WrestleZone Debaters League

tdiglÉric Rohmer;1370416 said:

You're joking, right? I loved your post in the Debate League.

Yeah I was, but I did have a reply just kind of annoyed that Milky knew I was waiting until after the show I was watching then proceeded to bug for judging. I quite enjoy it.
Yeah I was, but I did have a reply just kind of annoyed that Milky knew I was waiting until after the show I was watching then proceeded to bug for judging.

Funny. I told you two hours before the debates ended you needed to post. Besides, your reply is 3 days past the time you're supposed to have your reply in anyways. Not to mention the fact that you didn't even put any effort in your first reply. Way to ruin my entire week of debators leauge. Then blaim me. :rolleyes:

Oh, by the way, you never mentioned a TV show once to me..

I quite enjoy it.

I'm glad you do.
If he didn't put any effort into, which I'm sure he did, then how did he still get 2 points against you?
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Appearantly. Bold earns points.

I've made it clear in any debate I've judged that bold is good. Do you want me to take away your points this week, young man? The scores aren't set in stone.


The league only has a few more weeks, man. But, given how well this one has taken off, I'm expecting that another one will be in the works for later this year around the holidays. You may still be able to get in this one if anyone drops out. To do that, look at the Battle Royal thread in the Debator's League section.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1370479 said:
I've made it clear in any debate I've judged that bold is good. Do you want me to take away your points this week, young man? The scores aren't set in stone.

I know. I was just saying. Thats why he got points agiasnt me. Because he asked.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1370487 said:
Ok, you put up a great argument this week, by the way.

Ehh, I wish I could have said more. There really wasn't much to say, at all. I did post in the structure you told me I should start following with my posts, about a month ago though.
Is it too late to respond to IC?

I am not the biggest stickler on getting the debates in on time, but try to get them in before 1:00 pm Pacific, which I think is 4 for you.

For the record, FTS is now officially my toughest opponent since this thing began.

But, I still think I have a good chance of winning ;)

Some say this might be a conference final show down as well.

My last post when up about 20 min after the deadline. But, I started it before the deadline. Is it legit?

If no one judged before it was posted, Ill count it.

Thanks TM

No problem, good luck on Sunday.

How do I get in?

Well I can put you down as an alternate. When the next battle royal occurs, enter, and if you win, you are in.

tdiglÉric Rohmer;1370393 said:

Thanks tdigs. You are by far my best judge. Good news however, we have a special new judge joining up, with a couple others possible!

Fuck this time difference shit, I specifically was waiting until after Derren Brown, add to real life shit and Milky annoying hte fuck out of me every hour on msn.

I'm done with the debate league.

Alright mate, its too bad. Milk however, can get like that of course. Spoiled Milk and all.

Since when does bold earn you points? :lmao:

I'd give points for it. Makes posts nicer to read.



Ehh, I wish I could have said more. There really wasn't much to say, at all. I did post in the structure you told me I should start following with my posts, about a month ago though.

Shut up Milk.

Anyways, this round is over, and I will try to judge to night as all my friends are going to some silly music man who I believe is horrendous.

As I was saying, we have hired a new judge, someone I am excited to bring in. Same rules apply, only 5 judges need to judge a debate, and now there is 9. So hopefully some of the judges get going, not named Tdigle.

He is a massive fan of the Attitude Era, dislikes pointless in ring matches that lack compelling story lines. And he really dislikes Luke Skywalker and Hownswoggle.

He is Lord Sidious.

And with the departure of Lee, Falkon is not brought into the Debaters League, as well as Milenko who is set for his first debate.

Ill get the topics going on Sunday as I normally do. Good luck all.
Lord Sidious. Awesomeness. He should judge my debate this week where I argue in ring skill is more important than mic skill.
Thanks for the extension TM, I got my reply in cos my internet got sorted early :)
No problem, look forward to it. Ill probably start judging now. Milk said something about me having to do his first.
I just calculated something up here, on existing points, Ill give you what your winning percent is. Remember, this will probably change, I am only going on who has the most points at this moment.

It is only to give you an idea of what the playoff picture will be at round 5. It is not set if 4 or 8 debaters make the playoffs.

Omega Conference
Dman- 100%
Phoenix- 90%

ztwhite- 70%
General Disarray- 70%

fromthesouth- 50%
Lee (Falkon?)- 40%
Milk- 30%
MRC- 10%
Thriller- 10%
LJL- 10%

Alpha Conference
Gelgarin- 80%
ST- 80%

IC- 80%
SK- 70%
Hip- 60%
Tastycles- 50%
F1990- 40%
Jenovas- 20%
Lariat- 20%
Milenko- 20%
So as of right now, I have a chance at winning for the Alpha conference? Cool. Now, that just makes me want to try harder than I already do and get all of the points in each debate.

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