WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Team LayCool (c) vs. Natalya - Handicap Divas Title Match

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

From WWE.com

Self-professed “Co-Divas Champions” Lay-Cool may have made the gravest mistake to the besties’ title reign when they gave Natalya one more opportunity to become the first female Hart family descendent to wear championship gold in WWE.

At Survivor Series, Michelle McCool and Layla will look to defend the Divas Title in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match against a No.1 contender who’s proven herself capable of unseating WWE’s Mean Girls. Natalya, who’s spent weeks enduring the condescending and high-pitch insults of Lay-Cool, has gotten the best of both co-holders of the lustrous prize on separate occasions. By defeating McCool, she earned a title bout at the 23rd annual Survivor Series.

The Hart descendant even came within inches of securing the butterfly-emblazoned title at WWE Bragging Rights. The craven co-champions’ use of their signature underhandedness saved their brass – and their championship gold – just weeks ago, but nothing has impeded Natalya from positioning her crosshairs squarely on the coveted prize.

The Sharpshooter has forged countless memorable feats in the Hart family legacy, including the Intercontinental, United States, European and even WWE Championships. If the pink-and-black adorned Diva can lock in her lineage’s most lethal weapon, Natalya could excellently execute the grandest accomplishment in her career.

Will Survivor Series mark the end of a “flawless” reign or will Lay-Cool continue their sexy, smart and powerful supremacy in sports-entertainment?

A handicap title match? I still think Lay-Cool will retain here. There's a slight chance Natalya could win, but I just don't see it happening. Lay-Cool has dominated the women's division in WWE for a long time, and I don't think their reign will end here. I would LOVE to see Natalya win this match, but I think she's being used to keep Lay-Cool busy until Beth Phoenix's return.

This match will either be terrible or decent. I'm not expecting anything great or good here. Natalya will probably show us some impressive feats of strength, and Lay-Cool will spend a good amount of time being afraid of the challenger. I think Layla and Michelle will find some way to cheat for the win, because I don't see the reign of Lay-Cool ending here.

What are you thoughts about this match?
Seriously, it's going to be the same crap as we've always seen. My answer is summed up from a Raw hitlist a few weeks ago that said "why do they keep buildings a divas division around someone nobody cares about?? Referring to Mccool.
I'm really sick of seeing her. She came from a teacher gimmick on wwecw to the most accomplished divas of all time. she doesn't have a ton of ability and she has an extremely annoying accent and voice.
My theory is she's where she is because of her husband and his power.
Layla is the only diva I've ever found attractive but can't wrestle for shit. She doesn't belong in the ring.

So this match will be exactly how you described with a dq or something to help Mccool keep the title. I don't say LayCool when it comes to the titles holder.

It would be nice to see a change and someone who has never won it should get a push. Her push is only until Beth Pheonix returns. And this feud probably won't last after this ppv. Also to help Hart merch sales.
Natalya is going nowhere being in the storyline with the other Dynasty members feuding. Nobody cares about them. She could be a breakout star.
This match would have been a million times better with a champion like Gail Kim or another talented diva. But they're only hiring fitness models with fake boobs and no experience at the moment. So terrible matches with stupid endings will be around awhile.
Good god can this feud end already? It was dragged out already by last Pay Per View. Laycool is great and all that sure. But Natalya shouldn't really become Divas champion because of the very fact that, well she's nowhere near as interesting as some of the other choices that could be made.

I can only hope for Natalya to loose yet again for Laycool to then move on with their business. Perhaps have Eve challenge for the belt? At least she's interesting and had a decent reign herself.
I think McCool's voice and whole gimmick is really irritating, IMO it's time for Layla and McCool to go their separate ways and let someone else be the champ. But we all know thats not going to happen, so my prediction, along with everyone here, is that they will retain.
Actually, I think that natalya will win here. Mainly because there is no reason for another natalya/laycool match, and this added stipulation doesn't make sense either. The only reason that makes a little sense as to why this match is even on the card is because natalya is going to win the belt this time.
Natalya will win with the sharpshooter at Survivors Series.

McCool, relative to the other Divas, is a pretty good wrestler, and I find her pretty. Layla is annoying and useless, IMO.

Whatever happens, it'll be a short match so we can move on to other matches. Thankfully, no more Kane vs. Undertaker for the 300th time.
Without knowing the exact status of Beth Phoenix (whether she is actually cleared for in-ring action), I would say this would be a good opportunity to bring her back.

Have her 'even the odds' for Natalya, so to speak, so she can pick up the title. Beth and Natalya can then feud with Lay-Cool for a while before Beth eventually turns heel on Nattie (RR maybe?), setting up a nice feud between two divas actually capable of performing (well, better than most, anyway).
how about layla screws mccool and joins natalya and they become heels and mccool becomes face.

i might be wrong, but didn't bret get screwed at a survivor series?
so natalya screws someone else.. it would ve made more sense 2 give nataly a bff of her own tho
Seriously, it's going to be the same crap as we've always seen. My answer is summed up from a Raw hitlist a few weeks ago that said "why do they keep buildings a divas division around someone nobody cares about?? Referring to Mccool.
I'm really sick of seeing her. She came from a teacher gimmick on wwecw to the most accomplished divas of all time. she doesn't have a ton of ability and she has an extremely annoying accent and voice.
My theory is she's where she is because of her husband and his power.
Layla is the only diva I've ever found attractive but can't wrestle for shit. She doesn't belong in the ring.

So this match will be exactly how you described with a dq or something to help Mccool keep the title. I don't say LayCool when it comes to the titles holder.

It would be nice to see a change and someone who has never won it should get a push. Her push is only until Beth Pheonix returns. And this feud probably won't last after this ppv. Also to help Hart merch sales.
Natalya is going nowhere being in the storyline with the other Dynasty members feuding. Nobody cares about them. She could be a breakout star.
This match would have been a million times better with a champion like Gail Kim or another talented diva. But they're only hiring fitness models with fake boobs and no experience at the moment. So terrible matches with stupid endings will be around awhile.

Although i really could care less who wins the divas bout but Michelle McCool has come an extremely long way from where she used to be, ring wise anyways. I'll take good competition in the ring over any of that other crap any day. McCool use to be terrible in the ring and i mean terrible, but she has over time really changed that along with her heel turn as she is a natural heel. But now one of the best divas in Mickie James is gone, Melina now botching, Gail Kim not over, and Beth Phoenix still hurt McCool is the best and only option for now.
ill go with laycool on this one......althought i want natalya to win because she deserves the belt and with beth gone she is the best diva right now..... and i like laycool but the their act is stale, i liked them when they were feuding with mickie and beth but they ve become kinda boring lately and who wants the mean girl act to continue with every single diva in the wwe, if natalya wins she could carry the belt to WM and have a match with beth, giving us the best womens match since wm 22.......but that would happen in a perfect world so laycool retains and continues their mean girl campaign
This is the only logical way to book this feud on the PPV. Natalya against any member of LC in a one on one scenario has always come out looking strong with the BFF's either losing or running out of the match with their tails between their legs... hell, we saw Layla lose cleanly to Natalya during the Manchester episode of RAW. However, although right now Natalya gets huge reactions (for a Diva) and is performing leaps and bounds better than any girl in the ring, she's still not interesting enough as a character to be the holder of the Unified Diva's Title. Any feud Natalya has will be like any of the previous title holders have done... quite boring. At least LC has enemies in every Diva on the roster and can rant against anyone.

So, I don't see Natalya winning the championship... but I don't see her going out quickly. She'll remain dominant for the match, LC will find a way to take her down, Natalya tries for a comeback but the numbers are too much (booked so that no-one at the moment can defend against that) and LC retains. I can say this... it's something different to feature a handicap match but the circumstances call for it to be sanctioned. I just hope Natalya can hold her end of the match to make this passable.
Am I the only one who actually likes LayCool?

Nope. I'm a fan also..

Natalya has been getting one over LayCool recently, with Mae Young even getting a 'victory' over them on Raw Old School. So with 100% certainty i can say i think Laycool will retain. Probably through outside interference from the member of LayCool who isn't wrestling.
I hope this is the last time we see this match. I get so sick of seeing the same match from one PPV to the next. Natalya deserves the win more than ever at this point. She would make the better option as champion because she can actualyl wrestle and LayCool have gotten so incredibly annoying. The match will probably be about as interesting as the last two. I'll be checking emails and getting a drink from the fridge while this one goes on. Doesn't interest me in the least at this point but I give Natalya the win due to her deserving it more after this many attempts, plus I'm sick of LayCool as champion.

Natalya will win the Divas Championship.
Firstly, a few people have said that Lay-Cool are annoying. Well, aren't they supposed to be? They're heels for god's sake.

Anyway, I see Lay-Cool retaining here. The only reason it is a handicap match is to make a Natalya look strong when she loses clean. I like Natalya, fantastic wrestler, but she doesn't have a strong personality yet which is almost essential to become a champion. Lay-Cool do have personality, bags of it.
This is really a place holder feud until Beth Phoenix comes back to take the title. She might even be at Survivor Series to start the feud there if she is no longer injured (I don't know about her rehabilitation).
Either way, this should be a good match where Natalya will put up some resistance to Lay-Cool, but they will overpower her.
I think LayCool is going to win :(

As much as I hate to say it Lay-Cool will most likely retain. -_- I will really like to see Natalya win here as it would get the championship away from them. I don’t think WWE would make Natalya loseTHREE times in a row. Maybe Beth Phoenix may return and help Natalya out, either during the match or after the match. This storyline has had not much build up at all, not to mention no backstage segments. If Lay-Cool lose, I will chuck a party... but on a serious note, if Lay-Cool do lose this would be the beginning of the end of Lay-Cool. This match can go either way but I’m going to stick to my prediction as I think Lay-Cool won’t break up just yet.
LayCool has been becoming more and more annoying lately. Natalya has lost against the last 2 PPV matches in 1vs1 matches but now it's handicapped. I can see Natalya winning this just to push her liability and show she deserves it but then again, I just want LayCool to stop coming on RAW.
I have a feeling that if the most recent Smackdown cuts, and if the rumors of some of the Divas that were named before that WWE wanted to keep were true, like McCool, Kelly Kelly, Natalya, Melina, Beth, Maryse, and I think alicia fox...especially with the possibility that Layla wasn't one of the names of the girls who would be 'safe. It wouldn't shock me if Laycool drops the belts since, I too, am growing far more annoyed with seeing the blatant rip off of the high school mean girls. Although the Monday night Retro with May Young did provide endless humor, but it is getting to be a bit redundant to see the same tricks over and over again. You can only tolerate this childish behavior before you have to wonder "Is it really worth the paycheck to act like that?" I really don't think it's worth it at this point to keep it on those two anymore. So yes, I'll have my Hart Dynasty luck charm ready for Natalya. You go girl!!
Hopefully this is last match between Lay-Cool and Natalya the feud has to end here at Survivor Series. This could be a decent Diva's match but I'm not expecting to much from this. I really want Natalya to win this match but I don't see that happening if she wins who is she going to feud with? Laycool will pick up the win.
Prediction: Natalya wins the Diva's Championship

Who really cares about this match? I really don't. But hell. I'll through out a prediction. Layla and McCool has held that belt long enough. Give Natalya the title and have a feud between Layla and McCool or something.
I hope this is the last time we see this match. I get so sick of seeing the same match from one PPV to the next. Natalya deserves the win more than ever at this point. She would make the better option as champion because she can actualyl wrestle and LayCool have gotten so incredibly annoying. The match will probably be about as interesting as the last two. I'll be checking emails and getting a drink from the fridge while this one goes on. Doesn't interest me in the least at this point but I give Natalya the win due to her deserving it more after this many attempts, plus I'm sick of LayCool as champion.

Natalya will win the Divas Championship.

It's about time. Natalya deserved to win the Divas Championship a long time ago. This was an alright match, despite still becoming my designated "time to check facebook and grab a snack!" match, which most womens matches usually end up. Glad that Beth came back. The best part was Beth's return because the division needs her. Badly. I see either Beth or Natalya turning heel and we can FINALLY see the two girls that can actually wrestle feud for a belt that's SUPPOSED to be fought for by female WRESTLERS. So, to repeat myself, it's about time!
This was a feel good moment, as it was awfully rushed. Some good back and forth between Michelle and Natalya to start, but it was all Natalya after that. Good to see her get the win, and the belts off of LayCool.

Natalya seemed genuinely overcome with emotion, and a good job on commentary by Striker of hammerring that home. I would have saved the attack on Natalya for Raw or Smackdown, and then had Beth return, as it somewhat overshadowed Natayla's moment. Still, it was a nice "feel good" moment, but a throwaway match. Hopefully Beth's return will lead to us being treated to actual good women's wrestling within WWE again.
Nope. I'm a fan also..

Natalya has been getting one over LayCool recently, with Mae Young even getting a 'victory' over them on Raw Old School. So with 100% certainty i can say i think Laycool will retain. Probably through outside interference from the member of LayCool who isn't wrestling.

Well, i was wrong...

Dunno if i like that Natalya won to be honest. Especially with Beth coming back. No doubt there will be a bit of 2v2 between those 2 and LayCool now, but then what? Beth vs Natalya in a face vs fave feud for the title? 4 way match for the title? Who knows, for some reason i see LayCool breaking up sometime soon, with one of them turning face and maybe Maryse re entering the title picture.

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