Yes, two awards for me!
E-Fed of the year? OCW v WZCW v one of the e-Feds
Banning of the year
Thread of the year
De-modding of the year
Prisoner of the year
Reformation of the year
Most improved poster of the year
Rookie of the year
Sig of the year
Sig maker of the year
Most quotable poster of the year
Most obsessed of the year
Most ignorant poster of the year
Serial Thread Killer of the year
Bar Fly of the year
Tournament of the year
Fan Club of the year
Ugliest poster of the year
Biggest (man) boobs of the year
Best Male poster
Best Female Poster
Best Individual Post of the year
Worst Individual post of the year
Game of the year
Most Off Topic poster of the year
Best Wrestling Poster
Best Non Wrestling Section Poster
Funniest Poster
Grumpiest Poster
Smartest Poster
Smarkest Poster
Markest Poster
****e of the year (KB has this one)
Ass Kisser of the year
Feud of the year
Here are some ideas, some have been said. Some are shit, but some might be good.