WrestleZone Tournament: Please Read


[This Space for Rent]
First and foremost, I'd post this in the SpamZone section - but it contains flaming, and a decent amount.. thus it's a bar room issue.

Notice that the people who voted Edge are the ones saying to shut up. Would be interesting to see what would happen had Edge lost.

Will would have blown a nut, complaining about how no one was able to refute his arguments and how Austin went over in a popularity contest.

It seems two individuals, and likely more, believe I'd throw a tantrum the likes of which they're doing right now. So here is what I have to say about that.

A.) Reverse the votes, for the first time in Wz Tournament history. Because a massive fucking e-riot is on our hands. All because Ricky, the guy who can't take his own advice, and the math problem, both seem to think I couldn't handle Edge losing.

But in truth, ask Erin, I honestly figured a "Vote Austin" thread would go up today. (by someone gutless, not Ricky) I honestly figured Austin would pull back from behind and get the victory - all like Edge did over Lesnar, at last minute. So in truth - I already thought Edge had lost. Not because I ever believed he should have - but because I figured enough people would whine and moan until Austin got the votes. So just reverse it, so the whiners will stop already.

B.) Vote Taker if it makes you happy. I only backed Edge, because he is my Favorite Superstar. Because seeing him win, means something to me. But it's not fun anymore. It's not even remotely entertaining.

I get the smaller members of this forum complaining. But not Ricky, not the one individual I held in the highest of esteem. Note the key word, held, because I've lost respect for Ricky after this.

End This: I would wager to believe that because of the shear amount of immaturity coming from everyone complaining, that Shocky doesn't just shut the entire Tournament down for the first time in forum history. And that would be a true unfortunate event.

Once again, Reverse the poll - have Austin win. Vote the Undertaker, have Edge lose. Do whatever you want - but just please, shut the fuck up already because it's not even the slightest bit fun anymore. And that's all it was ever meant to be.

Thank you, Ricky, and everyone else, for ruining my enjoyment of something I had a blast being apart of. All because your favorite lost. And thats the truth in the end.. your favorite lost, and you're upset and crying about it. Wow.

Just take Edge out all together, vote against him, let Austin have his spot. Do whatever the fuck you want. But just please, shut the fuck up already.
Christ Will, why even bother making this thread?, seriously:rolleyes:

You're taking this shit waaaaay to serious...oh BTW FUCK EDGE, VOTE TAKER:p
:lmao: Agreed. Gosh, I don't have a clue what I'd do when Edge loses. I'll likely make a page full of book-like threads, voicing my opinion on why Edge deserved the win.
Lame. I should have known something was wrong with the majority of our voters on here when RVD went over Randy fucking Savage and Triple H.

Can't wait to hear your argument of how Edge should beat 'Taker Will.
:lmao: Agreed. Gosh, I don't have a clue what I'd do when Edge loses. I'll likely make a page full of book-like threads, voicing my opinion on why Edge deserved the win.

I'm sure you'll do that when polls open...;)

BTW, Vote Taker

:lmao: I can't wait to be a whiny little bitch. I mean, what will I ever think up to say when Edge loses.

You guys know, that thing he's YET to do in this tournament. :lmao:
:lmao: Agreed. Gosh, I don't have a clue what I'd do when Edge loses. I'll likely make a page full of book-like threads, voicing my opinion on why Edge deserved the win.

You could just save yourself some time by copy and pasting your old posts, no one reads the whole thing anyways;)
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Yeah this has gotten kind of depressing. I'm done for now. Someone clean this mess up for the morning so the tournament can be enjoyable. Enough of the Austin complaints hes done.
Come on guys, give him a break. Remember when Edge speared that fat guy in plaid through a flaming table? Remember when he speared that druggie from really high up? The man has a mean streak that knows no bounds and wins when it matters!

And stuff.
I think everybody knows damn well that Taker will win the next match because of his massive popularity. Fuck any arguments about who's the better wrestler, 'Taker is beloved and should easily defeat Edge.

I can't wait to hear the arguments about how Edge can out-wrestle Taker. The same Taker who just absolutely destroyed Benoit, one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time. Or maybe they'll use the old "Edge will find a way to win cuz duh hez da ultimate oppertunizt duh!!1!!11!" argument. 'Cause, you know, Taker is so easily defeated by heels after all.

In all honesty, I'll probably be going with the deadman on this one, but I thought as everyone else was posting these sorts of things, why can't I?

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