WWE Battleground: Jack Swagger VS Rusev

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So on tonight's episode of Raw, Rusev accepted Zeb Colter's challenge to face Jack Swagger at Battleground. I think it's obvious who's gonna end up winning this match but it should be a good match regardless. Anyone that plans on crapping all over this match, Rusev or Swagger as usual, needs to go and watch tonight's Raw and it's last couple of shows cause the crowd have been pretty hot for this feud and Swagger has never been more over.
I don't mean to sound like I'm being overly negative as I don't mind Swagger, but even Big E was over with the flag waving and U-S-A chants. The "We The People" thing is certainly helping Colter and Swagger too though. I'm anticipating a pretty good match and they'll book Swagger strong for a potential rematch, but I would still fully except Rusev to win.
Swagger has been in & out of company favor so many times that it might be a tough match to call. If management plans to keep him on the periphery......appearing dangerous, yet not really having the impact of a genuine contender.....Rusev should prevail, no matter how good a showing Jack is allowed to make. But if WWE has plans to turn Jack into a good guy, the contest might not go as thoroughly in Rusev's favor as we might think. After watching the attempt at detente last night, it seems hard to believe the company wants to have the Real Americans ground into dust by the foreigners, no?

No, I don't think Swagger is going to beat Rusev decisively; Rusev seems to be the recipient of a big-time push. But if they've got big plans for both men, I could see a "dirty" win by Swagger, thus continuing the feud.
Personally, I'd rather see this match get physical to the point that they're both disqualified/counted out and that half the mid-carders on the locker room have to empty backstage to break them up. This prompts some sort of gimmick match at SummerSlam that'll decide a decisive winner, whom I think will ultimately be Rusev.

If they have a finish that results in a winner at Battleground, I see Rusev still picking up the win. Swagger's had his ups & downs over the years in WWE and I don't see Rusev's push as WWE's biggest new monster being derailed quite so soon.
I think this match will do a lot for both of them. Swagger won't win the match, that much is certain. But it should do a lot for him as a babyface. If it works I'd expect a renewed push for him.

I'm slowly warming to Rusev. He's definately part of the same mould as Umaga. He'll never be a top star, but he'll be a credible challenger to the top stars.
Swagger will lose, because they're not going to derail Rusev's push now. Coulter is doing a wonderful job of helping Rusev's push as the anti-American heel with passionate and patriotic promos, and Lana is holding up her end with rants as the arrogant foreigner and an annoying nasally voice.

It'll be a close match with Rusev scoring the pinfall to continue his streak, and if they're going with a rematch at Summerslam, I can picture Coulter goading Lana into a gimmick match.
Personally, I'd rather see this match get physical to the point that they're both disqualified/counted out and that half the mid-carders on the locker room have to empty backstage to break them up. This prompts some sort of gimmick match at SummerSlam that'll decide a decisive winner, whom I think will ultimately be Rusev.

If they have a finish that results in a winner at Battleground, I see Rusev still picking up the win. Swagger's had his ups & downs over the years in WWE and I don't see Rusev's push as WWE's biggest new monster being derailed quite so soon.

I could see a count out finish. They're both in the midst of a big push and I'm sure creative wouldn't want either one of them to lose momentum.

Rusev will definitely get the win in the end but Swagger's feud with Rusev has been long awaited.

I'm interested to see how Rusev wrestles against bigger guys like Big Show and Mark Henry. That would be a good measuring stick for him in the future

I still cannot stand Rusev. Hopefully they have this match earlier on to get it over with. I will say this much.... WWE has managed to get me slightly interested in a Rusev match, although it is due to everyone else involved and has nothing to do with Rusev himself. Swagger and Zeb as faces could end up working after all and I honestly see them winning now due to the real life tragedy that recently took place. It might not be smart for the promos Lana had been giving to continue right now. Swagger wins for a nice patriotic face moment and probably goes into a US Championship feud or something afterwards, meanwhile Lana goes on to be a solo heel diva perhaps in NXT or remains on the main roster. Rusev will lose this match and move on to the next phase of the stereotypical "big boring guy getting pushed due to being huge". He loses to a face getting pushed, so the next step would be for him to get jobbed out and/or continue to be boring until he gets future endeavored. I see it going on in the earlier half of the evening and it won't be anything special. Swagger should be able to get a tolerable match out of Rusev at least, a better one than Big E did anyway.

Jack Swagger will defeat Rusev.
Its unfortunate that the place this was headed was so obvious from the start that I couldn't allow myself to really get into it.

If Swagger was gonna do anything about Rusev, this would have happened about three months from now.

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