Wrestling moments that made you go "huh?"

Probably my biggest one (besides obvious things like Arquette or Russo winning titles) was having Sting in the Horsemen. This was still back when the Horsemen were a "concept" more than just a bunch of wrestlers, and he stuck out like a sore thumb.

A few others:

Turning the Road Warriors heel before they won the NWA belts for the first time. (I know they were originally heels, back in the "Destruction Incorporated" days, but nobody believed them as heels any more.

Ron Garvin, NWA World Champion (although if Wikipedia is anything to go by, they had a reasonably good excuse for this).

Vince firing Hogan on RAW (after Hogan had left), and using as an excuse the fact that he taken off his "Mr. America" mask at a house show, even though he had done it at pretty much every house show he was in since starting the gimmick.

Shawn Michaels's first WWE heavyweight title, if only because I was pretty much screaming at the TV (especially when the referee asked the wrestlers if they had any questions), "Why doesn't somebody mention what happens in case of a tie?" (it was an Ironman match), which of course meant that it was painfully obvious what was going to happen. (The first house show I ever went to, back around 1972, featured an Ironman match between Pat Patterson and Ray Stevens (the only difference from the WWE version was, there was a one-minute break after each fall), and they made it clear from the start that a tie would be broken by a sudden-death fall.)

And, of course, how Vince was "crushed" when a light tower fell on him, only for the sparks built into the stage that should have gone off when the lights hit the stage area went off way too early.

-- Don
WCW...late 2000. The product had actually improved a little at that time because Russo had taken himself offscreen and actually let the guys wrestle. Scott Steiner was the champion and getting decent heat, despite his "promos". Anyway, his big challanger was Sid. One Nitro, live in Shreveport Louisiana, Sid was supposed to face Steiner in the main event, but he hadnt shown up to the arena yet. So, constantly throughout the night, we have Tony talking live to Sid on the phone, who apparently cant find the arena. In Shreveport. And this goes on all night. I dont remember whether he ever showed up or not. But the whole show was based around Sid Viscious...lost in Shreveport. No wonder he had half the brain tht Kevin Nash has.
Ted Dibiase's new theme, R-Truth's new theme, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes's new theme, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Cryme Tyme's break-up, Beaver Cleavage giving up on live TV, Just Joe using Gangrel's entrance, Aloisia being kicked out of NXT only to be replaced with a chick who has made much less PG pictures, the PG Era, Wrestling Society X, Lucha Libre USA, everything Matt Hardy has done recently, and Eli Cottonwood.

EDIT: Dammit, I really thought I would be the first one to mention Beaver Cleavage here! Oh well, I bet nobody remembers Just Joe, my favorite Attitude Era jobber (behind Gillberg)
Daniel Bryan's New Tune....Why? he's a US Champ, yet he comes out to 'Flight of the Bumblebees'...
RVD's TNA Debut, Beats AJ (correct me if im wrong on the superstar) then gets his ass handed to him on a plate...great way to make someone a force to be reconed with.
And oh yeah, Chavo Wearing Trunks, He seems to be more of a Tight Wearer...I'm Just Sayin...

It's actually "Ride of The Valkyries" by Wagner... but Valkryies were women... it's a little bit odd I grant you, but I guess it's to give him that Ric Flair-esque vibe... I actually think wrestlers should use Classical Music more... Trips used to use my favourite piece from Beethovens 9th (Ode To Joy)...

Mine was Edge winning the Rumble this year... it was SOOOO pointless and predictable with Cena having done the exact same thing previously...
I have three moments that made me go huh.

When Batista returned from injury in late 2009 jumps to Smackdown then early 2010 jumps back to Raw. Made me go huh. Why did they move him to Smackdown when they were just going to bring him back to Raw in the first place.

Hornswaggle winning the Cruiserweight Championship. Just Unneccassary. Especially when there are so many guys who deserve the title.

Vacating the Cruserweight Championship. There are plenty of Cruiserweights today. They are all getting lost in the shuffle. Yoshi, Evan Bourne, and Chavo Guerrero all get lost in the shuffle. They need to bring the Cruserweight Championship.
I mentioned this in another thread, but the way in which Hernandez cashed in his title shot.

Here's a guy, with incredible power in the form of a title shot, who can fight the World Champion when he wants. The sane and only logical choice would be to face the champion in a one-on-one match (which he tried with Sting, but the MEM interfered,so his shot was reimbursed). But not in TNA. TNA defies logic. Hernandez takes his 50-50 shot and trades it in for a 20-80 shot. Huh?
Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon in a "Judy Bagwell On A Forklift match" This was an embarassment to the wrestling business. Whoever invented this should have been shot. There was no possible way this could have been a success, and just made WCW look more of a farce than it already was

Perry Saturn and Moppy. What a way to humiliate a talented midcarder, who could have contributed alot to the company either as a singles guy or part of a tag-team/ He was brilliant in the Eliminators in WCW.

Big Dick Johnson Not in the slightest bit funny or over with the crowd


Robocop appearing in WCW...just plain weird
I have 3 moments in particular. The first being when HHH turned on HBK in July 2002 when they "reformed" DX. The next was on a 1996 episode of RAW when Ultimate Warrior ran out wearing a ball cap? lol wtf and then when Undertaker suddenly turned and rejoined with Paul Bearer in 1998 to form the Ministry. That was weird for me but it shaped out to be one of the best storylines in wrestling.

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