Air-Boom! Could They Still Have Been?

Air Boom or Truth Boom

  • Evan and Kofi

  • Kofi and Truth

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I don't know about you guys, but I liked Air-Boom, they were a great tag-team! The high flying team of Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston worked a treat and I looked forward to their matches. For loads of you who don't know, Air-Boom stopped after Evan got injured / suspended twice I think? It's hard to keep track at this point...

Evan FINALLY had a place in the WWE, he was finally making some progress in his career and he throws it all away in an instant. I'm personally thinking, what a shame. Like I said, I think they were a great tag-team and maybe had the potential to be a long lasting, remembered tag-team.

I also find it a huge disgrace that they nailed down the coffin on this team by having a half-rate version with R-Truth instead, good tag team, but it just wasn't the same...

But that's just my opinion, what do you guys think?
Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne were, in my eyes, the more entertaining team. For me, part of the reason is that Bourne is a young guy that seemed to have, and might still have, his whole career ahead of him and a lot of time left to make an impact. Truth has been around for years and I think has long since gone as far as he's going.

A lot of people were happy to see Bourne part of something relevant and in the midst of getting a push. A couple of young, fast, agile high flyers as tag champs during a time when tag team wrestling in WWE was starting to mean something again was alright in my eyes. Truth & Kofi were alright but, personally, I never got the sense that they were especially important. Bourne's suspension initially put something of a monkey wrench in the WWE's tag team revival and it took them a while longer to keep building teams. In the meantime, they had to put the titles on someone so Kofi & Truth were it.
To me Kofi and Evan (Airboom) seemed like a legit tag team whereas Kofi and RTruth seemed like they were just two single stars with nothing better to do. Myself I prefer Kofi as a Tag Team wrestler as he just seems like he is missing "something" in the singles scene. Don't get me wrong he is an amazing entertainer, he is just missing that "It" factor. I hope if and when Evan returns they will pair up again.
i dont think they should revive them, but at least they should acknowledge them by having bourne return in order to save kofi from a beatdown or something.
as a team they really arent needed right now, but i always like if they just do little callbacks like this. which they tend not to do.
To me Kofi and Evan (Airboom) seemed like a legit tag team whereas Kofi and RTruth seemed like they were just two single stars with nothing better to do.

I'll buy that. When Air Bourne was no more, Kofi seemed like a girl who had broken up with her boyfriend and was looking for ways to spend her weekends. Always a singles competitor, Kofi suddenly appeared marked as a tag team partner and the company felt they needed to continue on that course. Picking R-Truth wasn't the best choice, because Truth was still in the midst of a "psycho" gimmick, and seeing Kofi stand to the side as they marched to the ring, watching as Truth urged his imaginary friend to join them, made me wonder what Kofi was thinking about the whole mess. I figure he was cursing Evan Bourne for letting him down. At any rate, Kofi and Truth started out as a mildly interesting team, then became dull pretty quickly.

At the same time, I never saw Air Borne as a classic tag team. In the modern era, we often see performers of contrasting skills teamed up, with each partner bringing something different to the table (ex. Kane and Daniel Bryan) rather than having partners with the same repertoires. I wondered how long their pairing was going to last, and then Evan answered the question by imploding when he did.

If Evan Bourne comes back soon, I doubt Air Bourne will be re-formed, given the significant push Kofi is currently getting as a singles performer.
To me Kofi and Evan (Airboom) seemed like a legit tag team whereas Kofi and RTruth seemed like they were just two single stars with nothing better to do. Myself I prefer Kofi as a Tag Team wrestler as he just seems like he is missing "something" in the singles scene. Don't get me wrong he is an amazing entertainer, he is just missing that "It" factor. I hope if and when Evan returns they will pair up again.

The "It" that he lacks is emotion. You never really hear why something is important to him. We thought we were getting that when he was wrecking up that racecar on the episode of RAW with NASCAR driver kyle Busch hosting. The problem is has he ever really gotten that emotional since then? If he doesn't seem to care about what's happening why should we the fans care? That's the problem with wrestling promos today and it's hardly unique to Kofi. If a face is wronged by the heel they should get mad, they should be upset. A heel should feel they were completely right for doing what they did. That's what the great ones know and what spot monkeys fail to learn.
The "It" that he lacks is emotion. You never really hear why something is important to him. We thought we were getting that when he was wrecking up that racecar on the episode of RAW with NASCAR driver kyle Busch hosting. The problem is has he ever really gotten that emotional since then? If he doesn't seem to care about what's happening why should we the fans care? That's the problem with wrestling promos today and it's hardly unique to Kofi. If a face is wronged by the heel they should get mad, they should be upset. A heel should feel they were completely right for doing what they did. That's what the great ones know and what spot monkeys fail to learn.

Yeah, because going apeshit on Dolph Ziggler, almost bitchslapping Vickie Guerrero, Boom-Dropping Orton through a table in MSG, kicking Big Show off the top of a cage, beating up Miz in front of Larry King, and becoming a "wildcat" are all apathetic motions... :disappointed:

As for the topic anyway, I preferred Boom Truth/ Air Jimmy/ whatever we're calling it because

A. It was funny
B. Though Evan fits more as a highflier than Truth's occasional flying, Truth was a good contrast, and the best tag teams were contrasted rather than two of the same. That, and Truth is an overall better performer than Evan
C. As much as we all love Team Hell No, I have to give lots of credit for the revived tag division to Air Jimmy as well. They held down the tag scene, took on all comers and actually garnered multiple challengers and good wins.
I preferred Air Bourne as a team. They looked like the team that was going to carry the division for a while. I did however always wonder how long they would last. They did put on some exciting matches, and I always looked forward to seeing them in action which was more than I could say for any of the other tag teams during that time. Truth and Kofi just kind of teamed up out of nowhere defended the belts for a while, and then split upon losing the titles. I will say they defended those belts a lot though. I didn't hate them as a team, but it did seem weird when Kofi walked to the ring with Truth and his imaginary friend. I have my doubts we will see Air Bourne back as a team even if Evan does return, but they get my vote out of the two.
Both teams lacked enough personality for me to give a shit about them, though I'd say Air Boom's matches were slightly more exciting. You know, because they could jump high.

Let's be honest, Kofi and Truth were only put together because they were both cotton pickers, and Kofi and Bourne because, well, they could jump high. Not really a great foundation, and things got worse from there in both cases. They served as glorified time fillers and placeholder champions for a while, and that was that. I guess in that regard they both fulfilled their purpose.

Also, I don't like black people.
Air Boom were an extremely cool team. They were a great choice to focus the division around as Kofi and Bourne both seemed like they legitimately wanted to help the tag team division out and they were very exciting to watch. Their team were perfect candidates for getting a crowd excited whether that be to start a show off with good momentum or to revive a bored crowd. I was really disappointed when they had to split up following Bourne's mistakes. Air Truth came next with Truth replacing Bourne. Unlike Air Boom you could tell Air Truth was just a random pairing when someone had to temporarily take Evan's place.

Air Truth were not a good replacement. Truth's promos about Little Jimmy and spiders may have been funny but I would prefer an Evan Bourne match to an R-Truth match anyday. I still hope to see Air Boom get back together. Kofi just cannot seem to get past the midcard and Bourne will never accomplish anything on his own. As Air Boom they could have been (and still can be) the kings of the tag team division. Team Hell No will not be around forever so once they move back to the main event someone will need to be the focus of the tag team division. I say bring back Air Boom they can still be the top team and the fans like them so why not?
I'm with the majority here, I liked Air-Boom better as a team. I felt Kofi & Bourne had better chemistry together whereas Kofi & Truth didn't really seem to have any to be honest. Kofi & Truth felt more like a random pairing than an actual team and Truth is better as a singles wrestlers than a tag team wrestler, Kofi & Bourne felt like a legit tag team, they are better as tag wrestlers than singles wrestlers, and what they lacked in personality they made up for with their exciting matches. I don't know why I'm thinking this but if these two were a tag team back in the Attitude Era, I think they could've gained themselves some personality and been awesome with some kind of a stoner gimmick (I don't mean them doing drugs on TV, them having the mannerisms of stoners like how RVD does). They just remind me of Ashton Kutcher & Sean William Scott's characters from Dude Where's My Car in some way, maybe it's actually because Evan is a stoner and Kofi looks like one...and because of this meme.
Air Boom was more marketable and entertaining for the kids of the WWE Universe and they had their own theme song and matching attire. It would be nice to see a once in a while reunion but that's about it. Kofi has his singles push now and that's what creative needs to stay focused on!
I honestly dont want to see either team. I think Kofi is better off on his own. He has some great matches his mic work is improving and he already had ring skills. I also think R-truth should be pushed by himself a little more. I think he is pretty good. He was a decent heel and face.

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