Wrestlezone Court!

We'll take opening arguments whenever they're ready. Each trial will take an hour or two in total (doesn't have to be consecutive).
Also, all the cases will be going on at once since I don't think the attention span will be there for everyone else. I'm actually considering letting some posters out on parole so there is a legit chance of people winning these cases.
In that case your honor I'm gonna have to ask for a 24 hour recess so I can figure out what the hell I'm doing
Takes Pricks Like A Man!

Since being confined to the walls of the WrestleZone Prison, that is exactly what my client has done. He has taken his punishment “like a man” and has worked towards becoming a better poster because of it.

Now, I , like many of you, had my doubts about whether he would be able to take this punishment and roll with it. However, Takes Pricks Like A Man has become a whole new poster. Under the pseudonym of Safari Man, he has gone on to show us, that if released, he would not be a danger to other posters. His stupidity of calling staff names has all but disappeared and now there only remains a poster who is willing to do anything to make it back to the regular WrestleZone Forums.

Having spoke to Safari Man in the role of somewhat of a mentor to him, I can see that he has accepted what he did was stupid and has become a more rounded personality because of it. When was the last time you saw him attack the point of view of another? When was the last time you heard him being completely irrational? My point being that Safari Man is a better poster. Having accepted what he did was wrong, he now knows what is correct. He has continually showed us that if he was released, he would look to spend time in more constructive efforts. His glass-making ability is coming along nicely and if he was to be released soon, then I suspect that is what he would like to make one of his port of calls. He has also expressed some desire to take part in the official eFed of WZF and that is to be encouraged, I think.

At the end of the day, Safari Man is in here for a stupid mistake that he accepts as being such. In his long spell in the Prison, he has gone from being a silly poster, to someone who could make a difference in a few areas of the boards without causing any problems. It is my view that he would integrate well into the forums society and perhaps show us that he has grown as a poster and personality from the one he started WZF with.

So, I ask you as a man of reputation, to hear the case of Safari Man. A poster who knows he has committed his crimes and has served his punishment accordingly. He is ready to be integrated back into regular society having been completely rehabbed by his stay in The Prison.

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