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Wrestling moments that made you go "huh?"

The Scarred One

The Greatest of All Time
If someone has posted anything similar to this, I apologize.

As wrestling fans, we enjoy watching the action that we see every week. But on some occasions, there are moments that, more often than not, can make us scatch our heads in confusion and ask ourselves "what the fuck were the writers or bookers thinking?!" Whether it was a swerve or twist no one saw coming or a face/heel turn that came out of nowhere, there have certainly been a lot of these.

I'll give an example of something that made me perplexed.

It was right after Randy Orton won the World Heavyweight Championship and got kicked out of Evolution. Now it became obvious at this point that Orton was now a babyface and he would begin feuding with Evolution, mainly Triple H. To combat his former friends, instead of becoming a one-man army, he found allies in Maven, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. Looking at it one way, this was necessary for the story to progress. But how it went down made no sense.

It seemed like right after he was kicked out and joined up with Maven, Benoit and Jericho, there was no tension between them. If you recall some of the backstage segments, Orton talked to them as if he had been friends with them for years, even though he was kicking their asses unmercifully months earlier. You'd figure that not only those three but the rest of the RAW locker room would've been a little wary and untrusting of Orton, considering he was Triple H's and Ric Flair's protege. That at the beginning, either Jericho or Maven would say that they didn't trust Orton and they would rip him apart if he tried anything suspicious. But there was no tension or bad blood. Instead, they were all buddy-buddy.

Now, a lot of you might be saying that I'm thinking too much into this and that it's just a TV show. I for one am willing to suspend reality for the sake of entertainment, but I'm not an idiot. And it just didn't make sense to have one of the top heels on RAW who pretty much pissed off the rest of the RAW wrestlers with his actions to all of a sudden become good buddies with the majority of them as if nothing happened.

But what about you guys? Past or present in any promotion, what wrestling moments have made you scratch your head in confusion and go huh? You can list as many as you want.
mike adamle named as raw gm.... i laughed my ass off that day....

To your orton story, if a heel is betrayed by other heels, the faces are shown as so good that they accept him as a face... its a given in the wwe... wcw did it in the nwo very frequently...
I'm going to go win David Arquette winning the WCW title.

This was such a clusterfuck! It made absolutely no sense. It only diminished the WCW World Title and made the WCW brass look like a bunch of ******s. I realize that WCW was trying to promote the movie Ready to Rumble, but their poor decision helped bury their product. I guess if there is a any glim of light here, it is the fact that Arquette actually did attempt to defend the title.

I miss WCW, but not anything from 1999 on...
Some cynic in the near future is gonna say " TNA Impact ...every week!!":p

Na I like TNA, but one moment that stumped me was when RVD debuted. He came out to a monstrous pop, pinned one of TNA's biggest stars and then got the sh*t kicked out of him.

Killed a lotta credibility, and took all the steam off what could've been a great debut if these two would've locked horns. I think they both could've given a stellar match and a very interesting rivalry.
A Huge wtf moment for me was when and this really pissed me off when evan bourne beat chris jericho at the Fatal Four Way PPV and he even kicked out the codebreaker.
Mark Henry/Mae Young, Ultimate Warrior kicking out of 5 flying elbow drops from Savage, Katie Vick, Lita's baby, Chuck and Billy's wedding, the whole guest GM concept, diva bull riding, and Rey Misterio ever winning a match.
"Rey Mysterio ever winning a match"

That's too funny! I'll add on to that by saying "Rey Mysterio ever winning a World HEAVYWEIGHT Title". Or Rey Mysterio during his "Giant Killer" stint in WCW. Talk about suspending your disbelief.....
Easy, everything WWE and TNA have booked in the past year. But in all seriousness I'll post 3 seperate occasions.

1. Kane not winning the title in 2002. He was as popular as ever after coming back and he seemed completely unstoppable. So he can survive a TLC by himself, but not defeat Triple H? Yes, HHH was/is a great heel champion, but with the whole Katie Vick thing it made complete sense for Kane to win the belt, even if for a short time. Its not like HHH had anything solid going for him until after WM 19 when Nash returned.

2. A current WWE moment. The Nexus falling to Cena. So we hear, "The Nexus could be the most dominant force in history." And yeah they dominate as a group and such. But wouldnt you think if they were so dominate they could manage to win a singles or tag match against someone else besides jobbers? Yes Cena is the top of the food chain, but if someone from the Nexus were able to cleanly or even by cheating, beat John Cena. The "WWE Universe" would be in a state of shock because their hero finally lost. Makes no sense for them to continually job to Cena. Yes I consider it jobbing when all they do is gang attack people. Basically every member of a dominate stable (DX, 4 Horseman, etc) could, or were a threat to beat the top guy at any time to prove their dominance. Why is it different in WWE?

3. And a current TNA. Just thought of this due to Mark Madden's latest post. Its the whole RVD thing. So he technically returns via phone after Abyss basically killed him. And he says "I'll be back next week." IF a guy almost kills you, why the hell would you tell him when your coming back? Why not jump him if he almost killed you. Makes no sense at all. And how do you go from getting the shit beat outta you like RVD did to a month and a half later ready to come back? Terrible, terrible booking.
A Huge wtf moment for me was when and this really pissed me off when evan bourne beat chris jericho at the Fatal Four Way PPV and he even kicked out the codebreaker.

This is in no way what the OP was going for as in that feud they were looking to make Bourne look strong and over the course of wrestling they have used kicking out of an opponents finisher to show that the guy has heart and is resilient and after looking up the results from FFW Bourne only got the foot on the ropes so that in itself is logical. The true wtf moment that came from this is that the bookers chose to do next to nothing with Bourne after the feud and failed to capitalize on what little momentum he gained by beating Jericho for the second time. Sure Bourne participated in the Raw MITB match at the MITB ppv but it was almost a dead lock to have him in the match based on his high flying style alone and didn't really build him into a feud of any kind going into the match and the choice of not choosing him to be involved in the Nexus vs Team Cena in favor of guys like Morrison, Truth, and Bret Hart was ridiculous. Bourne already had a lead in to the match by helping Cena fight off Nexus and by getting attacked by Nexus himself but instead of logically choosing him they decided to half ass the part of the team that they ended up jobbing out to Skip Sheffield. It made Sheffield look dominant but lacked any sort of good storyline build aside from the near explosion of Team Cena that lasted what a week? Severely disappointing booking decisions nearly killed the match for me imo and to me Bourne would have done infinitely better than Morrison in the build up and actual match while making sense to even the an again off again fans.
Daniel Bryan's New Tune....Why? he's a US Champ, yet he comes out to 'Flight of the Bumblebees'...
RVD's TNA Debut, Beats AJ (correct me if im wrong on the superstar) then gets his ass handed to him on a plate...great way to make someone a force to be reconed with.
And oh yeah, Chavo Wearing Trunks, He seems to be more of a Tight Wearer...I'm Just Sayin...
Daniel Bryan's New Tune....Why? he's a US Champ, yet he comes out to 'Flight of the Bumblebees'...
RVD's TNA Debut, Beats AJ (correct me if im wrong on the superstar) then gets his ass handed to him on a plate...great way to make someone a force to be reconed with.
And oh yeah, Chavo Wearing Trunks, He seems to be more of a Tight Wearer...I'm Just Sayin...

flight of the bumblebees? It's called ride of the valkyries, and theres nothing wrong with that. At least it's not generic rock music.

And I thought when all the young guys that beat chris jericho this year made me go HUH???

John Morrison
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston
Heath Slater (******ED)
HHH invading Orton's home. Cameras roll, police do nothing until HHH is done destroying the place...bizarre. Also, Undertaker being put into 'a vegetative state'? Why not just be in a coma, or hospitalized, or whatever...yet he comes back, at full strength, faster than HHH from his injury.

Obvious entry is HHH molesting a dummy in a funeral home (Katie Vick, for those who were told to Google it on Raw a couple weeks back)...Jim Ross forced to wrestle somehow...seems like you work for a pharmaceutical company, and the president makes you get injected with one of their experimental drugs in order to keep your job. Any situation where there is a match going on, but the referee decides to go to the other side of the ring and yell at someone on the apron. Haven't they learned to watch the action? Can you see an MMA ref yelling at someone's girlfriend outside the octagon while someone nails Brock Lesnar with a tire iron behind him? And finally, any time that a replay prompts the ref to change the outcome of a match...happens about one out of one hundred times. Why not every time, or none of the time? This one is my big pet peeve. Just be consistent, that's all I ask.
Nobody has said anything about Goldust and Luna. Goldie coming out on a leash with a ball gag in his mouth. The promos made no damn sense and all he did was rub n hump whoever the hell was interviewing Luna
Ron Garvin winning the WORLD title from RIC FLAIR!!! Ill never know why this seemed like a good idea. I understand the angle they were working with Flair and the Garvins but I feel Nikita would have been a better choice at that time.
Any inferno match. Skin doesn't catch fire, it just burns, same as wrestling attire, it would just melt. There is nothing there that would catch fire!!

Any Vince McMahon death/serious injury storyline, specifically the limo explosion. What reaction was he hoping that would get? Thankfully it was cut short due to Beniot's death.

Hornswaggle, just because.

Hogan signing with TNA, surely someone, somewhere told Dixie this was an expensive waste of time. She should have listened. (the same could be said of Flair, Hardy, Hall, Waltman, RVD, Nasty Boys, Bubba and the rest of the people whos lips are permanently fixed to Hogans arse)
Wow...alot of good ones have already been mentioned..Chuck and Billy wedding, Mark Henry and Mae Young thing..David Arquette winning the title...

For the serious WTF moment, Didn ANYONE see the Nexus thing coming?..I mean it was a good "huh monet" but nobody can say they knew about it untill it happened..
Hogan signing with TNA, surely someone, somewhere told Dixie this was an expensive waste of time. She should have listened. (the same could be said of Flair, Hardy, Hall, Waltman, RVD, Nasty Boys, Bubba and the rest of the people whos lips are permanently fixed to Hogans arse)

With the Nastys, what I don't get is why they would even wrestle at all. If you saw Knobs on Hulk Hogan Celebrity Wrestling, or Hogan Knows Best, most of the time, Knobs was walking with a cane. How much of a threat is a guy who needs a cane to walk?

But for my own WTF moment, anytime Zack Gowan got in the ring. What were they thinking?

And as for the guy who suggested the Warrior promos, come on, those were legendary.
I'm gonna go with Warrior kicking out of 5 elbow drops by Randy Savage. Then I'm gonna go with how Warrior decided, after unsuccessfully winning the match with his finishing move, to end his career by listening to the voices in his head and be counted out. Wtf? And then 'wtf' when Savage went all the way back to get him and put him back in the ring to prevent the countout which would have saved his career.

One of the greatest matches and moments in wrestling ever. Did it make sense? Not a whole lot. But it will go down as one of the most memorable moments to wrestling fans. Back then, top tier wrestlers NEVER kicked out of other top tier wrestlers finisher moves (unless they happened to be named Hulk Hogan). Too bad Mark Madden wasn't around back then to explain to a IWC how nothing Savage and Warrior did made any sense. Too bad we didn't have the Net so we would already have a pretty good idea who was retiring and who wasn't..just to kill the suspense totally. Too bad we didn't have blogs so cynics could taint the memorable moment in wrestling history. And too bad wrestling wasn't like it is today where big name wrestlers as big as Savage and Warrior routinely kick out of each others' finishing moves two or three times a match.
eric bischoff killing the 4 horsemen off when he had a potential HOT feud between them and the original 3 nWo members and ruins it by pushing the nWo down everybodys throat and having everyone except flair,ddp and goldberg in the nWo. makes zero sense still today
Daniel Bryan's new theme music. His old generic rock actually fit his character.

Naked Mideon. Just disgusting.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler vs. Al Snow and John Coachman for the Raw commentators table. What, didnt have enough for your wrestlers to do there WWE? So you had to come up with a storyline for your announcers?:headscratch:

Goldberg vs. Scott Hall in a "Taser on a pole" match. The shame of Bill Goldberg's wrestling career. :disappointed:

As a little change of pace here I will mention a couple of postiive moments that made me go "huh?" Randy Orton catching Evan Bourne in mid-air for an RKO. For a second, I actually thought that Air Bourne had struck. And Randy's counter of an Attitude Adjustment into an RKO. Again I thought for a sec. that the AA was delivered. On both occasions I was just like "What the hell just happened?"
Just got done watching SummerSlam 2009, and for me, my "huh?" moment was the Cena/Orton match.

The match itself was okay, but there were so many run-ins and obvious botches that the whole match was one big "huh?". I love the part when Lillian announces that Orton has been disqualified for pushing the ref and he is the winner of the match and "new WWE Champion"... when he was already champion and shouldn't have even won the match since he got disqualified. The rest of the match was full of botches, but I just remember hearing her say that and rewinding it to make sure I heard it right. That's my "huh?" moment.
I'm gonna go with nWo Sting. No one including Sting's best friend could tell the real Sting and nWo Sting apart.

Fingerpoke of doom.

Jarret laying down for Hogan then fighting Booker T for the title a little while later

Goldberg's undefeated streak
RVD dropping the TNA World Championship- just to return BEFORE the Championship had even moved to another person...

Raven Dropping the TNA/NWA Championship the day before TNA goes onto mainstream TV...

Raven never getting a push to Main Event in WWE (he was in his prime when there and even Austin openly backed him)

Themed PPVs...

WWE failing to used the WCW brand "the right way"...
Making Chavo Guerrero into Kerwin White.

Here was a guy, well respected in the business. Not a superstar, but a useful guy to have on the roster and part of a wrestling dynasty- the Guerrero's.

So...some genious decides to make him into an American GOLFER?!?! and expects noone to be a bit confused or puzzled by this? Now, I am all for gimmick and name changes if something isnt working, or there is a gap in time between the two characters appearing, but this one just made no sense.

It was like Chavo one week, Kerwin White the next.

And it sucked

My biggest huh moment in pro wrestling was on WCW monday nitro in 1998 it was late August and i was watching both Raw and Nitro. Raw was heading into summerslam that sunday and Nitro answered back it was a typically Hogan segment with him bischoff and the disciple when all of a sudden smoke fills the ring and out of the entrance ramp comes the Ultimate Warrior and i remember being only 15 saying thats the Warrior where the fuck did he come from I watched in disbelief that he came out to confront Hogan on Nitro I knew then that WCW was trying anything to get viewers back but it backfired because as soon as Warrior said to Hogan that looks like your barber it was down hill for there i was sitting there like what the hell is he talking about Inquincewental force thats not a word or does it make any sense his whole comeback segment was horrible down right disgusting thats why its biggest HUH moment for me what could of been a great moment and given Nirto moment just winded up being HUH

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