WWE Bragging Rights 2010 - Laycool (c) vs Natalya - Unified Divas Championship


Gone but never forgotten.

Following weeks of verbal and physical jabs courtesy of self-professed “co-Unified Divas Champions” Lay-Cool, Natalya will no doubt seek retribution against the taunting tandem – and capture their butterfly-emblazoned title – at WWE Bragging Rights.

Natalya last collided with WWE’s Mean Girls at Hell in a Cell, where Layla threw a shoe at the third-generation competitor to intentionally disqualify defending Unified Divas Champion Michelle McCool. Although Layla technically cost her “BFF” the match, she also rescued Michelle from submitting to Natalya’s excruciating Sharpshooter – a maneuver she added to her repertoire as a tribute to her uncle, WWE Hall of Famer Bret “Hit Man” Hart.

As the first female graduate of the Hart Dungeon, Natalya has never backed down from a fight, and while one might think Lay-Cool’s constant bullying would be discouraging, Michelle & Layla’s torment has only bolstered Natalya’s desire to win her first championship in WWE.

As stipulated by SmackDown Special Consultant Vickie Guerrero, either Michelle or Layla can defend the title. But regardless of who is actually competing in the match, the WWE Universe – and more importantly, the challenger herself – can expect both members of Lay-Cool to play a role.

Will the first-ever Unified Divas Champions rack up another “flawless” victory? Or will a Sharpshooter earn Natalya her first championship win this time around? To find out, tune in to WWE Bragging Rights, Oct. 24, only on pay-per-view.​

Even though we don't know which member of Laycool will compete yet, Natalya will get another shot at their Divas championship at Bragging Rights against one of them.

Let's keep the discussion about the match in here.
Well this should be a good match if it's with Michelle McCool. The match wasn't terrible in HIAC. Most diva matches are so lackluster these days, but Natyla is excellet. I hope it's Michell McCool, because I seen Layla wrestle, she's kind of bad. But the womans division seems to gain my attention more. I actually never followed the womens division on Raw, because of Maryse, Alicia Fox, and Eve especially. I used to love Melina, but honestly, it seems she`s avoiding injury too much and thats why she botches so much of her moves. Anyway, I seem to look forward to shis match because of Natyla.
After their last match, I'm definitely looking forward to this one. I love Natalya, LayCool is entertaining all the time (well, with a few exceptions), and it's nice to see some good divas battle it out. Sure, to many, this is nothing more than a slightly more high-quality bathroom break match, but at least it probably won't be dreadful.

Plus, I think this is either Nattie's time to shine or Beth Phoenix's time to return, depending on how the match goes. Natalya lost at the last PPV and seems to have built up a bit of momentum, and Phoenix is healed and still has a grudge to settle with LayCool.

Either result is good for me.
now i may bash tna and say that they are minor leauge(which they are) to wwe and roh but the tna knockouts are much better wrestlers and they act more mature then the wwe divas which are more better looking.

why would i say what i just said???

LAYCOOL! anyways... the beautiful people are more grown-up and classy acting!

laycool act like little 5 year old beauty queens instead of acting like mature dignified women like the TNA knockouts. i hope natalya wins at bragging rights and shut fakecool up! :icon_neutral:
this was her third shot at the divas championship when it was first introduced it was Natala vs Michelle and Michelle won i wanted Natala to win but she didn't
Mccool vs Natalya should be another good diva match up. It would be nice to finnally see Natalya hold the strap(long over due) but like said these two actually have good matches. Besides the fact that both maybe the two most technical girls on the roster, Laycool can really draw heat and if management gives them a chance and some real ring time(not 2-4 minutes) this could be really big for the divas division. Side note- I think wwe missed the ball on a Gail Kim vs Melina rivalry.
Not expecting much out of this match really. I guess it'll be a decent match for a divas match. But really, all it'll be good for is due to the looks of these girls. As well as the fact that, well we need to go take a toilet break eventually.

I still don't get why Natalya was made the challenger. Sure she's over as a face diva, and she hasn't challenged yet. However, I could see better choices in the likes of Eve for example, who did fairly well with her Divas championship reign. As well as I'd be convinced that match would've been better as well.

But oh well. LayCool should really walk out champions from Hell in a Cell. I see no reason to give Natalya the championship. Especially considering LayCool is, and will remain one of the best things, if not the best thing going on in the divas division right now.

Originally written in the Hell in a Cell match thread. And I'm still thoroughly convinced this will be the same situation. Natalya is really, really meh compared to LayCool. So she can wrestle? Big Deal? Half the division doesn't have the ability to make it work next to her. But LayCool can entertain, and that's the primary love from Vince obviously.

This match, like last one is most likely gonna be shit. And I can only hope that Natalya once again looses. Clean this time? I don't really care.. It's a divas match after all.
I hope we see Michelle VS Natalya, because they are at the top of the list of women who can go in the ring in WWE. Layla vs Natalya probably wouldn't be too bad, but I want to see Natalya and McCool go at it. I think Lay-Cool will come out on top here. I would LOVE to see Natalya win the title here, but I just don't think WWE is going to derail the Lay-Cool train yet. I think Michelle and Layla will continue to dominate a little bit longer, then they will have to deal with Beth Phoenix.
When I saw the match first being part of the Hell in a Cell PPV, I thought, "Hey, this should be interesting"...and well it was (-ish). But fast-forward to this past Monday Night Raw, and I say...Meh.

Seriously. Natalya may have some good wrestling skills but her mic skills are just beyond boring. If you take a good look at the promo cut by Lay-Cool and Natalya this past monday, you will see what I'm talking about. The entire segment was dominated by Lay-Cool; all Natalya would do was just laugh at every insult Lay-Cool would make at her. Then you have the crowd just screaming "boring" (or were they boo's...I can't remember)---really a god awful segment.

Out of this match, I expect for Lay-Cool to come out victorious. Lay-Cool is the only thing that is keeping the Diva's division from being total shit; none of the other divas seem to make a decent enough conrtibution...not even Melina. As of this momment, I don't see anyone else worthy of holding the Women's belt (or what-ever it's called). So really, the only possible winner can without a doubt be Lay-Cool.

The Divas division may be better than it once was (i.e. 2009), but it still isn't at the level where it can be considered *entertainment*. Hopefully when Beth Pheonix returns and we have the new rookies from NXT on the main roster, things will change...

But yea, Lay-Cool is winning this one.
I really want Natalya to win, but I can't see it her winning though. Lay-Cool are just to over with Vinnie Mac. I think Natalya has the capacity to hold the title for a while, but not now.
The quality of the match though, will be good... On Natalya's part, Lay-Cool, not so much. I say this is the get-up-and-grab-a-beer segment, nothing too electrifying.
I think Nattie is gonna take it this time. She is beginning to be really over with the fans, and if they put the belt on her and build her up, then have her feud with Beth when she returns, that will make for some great matches.
im actually looking foward to this match. i like the divas division and i've been waiting for an inporvement for awhile now. this could be the start.
idc who she wrestles they could both put on a good match. if you watch laylas matches lately she pulls out an eyecatching move to show she can wrestle, and its usually a different move which shows she has a move set.
i'm hoping nattie wins cause she can really put on a show and have laycool chase the titles so they are still getting heat until beth comes back and her and nattie could put on a clinic. which could be a match to put on the wrestlemania card if they actually gave them a 10-15 minute time span for the match. but the chances of this happening? who knows
Here we go with the match where I'll be checking my facebook after grabbing a snack and water bottle from the fridge. I do hope Natalya gets the win, although she has no division to feud with. They are all unwatchable. Michelle McCool has feuded with EVERYONE, she's done. Put the belt on Natalya, she deserves it. A Natalya VS Beth feud would catch my interest, once Beth comes back. The match will probably be a little better than most diva matches, but still boring and not worth watching. My predicted victory goes to Natalya though because it would do two great things for the division.... someone NEW would be holding the belt, AND someone who actually knows how to wrestle. Oh, wait, this is WWE's divas division we are talking about. Whatever, Natalya for the win anyhow.

Natalya will win the Divas Championship.
The Divas division is lacking a lot. I believe that LayCool will retain the belt in this match, as there is no story to go with if Natalya wins the belt. LayCool will keep going over until Beth Phoenix makes her return and takes the title in a handicap match.

This being a RAW vs SMACKDOWN! match, do the brands get a point if their roster wins? If so point for SMACKDOWN! and if this match is on before Dolph vs Daniel Brian, it will give away the winner of that match, they wont have one brand sweep the other, will they?
I would have had Michelle in this Match because I think it would have a been a better match o well. I really want Nattie to win this match but I just don't see it happening. Laycool gets the Win.
I think Nattie really has a good chance of winning this time, she has built up a lot of momentum and it was announced on Smackdown! that Layla will be wrestling. WWE has always given Michelle a push but Layla not so much so it would make sense if Layla would be the one to lose the title. Nattie can definitely keep the title for a long time if she gets it, with her great wrestling ability, charisma and how she's over with the fans.

Someone mentioned Beth returning with I've totally forgotten about, it would be really good for Beth to return and cost LayCool the match (since Michelle will be interfering one way or another). Then Nattie could have a feud with Layla and Beth could feud with Michelle.

My prediction - Natalya
Ok, so first off I know alot of people on the boards here could care less about the Divas division, but they are one of the huge reasons I still watch after 14+ years. I have to say though, enough is enough. I mean Cmon now, Michelle has had the belt some way or another around her waist for a better part of two years now. Mickie took it away(briefly) and then the same for Beth(injury). I get that Laycool is the "most over" of the divas, but why cant any other women? Michelle is talented but we know why she has that title still, and I am starting to get annoyed that NO other women can beat them. I knew that once they merged the titles things were going to go this way and NOW, no more hope for Melina, Tamina, Gail, Marsye, Alicia, Kelly or Eve. None of these ladies have solo matches anymore and if they are on TV its for a dance off or valet style. Its time to switch things up a little now, and not just in the Divas department. Lets have some different matches, not always the same two people week in and week out, week in and week out, you get my point. Im hopeing SOON rather than Later laycool loses their titles, and someone else gets "their" shot. Sometimes too much of a good thing can get stale ie: laycool

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