champion, not taking anything away from Christian but Del Rio should have been awarded champion and lost it to Christian. Atleast he'd have a championship under his belt and since he was going to lose, atleast he'd finish his destiny.

Miz and Morrison need to move on, I love those guys but Miz needs more feuds under his belt and so does Morrison so for a while I'd say feed Cena the fodder. [/QUOTE]

In your opportunity to build the storylibe, how will Cena's title loss play out?

Hmm...well after TLC Punk attacked Cena because he didn't like him doing these things to th Nexus and was a self proclaimed good guy. Now, someone can recycle this idea. Have Cena talk about how this is HIS championship and no one is taking it away...he worked hard to get where he is and he left his mark on WWE forever...I guess you could say it was...destiny.

Aaaand cue Del Rio.

Del Rio can attack Cena and say that his destiny was stolen away by Edge and he will not repeat that mistake with Cena. Give Cena some fodder for over the limit and let Del Rio attack and "seriously" injure both of Cena's arms so that he can't perform the AA.

Keep going with this storyline and let Del Rio claim that with Edge he made the mistake of not taking him out before hand and he did the same with Christian. But without the AA, Cena's done. Keep this going till Summer Slam where its Del Rio against a Cena without AA and let him go over. Its believable because Cena doesn't have the AA and let Del Rio win his first every championship.
I think he will lose it in a couple of months to del rio and then get in back in jan at the rumble retain it at elimination chamber and defend it and lose it to the rock at wrestlemania then rock will come out on raw vacate the title and retire

Then Miz,Cena,Del Rio and Punk will have a fatal four way at next years extreme rules where miz will claim his secound wwe title run
Will John Cena lose his WWE title before next years Wrestlemania?

I would definitely say yes. With all the guys the WWE are pushing towards the top, there's no doubt Cena will lose his title before Wrestlemania XXVII. That's not to say, he might gain it back before then too.

Who will be the one that takes the tenth WWE title from John Cena?

Tenth title reign? I'd say Alberto Del Rio. Simply because the WWE obviously thinks he's long over due for a major title reign. Del Rio has to be getting upset because, if I'm correct, this would be the 4th PPV where he was suppose to win the World Heavyweight Championship. As for The Rock, well he doesn't need it. And in my opinion, The Rock doesn't need to go over John Cena at Wrestlemania XXVIII. The Rock is not coming back...obviously. However, John Cena will be there from here on out. How smart would it be to have The Rock go over Cena and completely make the top baby face, look bad? In my opinion The Rock doesn't need to be anywhere near the WWE Championship. Alberto Del Rio, does.

In your opportunity to build the storyline, how will Cena's title loss play out?

Have Alberto Del Rio win the Money in the Bank ladder match. Cashes it in at Summer Slam or something and there you have it. Nothing really detailed but good enough to put him over. This gives enough time for Cena to capture the WWE Championship back before 'Mania while giving Alberto Del Rio a solid reign on top. Still don't believe the WWE Championship should be put on the line with The Rock and John Cena encounter.
I cannot fathom Cena holding the belt into WrestleMania because, quite simply, it is really bad business. Cena and Rock are massive names and don't need a belt to get their encounter over. I can see John hold the match all the way to the Elimination Chamber were the Rock is guest referee and screws Cena out of the title, possibly accidentally. This way, the belt is a constant heat builder between the two right up to the mouth of WM and then Rock 'costing' Cena the title (ideally, when there are three guys left to allow my second story arc to tie in) will be run-in friction burner.

Who will take the belt? That is a cracking question but way too early to tell. Ten months is a long time, but given the problems with legit names at this years Mania; I could see Y2J versus CM Punk or Batista versus young Randal Option two would be my more likely option. I'd see it going down as Dave returning in the Rumble, but SD's Randy screwing his old Evolution partner out of his title opportunity and going on to win himself (I can see him going in as a face and teaming with Dave until the Rattlesnake strikes). Randy will then throw his hat in the ring to face Cena and Rock at WM but an Elimination Chamber win by Batista (after Orton botches trying to RKO Dave and knocks his opponent out instead) means that ain't gonna be the case. Old faction history, the Rumble and the Chamber would do well to make this a very marketable match in it's own right.
Why do you think they picked now to do the title switch?
I guess they felt the miz reign had run its course. Theese days a 6 month reign is a rareity especially for a first time champion. And i guess they want cena to be champion every time the rock makes an appearance so that he can flaunt his championship to the rock.

Knowing this, will Cena be able to keep his promise to Rock?
Yes i fully believe cena will be champion going into wrestlemania 28. Simply for the fact that Cena has gone on about defending the title against the rock so much and will continue to mention it everytime the rock shows up. Thats not to say he wont lose it between now and mania

Will John Cena lose his WWE title before next years Wrestlemania?
Definately i would bet my house on it. If the WWE are planning on having him face del rio at summerslam then it should happen there. What would be the point of bringing del rio to raw if they werent going to make him champion when he easily could have feuded with christian and orton over on smackdown for the world title.

In your opportunity to build the storyline, how will Cena's title loss play out?
I say have him lose the title at summerslam and let rock rock taunt him about how hes not good enough to walk into mania as champ then have cena become obsessed with winning the title before mania. Then have him finally win it at the royal rumble and after the match have the rock come out and stare down with cena setting in motion the rivallry leading up to mania.
It has to be Alberto Del Rio, IMO. The guy has been knocking around the title picture for a while now. He has the look of a champion (and a long-time champion) and I think a Cena/Del Rio feud would be very entertaining and worthy of 2-3 PPV's, before Del Rio eventually wins the belt (maybe at Summerslam?).
I voted for CM Punk because there is no way Cena is having theat title for 11 months straight. I am a fan of his but that would be downright terrible, other guys need an opportunity to be at the top and out of the people shown, CM Punk needs it the most. He is stuck in a bad group, lost two matches in a row to Randy Orton and the last time he held a title was back in 2009. Also, a Cena/Punk one on one feud would be great to watch once CM Punk gets his contract problem out of the way.
I'm going to go with Del Rio here. While there have been rumors that Cena and Del Rio are slated to work a program, I do not think that a feud will begin immediately. Del Rio is coming off losses against Edge and Christian and so I feel that he needs to be rebuilt a bit. Maybe he will feud with the Big Show while Cena takes on Punk in the interim which results in a "Loser Leaves Raw" match.

I think what will happen towards the end of the year is that Rock will screw Cena out of the title in a match against Del Rio. Cen will ask for an explanation and I think that The Rock will say something like he does not want Cena to be distracted with the tought of defending his title, he wants him to concentrate only on The Rock and give his absolute best in their match. I think that WWE realizes that Rock vs Cena is a huge match regardless of whether the title is on the line or not and they will surely not pass up the opportunity of letting another guy hold the WWE title at that point.
I have no idea who will be the end of Cena's 10th reign as Champ. And the reason why Del Rio was moved to RAW was because of Del Rio's and Sin Cara's Backstage heat against each other and that. I think it'll most likely by Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, or CM Punk. But we'll have to wait and see.
I hope he doesnt have the WWE title all the way till WrestleMania because Im not watching RAW until someone else is champion... i dont care if its Michael Cole.

When the ref counted 3 at Extreme Rules i became a one brand guy... SmackDown.

In terms of who takes the title from him... NONE OF THE ABOVE.

This is John Cena... he is going to be forced so far down our throats he will come out of our arses leading into Mania.

The Rock wont win because he wont wrestle again... unless he vacates it the next night on RAW... only for Cena to win it again.
I hope he doesnt have the WWE title all the way till WrestleMania because Im not watching RAW until someone else is champion... i dont care if its Michael Cole.

When the ref counted 3 at Extreme Rules i became a one brand guy... SmackDown.

In terms of who takes the title from him... NONE OF THE ABOVE.

This is John Cena... he is going to be forced so far down our throats he will come out of our arses leading into Mania.

The Rock wont win because he wont wrestle again... unless he vacates it the next night on RAW... only for Cena to win it again.

Yep I have to agree...I only watched Raw on Monday cuz The Rock was gonna be there but now that Cena is champ again I'm taking a break from watching Raw til he drops the belt...Most of the people I know got back into wrestling again when the Rock first came back before Mania and now that he's probably gone for awhile so are the people I know...between Rock leaving and Cena being champ again you can be sure ratings are about to go downhill...

now I know...all you Cena lovers are gonna blast me and that's fine but let's wait and see the effect it has...
I really don't see Cena holding it to Mania, that would be really lame unless somehow they turn Cena into a heel during that time as Champion, but I don't see that happening.

I could easily see The Rock cost Cena the title in one of the next 3 PPV's. They need to keep heat between these two for a year. If you have Cena randomly winning the title throughout the year trying to hold the belt for their Mania match, then you have Rock randomly coming back when at PPVs when Cena is defending his title and costing him the title, it will keep the feud going throughout the year and add more heat to it.
The only way I see Cena dropping the title to The Rock is if they plan on getting a new championship. Rock wins the title, trashes the spinner belt, debuts a new title, and they have a tournament to determine the new WWE champion. However that is a long shot. I believe that Alberto Del Rio will be the guy who ultimately ends Cena's championship reign. However I'm not sure as to when Cena will drop the title. It could be after Mania, could be before, hell it could even be on an episode Raw. The only thing I'm fairly certain about is ADR becoming the next WWE champion. I mean it's his destiny. Seriously though he has been built up as a credible contender and if he loses too many world title matches he could fall the way of Wade Barrett and be stuck in the midcard before being built back up.

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