Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

Wrestler of the Decade: 2000's

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Kurt Angle

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Chris Jericho

  • Samoa Joe

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Randy Orton

  • John Cena

  • Batista

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • AJ Styles

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, I think i've pretty much covered the tag teams of wrestling...now onto the singles wrestlers...

The past decade, we've seen wrestlers retire, return, some worked their way up the ranks...Many great wrestlers...

Who would you have to say was the Wrestler of 2000's???

Please vote in the poll and Verify your Answers!!

I would have to pick...Triple H .. he has accomplished soo much in the last decade...even before the rock and austin left...he has done it all in the last decade...Now I am a Triple H fan, and some of you will probably say he has been given all these accomplishments because he is sleeping with the bosses daughter...but that shouldn't really be an issue here...he is great on the mic, he had us laughing through the decade, he put people over, lost titles at Wrestlemania and let's not deny it, he is great in the ring...

So who would you pick as the wrestler of the decade??

P.S. Please keep this on topic and don't judge on who should be in the poll and who shouldn't, if the wrestler you pick is not on the poll, then tick 'other'..I warn you now so the Moderators don't have to and start handing out infractions...thank-you..

Yes, and I missed HBK from the poll, this doesn't mean he never had a good decade, so please don't hate..
This was quite tough - nobody can really say Austin or The Rock as they were not around for much of the past decade. The likes of Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho and Shawn Micheals have had great decades (when they have been around), but the one guy who has been pretty consistant is Triple H.

People may say he hogged the World title when it was introuduced and didn't put too many people over, but he still delivered pretty much all the time. Whether it be as a heel or a face, he has put on countless good matches and feuds, plus he is one of the few top Attitude Era stars left over. The likes of Edge, Orton and cena will carry the company forward but for the wrestler of the whole of the 2000's, my vote is for Triple H.
This is a very tough question but I have to ask why would you put Austin and The Rock on this poll even though they were only part of this decade from 2000 to 2003. But anyway I have to go with "The Champ" John Cena, although I can not stand the sight of him and spit on the ground he walks one he has by far had one of the greatest decades in wrestling history, look at his career achievement in just 8 years. It seems like he's been here a lot more but no only 8 years and he has become one of the biggest names in history of wrestling and a household name, so my vote goes to Cena.
I voted other, and thought of Shawn Michaels. I'm surprised that a wrestler of his past credentials, and the fact that he made a hugely successful comeback in 2002. Since his return, he has been a World Heavyweight Champion once, and a Tag Team Champion, had five star matches, and headlined Wrestlemania. His legacy, mainly what he did prior to 2000, and what he did when he returned, speaks for itself.

Kurt Angle and Triple H are also very deserving, but how could one not think of Shawn Michaels, when the guy basically has had a 5 star match with everyone he's worked with since his comeback.
this is a good thread. i always enjoy these poll threads and love to think about the past decades and which superstars have been my favorites and why, etc.

couldn't pick Rock or Austin simply because they were not around much of the decade. for a similar reason, i didn't pick Jericho because of that long time off he took, although i think we can all agree that right now, he is the best in the world at what he does. but due to his long time off, i can't say that he had the impact that others did during this decade.

also, couldn't vote for Eddie Guerrero, one of my all-time favorites, if only because his career and life were ended so early. RIP Latino Heat!

didn't vote for AJ Styles or Samoa Joe just because they're in TNA. no, i don't hate TNA in the slightest. i enjoy several forms and styles of wrestling for different reasons and i appreciate the alternative style that TNA offers. so these guys are good in my book. but simply because they are in a smaller and not as developed (8 years as a company vs. the several decades of the WWE) promotion, it's difficult to argue that they had the biggest impact of the decade.

didn't vote Randy Orton or Batista. didn't think Batista had the biggest impact, spent a lot of time injured and off tv, and possibly had his best run/angle/feud/gimmick in his final months as a heel, etc and Orton, though amazing, will be even more amazing in this coming decade. same goes for Edge. both have accomplished a lot, but have much more to come and spent the first half of the decade climbing the ranks.

Mysterio is great, but not the greatest. maybe one of the greatest high flyers of all time and has a great gimmick that has gone mostly without change for a super long time and still a huge face and gets a huge pop, etc, but not the best of the decade.

Angle would have been a good pick, except that he lost, IMO, a lot of steam going to TNA. again, not TNA bashing, but it's just harder to make a bigger impact (no pun intended) when you're the big fish in a small pond as opposed to the big fish in the big pond kind of thing. otherwise, he would've been my vote.

guess my pick is really like a three-way tie. Triple H and John Cena and HBK.

Triple H has been consistent. always with the WWE, never jumped ships, been injured some, but not too terribly long each time, spent a lot of time in the main event, held multiple world titles, great feuds and matches, heel and a face, great ring work, great on the mic, etc. some of my favorite feuds have involved Triple H in the past decade: against Cactus Jack, The Rock, Austin, Jericho, HBK, Angle, Goldberg (i actually enjoyed this feud for awhile), McMahon, Show, Flair, Orton, Batista, Kevin Nash, Cena, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Regal and Eugene, Benoit, Sheamus. the list is pretty extensive. he's done a lot in ten years and is one of the last of the Attitude Era, so he gets the sentimental nod there too.

HBK had a great comeback and constantly put on Match of the Year winners. this guy is just a classic in and of himself. plus, he strikes me as a class act outside of the ring. always had the time to put a talent over too. great matches and feuds too. this guy had Match of the Year winners with other guys that are typically not considered the strongest wrestlers too (Cena and McMahon) which is really saying something.

John Cena, love him or hate him, has become one of the few superstars in the world that is truly globally known outside of the wrestling world. he is like Hogan, Rock and Austin in that regard. there may be a few others in this league, but the list is small. and he has done so much in the past decade. not many guys can make the claim that they are the face (have been and will be) of a multi-billion dollar company.

the only reason Undertaker did not get my vote, besides the fact that i was already typing for like an hour here, is because he's not "Superstar of the Decade" material. he's more like "Superstar of the Past 20 Years" Material, or something to that effect. Undertaker is great. highly deserving of the praise he gets. Kane is highly under rated and could have been given a spot on this list along with the Big Show, if only for their longevity and consistency with the company. all three are great big men in the business.

why, when i reply to these threads, do i have to click on a button that says "quick reply" when clearly i write novels?
Kurt Angle is so the wrestler of the 2000s. He grew to stardom in this decade and took the wrestling scene by storm.

Look at all of Angle's feuds in 2000-2010. Feuds with Jericho, Benoit, Taz, HHH, Rock, Ric Flair, Big Show, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, HBK, Edge, John Cena, RVD, Steve Austin, Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Hulk Hogan, Mark Henry, Undertaker, and then in TNA, you've got Samoa Joe, Christian, Sting, Abyss, AJ Styles, Scott Steiner, Matt Morgan, Mic Foley, Jeff Jarrett, Desmond Wolfe, and Anderson.

Just look at this resume. Look at this impressive resume. This man has put on 3-5 stars with the following people this decade: Angle vs. Benoit(multiple times), Angle vs. Lesnar, Angle vs. Guerrero(multiple times), Angle vs. Mysterio(multiple times), Angle vs. Undertaker (multiple times), Angle vs. RVD, Angle vs. Flair, Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin, Angle vs. HBK, Angle vs. Samoa Joe(multiple times), Angle vs. Jay Lethal, Angle vs. Kazarian, Angle vs. Sting, Angle vs. Abyss, Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett(several times), Angle vs. Nash(Impact Match), Angle vs. Matt Morgan, Angle vs. Christian(several times), Angle vs. AJ Styles(several times), Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe(several times), Angle vs. Pope(Impact Match), Angle vs. Yuji Nagata, Angle vs. Mr. Anderson(several times). How many other people can we say has put on 3-5 star matches with so many various people of so much caliber within this decade?

This man is paving his own pathway and will go down as one of the greatest of all time wrestlers if not thee single greatest wrestler of our time or generation. His name will be cemented among The Hogans and Flairs. Mark my word! Kurt Angle is a living legend and 1 of the greatest stars to be created ever.

Mic skills. passion, charisma, attitude. status. I can go on and on forever. Kurt Angle has all the qualities to have.
John Cena. He's been the face of the company for the entire decade. HHH had a launching pad in the late 90s that propelled him to where he is today. If you're going to compare people of the decade, you have to sort of ask "Who Was the Hulk Hogan of the Last Decade"? World titles are irrelevant really. John Cena, love him or hate him (as I the latter), was the Hogan of the last decade.
I'm going with the guy who had match of the year almost every single year he was active from 2002-1010. HBK. Not putting him on the list, while having Rock and Austin there, is just weird.
This one was a tough one for me..one thing is Randy Orton is my fav wrestler but he didnt really "come into his own until about four years ago" while hes been champ i dont consider him a household name quite yet..
then that left me with either Kurt Angle or John Cena (ironically cena faced Angle in his first match) Now With Angle he rose to fame fairly quickly and had an amazing debut and his first mania with BEniot and Y2J is awsome..then went on to win all the title in the first year..his push was fast but executed so well..he was the heel people loved to hate..then with the birth of the You suck chant made him a bigger name....


Ive never considered Kurt Angle a Household name while hes got the Most respect next to Taker in the IWC i never considered him that big star you think of when you hear the name WWF/E...he one of the greatest but still..not a house hold name

that leaves us with..you guessed it...John Cena..
What can be said about this guy that hasn't been said..love him or hate him..which alot of people hate him..hes still the biggest name of the 2000's why??? nowadays when you hear WWE the name John Cena is tossed up first and hes carried the WWE on his shoulders since about 2005 and hasnt dropped the ball yet..even when hes injured hes still on his game...hes been famous for years now and didnt leave like most wrestlers that get a taste of stardom..like The Rock and Batista...dont get me wrong i like both of them but they both lost of whollle lot of respect from me because they said their heart was in the WWE but they gett a taste of stardom their on the first thing smoking..i think its safe to say..Cena wont be going anywhere anytime soon..
i don't mean to pick too much here, but what's up with this...?

"Look at all of Angle's feuds in 2000-2010. Feuds with Jericho, Benoit, Taz, HHH, Rock, Kurt Angle, Big Show..."

Kurt Angle had a feud with himself? i know that Kane and the Undertaker have both fought themselves, but this one is new to me.

j/k. it's just a typo. i make them all the time too.

"How many other people can we say has put on 3-5 star matches with so many various people of so much caliber within this decade?"

i would say that Triple H and HBK could also make this claim. i'm not sure what makes a match a 3-5 star match, but i've seen several with these guys that i would consider very incredible matches, including some that they had against each other. plus they both have had some awesome blood baths and gimmick matches.

"I'm going with the guy who had match of the year almost every single year he was active from 2002-1010. HBK. Not putting him on the list, while having Rock and Austin there, is just weird."

^^^ totally agree with this. HBK pre 2002 was awesome, but HBK post 2002 was even more awesome, if that's even possible. and it is weird to have Rock and Austin on the list and not HBK, a guy that wrestled for 8 out of the 10 years of the decade as opposed to like 2 or 3 from the others.
I gotta say Jericho. He has had some of the best feuds out there. I remember 2 of his hbk feuds. The recent one where he punched Shawns wife and the one during wrestlemania 19. He was the first undisputed champ. Obviously the wwe had faith in him to give him the title. He had the funniest feuds with steph and benoit. I loved watching raw back in 2000 and 2001 with him and benoit. Also his feud with regal around backlash 2001. He mightve been gone for 2 years but hey, some people are considering Cena eventhough he's been the face since 2005. If cena was around from 2000 on I might vote for him, but my vote goes to Jericho.
I agree it's a really tough topic. I think you have to exclude anyone who hasn't been around for the entire decade personally, though others may disagree. You may feel that where Orton eventually got to makes up for where he was in the first half of the decade, but it's my opinion that it does not. I'd also eliminate the likes of Austin and Rock because though they had massive decades, they ran between two decades (as in 1995-2005 sort of time). If you ignore everything they did before 2000, you can't really say they were wrestlers of the decade. Brock Lesnar may have made this list had he stayed.

I'd say the top candidates are Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Angle, Jericho and John Cena.

Triple H has possibly been the WWE's most important wrestler for the entirety of the decade, minus his injury time. Cena has been their most important wrestler for the time he's been at the very top, but that isn't as long as Triple H has been. He began the decade as WWF Champion, was the wrestler of the year that year in my opinion, having his ongoing feud with The Rock and performing at a very high level. Then he moved on to his feud with Austin which was good, though a little rushed. Then there was the 2 Man Power Trip which I personally enjoyed before he was injured. He came back as a face for the first time in quite a while, won the Undisputed Title, was later handed the World Heavyweight title, then moved on to the eternal feud with Shawn. Him going over every former WCW talent (and RVD) was a bit of a dull spell, but Evolution was a good group. He put Batista over big time, which I didn't care for as I can't stand Dave, but hey, you can't say he never puts anyone over. The reunion of DX was good at first, though eventually got a little bit hollow. Still, he was on top, feuding with the likes of Edge and Orton. Then came another big solo run on Smackdown and him putting over Jeff Hardy as well. Then he had what was in my opinion a really great feud with Orton.

All in all, he's held many, many world titles, been involved in three huge groups (McMahon-Helmsley Faction, Evolution, and DX), feuded with every main event talent going, missed probably only a year to a year and a half due to injury, helped make the likes of Batista and Jeff Hardy into legit main event talent, taken two tap-out losses at Wrestlemania (something people say he would never ever do), been a top-level heel and a top-level face. Bottom line is, he's been pretty reliable in my opinion. From 2000 to 2010 he's brought his A-Game fairly consistently, perhaps getting a little lazy when he monopolized Raw, but still, I think he's a better in-ring performer than John Cena.

Shawn Michaels gets a nod from me not for his importance to the company, but for his wrestling ability. In the ring he may have been the best wrestler not named Kurt Angle this decade. I feel I'm contradicting myself by giving him a nod when I penalized Orton for only being at the top for 4 or 5 years, but I think Michaels' sheer magnitude makes up for it. His first match back was much better than I think anyone could have predicted. His title run felt like it was a token of thanks rather than a great decision, but he's gone the rest of that time as a main eventer who has never won the title, and yet he still gets the huge pops and he wins almost all his matches, so that's pretty special in my opinion. His matches in 2003 were as good as anything he did in the 90s, and I'd say thanks to his experience he was actually better than he'd ever been as we moved through the decade. Shawn has probably given us a match of the year candidate every single year, against the likes of Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Ric Flair and the pair of classics against Undertaker. His feuds have been really good because most of them weren't based on championships, and the skill of putting together a non-title feud has seemingly been lost over the course of the decade.

Shawn has basically been a phenomenal in-ring performer for the whole decade, though he hasn't carried the company, been the top face, been a heel for more than about 2 months, or won many titles. He hasn't been as important to the company as some others, though he put on wrestling clinics.

Undertaker has had a crazy decade. From the American Bad-Ass and back to the Deadman, and then some strange hybrid. He was a fairly decent heel as well as perhaps the most popular face in all of wrestling. Nobody gets a reaction during their entrance like Taker. His presence is just undeniable. He's also surprised me by picking up several world titles. I thought he'd go the Shawn Michaels route and perhaps get one token thank-you win, but then go mostly without it, but ever since he beat Batista for the belt he's been collecting gold left right and center. He, like Shawn, has been one of the best in-ring performers this decade with classics against a plethora of wrestlers. He's also had some duds against the various monsters that have been brought in, but that's not his fault, so I won't punish him for it. I think the fact he's held multiple world titles and has seemed to carry Smackdown gives him an edge over Shawn, though the length of time he's been away makes him fall short of Triple H.

Taker is the last legend who can be considered truly active (Flair and Hogan don't count) and he may be the most popular wrestler of the decade, as well as one of the top 3 in-ring performers. He's been involved in some of the top storylines, and nobody gets the same treatment as him, making his appearances truly special... but he's missed a great deal of time due to injuries and simply wanting time off, which while it may not be entirely his fault, I'm going to say means he's been a little less reliable.

Kurt Angle has spent the decade proving he's the best pure wrestler alive, and perhaps ever. Nobody can match his technical skill. His ground game and legitimate background has given him the reputation of being a truly dangerous wrestler. He also learned the intricacies of pro wrestling far better than I ever thought he would. Things like how to cut a promo (he's one of the most underrated in this regard), and everything beyond pure technical wrestling. He won every single title he had a shot at, and most of them within his first year of wrestling. He went from the goodie-two-shoes mid-card and main event heel, to Team WWF's top face against the Alliance. His feud with Austin made him in my opinion. If you took the matches of everybody on this list and compared them, Angle probably wins. But he also rose to another level over time, becoming a legit main event talent that got real pops, as opposed to when the audience didn't seem to quite accept him early on. He's been a top heel and a top face. Perhaps most importantly, unlike the others on this list, he's done it in two different wrestling companies. His work in TNA has been just as good and at times better than anything you'll see in the WWE. His feuds with Samoa Joe, Sting and AJ Styles have been some of the best of the decade. The headbutt heard around the world was amazing. He's also been putting over a long list of young talent in TNA, something many WWE wrestlers are guilty of not doing.

Angle is the best in-ring wrestler in the world. He's done everything you can do and in TWO companies. He's stayed relatively injury free despite that chronic bad neck and pain killer addiction. He's helped put over a lot of talent. I'd say he's fighting Triple H so far on my list. I'm not quite sure if he's shifted as much merchandise or received as much of a reaction from crowds as HHH... I'll come back to it.

Chris Jericho perhaps the most versatile performer in the world. For a brief period in 2000 he may have been the most over guy in the company. His mic work was hilarious, and he was putting on clinics with Benoit, Angle, Eddie and Regal. He was the first ever Undisputed Champion. I think he got a little bit boring when he turned face again after his feud with Christian (which was really good), and not long after he left wrestling altogether. Until then he'd been a solid but not stellar talent, but all that changed a few months after his failure of a return. His feud with Shawn Michaels was a-maze-ing. His mic work was on another planet. His wrestling became smarter. He used to be known for having tonnes of exciting moves, but in the last few years he doesn't actually do much in the ring, but everything makes sense, he knows what to do and when to do it. He's been in charge of his own feuds to an extent, and he's had a lot of really good ones since his rebirth. He also helped bring back some semblance of importance to the tag team titles. Admirably, he's put over EVERYONE he's worked with, and he's pulled triple duty at times, being on Raw, NXT and Smackdown. That's just unrivaled dependability. However, it took him until nearer the end of the decade to find himself, as as amazing as his few years have been, they don't earn him top billing for me. His time off and his duller face moments hurt his chances, and though putting people over is a good thing, you can argue he hasn't won enough big matches, but that's purely subjective.

Jericho has been a god among men, but he hasn't done it for long enough.

Finally, John Cena. Say whatever you like about his wrestling ability, he has put the company on his back and been this decade's Austin/Rock hybrid (not as big, but in terms of his position in the company), and it appears he'll be sticking around longer than both of them. He's shifted more merchandise than anyone, even Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy. He is utterly adored by children, and children are the most important fans to win over in wrestling because they buy the merchandise, they get their families to take them to shows, and they will grow up to be loyal fans. He's been booed by men all over the world and yet he truly seems unphased. He's released a poor rap album, made more public appearances than any other wrestler, and has a mediocre film career going. The quality of the films is irrelevant, it's the fact he's making them year after year and still wrestling, unlike The Rock. He truly bleeds WWE. Perhaps never has there been a better company man in the industry. I admire his professionalism, and his ability to weather the storm despite everything thrown at him. He's also proven to be a very fast healer, coming back from a couple of injuries quicker than expected, and his returns have gotten huge pops.

It's tough to knock a guy as devoted as Cena, regardless of his sub-par ring-work. He's the top man and has been for a long time. He doesn't appear to be slowing down at all, and he's bringing in the money for the company. You could argue he's been the most important wrestler this decade. But does the fact he's only been a face mean he can't compete with Trips and Angle? Let's take it to a final vote.

My three finalists would be Triple H, Kurt Angle and John Cena. The first two have been more versatile than Cena, but do you need to be a top heel if you're a really good face? If versatility is an important aspect of this decision making process, I guess Cena is out, but I don't think he should be punished for it, and I think his merchandise sales and the fact he's still wrestling despite all his other commitments gives him an edge over the other two. Triple H will always get the "well, he's doing Steph" criticism against him, and while Angle is a better wrestler and more versatile performer than Cena, and isn't doing Steph to our knowledge, I don't think he's quite hit the heights of Triple H and Cena in terms of audience reception.

If push comes to shove... I'd say Cena has been the most important wrestler in the industry this decade. For better or worse, he's created more buzz than anyone else. I mean to have so many people in the IWC bashing the hell out of him and still be on top and doing fine, that says something. All press is good press right? He IS the WWE. We may never have seen a more dedicated performer, and to me, that makes him the wrestler of the decade.

Essay over.
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HHH- can you think of anything this guy didnt do in the last 10 years? besides dx, he held multiple titles and was purely dominant as a champ. he also put alot of guys over that are stars now (ahem, orton\cena...) & has came back from 2 career threatening injuries that would have sidelined most people. his hell in a cell\elimination chamber matches were great. evolution, was like the new 4 horsemen & ruled for what seemed like ever. you name it he did it.

Undertaker- you dont even have to validate this choice. taker has had some of the greatest storylines (ministry, kane, bad-ass, the streak, etc.) and matches. everytime you hear that bell, it brings memories of some of the greatest things in wwe history. yokozuna\hbk\kane\austin, hes fought everyone & left a trail of souls in his path.

Kurt Angle- one of my alltime fav's. his matches w\ hhh & benoit were pure gold. fued with eddie was one of the funniest things i can remember. hitting big show with the tranq dart= hilarious. not to mention building shane 'o mac as a talented wrestler. the man held so many titles it was insane. and had one of my all time fav matches, ironman against brock lesnar. that match was amazing. and all the stuff he did with austin, funny shit. he has it all, mic skill, comedy, speed & skill.

there are alot of choices you can make. so alot of choices just come from memories, not everyone remembers every single thing that happened with all on this list, but you cant just go with title reigns. u gt to factor in promo's, skits, fueds, memorable moments\great matches. these were mine & i have enjoyed hearing all your choices, b\c all these guys make wrestling & are the reason i watch today.

good post guys
I voted jericho , becuase he was just the man in the early 2000's. First ever undisputed champion. Thats such a amazing ppv. He won countless titles in the midcard to the top2 belts up and down the decade. I almost said other for EDGE. The guy won 9 world titles, and didn't even make the list. Thats a joke.
There's really 4 people I would qualify for wrestler of the decade.

Chris Jericho: this guy has accomplished pretty much everything, multiple times in the 00's with WWE, he has put on great matches, main evented pay per views and everything that could make me consider him wrestler of the decade, he's a great talent, he does great things for the business both by putting on great matches and putting over talent at the same time.

Triple H: Triple H accomplished a lot in the 00's, he became the wrestler to win the most World Heavyweight championships, he became the wrestler to win the most WWE championships, the guy with the most world championships in WWE currently.

Triple H did great things putting over talents of Randy Orton, Batista and John Cena, he was the leader of arguably one of the greatest factions in wrestling history, he's become a cornerstone of WWE, a future hall of famer, and one of the biggest names in the business.

Shawn Michaels: returning after a career ending injury, and wrestling great matches on a regular basic still, he kept delivering at Wrestlemania, and for the most of the 00's he kept delivering at every pay per view, every single show he attended, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, solidifying it through his 00 career, he was considered a great before the 00's, in my eyes he became a legend in the 00's.

Kurt Angle: Kurt is considered one of the most technically gifted wrestlers of all time, he puts on great matches on a regular basic just like Shawn Michaels, and he is still going strong, he's been a multiple times world champion, he's held almost any title WWE has put out there, a lot of titles in TNA as well, and has a long resume of amateur accomplishments as well, while he wasn't amateur in the 00's, it helped him to put on great matches with the experience, he was truly one of the greats of the business, and will be a future hall of famer (in WWE as well hopefully).
I chose Edge as the wrestler of the decade.

Edge has done everything in the business he is a 9 time world champion he is the first man to win money in the bank and successfully cash it in, he has been in a lot of memoriable fueds, he has won the Royal Rumble, he has been in one of the most successful teams of all time Rated RKO and he has been in the main event at Wrestlemania.

Edge is also one of the best heels in WWE history he plays his part better than all of the other heels in the WWE today. Edge has had memorable fueds with Kurt Angle in which he shaved Kurt's head, he has also had memorable fueds with Triple H, Cena, Shawn Michales, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho just to name a few.
I voted for Kurt Angle.

His success in the WWE is the obvious reason. His accomplishments have already been listed, so I won't bore everyone by listing them again. But he really did it all in the WWE, in the 2000 decade.

I do not see Kurt's migration to TNA as a downside. He has helped to take TNA to a higher level, and has been a driving force behind TNA's success. The fact that Kurt has been able to have such great matches in TNA speaks to his character and ability. The only downside I can think of w/ Kurt is his time with the Main Event Mafia. This period just seemed stale and forced IMO. He was trying to be a character that he wasn't. Yet, he still held the TNA world title during this time.

The answer is Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels is a very close #2. Triple H takes the Bronze. And John Cena brings it up the rear in 4th.
Other, HBK Shawn Michaels not even a huge fan of his but he put on the best matches and feuds. Would have been close with RVD or Angle but they left WWE much too soon.
John Cena. He's been the face of the company for the entire decade. HHH had a launching pad in the late 90s that propelled him to where he is today. If you're going to compare people of the decade, you have to sort of ask "Who Was the Hulk Hogan of the Last Decade"? World titles are irrelevant really. John Cena, love him or hate him (as I the latter), was the Hogan of the last decade.

Im sorry, but i think I read correctly...you said Cena was the face of WWE for the entire decade...he started in 2002 and i believe he became the face in 2005...correct me if i'm wrong!!
Kurt Angle

He's done it all in the last decade. In his rookie year, he won not only the WWF Championship but the European, Intercontinental Championships and King of the Ring. The following year he became beloved as the man who the people rallied behind in the post 9/11 world and put on great matches with Chris Benoit.

His time prime came in 2002 though. He was without a doubt one of the top performers that year. That was the year he shaved his head, feuded with Edge, put on a great match at SummerSlam 2002 with Rey Mysterio, wrestled with and against Benoit as part of the 'SmackDown Six' and then finally became champion once again.

In 2003 he wrestled Chris Benoit in one of the best matches of the decade, Main Evented WrestleMania, returned from a broken neck and became champion once again in a phenomenal feud with Brock Lesnar. In 2004, his promo skills were excellent as he cut great promos on Eddie Guerrero and John Cena as the GM of SmackDown and put on some good/great matches with Eddie.

2005 saw him wrestle one of the best matches in WrestleMania history against Shawn Michaels, take on John Cena in a solid feud and compete in the legendary Woo Off with Ric Flair. In 2006 he was champion again and put on a brilliant match with The Undertaker at No Way Out before moving to TNA in a shocking moment.

In TNA he's just about done it all. He's won every belt (with the exception of the Legends/Global and Women’s) there is to win in that company and competed in several good to excellent feuds. His matches with Joe are excellent as are his matches with A.J. and Wolfe.

Angle is a true legend and the wrestler of the decade.
I'm sorrry guys for me I don't have to think. In my oponion Stone Cold was the best preformer but if your looking at actuall wrestling we are talking Kurt Angle hes got my vote.
i voted for RKO, because he achieved really much in 2000's, becoming youngest champion ever, and gaining a championship within 2 years of his debut, and becoming a 6 time world champion quick. He was also putted in some biiiiig feuds.But, to be honest, i would like to see Edge here, as he would be my pick if he would be there.
Id have to go with john cena. He's basically carried the company at times due to injuries to other top superstars. I know alot of people(including myself) think he is what is wrong with wrestling, and hate the whole super cena bit he does in matches. But you cant let that deminish what he has done.

Hopefully Randy orton will kick on and be the top guy, he's been my favourite for the last 3-4 years and is very talented and was also the youngest ever to win the title.

But i would still go with cena.

Those saying angle are deluded. Hes wrestling in a two bit company and no 1 cares any more. His character in wwe was 100 times better then what he is now. So thats like 3 years where he has done nothing

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