WWE Asking Fans To Name Kofi & Truth's Tag Team


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There's a poll on WWE.com in which fans are asked to vote on the name for the new tag team champions. The choices are:

Air Truth
Truth in Paradise
Air Jimmy

Personally, I'm not overly thrilled about any of the names. Ka-Boom could be decent as it does give the impression that Kofi & Truth are a fun tag team that's full of energy. Air Truth is too similar to Air Boom. R-Boom sounds like a porno. Truth in Paradise has sort of a ring to it. Air Jimmy is downright stupid as it'd be naming their team after R-Truth's imaginary friend. Because it's so silly, I expect it to get the most votes.

All in all, I'm feeling positive about this as it suggests that WWE MIGHT be rebooting the tag team scene. After all, they're asking fans to pick Kofi & Truth's team name as they did with Kofi & Bourne. WWE seemed to be behind Air Boom and Air Boom themselves were doing a solid job and building interest in the tag title scene. Then Bourne went and screwed his career up. So now, maybe WWE is going to start over with Kofi & Truth.
And who will Kofi be with next? Who will we have to create a name for him with? Just release the guy. He is being kept around to fill gaps and he needs to go to TNA or something to be a top guy. He will be released eventually anyway.
Air Truth sounds a bit too weird, besides it reminds me a lot of Air Boom.

Ka-Boom isn't all that bad, it's kinda catchy and it fits into the style of both Kingston and Truth. All though it sounds more like a finisher name, or a signature move name than a tag team name.

R-Boom is just a terrible name. Ka-Boom sounds so much better.

Truth in Paradise just doesn't have any ring too it.

And as for Air Jimmy... well... nevermind no comment.

If I were to pick one I'd say they should go with Ka-Boom, it's the only one that's decently catchy in my opinion. I'm not really a fan of any of the names to be frank, but if those are the only choices, I'd say that you have to go with Ka-Boom.

Just a side note here, do they really need a name? The way that I always felt was, tag-teams should only be given a name if there are long term plans for them to stay a tag-team or remain together in some way. Granted I don't know the plans that the WWE has for the Kingston/Truth but I would assume that they won't be a team for more than 6-8 months, and that's stretching it.
I personally don't see the point. However, giving them a name somewhat gives indication that Kofi and Truth will be around for a while. The names are quite lackluster.

I also don't get the point of including "Air" in the name since that was Evan Bourne's thing.
I thought Air Truth was the name they were running with when they paired initially? Don't know why I thought that.

I'm not excited by the tandem in all honesty, but am glad that the tag division appears to be getting some invested interest.

Air Jimmy is downright daft in my opinion.

Truth in Paradise is a mouthful and I just can't hear it being announced.

Ka-Boom and Air Truth doesn't incorporate the elements of both characters. The 'Air' in Air Boom represented Evan Bourne.

Gotta be R-Boom for me. Even if it's just because it sounds like Air Boom.
Why not Jimmyboom?

But if we are going to pick any of the ones there I think that "Truth in Paradise" is the best one. From this I think that Kofi and Truth are going to have a proper run like we did with Airboom, and now AW has gotten involved with P&E... We could be getting our tag division back!
I hope nobody votes. I hate that they are the tag team champions. Not because I have a problem with either guy but because they were a team for 30 seconds and won the belts.
It's like the WWE is trying to be obvious that they don't care about tag team wrestling.
The champs will have the belts for a couple before losing them back to epico and primo.

By the time the team is named, they will be a team for another two or three weeks tops then Kofi will be onto the next guy to hold the belts with and people will be voting to name that team. I hate it
Im tired of this fucking bullshit They just randomly put R Truth and Kofi Kingston together this is fucking ridiculous. I would much rather see a proper tag team in R Truth and John Morrison. But what the hell did R Truth and Kofi Kingston do to have a partnership? This is what Im pissed with WWE. They just randomly put tag teams together and have them win titles. I mean WWE doesn't even care about THE USOS, or CURT HAWKINS AND TYLER REKS. I MEAN THEY WERE A TAG TEAM BEFORE TRUTH BOOM OR WHATEVER AND EPICO AND PRIMO WERE A TAG TEAM. If anyone deserves a title shot for the tag titles, Curt Hawkins Tyler Reks. WWE PLEASE Stop with this bullshit! At least Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger are much more of a legitimate tag team then Those two, and Air Boom as well.
I hope nobody votes. I hate that they are the tag team champions. Not because I have a problem with either guy but because they were a team for 30 seconds and won the belts.
It's like the WWE is trying to be obvious that they don't care about tag team wrestling.
The champs will have the belts for a couple before losing them back to epico and primo.

By the time the team is named, they will be a team for another two or three weeks tops then Kofi will be onto the next guy to hold the belts with and people will be voting to name that team. I hate it

30 seconds??? Or about a month. They have been teaming together for a while and I love the team. I'm a huge fan for Truth and Kofi is decent. Plus the tag titles deserve to be on TV and with Epico and Primo, they are not going to be on TV. Epico and Primo may have been cousins or whatever but they are not all that good in the ring or on the deparment.

I'm hoping for something catchy for their team name. Truth Boom? Or a combo name like Booth! (Kidding)
god all those team names SUCK! having air in the name makes no sense considering the air in air boom was evan bourne and honestly i dont think truth and kofi make that good of a team both have in ring skill but i dont like them as a team im hoping this team doesnt really stick around long the only benfit of this team is maybe the tag titles will be on tv now but that could be done with any champs vince chooses to not book the tag team champions on tv whats gonna make that change with kofi and truth? :shrug:
Im tired of this fucking bullshit They just randomly put R Truth and Kofi Kingston together this is fucking ridiculous. I would much rather see a proper tag team in R Truth and John Morrison. But what the hell did R Truth and Kofi Kingston do to have a partnership? This is what Im pissed with WWE. They just randomly put tag teams together and have them win titles. I mean WWE doesn't even care about THE USOS, or CURT HAWKINS AND TYLER REKS. I MEAN THEY WERE A TAG TEAM BEFORE TRUTH BOOM OR WHATEVER AND EPICO AND PRIMO WERE A TAG TEAM. If anyone deserves a title shot for the tag titles, Curt Hawkins Tyler Reks. WWE PLEASE Stop with this bullshit! At least Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger are much more of a legitimate tag team then Those two, and Air Boom as well.

You're tired of WWE just putting random people together as a team, but yet, you mention Truth & Morrison, Hawkins & Reks, Ziggler & Swagger and Air Boom? Weren't they all just randomly thrown together as well, but they made it work. I don't see why Truth and Kofi can't work together. I would much rather see The Usos running for the tag titles though, instead of jobbing every week.

Anyway, these names are terrible. Kofi and Truth shouldn't have a team name at all with the word "Air" in it. Air was used for Evan Bourne, makes no sense for the other two guys. Why not just call their team, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth? Surprised they didn't come up with "Little Jimmy's Paradise" or something.
Why don't they just call them two black guys? That's basically all they have in common and thats what fans would probably call them anyways. This is a very random thrown together tag team. All the tag teams are thrown together except the Usos. They all are basically racially arranged as well which is kind of odd. You got the quick black guys (Kofi and Truth) The big black guys (Titus and Darren Young) The Samoans (Usos) The Puerto Ricans (Primo and Epico) The Mexicans (Hunico and Camacho) The white guys (Ziggler and Swagger) The other white guys (Hawkins and Reks) and you even sometimes have the Italians (Santino and Ryder) I know ********s Italians are white and Camacho isn't really mexican.
I hate how WWE chucks random stars together, doesn't really do the division any good in my opinion, just makes it seem weak. Why don't they debut a new team like they did with Epico and Primo, that way you get the sense that they are a proper team and not two guys who tagged with eachother for 2 matches.
i have better names than that. since im not sure if kofi is jamaican or african. i came up with two for both....jamaican-me-crazy. or Ghana-get-got. throw those into your poll wwe

Ahahaha, awesome.

Jamaican Me Crazy is part of an old joke and not original, but it fits both guys and would be hilarious. Ghana Get Got is downright brilliant.

Touche. Naming tag teams LIKE A SIR.
Those names don't really sound right, but I can't think of one that would be much better. AirBoom grew on me but originally I didn't like it. Not too big a fan of X+Y tag names unless they're creative, the last one I thought made sense was Rock & Sock Connection. Maybe a generic kind of name would work best, similar to how Owen and Koko were "High Energy", it's hard to give a good team name to two guys who were just thrown together.

Or they could just leave them as Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.
They're "just throwing guys together" because Vince clearly doesn't care at all about the tag team division. He hasn't in a long time.

Before it was the RAW/Smackdown Supershow, the belts were just a device to allow two popular guys to appear on both shows. Once that went by the wayside, the belts became a device to allow midcard guys with nothing else on the agenda to remain relevant. That's all we're going back to now, don't expect some revolution of the tag team scene.

You saw what happened when an actual tag team won the belts and kept them for a little while. They were largely off TV and had no title defenses on PPV. The straps are on Truth and Kingston because Vince has nothing else for them, but wants to maintain their decent popularity. That's all.

That said, I'm all in for "Ghana Get Got".
I dont really love any of them, but Truth in Paradise sounds the best to me. However it wont win. That honor will go to Air Jimmy. Why? cause people love Lil Jimmy! honestly, i'm not feeling to picky about the name, as long as they wrestle regularly and fight the Usos, I DON'T CARE.
These two guys should jus use their names. I will never take them serious with those digusting names. Edge and christian were a tag team with no name, billy and chuck, deuce and domino, and morrison and miz didnt need a name to get over as a team. So the two should jus use their name.
All those names are terrible. Some are less terrible than others, but are all terrible. I guess we should learn to live with the random pairing of teams in WWE as it's what most tag teams are now. That's not to say that kind of thing can't work...Miz and Morrison were a perfect example of how it could.

The problem for years now has been depth and WWE finally seems to be addressing that. We not have Kofi/Truth, Primo & Epico, American Perfection, O'Neal & Young, The Usos, Hawkins & Reks, and once he returns Gabriel & Kidd which imo has the potential to be the breakout team of this group. As long as WWE actually makes an effort to make tag team wrestling matter again I'll be happy.

As for the name since those are awful...I say screw it, both guys could use a tweak in character so give them Booker T as a manager and call them the New Harlem Heat
These two guys should jus use their names. I will never take them serious with those digusting names. Edge and christian were a tag team with no name, billy and chuck, deuce and domino, and morrison and miz didnt need a name to get over as a team. So the two should jus use their name.

Before Edge and Christian were Edge and Christian they were The New Brood. Although this would be like going in reverse, having them use their names and then go to a team name.
All those names are horrible. I would say if they had to give them a name it should defintiely be something that incorporates both individual characters. Something like Trouble in Truth or something like that.
Before Edge and Christian were Edge and Christian they were The New Brood. Although this would be like going in reverse, having them use their names and then go to a team name.
I believe The hardys were the new brood after edge and christian were double-crossed by gangrel and edge and christian were recognized as a team after leaving a trio team (the brood).
Don't know if this has been done recently anywhere, but what about having a bit of an angle where Kofi and Truth develop as a tag-team, possibly coming up with a tag team finishing move as well. So it seems there are an actual tag team instead of just two guys thrown together. Big supporter of having a tag team division. I feel it helps natural feuds to develop, a good way to introduce people, makes for more variety and gives more people air time.

For a name, what about "Gangsters Paradise"
meh ,none of those names sounds as good as he classics like , headbangers , too cool , hardy boyz . i just dont see a point in creating a name for a team in a pointless division...

i reckon air jimmy should win for the hell of it

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