WrestleZone Debaters League

Ugh. I am having some storm problems. My debate has been deleted twice, when I was damn near done. Just now, I was completely finished, and accidently scrolled while holding shift, deleting it once again. For the love of God, and my sanity, can I please get about a 5-6 hour extension...I'm too pissed to even try and write it again, at this point.
Ugh. I am having some storm problems. My debate has been deleted twice, when I was damn near done. Just now, I was completely finished, and accidently scrolled while holding shift, deleting it once again. For the love of God, and my sanity, can I please get about a 5-6 hour extension...I'm too pissed to even try and write it again, at this point.

Alright Milk, I will give you 6 hours.

So can someone judge me v phoenix?

I will check it out here if I can get rid of my headache.

I am curious who the first will be to tackle judging IC25 vs Gelgarin.

And I am only half done it so far. Ill ask CH David to do it, he has been a great judge. Tdigs will probably get to it when he is back from England. Again, if the pain in my head goes away, I'll try tonight.
An update.

I will finish judging tomorrow. Only have one class for 2 hours, then I am free for the day, but I will probably go drinking tomorrow night. you will know how far I am in that process if the scoring has a lot of I Love you Mans in them, and I hate Tim comments.

The schedule is changing. I am opening it up to 8 playoff spots, meaning that the top 4 from each division gets in.

The playoffs start TWO weeks after the regular season. There will be a week of rest, I know a lot of you need it, such as IC, who is dying apparently.

There will also be an All Star Game. Two ways we can go with it. Participation is not mandatory, but this is the prize. The winning side (Omega vs Alpha) will get to choose the general topic. I will give three options, then from there, I sill give a more definite debate topic. So the winning side will get to choose the Final's option by way of the winner of the conference's choice.

Two ways we can go at it. All 10 posters from each conference battle it out, or fans choose a set number. You guys decide. First option to 5.

All Star Selection vs all ten members.
Guys, this has been fun, but I think I must bow out. School has been taking up all of my time, and it's not fair to my opponents to leave them hanging. If we did this again in the summer, I would be all over it because this is awesome. Great work, TM, and, once again, I'm sorry.
Guys, this has been fun, but I think I must bow out. School has been taking up all of my time, and it's not fair to my opponents to leave them hanging. If we did this again in the summer, I would be all over it because this is awesome. Great work, TM, and, once again, I'm sorry.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... how could you...
Quite interested by this All Star Game...

Ugh. I am having some storm problems. My debate has been deleted twice, when I was damn near done. Just now, I was completely finished, and accidently scrolled while holding shift, deleting it once again. For the love of God, and my sanity, can I please get about a 5-6 hour extension...I'm too pissed to even try and write it again, at this point.

Don't worry about asking for extensions with me, Milk. I always will wait for what you say, the extension really only applies (in my opinion) in the first 24 hours and if some overtime is needed. Been enjoying it so far nonetheless.
All stars are choosen by Fan selection.

And I am sorry to hear this Thriller. You have been a big part of the debates. I thank you for all your hard work this far. I am not sure if we will ad anoter debater but I will see.
All-Star game, interesting.

Can a few judges go after me v. D-Man week 2, I think that should be finished up ASAP.

Now that Thriller is gone, what do I do?
Actually, I have to Deabte Thrilla this week, so do I just post my thoughts? Do I post anything? I iz confused.
Just go ahead and make your post. I will bring in an alternate to replace Thriller for next week, the All Star Game, and for the playoffs if he makes it.
I'll make it. It likely won't be as good as it could have been due to lack of motivation from an opponent, but I'll try.
Don't worry GD, it's us two for the final week, so I'll make it up for it :). Shall be a great one, looking forward to it as you recall from the league from starting.
Don't worry GD, it's us two for the final week, so I'll make it up for it :). Shall be a great one, looking forward to it as you recall from the league from starting.

Indeed, should be quite epic. Words will be typed by the truckload.
Sorry guys, I wasn't able to judge last night and won't be able to today with work and school. But tomorrow I will wake up and tackle that behemoth that came from IC25 and Gelgarin. I made it about half way through before I had to rest my eyes, so I look forward to the rest. I'll get to more tomorrow and Saturday as well.
Remember when you said to phoenix you'd judge me v him about four days ago?

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