Wrestlemania 31: Triple H vs Batista or The Rock or Sting?

Who would you like to see face Triple H at Wrestlemania 31?

  • Batista

  • The Rock

  • Sting

  • Other

  • No One

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Getting Noticed By Management
According to the main page theres a rumor going around that HHH could potential have his pick as far as who his opponent will be by next years mania.

The Rock: Apparently The Rock and HHH taped a segment for the 15th anniversary of smackdown where they teased a further confrontation the next time they see each other. HHH is the biggest heel in the company and The Rock is arguably the most popular on the business not naed Bryan right now. With all the history between these 2 it would be interesting to see this 2 one more time.

Batista: With Batista's hollywood career on the way up, theres talks of Batista coming back and facing HHH in a retirement match to finish off their feud. They had a very good match at WM 21 and their 3 match feud were epic. I would like to see this one again

Sting: everbody seems to think that Taker and Sting are a lock. im not so sure. Sting has said that if Taker cant go he'd like to fight HHH. Pure WWE guy vs Pure WCW guy going at it. I'd pay to see 2 ring generals going at it.

Theres always a possibility that he could face someone else or no one....

Trips vs. Rock makes no sense in 2015 (properly utilize Rock against Brock!), not enough people care about Batista for a Trips bout (Batista should be fighting guys like Sheamus, Cesaro, and Reigns anyway), and Sting is fighting Bray Wyatt if Taker isn't able. Unless Sting becomes Raw's GM and slowly builds a feud with Trips.

That being said, I just don't see a definite place Trips fits this year. Does he NEED to fight this year?? If so, I got it: vs. Dean Ambrose in a good old, dirty, Attitude Era-style hardcore match!!!
It should be Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose at Wrestlemania 31. Hopefully in a No DQ match or something like that.

Even though Ambrose is currently feuding with Rollins, his overall feud is with the authority as a whole. After Rollins, Ambrose should eventually move on to a short feud with Orton & maybe even Kane again & then it would only make sense for Ambrose to take on the king of kings & the head of the authority, HHH.
No one of this possibility excite me honestly. He could put over Reigns, but that's just wishful thinking on my part hoping that the main event isn't Lesnar v Reigns, maybe Ambrose v HHH? I dunnow.

<totallystupidfantasywishfulbooking> We could have Steen wrestle under a stupid new name and with a stupid new song on NXT while getting also some exposure on raw, than bam! one raw before WM Unsettling Difference hits during an Authority promo, Steen says he's sick of the demeaning treatment NXT wrestlers are subjected to and that his name is not the name WWE give him, bam starts a feud ending up in a career v career at WM between Steen and HHH </totallystupidfantasywishfulbooking> (just thought about this because I don't know why but a Steen v HHH "looks" very cool because of the different builds)
I don't think it's going to be an old guy this year. I think he's gonna put over either Reigns or Ambrose, money more on Ambrose before the injury, now it could go either way. Why you might ask?

1. Trips already fought everyone on your list except Sting, and why should that be an event? It's a watered down version of what the community wants.
2. As a boss figure, his job should be to put over new talent. He proved he was willing to by putting Bryan over at last years Mania.
3.A Due to being out, the WWE might not have faith in Reigns for Mania this year, so he might be booked down into a feud with HHH
3.B If Triple H actually wants to build up more talented wrestling like he does one NXT, Ambrose going over would be the way to go. Shows Vince that indie guys get over

Here's how I see Mania in my head at this juncture
Lesnar(c) v Bryan = Bryan(it should be Reigns' spot but the injury takes him out)
Ambrose v Trips = Ambrose(might be a retirement match)
Reigns v Rock = Reigns(Rock wants to put over Reigns, plus it should help Reigns get better on the mic)
Cena v Rollins = Rollins(again, based on current matches this is going to happen sooner or later, why not at Mania?)[I see Cena winning though]

That's how I'd like it to go down, minor changes works but that's my ideal Mania
I'd say Other. I think he should face Dean Ambrose. Seeing how HHH tries to contain Ambrose sending Kane, Rollins and Orton after him, each and every week; it may be time for HHH to get his shot at Ambrose.

It could be like a modern day HHH vs. Stone Cold fight. HHH could even put over Ambrose as one of the top stars in the WWE or if HHH do win, use the sledgehammer to make Ambrose look strong
I chose Other.

I'd say he faces either Ambrose or Reigns depending on how Creative goes with Reigns when he returns. As it stands, HHH is the only Authority obstacle remaining for Reigns to overcome so it all depends on how quickly he gets back in the ring.

IF Reigns can return by Survivor Series, then I could see HHH vs Reigns happening at TLC or the Rumble with Reigns going over and then moving onto Brock.

Ambrose is still stuck on Rollins but IF Reigns is ready for Brock at Mania then Ambrose vs the Authority can be dragged till Mania itself.
I chose "No-one". HHH doesn't need to be in the ring at Wrestlemania. If he's going to put someone over, he should be doing it before the event happens, not during.

No and Daniel Bryan doesn't count, cause he was already over before Mania last year. If he's going to fight anyone it should be Reigns, put him over, like he did when he was with the Shield. But this should happen at either of the PPV's before Mania. Barring that, he shouldn't even be involved wrestling wise.

We have enough heels as it is, and don't need anymore. I've seen enough of HHH and Kane to last me for a couple of years now. The Authority storyline on RAW has become just a little overbearing at times. I mean how many RAW's have gone off the air with Rollins, Kane and Orton standing over a beaten down Ambrose, Reigns or Cena.

If either one or both are involved in Mania to any great extent I'll not be a happy camper here. It's time to let the new guys shine an the older ones to sit back and watch.
The ppv should revolve around Brock Lesnar defending the WWE title against whomever wins the Royal Rumble. Have Lesnar destroy whomever at Survivor Series, destroy Cena in their blow off match setting Lesnar up as a super strong champion. Take Cena out of the Rumble and the following night bvegin his road to Mania with somebody calling him out for falling short in his quest for 16 titles. Have that person even managed by Flair to spice it up. Mania 31 looks like Austin could be having a match, Sting could be, The Rock now might be and Helmsley will clog up a spot to. To get Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose,Wyatt, Orton on the card alone, these guys are going to have to have a match with each other. Its 6 months away and injuries and politics will play their part between now and then. I say if Batista is serious about a farewell retirement match with HHH, let them have their match and have HHH go over, as he is the one sticking around, the master defeats the student and gets his win back from ten years previous. Really push the 10 year anniversary of the match, strongly infer Batista going over but have HHH finish the student Batista off , clean. I dont think Lesnar destroying Bryan is a main event we want to see. Orton appears to be turning face and they wont want to have too many repeat matches on the card. So my Mania card based on where things stand at present are;

BROCK LESNAR VS DEAN AMBROSE.......SETH ROLLINS cashes in on LESNAR in a huge shock after Reigns takes out Lesnar




I've no interest in seeing Triple H rehash an Attitude Era feud with The Rock, nor do I have any interest in watching what'd probably be a flat out bore fest with Batista.

I don't know whether or not Sting has the goods to put on a competitive match against Triple H, but the novelty of the match strikes me personally as far more interesting than rehashing a couple of 10 to 15+ year old feuds. The idea of it could be somewhat simple with Sting as this legendary veteran stepping up to challenge the tyranny of The Authority. It probably wouldn't be as epic as Taker vs. Sting, but every report I read on Taker's health seems to allege that he's not physically up to competing at WrestleMania XXXI.

Triple H is a big fan of Sting, he's ultimately the one who's been pursuing Sting the past couple of years. Allegedly, Vince no longer really cares and can take Sting or leave him. He tried hard to get him many times during Sting's association with TNA but it never came about. Kinda hard not to blame Vince as there's only so many times you can be told no before moving on.

I dunno how good the match itself would be, but the storyline itself could be highly entertaining. The less Vince has to do with booking it, the better because Vince is in full blown "sports entertainment" mode right now.
I don't think it's going to be an old guy this year. I think he's gonna put over either Reigns or Ambrose, money more on Ambrose before the injury, now it could go either way.

That's how I see it, too. I can't think of an earthly reason to put Trips in against the Rock except for nostalgia's sake.....and I can't recall any lingering heat between them that would evoke nostalgia for it.

If they insist on matching Trips with an old timer, I suppose Batista might be the one....and even then it would presumably be a farewell match for Big Dave; a way of giving him a high profile opponent to fight without disturbing anyone else's storyline and progress.

Still, I like Mudlup's idea of having Triple H put over Roman Reigns....of course, that's presuming WWE doesn't intend on having Roman fight for the world title at WM31. I'm still uncertain as to how fast and how far they want to send Reigns at this early stage of his singles career.....and his extended injury time-out casts even more doubt on this.

Dean Ambrose? Personally, I felt the only reason for his sudden elevation was Reign's injury, yet he seems to be taking the ball and running with it.....which indicates to me that many performers might have the ability to make it big if only given the chance.

But there was something in the expression on Dean's face as he watched Seth Rollins getting spritzed with the green goo......Ambrose was smiling normally, not wearing his usual goofy facial expressions that make him come off as a homicidal maniac. When I saw this, it solidified my increasingly good opinion of him. Maybe he has more depth as a character than I had believed.

If Reigns' is fighting for the title that night, I would think Ambrose would be amply qualified for a high profile match against someone high up in wrestling status.....and Triple H might be the perfect man for the task.
I imagine these matches against Triple H would likely be the final ones for all three. Sting is ancient and The Rock/Batista have more important things to do. Pairing any with Triple H would be a great choice for those individuals. HHH would bring out the best in all three.

The problem is that Triple H vs. Sting or The Rock as a headline attraction is underwhelming. Triple H vs. Batista would be a huge mid-card match.
Did anyone watch that segment with The Rock and Triple H backstage after RAW, just now on SD? It was amazing. Absolutely hilarious... would LOVE to see these two greats go at it one more time at WrestleMania.

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