WrestleZone Debaters League

There, I fixed it ST, I was copy and pasting the same thing onto all of the debates, just changing the home debater, and left F1990 up.

You are battling against Tastycles, and you are the home debater.
No lie, I didn't know what to think when I saw my topic this week. My opening posts was one of the most fun posts I've ever made here. Research was fun, and thinking it all through was terrific.
That is good then mate.

I am a huge Rocca fan, so I am just happy his name is mentioned on the forum. Especially since he lost to Matt Hardy in the first round last year:(
I'm gonna be really late with my replies this week, just started uni and i'm mad busy, i'll try my best though.
Yeah, University seems to be hitting a lot of people hard, from debater to Judge, to the person running this entire thing. Luckily Monday starts at 1:30 pm for me:)
For the love of FUCK, who thought of my debate topic this week?!?!? Ugh... this is gonna SUUUUUUUUUCK...
I just calculated something up here, on existing points, Ill give you what your winning percent is. Remember, this will probably change, I am only going on who has the most points at this moment.

It is only to give you an idea of what the playoff picture will be at round 5. It is not set if 4 or 8 debaters make the playoffs.

Omega Conference
Dman- 100%
Phoenix- 90%

ztwhite- 70%
General Disarray- 70%

fromthesouth- 50%
Lee (Falkon?)- 40%
Milk- 30%
MRC- 10%
Thriller- 10%
LJL- 10%

Alpha Conference
Gelgarin- 80%
ST- 80%

IC- 80%
SK- 70%
Hip- 60%
Tastycles- 50%
F1990- 40%
Jenovas- 20%
Lariat- 20%
Milenko- 20%

Ok wow... so since I was away this weekend, I missed this until now. Does that mean I clinched the Omega conference?!?
so what do I do if my opponent doesn't post?

Win easily. PM him, he hasn't been around, and will probably get pulled.

For the love of FUCK, who thought of my debate topic this week?!?!? Ugh... this is gonna SUUUUUUUUUCK...

Do you believe in a God?

Ok wow... so since I was away this weekend, I missed this until now. Does that mean I clinched the Omega conference?!?

no, it is more to show what the standings are like. It could all change as more judges judge, and more debates occur.
Glad I'm not a judge for that one. It's a great, great read though. You two are giving D-Man/FTS's debate a challenge as the best one in the tournament.
Can we get some judging. I need to see the scores from my debate with D-Dizzle.

THIS, and THEN some...

I worked hard as FUCK on this battle. I want my scores :) Thanks

When I can stop laughing over the horrible use of the chicken-egg analogy, I'll give you guys a score.

Oh, and if anyone wants to see what good debating is, I suggest you check out the work of either Phoenix or Franchize1990.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1377502 said:
Oh, and if anyone wants to see what good debating is, I suggest you check out the work of either Phoenix or Franchize1990.

Aww thanks Tdigs. I would rep you but I think I only just did that 5 minutes ago.

If you want to see good judging, Tdigs is your man! (Nothing against TM of course)
Im writing my post out right now Tastycakes...and yeah...I want some more judging done for my debates. Especially mines against IC, Dave, and Lariat.
Im writing my post out right now Tastycakes...and yeah...I want some more judging done for my debates. Especially mines against IC, Dave, and Lariat.

I just posted. Judge my other debates. Blahdy blah blah.

SavageTaker, I thought I already did all of yours...which one am I missing? GD, I think I have this week to do for you, plus one more. Let me know.

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