Wrestlezone's Champion For October

Who Is Wrestlezone's Champion Of The Month?

  • CM Punk (Former World Heavyweight Champion)

  • Undertaker (World Champion)

  • Randy Orton (Former WWE Champion)

  • John Cena (WWE Champion)

  • Christian (ECW Champion)

  • AJ Styles (TNA Champion)

  • Austin Aries (ROH Champion)

  • Hulk Hogan (Comedy Option)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Turd Ferguson

Here's something I'm going to try for each month. Let's see if it takes off. Each month, I'll put up a poll for what you think was the best world champion of the month, and we'll have some discussion about each champion's merits. The criteria: To be eligible, each champion has to have had one title defense. That's why Randy Orton and CM Punk would be eligible. Remember that your vote should not go to your favorite, but who you think actually had the best championship run this month.

This month's eligible champions:

World Heavyweight Champion:
CM Punk: Punk had a disappointing end to his run as champion, losing to Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match that was pretty much a straight up 1 on 1 match in a Hell in a Cell. Since then, Punk has tried to get his title back, unsuccessfully, despite his, Vince McMahon's, and Teddy Long's conspiracy to get his title back. Punk has since taken out his frustrations out on an unwilling to go along with the conspiracy referee Scott Armstrong. Does Punk deserve your vote?

Undertaker: The Undertaker has enjoyed a nice title run so far since capturing the title at Hell in a Cell from CM Punk. Many have tried to challenge the Undertaker since becoming champion, and he's taken their souls with great success. He had 2 successful title defenses this month. One in a match against Punk, and one in a fatal four way against Punk, Batista, and Mysterio. The Deadman is getting up there in years, but he's still performing at a very high level. Does his success this month earn him your vote?

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton: Orton had a very strong beginning to the month, beating John Cena clean in a Hell in a Cell match. Despite having bested Cena in that match, he wasn't satisfied and never wanted to deal with John Cena again, which is why the two agreed to a match where if Cena lost, he would have had to leave Raw. If Orton lost, he wouldn't be able to challenge Cena for the title, as this was the match to end the feud! The match was No-DQ, which meant that THE VIPER would have the advantage. This meant it was obvious that Cena would win, because there were odds to overcome... and he did! Does Randy's good first half earn him the honor of being this month's champion?

John Cena: Cena, after losing clean to Orton, decided to challenge once more for the title, ensuring that the odds were firmly stacked against him so that he had the best chance of winning. The greater the odds against Cena, the greater his probability of winning, and that's what he did. Cena is now moving on to a triple threat against DX where the odds are very much against him once again, meaning that he'll walk out of Survivor Series with the title. With so many good contenders this month, the odds seem to be against Cena for winning this poll... which means that he might actually have the best chance!

Christian: Christian turned in a very strong month, continuing to chug away on ECW and being the reason to tune in. Despite not making it to PPV, Christian still decided to turn in PPV quality matches with young, talented wrestlers that earned their title shots. The two young wrestlers with the PPV quality matches he wrestled by the way, one was a half of the blandest tag team in history just last year, and the other is a guy who just came on the scene a few months ago. He also had a great match with his old friend/nemesis, Chris Jericho. Christian didn't lose this month, and with two successful title defenses, as well as having great PPV quality matches, Christian has been very strong. The question is, is he a strong enough champion for your vote?

AJ Styles: AJ successfully defended his title against Sting at Bound For Glory, however, on the Impact before BFG, he wrestled a match against Kurt Angle that he clearly would have lost if the bell hadn't rung because the time limit had been reached. Remember that the match could have ended with Styles getting out of the anklelock right as the time limit was reached, but instead, he looked like he was just about to tap and was saved by the bell. Since then, Styles has sort of been thrown to the background while the Angle/Wolfe angle has been very interesting, and Hulk Hogan's involvement with TNA has been the true top story. AJ's next defense is against Daniels and Joe, with the only problem being that it's not 2005 anymore. One guy has a broken neck and the other is much fatter now. The question also remains as to how long Styles will have the title before Hogan decides AJ's too small and that someone, such as an aging muscular man with a skullet should be champion. Did AJ do enough to earn your vote?

Austin Aries: Austin had his hands full with Delirious and Kenny Omega this month. Austin distracted Delirious to the point of getting counted out the first time, and then beat him the second time. Austin has two title defenses coming up against Davey Richards and Kenny Omega, and has also spoken ill about Tyler Black. Austin's a cocky champion and has done everything he has had to to be champion. Is he worthy of your vote?

Comedy Option:
Hulk Hogan: Hogan's on a media full-court press with the release of his book. It was first revealed that he was close to committing suicide. Then he started to slowly make the media rounds, then he and Eric Bischoff signed on with TNA, and he keeps on telling people that "he's the boss now". Hogan needs his bills paid, brother. However, he may have committed suicide -- career suicide in the process.
This is a good idea, my pick for champion of the month is surprisingly for me, The Undertaker, maybe thats a bit unfair on the ROH dude because I have no clue about that.

Anyway, Undertaker's been the most dominant champion out of the picks, retaining his title cleanly in a few matches, not being made anyone's bitch. Same cant be said of Cena this month, or Orton, Christian is doing really well but he's not up against the opponents of the other champs.

AJ almost got my vote because of his clean win over none other than Sting at BFG, TNA's biggest PPV, but I didnt vote for him in the end because he just hasnt been as dominant as Undertaker, he looked as though he was going to tap to Angle (although the outcome of that is in doubt obviously). So yeah, I've got no choice but to vote for The Deadman.
This is a good idea indeed. First off, I don't watch ROH, so Aries is out. Christian is hardly relevant, despite how entertaining he is, so he's out. CM Punk and AJ have looked rather weak recently, so they're out.

Cena and Orton both had very good months, despite each losing once on PPV, they had great matches and either could've won both of their grueling matches they had. However, anyone who get pinned 5 times in one match can't be looking that strong at all, even if they win said match. So, Orton and Cena are out.

Undertaker has looked great and his match with Punk before the PPV wasn't half bad. He's been a dominant champion, but how much of that has to do with Scott Armstrong's "shoddy" officiating, as Punk would say? There is no way of knowing.

In the end, I have to go with the comedy option. Sure, Hogan has only appeared on a wrestling show via a press conference, but it's Hulk fuckin' Hogan. Despite all of the problems he's having in his life right now, and trust me, there are a lot, he will always be America's champ. In just a week he's made the talk show rounds, improved TNA's rating by 20%, and given hope to an entire company. Add that to the fact that he is the runaway favorite to captain Team USA's Wrestlezoneolympic's Team, and I don't see how there is any other choice.
Nice idea - I like it. You have defrosted my previously frosty heart in your microwave of good ideas.

I'm going to give my vote to AJ Styles. Sure, he might not be the most dominant champion on the list but I'd argue he's the best. Not to mention that this might well be his only chance.

The Ortons, Cenas, Undertakers, Punks and even Christians of this world will have dozen more shots at this. AJ, however, could well be screwed out of the belt next week. You now how completely schizophrenic TNA booking can be.

Not to mention that AJ has waited years and years to be TNA's legitimate world champion. At long last, the most over person in TNA is TNA champion. AJ Styles is TNA. I beg of you, make AJ the inaugural WZ Champion. And shit, the dude went over Sting at Bound For Glory.

I might make a funnier post later. Running a bit dry right now.
I didn't watch TNA all month. Partly because my SpikeTV channel wasn't working for some reason, and partly because I had H1N1 so I slept through the post-Hogan episode, which apparently was really good. I want to and should be voting for AJ Styles, but since I haven't seen anything from him this month, I can't.

I Don't watch ROH.

Christian was always average for me on ECW. He needs to be moved up to either Smackdown or Raw so he can show his true talent. His career's not going anywhere when his #1 Contender has entrance music similar to gay techno.

Randy Orton is really starting to bore me as champion. The only entertaining thing he's done this month is play off of DiBiase Jr.'s rebellious emotions, and have a bitch fit when Kofi fucked his car up. So Randy loses.

This month, John Cena's been quiet, but with TNA's new signings of Hogan and Bischoff, I have a feeling that's going to change. I think Vince knows that TNA means war, and Cena is just the soldier they need to guide them through it all. I think we are in for a Cena reign similar to 2006-2007. And the John Cena fan inside of me hopes I'm right.

CM Punk is overrated. I don't see what's the big deal. However, he's more than often entertaining, and he's done that this month, but he's not the best champion.

Undertaker looks like he smells funny. He's still the best WWE World Champion this month, but...

as we speak of elderly wrestlers who smell funny, we cannot leave out Wrestlezone's Champion for October, Hulk Hogan. He's gotten me more excited than any Raw, Smackdown, ECW, Impact, or Superstars could ever do. Hulk fucking Hogan is back in wrestling. i still don't think people realize the full meaning of that. The same man who took the top wrestling company in the world to the promised land is back in wrestling. The same man who almost made Vincent Kennedy McMahon bankrupt, is back in wrestling. The same man who took wrestling to it's greatest heights and lowest lows is back in wrestling. With a company who has the same cast that WCW had, 10 years later. I think the world is tuning in, not to see AJ Styles go over Joe. Not to see Kong's fat ass radiate heat. The world is tuning in to see in TNA will fuck up or prove that they are the best wrestling company in the world. And hopefully TNA and WWE will have a good, long, 15 year battle that the kids like the ones Rey Mysterio (questionably) talks to everytime he goes to the ring, will remember for the rest of their lives. And just the thought of that is what makes Hulk Hogan champion of the month.
I have to give it to AJ Styles...he has the most talent out of everyone and is TNA's main man. He has the belt now when everyone really knew he deserved it all along.

Plus, Christian as the ECW Champion is almost the only sure bet right now in WWE. No one really knows if Cena or Undertaker will hold their belts more than a damn week, with WWE's fickle booking.

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