Wrestlemania 32: Triple H's opponent

Who would you like to see him face PERSONALLY???

  • Rocky Mavia

  • Tyler Black

  • Jon Moxley

  • Leakee

  • Wade Barrett

  • Kevin Steen

  • Nicky Nemethes

  • Stay off the card and sit this one out

  • "Please retire!!!" "Please retire!!!" "Triple H"

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That N Word

Actively evolving
This is a series I am doing here at the forums where you predict the opponent, and choose your personal pick for their WrestleMania opponent. Today we are talking about "The Cerebral Assassin" Triple H. I have in mind a few potential opponents such as The Rock, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins.

The Rock- Rumored to take place, but will more than likely get scrapped. It makes sense due to their recent history. Only way I want to see this is if one is retiring and it is their final match. Triple H being the heel of course.

Seth Rollins- I could be wrong, but I sensed some tension between Triple H and Rollins last night. Triple H seemed a little wishy washy about how Rollins has been acting since becoming champion. I personally would go with this one or Ambrose. Rollins acts like a spoiled brat as champ and when he loses the title he blames Triple H. He goes off about how HHH could let him lose and then Triple H tries to calm him down but is getting frustrated and snaps and tells Rollins about his self. Rollins say's he understands and is sorry before sneak attacking HHH later and taking him. This lead to the return of "The Cerebral Assassin."

Dean Ambrose- Ambrose losing streak continues and he starts a conspiracy theory attacking HHH because he feels "The Man" is trying to put him down. Ambrose becomes the heel, and Triple H is the face.

Roman Reigns- Doesn't think he can win the WHC unless he get's The Authority out of his way first. He takes out every single member until he get's to Triple H. H ducking the challenge for months until Reigns does something that makes him snap and accept for Mania.

Who should he face??? Who will he face???
If you're gonna be cute with the poll answers, be consistent. Why not use Flex Kavana and Stu Standers instead?

Anyway, I'm going Rocky. I think the Shield members are going to be busy come Mania time, Barrett will be nowhere near the level of a Triple H match, Kevin Owens probably won't be on that level yet (if he debuts by then), and while Dolph vs. Triple H would be great, I don't see it. So the only one left is The Rock. Besides, they made such a big deal out of Ronda Rousey (as they should have) I can't see her not being there. I doubt she will be in a one on one match, but she'll be there. And it will be because Rock and Triple H are squaring off. However, in 2016 I would rather see Rock and Triple H face younger stars as opposed to each other. But that's a different discussion.
why all the HHH hate.the man is an icon. doesn't matter who his wife is.she really is that damn good and I can understand all the hate he gets on here. That being said I'd like to see him and rock face off one more time but I want the rock to lose don't see that happening tho.
Y'all wanna see Triple H vs. The Rock? A match we first saw on pay-per-view more than 18 years ago (over 19 by the time of WM32)? Wow, WWE really has conditioned fans to pine for yesteryear by failing to give them any compelling new stars. I'd rather not see two washed up wrestlers trying to replicate the magic they had in their 20s. If Triple H and Rock are going to be on the card, for the love of god put them against a couple of youngsters, and you know, build new people rather than relying on Cena and a bunch of has-beens. I seem to recall the Attitude Era WrestleManias from 1997-2002 being headlined by current stars in their 20s and 30s.

Yeah yeah, Rock/Trips will draw, but this aggressive "win now" approach will really bite WWE in the ass when those ageing hips pack in and they have no stars except Cena (who himself will be 40 in two years, with more miles on him than most).
Y'all wanna see Triple H vs. The Rock? A match we first saw on pay-per-view more than 18 years ago (over 19 by the time of WM32)? Wow, WWE really has conditioned fans to pine for yesteryear by failing to give them any compelling new stars. I'd rather not see two washed up wrestlers trying to replicate the magic they had in their 20s. If Triple H and Rock are going to be on the card, for the love of god put them against a couple of youngsters, and you know, build new people rather than relying on Cena and a bunch of has-beens. I seem to recall the Attitude Era WrestleManias from 1997-2002 being headlined by current stars in their 20s and 30s.

Yeah yeah, Rock/Trips will draw, but this aggressive "win now" approach will really bite WWE in the ass when those ageing hips pack in and they have no stars except Cena (who himself will be 40 in two years, with more miles on him than most).

Did it bother you that Undertaker v Shawn Michaels was at WM25 and 26, when they had fought back in 1997-98?

Did it bother you when Austin v Rock was a biannual event at Wrestlemania at one stage?

Everything old is new again. Rock v Triple H is a natural rivalry, and they haven't fought each other since 2002. If it was Rock v Triple H in 2000-2011, when they fought fifty times already, I may agree with you. But I would rather see this again than if they had another Cena v Orton match, which has been done too much over recent years.
I'd like to see Piece of Trash vs. Stephanie in divorce court.

Then, after Piece of Trash is gone, I'd like to see Vince actually correct his revisionist history that WWE likes to promote, as if Piece of Trash was ever some kind of main event top tier guy, when he NEVER was. I'd even like to see them do a video a la "Self Destruction of Ultimate Warrior" where they rip on him and finally admit that all they ever did was pair Piece of Trash with the money guys, in the desperate hope that Piece of Trash would elevate to become anything more than what he should have been -- a mid-carder with a great workrate.

He could've had an Arn Anderson career. Instead he became Piece of Trash.
Me personally, I'd love to see him face Seth Rollins. It would be a great opportunity for HHH to put over the next big face of the company.

HHH hasn't been a heel for a long time so it makes sense to eventually turn Rollins face and have HHH feud with him once The Authority storyline plays out.
Actively looking to make a WM32 match for Triple H isn't the type of approach the company uses. WWE doesn't try to find someone to oppose him, they use him only if someone special comes in and needs a noteworthy opponent; someone who has the rep......and availability.....to fight him.

For instance, when Kevin Nash agreed to give WWE his services for a one match affair, none of the main event guys on the roster had any history with him and it would have been hard to create a program for a single match. At the same time, all of those top performers were otherwise occupied building feuds of their own that would culminate at WM. Circumstances like that are perfect for Triple H to step in......with Sting being a good example of this. Yes, there are other wrestlers who could have opposed Sting, but they were busy with programs of their own. Triple H wasn't.

So, if Triple H vs. Sting II can sustain enough interest to last until next April, they might fight again. Otherwise, if Shawn Michaels agrees to have one more match, it would undoubtedly be at a Wrestlemania......so why not create some friction between Shawn and Trips, leading to a hell of a contest at WM32?

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