Air Boom or Truth and Kingston?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright I may be a little late posting this threat, but it's simple and straight to the point. Who was the better team Air Boom (Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne) or R-Truth and Kofi Kingston.

To me I will have to go with Truth and Kingston. Yeah Air Boom was more of an exciting team due to the high risk maneuvers and more of an underdog team than Kofi's and Truth, and they had a great deal of Chemistry. But I will say the former champs due to their recent impressive run in the tag division. They were 2 well liked single stars who had great chemistry in and out of the ring together, not to mention ran through every team in the Tag Team Division b4 losing to a force pairing of Daniel Bryan and Kane. Is the tag team division back? YES! Can it be better? YES! But with R-Truth and Kofi being 2 really versatile athletes from singles to tag was really an instrumental team in setting the standard for this new up and coming tag team division.

Who's better? Truth and Kingston or Kingston and Evan Bourne?
Honestly I wasn't a fan of either team. For me neither team was able to shake the "thrown together" label. I never bought into them as legit teams. For me to be a real team you need matching attires, a tag team entrance/song, and a good tag finisher doesn't hurt. I just never thought either team would last, and I was right.

However, I won't dodge the question. If I had to pick I'd say Air Boom. They at least tried with them. I'm a big fan of Bourne's ring work and I think the tag division may be his nitche. I would like him to return with a new partner at some point, possibly a debuting Alex Shelly? Or a big guy like Mason Ryan?

Kingston is too good of a talent, I knew he wouldn't be a tag guy for long.
I thought Air Boom was a team that had legit potential. Before Bourne screwed up with the issue with drugs, he & Kofi were honestly doing good things with the tag titles. WWE was making the tag titles relevant after all this time and things were on the rise. Then, of course, Bourne basically obliterates his entire career in WWE going forward just when he's finally starting to get a push and do something meaningful.

At least Truth is someone that's reliable and there's a lot to be said about that. For the most part, however, Kofi & Truth were placeholders I think until WWE could reorganize things in the tag team division to get things where they wanted and a different team to lead the way, such as what they have now with Team Hell No.

As to which was the overall more promising team, I'd have to go with Air Bourne. The WWE seemed to actually be getting behind them, they'd actually gone so far as to give them a name.
Air Boom were a more exciting team and true fan favorites. They were given a push to be the top team of the division, got a chance to use a name voted on by the fans, had a cool entrance theme, and a memorable run with the giant pennies. It would have lasted even longer had Bourne not made a few mistakes along the way.... The Kofi & Truth team might never have happened had it not been for Bourne's mistakes, and Air Boom would still be together dominating the tag team division today.

Air Truth, as some call them, always came off as an attempt to recreate Air Boom. They seemed more like a random pairing while Air Boom were more like a real team. I can see Air Boom getting back together somewhere down the line after Bourne has returned. Kofi & Truth are not going to be teaming forever and while I enjoyed their tag team title run, Air Boom were the superior team in just about every category, other than promos where Truth is far better than Bourne. I definitely hope to see them get back together someday.
Truth & Kofi win. Evan need for a drug addict. AIR TRUTH FTW

It seems like you don't know anything so let me tell you. Bourne is suspended because he used marijuana, but he is not alone, he is with another superstar. Guess who that is? R-Truth. Bourne and Truth are actually buddies, when Bourne was suspended, R-Truth was not because at that time he, together with The Miz are main-eventing Survivor Series against Cena and Rock. Do some quick search for further details.

Anyway, between Air Boom and Air Truth (?) I'll go with Air Boom. Those two high flyers paired together where exciting at some point. They have all the potential to make the tag team division shine. But too bad, due to Bourne's suspension their pairing came to an end. I'd like to see a reunion along the road.
OH GOD! AIR BOOM!!!! EASILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only did Evan & Kofi match outfits, seemed to gel well & have chemistry, they were just flat out a better team.

They didn't seem like Vince just through "those two black guys" together because they weren't making him enough money.

Air Boom felt like a team & even had a team name(even if it was kinda stupid). They felt like they could actually create intrigue in the division, not just hold the belts till a real tag team or a good team of performers beat them.

Truth & Kofi not only didn't fit & just constantly had the same stupid schtick with Kofi being slightly wierded out with Truth(which little Jimmy is EASILY the only thing that got them over), but they even broke up in a stupid way! I thought atleast a decent Kofi/Truth match would be waiting in the future, but no.

Air Boom didn't get that much time to make an impact but they were atleast entertaining. Kofi & Truth didn't do a single entertaining thing besides lose to Team Hell No.
I enjoyed Truth and Kofi more but it was more due to their interaction with each other than it was in ring. You had Truth who is kind of nutty and has an imaginary friend. Then you have Kofi who is laid back and doesn't really want to buy into the little Jimmy stuff but does it to please his tag team partner. It made things ridiculous at times but it was overall entertaining. I don't want to take anything away from the ring skills of Truth though. He is entertaining in the ring too. Maybe not as much as Evan but he is still fun to watch.

So overall I'd say Truth and Kofi.
It seems like you don't know anything so let me tell you. Bourne is suspended because he used marijuana, but he is not alone, he is with another superstar. Guess who that is? R-Truth. Bourne and Truth are actually buddies, when Bourne was suspended, R-Truth was not because at that time he, together with The Miz are main-eventing Survivor Series against Cena and Rock. Do some quick search for further details.

Haha thanks buddy, I do know all of that but thanks for the info :) And Bourne got suspended twice.. in a row.. quickly. He doesn't deserve to be in the WWE and ruin its reputation like Jeff Hardy did. I know R-Truth got suspended but he learned his lesson.
Air Boom at least felt like a real team.

Kofi & Truth were just way too obvious as a thrown together team. They were two uppercarders who ran through everyone to the point that the only way to get the belts off of them was to pair two other uppercarders together.
Obviously Air Boom was the better TEAM. Kingston and Bourne had a team name while Truth teaming with Kingston was an obvious throw together team. It's a shame Evan screwed up with the drugs and then got hurt. Had it not been for that, these two would still be a team and champions right now in my opinion. The fans loved them, the entrance music was cool and theirs styles worked off eachother!
Air Boom for sure. It looked the they were going to carry the tag division while it was being rebuilt. It was a shame Bourne screwed up because I think they would be a great addition to the tag division as it is now. Truth and Kofi seem like a more thrown together team, and it looks like they are about finished as a team with Kofi in a feud with Miz.
Neither, I like Kofi by himself. He had a very good run with Orton. They need to push him again he is very talented in the ring. Shame they don’t know what to do with most wrestlers that have the potential. But out of the 2 teams I would go with Air-Boom. Truth was also doing well by himself. The gimmick he has made no sense in the tag team.
I had always liked the idea of Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne teaming up. I was excited when it finally happened, because it was nearly something I had thought of myself. But by the time they were finished, I was already long gone from being interested in it. In fact I got sick of them quickly. I felt like Bourne was holding Kofi back, and Kofi was trapped in the tag team division. Of course obviously with that logic, I would hate the R-Truth and Kofi tag team too? Right? Right. I did, I disliked it even more than Bourne and Kofi in fact. At least Kofi and Bourne have somewhat in common. I consider Kofi a high flyer, and I felt like Bourne and Kofi had similar movesets (To an extent). Truth and Kofi on the other hand, didn't seem to have anything in common. All R-Truth was, was the closest face who wasn't doing something. They threw him in to replace Bourne, and that was that.

They both held Kofi Kingston back from doing better things. In an essence, it kind of buried Kofi too. Someone like Bourne, and R-Truth...while I do think they deserve more exposure, I don't think they deserve as much as Kofi. Now that they're all over, I wouldn't mind seeing Kingston bounce up to some bigger feuds, and seeing Bourne and R-Truth in the mid card titles picture.

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