Wrestling Trivia - Play to win some cool WZCW prizes.

A few of the prizes have been administered. Still waiting on Spidey to make up his mind and I have to spread before repping Jeff. So here's more trivia questions for those that asked.


1.) I am a former [WWE] World Heavyweight Champion.

2.) I was a NFL player before becoming a pro wrestler.

3.) Metallica and Disturbed are my favorite metal bands.

Who am I?


1.) I was around for 10 years.

2.) 22 people have held me.

3.) Even though I was born in Nevada, my real "home" was in Georgia.

What am I?
Note to self. Make the hard trivia much harder. That's correct. You may chose your prize.

Pure luck on that one to tell you the truth.

If you don't mind, I'd like Feedback on my latest Batti RP (she faces Vee with Callie as the ref). I suppose I'd like some pointers on writing matches, so please tell me your thoughts on Vox vs. War Zone too.

And light feedback on Batti as a character would be splendid. Thanks man.
Spidey, I'll get to your prizes tomorrow. Now onto more trivia.

K Web...

1.) I am a second generation wrestler.

2.) I am a former WWE women's champion

3.) My older brother was a famous name during the 80's.

Who am I?


1.) I was very popular during the 1960's.

2.) My son is a former WWE intercontinental champion.

3.) A plane crash ended my career.

Who am I?

1.) I was a teacher before becoming a pro wrestler

2.) I have a very sharp knowledge and understanding of economics.

3.) I was actually born in Europe instead of the US.

Who am I?
Spidey, I'll get to your prizes tomorrow. Now onto more trivia.

K Web...

1.) I am a second generation wrestler.

2.) I am a former WWE women's champion

3.) My older brother was a famous name during the 80's.

Who am I?

Rockin Robin?

If I'm right, that really wasnt an easy one lol

1.) I am a kickboxer and a former mixed martial artist.

2.) My character was initially marketed towards children.

3.) My character has been portrayed by several people.

Who am I?
A few of the prizes have been administered. Still waiting on Spidey to make up his mind and I have to spread before repping Jeff. So here's more trivia questions for those that asked.


1.) I am a former [WWE] World Heavyweight Champion.

2.) I was a NFL player before becoming a pro wrestler.

3.) Metallica and Disturbed are my favorite metal bands.

I don't know what kind of music Goldberg listens to, but I'll go with him. I assume you mean the big gold belt, and that this person actually played in the NFL as opposed to being a practice squad guy.
Shin Chan...

1.) I started out as a boxing promoter.

2.) I was involved in a promotional war in Seattle against a known gangster where I emerged victorious.

3.) New York was a major city for me.

Who am I?
Quoting you. I know that it's certainly wrong. But Don King is my guess.

You can give me another hard question. While answering the above one.
It's a random guess as the answer. Don King.

Nope. The correct answer was Jack Curley.

I doubt I'm right but is it Kane?

You're correct. Must have been a lucky guess? Claim your prize.

I don't know what kind of music Goldberg listens to, but I'll go with him. I assume you mean the big gold belt, and that this person actually played in the NFL as opposed to being a practice squad guy.

Correct. It's Goldberg. Claim another prize.

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