WWE Asking Fans To Name Kofi & Truth's Tag Team

Just leave them as R-truth and Kofi Kingston and be done with it.

all the stupid name does is waste time so they can say "OMG IT'S TRENDING!!!!!!!!!111!!" 14 times on RAW every week
These two guys should jus use their names. I will never take them serious with those digusting names. Edge and christian were a tag team with no name, billy and chuck, deuce and domino, and morrison and miz didnt need a name to get over as a team. So the two should jus use their name.

You forgot Shaggy and Scooby in there too. Its useless to name a team for a weak weak division that unless Arn Anderson is given the reigns, will eventually just die out.
What is wrong with the WWE? They don't even know their own Superstars gimmicks very well.

"Air" is Evan Bourne's thing! Therefore there should be no "Air" in any tag team name for Kofi and R-Truth.

The "Ka-Boom" I think is the only catchy tag team name of those choices but it has no relation to R-Truth ... other than the hyphen. :/
How about The Booming Truth?? lol

These names are stupid but then again so were the two names that caught on before both Kofi and Truth were paired together. I never thought I'd get used to saying Air Boom or Awesome Truth. I guess it's more of a longevity thing. "Your name is only as good as the talent" or some bs.
Well Bourne is probably going to be released soon so there's no reason to reserve his gimmick anymore.

Those names are all god awful, though. Man, how about having the fans suggest names instead of giving them shitty ones to choose from?

Personally, I would put Natalya with them and give them the name "Little Boom." Just think of the comedy skits they could do with that.
Maybe it's just me, but I think a tag team should have something that connects them together. It can be two singles guys thrown together, but there should be a storyline reason why they should be connected. I'm thinking guys like The New Age Outlaws or The Outsiders. They were singles guys pushed together for a reason. Unless I missed it, I don't know the reason why Kofi and R-Truth are together. Do they have potential? Sure, but give me a connection...

Now, the name can be the connection. But, none of those names WWE "creative" came up with lead me to believe this is a team that will stick around. These guys are supposed to be creative, c'mon man. I mean really the names they've been coming up with have sucked, Air Boom, Ka-Boom, Show-Miz, Jerishow, MNM (Mercury Nitro Melina), TNA (Test and Albert). Why can't there be a common theme or overall meaning. The last great team name WWE came up with was the New Age Outlaws.

Also, I don't think guys have to be dressed exactly alike, but they should have a theme. A guy in jeans and a guy in bright ass yellow clothes don't make a team for me. Primo and Epico match and look like a team. Hunico and Camacho have a similar theme without matching. The USO's match. But, these teams all lack charisma outside of the ring.

Basically after all that typing, my point is that a team should merge into a similar persona between the two. There should be a common ground they can build on to look to in promos. It shouldn't be two separate gimmicks thrown together. 1 gimmick = 1 team. And, crappy ass names like Air Truth doesn't cut it.
Those names are shit, you would think that a group of people who call them selves a creative team could actually come with with something at least a little bit creative.

According to Kofi's wiki page he once had the nickname "The Dreadlocked Dynamo". Don't know when this was as I've never ever heard anyone ever call him by that, but I like the name, & since both Kofi & Truth have dreadlocks I think it would make for a fitting Tag team name, The Dreadlocked Dynamos. It's certainly a hell of a lot more creative than any of the shit WWE suggest in that stupid fucking poll on there site.
The new Harlem Heat and let Booker T. manage them and give them new ring outfit to fit the gimmick similar to what the WWE did to the Hardy Boyz when they were managed by Michael Hayes.
Wow, none of those names are particularly good. In fact, they're all pretty bad. Do these guys really even need a name? There have been successful tag teams that have won titles and taken over the division without such a thing like Miz and Morrison. However, this move suggests to me that WWE plans to keep both Kofi and Truth as a tag team for quite awhile which I'm not really sure how I feel about. After Truth's entertaining heel run, I've been hoping that he would go back to that role and singles competition. Alas, he gets stuck in the deteriorated tag team division which I'm kinda upset about. But anyway, I dunno if this is any sign of WWE rebooting the tag team division. There have been countless times in recent years that I've thought that but I'm not going to hold my breath.
this is so lame... Im tired of seeing 2 random people thrown together to make a tag team. the names arent any better. they all sound cheesey and they sound like a newer version of Jerishow or Showmiz.

I think they should call them "2 black guys with dreads" cause thats about all that they have in common
I really like Truth in Paradise and Air Jimmy is fairly amusing. I think they did a good job picking out some good potential names for the team. Admittedly, they're totally slapped together, but who cares, really, they're two fun wrestlers with decent chemistry. Just let it happen. Air Boom was the same way and they did a great job. And besides, with the tag team titles on two fairly well established mid/uppermidcarders, you'll see a lot more of them. They're an enjoyable team.

I'd vote for Truth in Paradise myself. It's a very e-fed name. I like it.
And who will Kofi be with next? Who will we have to create a name for him with? Just release the guy. He is being kept around to fill gaps and he needs to go to TNA or something to be a top guy. He will be released eventually anyway.

Why blame Kofi or WWE for Evan Bourne's drug issues? It was his own choices that caused him fail two drug tests in a three month period. Air Boom was doing a good job, an overall solid job before Bourne screwed things up.

It's ludicrous to think that Kofi will be a top guy if he heads to TNA. TNA has a difficult enough problem creating their own stars in the long term at this point. Bringing in yet another WWE guy and pushing him to the main event level only re-enforces the notion that TNA can't create stars and get their own guys over in the long run. Matt Morgan isn't a top guy, Matt Hardy wasn't a top guy. They made Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson the top guy at different points and look at how disasterous that turned out.

Kofi's a talented wrestler that's over with the audience. He works his ass off, but that doesn't guarantee that Kofi will be a main eventer in any company. He's a great mid-card wrestler at this point in his career and any company can use great mid-carders.
I hope nobody votes. I hate that they are the tag team champions. Not because I have a problem with either guy but because they were a team for 30 seconds and won the belts.

Kofi & Truth have been teaming together for about 5 or 6 weeks. They're two mid-carders who are over with the fans, they're not involved in anything else at the moment, so using them to put some renewed emphasis on the tag team scene isn't a bad thing. They were doing the same thing with Air Boom before Bourne screwed himself by failing two drug tests in a three month period.

One thing I've noticed is that lots of people don't seem to complain about thrown together teams when it's TNA or ROH. It's always WWE that catches shit. I know they're the easiest target but it's also crap to go after them while leaving everyone else alone. Samoa Joe & Magnus in TNA wrestled a couple of matches together before winning the tag titles and nobody seems to be complaining about them, despite the fact that they're a couple of guys who've been drifting in TNA for a couple of years with no real purpose. Morgan & Crimson were two guys that had nothing in common that TNA had feuding, them made them into a tag team for about 5 or 6 weeks, then started them feuding again.

It's like the WWE is trying to be obvious that they don't care about tag team wrestling.

All in all, it's true that Vince isn't a huge fan of tag team wrestling, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that he doesn't care about it at all. Otherwise, he'd do away with it like he did the Cruiserweight Division. Again, it's not just WWE as tag team wrestling in companies all over the world isn't anywhere near the force it once was, even in a lot of Japanese promotions. A year and a half ago, TNA themselves had a very heathy tag team scene and now, they have somewhere in the neighborhood of two or three regular teams in total.
"R - Boom" or "TruthBoom" would be good. Not liking the racial stereotypes on "ganagstas" kinda shit.

Can't a couple of brothers be a threat in WWE without being called racial stereotypes?
The Truth Commission, which could also be their tag team finishing move name.

Well, that could have worked if they hadn't already tried The Truth Commission as a stable during the whole stable wars of the late '90's with DOA, Los Boricuas, and N.O.D. Nothing good came from that incarnation of the Truth Commission and I really don't see them trying to rehash that idea.
One thing I've noticed is that lots of people don't seem to complain about thrown together teams when it's TNA or ROH. It's always WWE that catches shit. I know they're the easiest target but it's also crap to go after them while leaving everyone else alone. Samoa Joe & Magnus in TNA wrestled a couple of matches together before winning the tag titles and nobody seems to be complaining about them, despite the fact that they're a couple of guys who've been drifting in TNA for a couple of years with no real purpose. Morgan & Crimson were two guys that had nothing in common that TNA had feuding, them made them into a tag team for about 5 or 6 weeks, then started them feuding again.

It could be that more people are focused on WWE, but I think those two examples of teams make sense. Magnus and Joe were a part of the wildcard tournament where random teams were made and competed in a single elimination tournament where the winners would get title shots, and they just kind of clicked together. Their tag finish is pretty cool. Morgan and Crimson had a feud that ended up turning into a team due to mutual respect at each others toughness. Kofi and Truth just came out of the curtain together one day randomly. It's scary to say that TNA booking is more logical than WWE in these instances lol
whats wrong with Air Jimmy, thats the only marketable name I've heard this whole discussion. they can make t-shirts just like the air jordan logo only its lil jimmy instead of jordan. make the shirt black or a some sort of realistic color that people will buy and wear ( not lime green or bright ass yellow like the 9 out of 10 t shirts they make for kofi) have micheal cole hate the hell out of the team have R- truth say something catchy at the end of each of there promos ( since he will be the mouthpiece of the team, which is sad) and i gurauntee they will be a success for all the wrong reasons.
I like the fact that WWE wanted the fans to help name the team. If this is going to pick up where Air Boom left off and be the focal point of the division, then the fans are more likely to support them given that they had a chance to give them a name they liked. Just like with Air Boom. I like the team and in many ways see them as the sequel to Air Boom. Both teams are high flyers, have good chemistry, and have the potential for doing great promos together. Bourne was better in the ring than Truth, but Truth will bring a comedy element to the team that will provide Kofi a lot to work with in promos. I enjoy the team so far and look forward to seeing their run continue.

Air Truth, Ka-Boom, R-Boom, Truth in Paradise, and Air Jimmy are all interesting names. Ka-Boom and R-Boom make the least sense, while Truth in Paradise sounds too long. You want a name that is easier to say and fits well with the team. Air Jimmy is hilarious and I would not be surprised if they went with that. I like Air Truth the best. It is easy to say, fits very well with the team, and doesnt't come off as silly as some of the others, so that is the one I hope they pick. I haven't heard anything yet as to what the name will be, but I am sure when one is decided on that we will see a worthy successor to Air Boom with this team under its new name. They really should pick a name soon if they have not already.
Man. What a fucking atrocious list of names. These things should come naturally, not be forced. Air Boom worked, though it too is obviously contrived. Air Truth? The fuck does that even mean? Might as well call the Kofi Truth or R-Kingston.

Just fucking leave them as Kofi Kingston and R-Truth. None of the big tag teams of the past have any of these stupid kind of names. Edge & Christian worked just fine. I don't even care if their attires match or anything, just come up with a way for them to come out to the same music.
let me think of some names, The blacks, little jimmy went boom boom, little jimmy and company, Little jimmy and the funkybunch(my favorite). Its just a huge joke so that they can act like there a tag team.

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