The book I read spent a lot of time talking about the good qualities and contributions of many, many wrestlers, going out of his way to highlight the positives even of guys he admittedly didnt get along with while detailing their disagreements, if there were any. In a book that talks extensively about Hogan, Piper, Savage, Undertaker, Hart, HBK, HHH, Vince, Crockett, Dusty, Harley Race (great champion, hard worker, major legit tough guy according to Flair), Steamboat, Sting, Luger, Angle, Rock (great talent, great mic work, great charisma, tells stories of knowing him as child through his work for his families promotion in Hawaii), Blackjack Mulligan (regrets they didnt stay friends), Barry Whyndam (in his heyday a "prime racehorse"), Eddie Guerrero, Austin, Funk, etc there is a boat load of praise and acknowledgement of accomplishment to go around (compare that to Hogan's book which largely portrays everyone as bit players compared with only Rock & Flair as being close to his level).