The Rock or Triple H??

Rocky or Hunter??

  • The Rock

  • Triple H

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CM Steel

A REAL American
The Rock & Triple H has helped each other make their WWF/E career's. Going back to the days where they were both known as Rocky Maivia & Hunter Hurst Hemsley. Their first match up one-on-one was when the Rock as Rocky Maivia defeated Triple H as Hunter Hurst Hemsley for the IC championship on RAW of Feb. of '97.

And with the evolution of both there charactor's in the WWF/E it's been a back and forth showdown between the two megastars for more years to come. Summerslam '98, Backlash 2000, Judgement Day 2000. I think that the last time these two men wrestled against each other was on RAW around this time about 8 years ago when Eric Bischoff became the GM of RAW competing against Trip's wifey Stephanie McMahon while she was the GM of Smackdown.

But in the aftermath of the infamous Rock/Triple H wars. Who do you think is the better wrestler, entertainer, and who benefited from their epic career's the most???

The Rock or Triple H??
triple h is better to me he has more championships he is a better in ring performer better mic skills rock says his old lines over and over and over jabroni beating pie heart stopping elbow dropping can you smell what the rocks cooking NO i cant sell what the rock is cooking and who gives a damn what the rock is cooking So i think triple h is way better than damn rocky
The Rock. I am a good fan of HHH as well though. The Rock always seemed to be more exciting in ring and while Triple H was/is good on the mic no one can touch The Rock there.
im a big fan of both guys but HHH is my favorite of all times so i got to give him the edge!.... he is a better wrestler than the rock but the rock has better promo skills, not by a lot, but he is better.......but overall HHH is my favorite!
The Rock benefited the most by a landslide. What has HHH done outside the ring in terms of exposure and movies? Not much. He made one movie that was outright terrible.

The Rock's movies might suck ass, but they have generated a pretty hefty amount of revenue.
To me Triple H came out more successful in terms of a wrestling legacy. Hes a 11 or 12 time world champion, can tell a story in the ring, and has complete control of the crowd on the mic. I know The Rock has had his fare share of title reigns but I dont think they have been as memorable as Triple H's. My favorite Triple H title reign was the one he had around 2005-2006 which helped launch Batista's career. The Rock needs repetition and catchphrases to get the crowd on his side but Triple H has always been good on the mic without any of that stuff. The catchphrases and yelling at the camera have all been done before, I feel Hunter broke that mold and was able to dominate his promos with his powerful speeches.
The better wrestler has to go to HHH, he's a ring general, hes a technician, a powerhouse, a brawler, and a better storyteller than Rocky ever was.

The better entertainer of course has to go The Rock, he's perfect on the mic, his gimmick is golden, he has countless catchphrases, and can really get the crowd behind him, so this one goes the The Rock.

Better career I'd have to say Rock.. lets face it, Triple H has never been the face of the company, he had a great career and was the top heel in 2003-2005, but lets face it, there was never a period where when you think WWE, you think Triple H, he was never the face of company, while The Rock was, up from 1999 to 2002, The Rock was the man in the WWE, so The Rock had the better career, though Hunter has been there for about 16 years, The Rock had a better career then him in the 7 years The Rock has had in the company.

So overall I'd have to say The Rock.
They fed off of each other so well and there chemistry in the ring is second to none. HHH was the better technician, but Rocky had the mic skills on lock. I tihnk they were both dead even at the end of the day which made it even better for the fans. But im a Rock fan so i gotta go with him
Hands down, it's The Rock all day. No offense, I love HHH, but most of his career was handed to him via being married into the Mcmahon family. No doubt, he would have been at the top, just not as soon. Now, to the topic at hand, The Rock is better simply because NEVER FAILS to accomplish the one goal of a WWF/E superstar: Entertain the fans. Now ask this question: Who gets the loudest pops between the two? Exactly. The Rock. The loudest pop I've ever heard HHH get was when he returned back in '02. The Rock can get a pop on any given night (full schedule or not). Triple H doesn't have good mic work IMO.
I mean, The Rock just has so many catch phrases that's over with the fans and never gets old.

It doesn't matter, shove it up your candy ass, if ya smell, know your role/shut your mouth, pie jokes,and the millions. . . and millions, mocking various superstars.

Plus in the ring, The Rock is more fun to watch than HHH.

However, I'm not bashing HHH. As a matter of fact here's two things he has over the Rock. More in-ring accomplishments and he's better at playing a heel.

But at the end of the day, Th Rock wins because he entertains. . . THE PEOPLE!
To me Triple H came out more successful in terms of a wrestling legacy. Hes a 11 or 12 time world champion

13, actually.

The Rock is a better over all performer, Trips is a better wrestler in terms of someone committed to the industry and in terms of career achievement. The Rock's more fun when he's around, but Trips has been a main stay of the company for a lot longer, and Trips will stay in the industry for the rest of his professional life.
HHH was a better wrestler, but the Rock was a better entertainer and benefitted the most. Fans couldn't get enough of The Rock, but they got very sick of HHH always being on top and many consider him the reason WWE's ratings and buyrates declined during that period.
Triple H is the better wrestler without a doubt and I think he's one of the reasons for rock in-ring improvement, just watch rocky's matches before his 2000 rivalry(RR 2000) with triple h over the title and after the rivalry(KOTR 2000) to understand what I mean. IMO, triple H is underrated when it comes to in-ring abilities. I think he's the best in-ring performer in the attitude era.

As far as whos the better entertainer, Rock is without a doubt the greatest entertainer to ever step in a wrestling ring according to triple h himself, and I believe this is something most of the wrestling favns will agree on, that includes me.

Overall, it's the rock, based on star power and the ability to carry the company(Triple's weakness IMO). And for those who are interested in championships, Rock won his third wwe title before triple H won his first, hell austin was 2 times champion at that time. Rock was the 1st 6 times wwe champion, and he also was the 1st 7 times wwe champion, around that time rock was 9 times champion and hhh was only 5, even though they both made their wwe debut around the same time(HHH in 1995, Rock in 1996). So, the only reason why hhh have won more championships is because he stayed longer.
Triple H has come a long way. He's better in the ring technically than the Rock, but I wouldn't call him great. I prefer him as a heel than as a face. The problem I have with him, is you can't separate his career accomplishments from his backstage politics. I know Triple H fans don't like to hear that, and if you don't, I got 2 words for ya ! Tough shit. Ask Cornette and countless others who've worked in the company and experienced the backsatge nonsense. He has a fanbase, but that's because he monopolizes more tv time on Raw when he's around whether he has the belt or not. And that fanbase (people who buy his merchandise or ticket sales for house shows or ppvs he headlines) isn't as big as The Rock's or Austin's in their prime. Cena's fanbase is close to H's if it hasn't already surpassed his.

The Rock is the clear winner for me. He is by far more charismatic, more funny on the mike, he can put on an entertaining match with any one. He isn't great but he is quite good and is often severely underrated. He is very good as a heel but better as a face. He doesn't need the title to be viewed as a key figure on the roster, all he has to do is show up and say a few lines and he's won the crowd.
If WWE had the Rock there, H would be lost in his shadow. WM 27 proved that in the ppv buyrate and Rock was just the MC.

So my vote's the Rock.
The Rock

For all the people saying that Triple H was a better wrestler, let's not forget that everyone called him "God" in the ring only in the year 2000. Take out that year and HHH isn't really the better wrestler, HHH was just "ok" in the ring in '99, and their best matches in '98 were with each other.
Rock is a better wrestler in my opinion. HHH has moves he took from Harley Race, Arn Anderson, Flair and a finisher taken from Outlaw Ron Bass. The Rock's finishers were innovative, his style of offence also looked better.

Ring presence: 9.5/10
Charisma and mic skills: 7.8/10
Offensive style: 5/10
Selling skills: 9/10
Unpredictability: 2/10
Submission: 8/10 (what happened to the Indian Death Lock? ?)
Crowd pops and reactions: 7/10

The Rock:
Ring presence: 9.5/10
Charisma and mic skills: 10/10
Offensive style: 9/10
Selling skills: 8/10
Unpredictability: 6/10
Submission: 5/10
Crowd pops and reactions: 9.5/10

HHH: 42.3/70
Rock: 57/70

Winner: Rock!

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