WZCW Wrestler/Writer Trivia

Wzcw wrestler

Alex specialises in hardcore wrestling, that mainly comes from my great love for hardcore wrestling.

When I first started my charicter I used my actual weight and height. Yes I weighed under 250 pounds at one time lol.

Alex's charicter is usualy a tweener with heel tatics, thats why I don't like to use face. I feel with the story I've worked around Alex he works as a heel better.

Alex first started in as a face.

Alex has two brothers, One is a retired charicter that Cory used that we built a storyline around when we first came into wzcw. The other is the monster David bowen. "oc" That
former member Dj picked the name for *oc*


Each week I steal song lyrics and write them into my rp's. I've been doing that since about the end of my run in Wzcw, they are never the same lyrics as in the actual song. But I allways have them.

I'm a Juggalo and I portray my charicter as a juggalo, but I've only used a psycophatic records song one time. They are usualy more metal themed songs. I allredy have my next song picked out.

I have a very hard time with music. I've never had a favorite song, but in feds ware you could change your profile I would constantly change my entrance music to the song that I was into that week or that day. It pissed quite a few people off.

I never stop writing my rp's I have to finish them all in one day. I will take a break, but I usualy finish the same day.

I hate facing people that rp aganst me using the I'll wait till you put yours in method. I rarely put my rp in second. I love to just get it done, But I can't say much about it, shit happens.
Wrestler Trivia:
- DK was my original nickname my older brother gave to me, back when we played Donkey Kong Country as kids. (DK=Diddy Kong BAM!)

- I chose DK to be a musician and a bit of a drama queen because it's somewhat like myself.

- The Mount Royal stage I've included in my RP's is where I actually played my first show.

- Interactions with Stacey are built around my own personal interactions with women in my life (me being the comical & over exaggerated type of guy)

- DK is pretty much me, but a more over the top exaggeration.

- My character base for DK is M Shadows a favorite musician of mine. It was either going to be him or Axl Rose or even Slash depending on which size of a wrestler I wanted to be.

- This has been my first E-Fed ever to be honest.

- I am a musician, my last name is actually Wilton and my Nickname is DK.

- I'm trained in boxing, wrestling & I'm a former football player.

- Musician/Bass Player & Vocalist.

- I bang out RP's fast, which is either conceived as persistence/admirable or just straight up makes the writings rushed.
Wrestler Facts

Justin was the first name that I thought of when writing th application.

Cooper is the first name of my favorites Rugby League player.

Justin Cooper hates grilled Chicken, and Pepsi.

I got the idea for my gimmick after watching the John Cena DVD, "Word Life".

Writer Facts

I have been in one other e-fed, this is better.

I liked to right my RP in the first couple of days.

My RP is always quickly finished on the last day, then posted sometime after.

Justin Cooper is slightly based on me.
Wrestler Facts:
I wasn't aware that Kurtesy's first name was also Steven and Holmes comes from Sherlock Holmes.

I've always thought a gimmick based around actually being royalty would work and that's why Holmes has his gimmick.

I wanted to make Holmes a cult figure at one point, hence the really, really weird RP I did for Apocalypse

Holmes is able to speak 3 different languages: English, German (as seen in an RP I once did) and French. His wife is fluent in Klingon.

Holmes' father is a veteran of the Korean War and his great-grandfather died in the Boer War.

Ojos Sandaza has a secret he has yet to reveal that concerns his partnership with Holmes.

Writer Facts:
This is the first and only e-fed I have ever participated in.

I often try to get inspired for my RP's by listening to classical music (Beethoven, Mozart etc...). More recently I've been listening to Ennio Morricone to inspire the Sandaza character as well as other elements of Holmes' personality.

I like writing my RP within the first few days of knowing my opponent.

I used to be very critical of my RP's. Now I'm not so critical as I have heard a lot of solid-good feedback over the month.
I'm kind of bored so I'll give this a shot.

Wrestler Trivia::
  • Raziel Alhazred is Dr. Alhazred's real name. I've used it in video game characters and as username a bunch of times. It's a mix of Raziel from the Soul Reaver games and Abdul Alhazred from the Necronomicon. I just threw in the Dr. because I thought it sounded cool.

  • The main inspiration for my character was Zim from Invader Zim, a bunch of video game villains, mixed with most of my own personality and mannerisms.

  • Mister was made because I got bored with writing for Dr. Alhazred and I wanted something fresh.
  • I never wanted to be in a tag team but now I don't want to be a singles competitor for a long time. After the Forgotten Powers ends (hopefully not for a while) I hope to make another Tag Team. I just think Dr. Alhazred and my writing style works better with multiple characters in an RP.
  • I don't know why I picked Prince Devitt as a base image, I think I was just watching one of his matches when I was making the application.

  • My character's look and gear is an exact replica to a SVR CAW.
  • The main inspiration for the Power Glove actually comes from HellBoy and Mega Man's arm cannon. I was watching the first Hellboy movie while playing SVR and basically tried to make my main character (basically me) have a bigger right hand. I thought it would be awesome if he wrestled like and was the same size as Spike Dudley (I'm a little smaller than him) but had a really powerful right hand that he could choke slam and knock huge guys out with. In SVR 2011 the glove actually looks pretty awesome.

Writer Trivia

  • This is my first and only E-Fed.
  • I don't plan out my RPs. I start with one idea, like the submarine in Wasabi's belly, and write everything all at once unplanned. The only time I planned an RP was for my KC one and I think it's my worse one.

  • I went to a Vocational School for High School and my shop was Media Technology. The first two years we learned how to design and program video games, make 2-D animations, film and edit videos, basic Photoshop, graphic design and creative writing. We were the first class to go through the shop so all of our teachers were new and shitty. Everything we learned we had to learn on our own basically. The teachers stared getting better but only after we already had them, making the newer classes much better at us at the programs but I think as a whole we were more creative.

  • The last two years the teachers basically let us make whatever we wanted and left us alone until the cycle was over (a cycle was nine days, we'd have nine days of shop and then nine days of normal classes. In that time I made over 20 cartoon animations, a bunch of "youtube" type videos, and one short film (it was a zombie movie and it sucked lol).
  • My inspiration for each RP comes from a bunch of different things. Mainly T.V. shows.

  • When I actually write my RPs, I can't have any noise around me. No music, no T.V., I'm most creative when there's silence.

  • MMSoldier is my boy. I'd job for him any day.

That's about it I guess. :shrug:
I'll give this a go.

Wrestler Facts
  • Stan Rogers is pretty much me. Actually, that's a lie. He's heavily influenced by Colt Cabana's Matt Classic character.
  • He was originally going to be called Rick Rogers and be a snooty, old fashioned wrestler. I used Buddy Rogers as my inspiration for this and although I dropped the character, I kept the surname.
  • It would be easier to list the things Stan Rogers likes than hates. He hates everything from Two And A Half Men to foreigners.
  • Stan Rogers will never be on Twitter. He doesn't know how to use it. Duh.
  • Rogers isn't a political man, but he hates Ronald Reagan. The Contras fucked up his Nicaraguan wrestling school.
  • Only Stan knows his real name and age.
  • It's unknown just what generation of wrestler Stan is. It's been said that Stan's great-great-great grandfather, Stanley Rogers Sr. was one of the first European settlers in the US and brought professional wrestling with him.
  • As well as having been married eight times, Rogers has had trysts with a host of glamorous celebrities such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and former Attorney General Janet Reno.

Writer Facts
  • I have quite a few RP ideas in word documents on my PC. I start them but never complete them due to having an incredibly short attention span.
  • My short attention span is a massive hindrance. I have to write my RPs in small chunks.
  • I'm not a fan of long-winded speeches in RPs. I like short, snappy dialogue interspersed with in-depth description.
  • I don't ever plan my RPs. If it's a straight-up conversation like my previous RPs, I'll just write until I find stumble upon good. If I do have an idea, I'll set the scene and just write.
  • I like to throw in little nods to the real wrestling world in my RPs. Most recently, Rogers called himself the "best in the world".
  • Alex Brigstocke is used frequently for myself more than anything. As a Brit, using a fellow Brit allows me to connect to the RPs a bit more. The "Alex" comes from my fellow Sheffielder Alex Turner, while "Brigstocke" comes from the comedian Marcus Brigstocke.
Wrestler Trivia::
  • Sean Cruz was the name I always wanted to go by as a wrestler. Now that I have knowledge of the industry and want no part of it, I use it as an e'fed character.
  • Sean Cruz is an extension of me. He's an exagerration of my own personality and life.
  • Until I started teaming with Armando, all of my RPs were based on my life.
  • Lissa,Alex,Nina, and Jeannett are actually my closest friends.

Writer Trivia
  • This is my first and only E-Fed.
  • I always procrastinate when I do RPs. I don't mean too,and I honestly think you guys are insulted by it
  • I'm afraid of the more experienced RPers. At the same time, I'm dying to know what they think of my RPs
Wrestling Trivia
  • Like many others, Ricky Runn was the ring name I want to under when I take my trip into the wrestling business.
  • At first I wanted to make Ricky a much darker and evil side of my personalty. But seeing as I couldn't write a fluent RP with that, I changed the gimmick to be a extreme version of my personalty.
  • The "Ricky Runndown" was a finisher I used in backyard wrestling.

Writer Facts
  • I am very new at E-fedding so this is all still developing as a Role Player.
  • I originally opted to do this to improve my writing and grammar, I figured if RP's are based on the best, that would motivate me to spell and grammar check and all that nonsense.
Wrestler Trivia
  • Wilhelm's real name is Alex Ackermann. This came from Alex and a google search for german surnames
  • Originally Wunderbar was going to be billed from "East Berlin" (i.e. the Soviet side) but I decided it was pointless seeing as the Berlin Wall's been down for a few decades
  • He was concieved because I have a GCSE in German and decided that an evil foreigner would be easy.
  • Sasha Schwarz was conceived because I had difficulties writing for him and figured another character to bounce conversations off and yell at would help
  • I was always very particular about the names Wunderbar used and him changing the name he addressed a character by was due to his opinion of that character changing
  • Wunderbar is currently unable to leave Germany

Writer Facts
  • I am not German and have very little in common with Wilhelm
  • The only RP I thought about before I started writing was the one where I set fire to a big top.
  • I don't think I started being consistent with Wunderbar's character until I came up with the "War Machine"
  • I quit WZCW at the last moment and always regretted doing it like I did
  • I never found it easy to write RPs for Wunderbar. Ever.
I actually have a large word document detailing Action Saxton's "real" history and his relationship with all of his supporting characters. Each of these supporting characters are fleshed out and have backgrounds of their own. Many of these supporting characters have connections with other characters of mine (as shown in my Unscripted RP which featured Max Karzai as a regular in Marceline's bar).

As funny and off-the-cuff as my RPs may seem, I actually put quite a bit of planning into each of them, and make sure not to do anything that contradicts these fictional backgrounds. I never plan out RPs outside of general ideas, but I'm always very careful with my word choice and read/reread my RPs tens of times throughout the writing process.

I doubt I'll ever release the contents of the document to the public. I feel the fun part of Saxton is that he's constantly reinventing his past and that his real identity is a bit of a mystery. It's actually pretty easy to tell what's real and what's not in my RPs if you really look into the writing style and situations.

I'm a big fan of little references and subtlety. That's why some of my RPs never really reference my opponents by name, but instead by surrogate situations or by characters. It's also mostly done for humor. But that's not all I like to reference. I may have hated my 11th grade AP English class, but I learned quite a bit about writing by being taught Hemingway. "Start as close to the end as possible" and "A good story should be like an iceberg - The main story on top, and then a huge block of story underneath the surface" are two tips I take to heart when writing my RPs.

Also, I love this thread.

-Gordito has taken many sides jobs over the years. He's been in a few bands as a vocalist and guitar player (Scary Creepy Ugly Men, or S.C.U.M and The Meat Curtains). He's done security detail and merchandise pusher for his friend's bands. He's done some construction and landscaping when he was younger. He is a naturally gifted salesman, but hates most industries like that because they make him feel dirty. His dream was to open a bar/night club, which he has done with "The Sludge Pit" in Baltimore, MD. Yes, you read that. I didn't do a good job of making it clear from the get go, but while Gordito is from the West Coast, I relocated him out to the East Coast when he joined up for reasons that don't make much sense to me now. "The Sludge Pit" is in Baltimore, not Los Angeles. I've since moved Gordito back to the West Coast as it just makes more sense, but I do still plan on having him visit and utilize "The Sludge Pit" in the future.

-Gordito has been a fan of wrestling since a child. Some of his friends thought he stumbled into the business on his own, but really he had been planning on it for years.

-Gordito has never been married, and does not have any children. He usually doesn't have much need, want, or room for romance in his life, though he will occasionally pick up women.

-Despite his clear preference for punk rock, he has a soft spot for mid 90's Brit Pop.

-His favorite drink is a Whiskey Sour. His favorite beer is Newcastle Brown Ale.

-Gordito does do drugs from time to time, purely for recreation. About once or twice a year he'll take a mushroom or acid trip. He used to smoke marijuana daily, but hasn't for about two years and doesn't plan to start again as it takes away from his ability to focus on his work. He smokes cigarettes, and has tried quitting in the past but never for long.


-I usually write RP's the day of the due date. I will brainstorm themes and ideas all week long, and I'll often settle on some sort of plan like where I'd like it to be or what I want to happen, but most of what you read is written right off the top of my head as I go along. I almost never plan out any of the dialogue.

-I take about an hour or two to hammer out the RP, with frequent smoke breaks, and then about another half hour or so to format. When it comes to formatting, the earliest influence I can recall picking up is FalKon's. I'm always changing little bits to find a "perfect system", but I think I based it all on the style I got from him.

-Klamor is my favorite interviewer to use. I use him so sparingly, though, so that I don't burn that out. I should probably use him a little more often as I really have nothing to do with Leon, and Becky is just kind of a yes-woman. That other chick is good too, but too often I feel I just end up using her as a female Klamor. I'd like to work at figuring out how to use some of them better.

-My initial plan for Gordito was to have him be a sort of hard edge Carlito heel type, mixed with a bit of Punk'd. I hadn't followed WZCW for long, and looking back at it I don't think the style I had in mind would've work well at all. I went face at the suggestion of the staff, and I am grateful for it as it's better suiting for the character.

-I still welcome any RP'ers to use "The Sludge Pit" if they wish; I envision it as becoming kind of like WWF New York, only not so much suckage. There's probably something like a "trivia wall" with little bits of facts and pictures and maybe some trinkets like Baller's head and some old belts.
Armando Paradyse:
-Character came from the song "Rico Suave"
-That was actually going to be the name of him but I was told it's and actual wrestler with the same gimmick.
-The name actually came from a friend who tried out at the same time I did....I beat him in a contract match...he was pissed and got banned...

-My RP's are usually thought up at work. When I get home I write them down.
-I like tag teaming during my efeds but hate multi-man matches.
-First efed. Been in a few but started hating the way they were ran and formatted so I usually ended up quiting.
Well I thought about giving some of my own trivia.

Darren Bull Trivia
  • The first name of Darren really came from my best friend which I though on using.
  • I used the last name Bull cause I remember using it on some of my SvR/WWE CAWs.
  • The gimmick came from my own life. I might not be some Hollywood kid but I want to be so I used that as my main gimmick.
  • The use of his family is also like a little life lesson that even rich/hollywood people also have their own life issues. It also helps out specie up his character.
  • His wrestling attributes are mostly high-flying due to me loving all those types of moves.
  • I originally had plan to use Miz as my sample pic but Proph bet me to it. So, I chose Ronaldo since he can fit into that type of gimmick and those wrestling attributes. He is also my favorite soccer player of all-time.
Writer Trivia
  • This pretty much first e-fed and only one.​
  • I usally try to write my RPs early but get cut up with school so I start them during the weekend.​
  • Before I joined I really had no idea what was happening.​
  • Actually in three sepreate times I thought about joining WZCW but I really didn't have any ideas for a character execpt the name.​
  • Some of my ideas for RPs come to me while I take a shower. But I usally forget half them or reword them wrong due to having a short memory.​
  • When I satrted off I really was confused how this would work.​
So those are some of my trivia and hope some people use this thread cause it's actully fun.​
This seems fun

Mikey Stormrage Trivia
  • The name is a combination of things. My first name is Michael, and everyone calls me Mikey.
  • Stormrage is the name of a very prominant family of Night Elves in World of Warcraft. I wanted something gaming related to fit the gimmick but still sound like something a real guy may use
  • Stormrage represents a lot of different aspects of my life. He is essentially what I wanted to be when I was at my lowest points. His attire and appearance is inspired by my current tattoos and what I wore when I tried my hand at a local wrestling school
  • Up until college I was very much overweight, 300+. In the last couple years I have gotten down to the 260ish range but making Stormrage 315 appealed to me
  • Rose is my real life girlfriend, though she doesn't look like Taylor Swift lol.
  • I'm not nearly as obsessed with games as he is in real life but they are a big part of my free time. I'm also not nearly as absent minded as Stormrage can be. I actually intend for him to have some surprising moments over the course of his career

Writer Trivia
  • This is my first e-fed.
  • I am an aspiring writer so I love to write stuff
  • I actually took my screen name from an old WoW character
  • One of the other reasons I took this up is because of my gf. She has cancer so she is currently in Arizona with her parents. Its a great way for me to kill time and not worry about her 24/7 and she encourages my writing
  • Good news though is that its in remission and she should be back soon
  • I usually write my rps straight in the rp board. I usually type up a couple notes on my Ipod during the week, then I sit down with a couple sodas, a snack, and some music and write
What the hell:

Wrestler Trivia

  • James Howard is the closest I could get to my real name in the WWE 12 character generator.
  • In fact the gimmick was born whilst playing around with the titantrons in WWE 12. I liked the MMA insipired one as an idea and I was sold.
  • Howard's anger issues came from wanting him to have problems, but trying to be different. Also it fit with the gimmick and gave a legitimate reason why he would move from MMA to wrestling.
  • Dinah's personality is based on my fiancé, her rep, Dayna Delux, was chosen because the 1950s aesthetic is something she likes.
  • Howard's friend Aleksey is Russian as a nod to Rocky, there'll be a lot more of that dynamic to come.
  • Howard's height is about the same as mine, but I weigh about 40lbs more, and I am not in the shape of an MMA fighter.
  • I have a rough arc in mind for Howard, at least for the first few months. It will probably take me through to around August time depending on match results

Writer Trivia
  • This is my first E-fed since Foley was WWE champion
  • I used to run one way back when, but I was only 14 so the quality wasn't great, also since I ran it solo there was little in the way of checks and balances.
  • My name Shotaro dates waaaaay back to UT, and is the surname of Kaneda from Akira
  • I've never won a title in an e-fed
  • I am a mathematics teacher for high school age students.
Haven't done this since the 4th August 2011. Let's change that.

Wrestler Trivia

  • There are so many influences I use to shape Ace. Dice Clay and Deuce 'N' Domino are the key ones, though.
  • It’s my goal to make Ace Stevens the most hated wrestler in WZCW. I’m talking legit heat, motherfucker. I want him to be a genuine asshole.
  • People talk about Ace Stevens always playing small-time comedy clubs. Motherfucker, he’s headlined MSG. Three times. In a row.
  • Ace is more complicated than you think.
  • A coward at heart, he’s obsessed with being the fearless alpha male.
  • Take away a couple of minor personality traits, and Ace would be an awesome face. It’ll probably happen at some point, but for now, I love heeling it up.
  • The name Ace Stevens came out of thin air.
  • I picture Stevens’s wrestling style being similar to Jinder Mahal’s. Fuck you, I like him.
  • Stevens lied about his hometown on the WZCW application. While he was brought up in Brooklyn, his place of birth is shrouded in mystery as it causes him a great deal of shame.
  • I want the relationship between Ace and Lewis to be abusive but ultimately loving. Maybe. I haven’t decided it I want Ace to go full blown ******** yet.
  • As long as he's a heel, I don't want Ace to ever be truly, conventionally funny. Like I said, he's like Dice Clay, who's one of the least funny fuckers I've ever seen.

Writer Trivia

  • After Stan Rogers, I was going to take a pretty lengthy break from WZCW. Probably not returning until June. But I visited the section a lot, saw the new applicants, read the RPs and the shows and just had to get back in to it. Props to Ty, Numbers and the team for being so accommodating.
  • I guess I should write a bit about why I ended Stan Rogers. I loved the character, but writing for him was a fucking chore. Just really difficult. It was hard to get in to that mindset. Plus, I sorely lacked ideas.
  • After Rogers, it was my plan to re-join with... the son of Rogers. Yeah. Really.
  • The son of Rogers (first name, Brandon) was a good idea in my head. But when I put fingers to keyboard, I just came out with the most generic shit imaginable. It was hideous. I had to pack it in.
  • Whenever I use Becky Serra, I always imagine SoCal Val. Yup, that’s the most boring bit of trivia. I promise.
  • I find it weird when people refer to their characters as themselves.
  • I watch far too many sitcoms. I sense that shines through in my writing. Like, I reference How I Met Your Mother way too much. I can’t help it, it’s pretty much my favourite TV show.
  • I’m still finding my style, and I’m still finding what kind of character I want Ace to be. That said, I'm more comfortable now than I ever was with Rogers.
Scumm Trivia
  • I came up with the name Johnny Scumm in about 20 seconds. I wanted to join a Fed, had the whole character set up, but no name.
  • Scumm is a former PCW Brawl Champion, but that's not mentioned in WZCW.
  • As you should know by now, Scumm is British as I find it much easier to handle a character who is from a location I know well.
  • I never wanted Scumm to be a face at all, but I recently thought that it might freshen him up & I think it's working!

Writer Trivia
  • I wasn't planning on joining WZCW when I did, but the E-Fed I was part of ended, so thought I'd come straight over here to fulfil my needs.
  • Usually, when I think of RP's, I don't take any set time to think about them, I just let them come to me. The match where I nearly beat Titus...I thought of pretty much that entire RP at a bus stop.
  • When writing up my RP's, I just start when I feel like it. Sometimes, it's really early and others it's the day of the deadline.
  • As noted above, this is the 2nd E-Fed I've participated in. The other lasted for a year, but I was only in it maybe.. a month & a half? Then it disbanded & I was the last reigning Brawl Champ. Yay :)
  • Chris Kline was an idea for a wrestler I had if I ever got bored with Scumm, but I much preferred to have him interact with Scumm as a friend.

There we goooo.
Plenty of my character trivia in this thread. How about some more writer trivia?

  • I have plenty of social and mental...quirks that make sitting down and writing really hard for me. I love to do it but I can't always concentrate, at least not when it comes to RPs. Takes me several hours to finally get on a roll, but once that happens it's smooth-sailing.
  • For the most part, I like writing dialogue more than anything.
  • I'm in multiple other feds - all of the others are hosted on the same website that I'm an admin of. I'd love to see some of their characters come to WZCW since we have some great ones on both sites. In fact, in my WWE Universe, my current tag team champions are my own version of Mind Over Matter, with Alexander Stark and an evil genius gimmick that's on the other site. I mark for them.
  • Saxton is basically gone from that site. The fed where he was world champion closed down due to bad management but he's in a great tag team in another fed...that I didn't really ask to be in and was kinda forced into. Oh well. It's fun stuff anyway. But yeah, WZCW is really the only place Saxton promos anymore.
  • I have several other characters on that other site. My personal favorites to write for are Manfred Rickett (A rich heel businessman who entered the wrestling business in order to take control and unite the world of pro wrestling and transform it into a soulless monopoly under him) and Dance Party '95 (Sin Cobra & AKIMan, a pair of hot-blooded dancing fools who are possibly from the future and definitely from space). I also have a character somewhat based on myself. Thought I might try it out. I find him really hard to write for, though, because I don't exactly have a high opinion of myself so I'm afraid he comes off as kind of whiny at times.
  • If there's one thing I adore about WZCW, it's how willing everyone is to criticize each other. Feedback is essential to growing as a writer and on that other site we don't really do much of that.
  • I actually recommend having multiple characters, especially if you're like me and have concentration issues. It lets me exercise my brain and writing muscles in many different ways with many different scenarios, and I'll often get ideas for one character while writing something for another. Plus, I try and use a different RP style for each one. Lets me experiment a lot.
  • I couldn't pick a favorite fed if I tried. Every fed I've been in has had great memories for me, with a great selection of talent and some great promos. I don't see it as a competition, just a way for people to be creative in many different ways and work together to make a whole story. I will say that I do like the other site's method of RPing to tell a story rather than to win but I think RPing to win works in WZCW and forces people to innovate and not get complacent. There are pros and cons.
  • Favorite WZCW characters right now, mostly based on gimmick or potential: Alexander Stark, Rush, Saboteur, and Ace Stevens. Sorry, Sanka, you're gonna have to try harder to get me to hate a guy based on what got me into wrestling.
  • My first run in WZCW put a bad taste in my mouth re:tag teams, but ever since Saxton's been in awesome teams on that other site and with Saboteur, I've since warmed up to the idea. It's also fun to have a consistent character to interact with in promos outside of NPCs.
  • I really wish there was a way I could just take everything in my mind and put it on paper when it comes to RPs. I'm great at visualizing feelings and what I want in an RP, but when it comes to writing I always feel I fall short. That's why I constantly ask for feedback - I want people to look at more than the content and really analyze and look at the writing style and possible accidental or intentional subtext. That's what I do when I feedback. "Give 'em something they don't see every day", that's my motto. Well, one of my many mottos.
  • My other motto is "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
Triple X Trivia

  • The straight edge aspect of the character is all me.
  • The death of Triple X's girlfriend is adapted from a loss I suffered last year.
  • The name and basics of the character comes from the Vin Diesel movie, xXx.
  • The original character was created on Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. The concept was a cross between Jeff Hardy, HBK and The Rock.
  • A lot of Triple X's happy-go-lucky nature is a front, masking the tragedy of his past.
  • Xander Knight is a name that came pretty much out of nowhere. It's a name he rarely uses anyway, as most people refer to him as X.
  • X's motto is "looking behind you is an easy way to trip yourself up." He isn't ashamed of his past, but chooses to look ahead. He isn't religious, but he believes he is following a path of his own choosing.
  • The necklace he wears was originally Abigails, his girlfriend. Along with this, he has her name tattoed on his left wrist. Both of these are inspired by a black tie I wear round my wrist as a tribute.
  • X is still in regular contact with his old probation officer, who he cites as being an inspiration behind turning his life around. He will likely appear in a future RP.

BK Trivia

  • I applied for WZCW a while back with a very Orton-esque character called Robert Cage. Very unoriginal, I was told as much by someone (Ty Burna possibly, can't remember) and I never followed up on it.
  • I used to write a lot, but felt burnt out after finishing University (Theatre course, required a lot of creative writing) so this is almost a way for me to get back into it.
  • I've not been completely happy with any of my RP's so far, and am still looking to find a style to adhere to. But I strive to get better.
  • The characters that made me want to get involved were Showtime, Reynolds and Ty Burna.
  • I'm not as used to writing in prose as I am in script format, so this eFed is somewhat an experiment for me.
  • I'm usually against putting too much personal details into a character, but when adapting X for WZCW it seemed to just snap into place. His character is different enough to me that I can emotionally detatch myself, but there's enough of me there that makes the dialogue flow better.
  • It's likely that I will be adding NPC's to Triple X's RP's either the next round or one after that.
  • This is my first eFed, and am enjoying it thus far. The encouragement from a few people has helped me get into it more.
Wrestler Trivia:
- Posted this one before but Brad Bomb's wrestling name comes from my older brother. He gave me the name when me and my little brother would wrestle each other.
- This is my first e-fed and tbh, I don't know where else to look :p
- I've had many ideas ranging from training a protege to death to write off the Brad Bomb character once I get tired of him.
- The main jist of my gimmick comes from the times I've 'lost it' with people.
- Brad is a bit of procrastinator or chronic underachiever. He'll continually set goals but lay them aside for new ones if he feels he has a chance at a rivalry.

Write Trivia:
- Although a budding journalist, I still make spelling mistakes here and there.
- I mostly do this to increase my creative writing capabilities.
- When writing an RP I'll usually make sure I have a 2-3 hour slot booked out so I can relax with some music/podcasts and write in my own free time, often taking little break for Youtube videos.
- Only recently have I found a style of intro that I truly like.
- For my RPs, I find it easier to do a back and forth with another NPC rather than a solo RP.
- I'm never sure if what I'm writing is good enough to be match winning. I feel like I should ask for more feedback than I do.
- I can never seem to find a consistent place in the roster.
Joe West Trivia

My first name is actually Joe, but I gave him the West last name for the sole purpose of the West Airlines finisher.

I originally intended for Joe to be a face with him overcoming his bullied past but decided he would be heel for now.

The propel thing is actually all me, I drink it all day when I can and every time I hang out with friend I'll most likely be seen drinking it and I hate Gatorade.

The Rock is a slight influence on Joe's character, but I wanted to make sure West was modeled after Shelton Benjamin for the sole purpose that he would be who I wanted to look like If I was a wrestler.

Writer Trivia

This is my first E-Fed, and over 50% of the reason I'm on the forums.

I love to write, and mixing that with wrestling pretty much suckered me into this place.

I have gone through a bit of bullying, picked on for looking up to my favorite wrestler's but not to the degree that I overplay it with West.

When I write an RP for West I try to actually think of past experiences I've had an kind of mold them into ridiculous situations.

I love this Fed, and I love the possibility of things that could happen during my time here and while i'm still starting out I hope to get better and you guys enjoy what i'm attempting to bring to the table.
Wow, I haven't been as available as I'd like to check out threads like this, but this one is very interesting. So here you go:


1. Everest the character has been around for almost 10 years now. He is a character I've used in every Efed I've participated in.

2. His actual name is a combination of mine and my son's.

3. The name Everest does come from the mountain and came about when I was doing my first roleplay and comapred my rise up the ranks to that of climbing Everest, I dumped the whole thing, renamed my character and took off.

4. Everest being a Michigan grad and a frequent visitor to Ann Arbor comes from my love of The University of Michgan Athletics.

5. Everest has been a World Champion in every fed he's been apart of. (Sorry that's just me being selfish and arrogant)

6. Everest's look, style and move set are all inspired by great technical wrestlers, like Benoit, Jericho, Malenko and even Randy Savage. He was made to be light enough to fly but also big enough to compete with most anyone. He's not a powerhouse but he can wrestle with anyone. Again sort of a Benoit sort.


1. I've been efedding for almost 10 years (scary I know) and I've also run my own fed for almost 2 years, writing, website upkeep and all the fun stuff.

2. Sadly I'm not quite as up to date on the history of WZCW as I should be but am very proud to be one of the longest standing members of this incarnation of the federation.

3. I'm actually a graphic artist and work at a local newspaper designing ads and more.

4. The Rock, Ric Flair and Chris Jericho contributed to the creation of Everest, from his look to his demeanor to his charisma.

5. I'm more comfortable being the good guy than the heel, I'm not sure why, it would seem the heel would be easier to write but I guess I can be seen as sort of the John Cena of the WZCW world, for good or bad.

I hope this has helped give a little insight into the world of Everest.

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