WrestleZone Debaters League

We have two new judges in the ranks, and one less.

CH David will be willing to take on debates, but if you want him to judge them, I ask that you get him to do your earlier debates first. Blade is also signed on to judge debates, so fill his PM box up with the debates you want done:)

Lord Sidious has felt that he would not have the ambition to judge debates, so unfortunately, he is no longer to judge.

If you want to be a judge, and have not been a debater, I welcome your PMs.

Thank you.

And a reminder, you have about 22 hours left in this week.

I want to apologize to Tasty and the judges for not being able to respond to his latest. Unfortunately, I won't be able to respond now because of things going on. Once, again, my sincerest apologies to Tasty and all of the judges.
Weeks 1,2,3 and 5 have all been done by me. I'm going to work on week 4 now. I should be done with week 6 as well by the time I leave, but I probably won't have all of week 7 finished.
Just so everyone knows, there have been a couple new judges signed on! They have been at work this morning!
Falkon has replaced Jenovas Witness, as they have no showed two debates. Welcome Falkon in its first match. It will be a good one.

Matchup of the week just might be Tastycles versus IC.

And unfortunately, tdigles has left to England for 10 days. He will be back and ready to judge soon.
The only finisher the wrestler has is a submission. Picture Cena with only the STF, and not the attitude adjuster.
Fuck me.

I have to prove that Brock left WWE in a better manner than The Rock

Yeah, that was an easy decision for me. Don't worry though I got a bad side a few weeks ago, the judges are cool about it and its more about your debating than the topic.

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