Triple H: Favorite WrestleMania Match

Favorite Triple H WM Match

  • WM13- vs. Goldust

  • WM14- vs. Owen Hart (European Title)

  • WM15- vs. Kane

  • WM16- vs. Rock vs. Big Show vs. Mick Foley (Elimination for WWF title)

  • WM17 vs. Taker

  • WM18 vs. Jericho (Undisputed title)

  • WM19 vs. Booker T (WHC)

  • WM20 vs. Benoit vs. HBK

  • WM21- vs. Batista (WHC)

  • WM22- vs. Cena (WWE title)

  • WM 12- vs. the Ultimate Warrior

Results are only viewable after voting.


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Like all the others, this time with good old Trips though

WM12- The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Sable) (1:36)

* Warrior pinned Helmsley after a Warrior Splash.
* This was Sable's WWF debut and Warrior's first match in the WWF since 1992.

WM13- Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) defeated Goldust (w/Marlena) (14:28)

* Helmsley pinned Goldust after a Pedigree.

WM14- Triple H (w/Chyna) defeated Owen Hart to retain the WWF European Championship (11:29)

* Triple H pinned Hart after a Pedigree.
* During the match, Chyna was handcuffed to WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter.

WM15- Kane defeated Triple H by disqualification (11:33)

* Triple H was disqualified after Chyna turned on Kane and attacked Kane with a steel chair. Triple H and Chyna then reunited.

WM16- Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) defeated The Rock (w/Vince McMahon), Mick Foley (w/Linda McMahon) and The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon) in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination Match to retain the WWF Championship (36:28)

* Rock pinned Big Show after a Rock Bottom. (4:41)
* Triple H pinned Foley after a Pedigree on a steel chair. (19:41)
* Triple H pinned Rock after a chair shot from Vince McMahon. (36:28)
* After the match, the Rock gave Vince, Shane and Stephanie Rock Bottom's and a People's Elbow to Stephanie.

WM17- The Undertaker defeated Triple H (18:17)

* Undertaker pinned Triple H after a Last Ride.

WM18- Triple H defeated Chris Jericho (w/Stephanie McMahon) to win the Undisputed WWF Championship (18:41)

* Triple H pinned Jericho after a Pedigree.

WM19- Triple H (w/Ric Flair) defeated Booker T to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (18:47)

* Triple H pinned Booker after a Pedigree.

WM20- Chris Benoit defeated Triple H (c) and Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (24:47)

* Benoit forced Triple H to submit with the Crippler Crossface.
* After the match Eddie Guerrero celebrated with Benoit in the ring to close the show.

WM21- Batista defeated Triple H (w/Ric Flair) to win the World Heavyweight Championship (21:34)

* Batista pinned Triple H after a Batista Bomb.
* Motörhead performed "The Game" live during Triple H's entrance.

WM22- John Cena defeated Triple H to retain the WWE Championship (22:02)

* Cena forced Triple H to submit with the STFU.
* Triple H came out on a throne dressed as a Conan the Barbarian-type king.

For me it comes down to WM17 vs. Taker and WM20 with the Triple threat, I'm giving it to WM17 mostly cause it's a one on one match, and a very good one at that, and WM 20 was more about Benoit than anything else, what made the WM17 match so great IMO was that the match had everything, the went everywhere in that match and did spots that when I first watch never expected to see, it was also, to the best of my knowledge, the first time these two have ever worked a PPV angle together, and had more as interested in that as I was with the ME, if not more, I'm a fan of both guys so to see them go up against each other on the biggest stage in sports entertainment was huge, all in all IMO it was just a great match, so for me it's WM17 vs. Taker, with WM20 with the triple threat coming in at a close second, and WM18 vs. Jericho would be my solid choice for third place, just cause the only thing I felt was wrong with that match was too much Steph
I saw Wrestlemania 2000 live and that match was pretty damn intense. I knew Big Show wasn't going to win, but he got sent out way early. When Foley and Trips started doubling teaming Rock, my friend turned to me and said "I forgot Big Show was in this match."

It seemed as they were buidling towards Foley and HHH being the final two when Trips pedigreed him and got the pin. Everyone was then expecting Rock to win the WWF Title. The match went back and forth until the McMahons got involved and Vince laid out the Rock giving HHH the win.

I like this match the best because it was the first time that the booking in a fatal four way wasn't 100% predictable. The only thing we guessed is that Show would go out first. No one thought that Triple H's title reign would go through Wrestlemania, and it really made the whole night seem epic.
Wrestlemania XII: v. Ultimate Warrior: This match was an utter embarassment for Triple H., even as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, he had no right being put into a squash match with a guy that was as much of a loose cannon, as the Ultimate Warrior. Seriously, why squash one of your premier future players, for a guy who from his DVD, was apparently never liked to begin with?

And what purpose did it do for Warrior to squash him? Obviously none, considering he never went anywhere from this..

Wrestlemania XIII v. Goldust: This feud was always odd for me, simply because it was the debut of Chyna.. and Triple H. had always been seen with the most beautiful women in the world.. suddenly, he picks up one that upon debuting made some guys look sexy.

Furthermore, they made Goldust look strong. This was a continuation of hurting Triple H. in my opinion. It was set in place, simply to put Goldust over as more of a regular (face) person. Something that could never be done, as long as he's wearing the Goldust attire. Also, it hurt Triple H. in the fact that Terri didn't go to him. I understand why.. but it just made Triple H. look less desireable.. Hmm, I suppose in looking at it NOW, it could've been to help Triple H. get away from being someone who's with all the beautiful ladies.. and did help him turn into more of a vicious person.

Wrestlemania XIV: Owen Hart: Loved the match, loved the feud. This was the first match in helping to make Triple H. (in my opinion) become a possible Main Event player. Why? Because during this night, he won.. Shawn Michaels lost. The next night, he took over the reigns of D-X, and became an instant leader.. no longer a follower.

Wrestlemania XIV: v. Kane: I loved the storyline more than the actual match. The match was pure shit. But the storyline was amazing. You see, here you have Chyna turning on Kane.. siding with Triple H. So you suddenly think "yay, DX is back together again fully!"

Then, later you have Triple H. and Chyna screw X-Pac over by helping Shane McMahon defeat him.. and all along, it was never Chyna leaving the Corp. It was Triple H., joining them. Beauitful swerve in my opinion.. and it set up a damn good match with HHH v. X-Pac.

Wrestlemania 2000: v. The Rock v. Mick Foley v. The Big Show: Now this, this is the match I voted for. Because this was the match that made Triple H. shine as the greatest. I'm sure he's had better matches since.. but back then, noone seen him walking out over The Rock.

Hell, I'm sure some would've picked him to be eliminated first, since each man had their own hatred of the Game.. but somehow, he overcame the odds.. and with the help of Mr. McMahon in the end, he defeated everyone in the match, becoming a very elite member of a club that only select few are in.. of World Heavyweight Champions to defend and retain their Championships at Mania.

Wrestlemania XVII: v. The Undertaker: This was likely his best performance at Wrestlemania, of all his matches. He didn't bother with defeating the Undertaker.. whom at the time wasn't being billed as undefeated in Wrestlemania matches. And, both men put on quite possibly the best match either of them have ever had.

Some have said the match wasn't as good as people say, I'm just not sure how you could say that? It had every element needed. False finishes, kick outs of finishers.. and a final surprise ending. (The Last Ride from the corner hadn't yet been done) I was for sure Triple H. had won it, when he blasted Taker in the head with the sledge when Taker went for the first Last Ride. I also LOVED seeing him blast him. I literally was like "Holy shit!"

Wrestlemania XVIII: v. Chris Jericho: Why this match Main Evented over The Rock v. Hulk Hogan, I'll never know. Number One, Chris Jericho as much as I loved him then.. and his attitude, had NO business being in a Single's match in the Main Event of Wrestlemania.

I get that they wanted to promote the World Championship, the Undisputed Championship then, as "the" Main Event.. but the match wasn't nearly as big, or good as Hogan v. Rock. So I'll never get this match getting the last spot. It was (in my opinion) one of the worst Wrestlemania endings, ever.

Wrestlemania XIX: v. Booker T: I honestly never felt Booker T. would win the Championship from him, and I think this match was suppose to push Booker T. as a legit Main Eventer for the W.W.E.. I don't know if that ever happened or not.

I don't know what else to say about the match, it was average on an over-packed great line-up everywhere else.

Wrestlemania XX: v. Shawn Michaels v. Chris Benoit: I really don't think this could even be considered one of Triple H's best matches, simply because it was so focused on Chris Benoit winning the big one, and Shawn Michaels trying not to fade away from the Main Event scene. The almost completely forgot to even mention Triple H. as being apart of the match.. other than to say he was the Champion.

I loved the match, but it did nothing for Triple H., except used him and his career to push Benoit into being "the" Main Event guy for the next following 5 monthes.

Wrestlemania 21: v. Batista: This was unfortunately one of the most predictable matches in Wrestlemania's history. It'd been built since November for Batista to be the man to take the strap off Triple H.

And when the match happened, it just didn't have what it should've, in my opinion. By the time the entire feud was all said and done, the best match I feel they had was the Hell in a Cell, but even at that, I was so sick of seeing these two in the same ring that I wanted to flip the channel. This was the match that started Batista's Heavyweight run.. I felt he was a good "monster/big man" Champion.. similar to Kevin Nash, but with more agility. Although again, all this match was used for.. was to use Triple H., to push another talent.

Wrestlemania 22: v. John Cena: This match was simply bullshit. John Cena didn't need to beat Triple H. at Wrestlemania. Although he'd not (to my knowledge) beat him prior to this.. the thing is, Triple H. was still being viewed as the backstage politics guy.. and thus, a lot of people never wanted to see the World Championship on him again.

Your result.. an almost more or less 2 year Championship run by the guy thats taken Triple H's spot for being the most hated World Champion, to never give it up.
My favorite WrestleMania Trips match that he actually won was the Fatal Four-Way match with Big Show, Foley, and The Rock. I loved this match because of a very rare occurence, a heel won the Main Event match at a WrestleMania! Vince McMahon screwing over The Rock was brilliant too because I never seen that coming back in 2000 when Vince was actually normal. Triple H was at his best in this match.

My favourite WrestleMania Trips match that he lost was the Triple Threat match against HBK and Benoit. All three men put on their A-game and I believe this is one of the best 3-Way matches in the history of wrestling.

Between those two, I voted for the Fatal Four Way match because it really solidified Triple H into being a top player for the WWE and helped made him into the great heel that he once was.
I have to say I'm suprised that Will and Skull agree with me. For a while I thought I was the only one who enjoyed this event. I know most people didn't care for it strictly because the Rock didn't win the title, and Foley had been retired by HHH just a month earlier making his appearance bland.

Honestly though, after my friends and I ordered the two PPV's leading up to this (Royal Rumble and No Way Out), it was nice to see something suprising happen. The Royal Rumble sucked because even though there were 30 men, there were really only two. Rock and Big Show were the only two being hyped going into that match. The only suprise at No Way Out was Shane coming out, and that turned out to be a mute point.

The Mcmahon in every corner wasn't to exciting, but the way the match was booked was brilliant.
I have to say I'm suprised that Will and Skull agree with me. For a while I thought I was the only one who enjoyed this event. I know most people didn't care for it strictly because the Rock didn't win the title, and Foley had been retired by HHH just a month earlier making his appearance bland.

Honestly though, after my friends and I ordered the two PPV's leading up to this (Royal Rumble and No Way Out), it was nice to see something suprising happen. The Royal Rumble sucked because even though there were 30 men, there were really only two. Rock and Big Show were the only two being hyped going into that match. The only suprise at No Way Out was Shane coming out, and that turned out to be a mute point.

The Mcmahon in every corner wasn't to exciting, but the way the match was booked was brilliant.

I gotta admit, I'm kinda surprised with that too, I didn't expect so much love for this match at all, it was a good match, but just seems to be one that is often overlooked, I would put it right after his WM18 match with Jericho, on my list, IMO the match seemed much better than what it actually was because the card for WM16 was, for the most part, crap, there are really only three matches on that card that are worth watching the Euro-continental triple threat with Angle vs. Jericho vs. Benoit, where Angle lost both his titles with out getting pinned, and the Triangle Ladder match for the tag titles, which was really the first TLC match if you think about it, and then of course the ME, I liked the way they had it with the eliminations, I wish they would do more of there four & three ways like that, especially at WM
I voted for the taker matchup because it was a good feud and a great match. as someone already said this match had everything!! exciting action from start to finish and was part of a great pay per view! both men put the other over during the match and from what i can remember there were few to no botched moves! not being a huge HHH fan, especially at mania, having one of his matches as one of my favourite mania matches is why i voted for this one
I will probably be one of the few people that pick the Wrestlemania XIX match with Booker T., and while his matches at seventeen and twenty are probably superior, I can't resist for a few reasons. One, I really believe it was an above average match with some great psychology and spots (Trips using the really impressive looking Indian Deathlock, Booker T.'s jump kick to Trips' face, and Booker T. actually hitting the Harlem Hangover for once). The match did not lack at all in the action category, and there was a lot of back and forth action. Yes, the ending was a bit anticlamatic, but I won't hold it against the game, for it made pretty decent sense. However, the best part of the match was the hiliarous commentary between J.R. and the king. Never before or since has there been such bitter bickering betwixt the two. J.R.'s insuations that the king was racist, J.R. getting on the king for being so pro-triple H, and J.R.'s over the top disgust at the King's incorrect observations of ric flair ("He's trying to help booker t. back in the ring", the king says as Flair hits the shin breaker on the steps. J.R.'s disgusted retort: "That logic went out in '82.). The commentary was as entertaining as the match itself, which is difficult to say, considering both were of exceptional quality. So hat's off to trips, booker, J.R., and the king for giving us one hell of a show during one of the greatest pay per views of all time.
I am going to say my favorite Wrestlemania match featuring Triple H was when he faced John Cena. The competitors in that match worked the crowd in to a frenzy. And who actually thought that Triple H would tap out when he was in the STFU? He was only inches away from the ropes but conceded the match. It was a fantastic ending that even the Cena detractors got excited about.

It was also proof that Triple H cares about the future of the business. For consecutive years, he put over Chris Benoit, Batista, and John Cena. For those who hate Triple H, they can't deny that he hasn't won a Wrestlemania match since 2003. If Wrestlemania is the biggest stage to win matches, he doesn't insist on having his hand raised.

His match with Cena was gold. It is one of my top ten favorite Wrestlemania matches
I went with the Taker match as well. They had been mentioning offhandedly that Taker was unbeaten and it was the first match that made me take notice of how amazing that truly was. It was the debut of the biker gimmick at mania which I always loved. The feud was built perfectly, and i still love the promo that started it with hhh saying he's beaten everyone and taker's music starting. THe match was great with a nearly 20 minute war, which even saw a tombstone, a rarity in those days. The last ride finish was awesome to me and hhh sold it perfectly.
I am going to say my favorite Wrestlemania match featuring Triple H was when he faced John Cena.

Wow...just wow.

The competitors in that match worked the crowd in to a frenzy.

You mean Triple H by himself right? Where did Cena work the crowd? When he did his "you cant see me bullshit"? Please. Triple H had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Even tried multiple heel tactics but yet still got pops.

And who actually thought that Triple H would tap out when he was in the STFU?



He was only inches away from the ropes but conceded the match. It was a fantastic ending that even the Cena detractors got excited about.

It was a fantastic ending because the match was so fucking boring. Seriously, you build up a feud that much and yet the match was so mediocre, how anyone could vote for it, I'll never know.

It was basically a bunch of taunting and slow, poorly executed moves and poor physcology from both competitors.

His match with Cena was gold. It is one of my top ten favorite Wrestlemania matches


When did you start watching wrestling? 2005?

Anyways, Trips has had his fair share of decent matches at Mania. I have yet to see a classic one on one bout between him and another opponent. I loved both the Owen Hart/Undertaker matches but they were nothing compared to the entertainment and excitement level from Mania 20. That triple threat will never be topped again anytime soon. Sure the main focus was Beniot, but fans hate for HHH made the match even more special. I along with many more were so fucking sick and tired of HHH's title runs it was ridiculous, that played a huge part in it and seeing him tap was incredible. People can call the match overrated all they want but that's horseshit, not many matches from WrestleMania 20 until now have had fans on the edge of their seat, this one did. Great match, I'd put it in the top 10. Maybe.
IMO, the Wrestlemania 20 match was one of the the greatest matches that each of these three men, Benoit, HBK, and HHH, have had in their entire careers. It had it's intense moments when I though it was all over and then BAM!, one of them surprised me with something else. Trips may have lost this one, but it was one hell of a match. If i had to choose, this would be one of my all-time favorite Triple Threat matches AND Wrestlemania main events.
i voted for wrestlemania 16 the fatal four way because in this match he was great, to me this is where you can tell he is gonna be in the main event for a long time. the match was great i actually though t it would come down foley and triple h or foley and the rock. but triple over came the odds and god bless him for it
I also voted for the Wrestlemania 16 match. Like the previous poster said this is where HHH was really cemented into the main event. It's also the first time in Wrestlemania history that a heel walked out as the WWE champion. The Mcmahon interaction was great. This was like a 40 minute match and HHH and Rock (Show was out of it early and Foley was there but got put away as expected) put on a hell of a show to end the match.
I've talked about this match before, but in reference to HBK. And of course I'm talking about Wrestlemania XX. Triple H defending the World Heavyweight title against Chris Benoit and HBK. Not only one of my favorite Triple H 'Mania matches, but one of my favorite matches of all time. Even thought he didn't win, Triple H rolling through and tapping to the crossface is absolutely one of my favorite finishes.
And here is my take on Triple H's Wrestlemania affairs.

WM 12: vs. The Ultimate Warrior.
Truly, what can you say about this match. A true passing of the torch in my opinion. One back stage trouble maker squashes another backstage politcer. Triple H learns how the business works, and we're all suffering to this day.

WM 13: vs. Goldust.
An odd feud to say the least. We had Mr. Hughes show up at the Royal Rumble, but apparntely that wasn't good enough, so we end up with Chyna showing up. Never a good sign that the females on the outside become the main point of the matchup. It was a good feud, but a very odd matchup that wasn't very Wrestlemania-esque.

WM 14: vs. Owen Hart (European Championship)
I still am pissed off witht he misuse of Owen hart post Screw Job. I guess this made sense as a semi-continuation of the Harts vs. DX, but this match was lost mostly to the Triple H vs. Sgt. Slaughter stuff going on. It was a very average match, not terrible, but not great.

WM 15: vs. Kane.
Again, another match I really couldn't care for. It was nice to see Chyna with the face turn. Nothing from this match really strikes me as impressive. I thought it was misuse of both of these guys in this match. The most memorable part of Triple H and this night was his heel turn.

WM 16: Fatal Four Way.
Finally, a damn solid match at Wrestlemania for the Game. I usually am not a fan of multi man match ups, but this match certainly delivered. The WWE has a fairly good track record on delivering with fatal four ways. I was absolutely certain that the Rock was walking away with the championship, and i was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. The big problem with this match, the stupid stipulation of a McMahon in every corner. I just don'tg et it.

WM X-7: vs. the Undertaker
My opinion, the best match for the game and the Undertaker at WM. A good solid build up to this match. The only previous time they had a match with each other one on one was a match in a subway on Shotgun Saturday Night which ended up with taker winning with a tombstone, then letting HHH's body go down teh escalator. Solid match where I really thought that the sledgehammer shot at the end was going to end the streak for the deadman. (see I can say nice things about Triple H guys.)

WM X-8: vs. Chris Jericho
I rip WM 18 for being one of the most underwhelming pay per views,a nd it was. This match certainly didn't have it in my opinion. The Rock vs. Hogan was the main event of this night, plain and simple. It is th ematch people paid to see and this match just lost all of the momentum that that match had.

WM XIX: vs. Booker T
Never did I feel that Booker was going to win this amtch. Storyline wise, it made sense, but the build up of this match just wasn't very good. It was also over shadowed by another big name match, this time the Rock vs. Austin (wonder why Trips hates the Rock?). A good match, but nothing spectacular.

WM XX: vs. Benoit and HBK
Triple H did almost become an after thought int his match up, which is never a bad thing in my opinion. It should have been about the faces int his match. Triple H had an Iron clad reign of terror with that belt with a few months of not being champion in the middle. I for one was ready for the belt to come off of this son of a bitch. HBK was proving he was able to hang in the main event still, and this was the culmination of Benoit's career. Solid matchup.

WM 21: vs. Batista.
I could honestly care a less about this matchup.

WM 22: vs. John Cena
Again, I could have cared a less about this matchup. We were screwed either way in this match with the outcome. So we get another Triple H reign of terror, or continue on with John Cena being an undeserving champion (which I still stand behind this day that he was not ready to have the belt at that time). The crowd was the only thing that made this match enjoyable. I was super pissed that the Royal Rumble winner was not in the main event, so that also dampered my mood on the match.

So if I have to Rank them:
11. vs. Batista
10. vs. Goldust
9. vs. Kane
8. vs. Ultimate Warrior
7. vs. John Cena
6. vs. Booker T
5. vs. Chris Jericho
4. vs. Owen Hart
3. Fatal Four Way
2. vs. HBK and Chris Benoit
1. vs. The Undertaker
If Trips wouldve won the Cena match instead of tapping, it wouldve been number one for me, as im a huge mark for crowd heat and atmosphere.

So, that being said, I have to go with the UT match from X-7. This match was fantastic. A great mix of brawling, and in ring work, in a situation with two super powers clashing really. The Game VS The phenom. besides the Orton match, this is probsbly the most precarious WM moment Taker has ever had, after the sledgehammer shot, I thought Trips had pulled it out. Fantastic match up.
WM12 - The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Sable)

Easily his worst WrestleMania 'match'. I don't even need to explain why.

WM13 - Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) defeated Goldust (w/Marlena)

As people have already mentioned, an odd match. Re-watching this match, I can't say I care for it.

WM14- Triple H (w/Chyna) defeated Owen Hart to retain the WWF European Championship

Solid match, had a great storyline going into it. Definately made Hunter look better after this match.

WM15 - Kane defeated Triple H by disqualification

This match went on a little too long for my liking. Had a decent storyline coming into it, and later in the night both joined the corporation...odd, but entertaining.

WM16 - Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) defeated The Rock (w/Vince McMahon), Mick Foley (w/Linda McMahon) and The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon) in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination Match to retain the WWF Championship

Great match. He went into that with some great heat, overcame the odds and proved his greatest single year in wrestling.

WM17- The Undertaker defeated Triple H

Awesome atmosphere. I thought it slowed down a little too much when they made their way out to the crowd, but can't complain overall. Solid bout.

WM18- Triple H defeated Chris Jericho (w/Stephanie McMahon) to win the Undisputed WWF Championship

First off, this shouldn't have been headlining WrestleMania. Secondly, the match was pretty poor and the storyline sucked.

WM19- Triple H (w/Ric Flair) defeated Booker T to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Pretty decent match. Not bad, not great. Don't think it quite elevated Booker to the status he had hoped during that feud.

WM20- Chris Benoit defeated Triple H (c) and Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship

This would be my favourite WrestleMania match involving Triple H, despite the fact he lost. Solid action, great crowd, great storyline.

WM21- Batista defeated Triple H (w/Ric Flair) to win the World Heavyweight Championship

Never cared for this match. The match beforehand was much better, and this was just not WrestleMania main event quality. It was far from the best match the two would have throughout the year.

WM22- John Cena defeated Triple H to retain the WWE Championship

Great match, don't have a problem with it. Looking back, I can't say I was too keen on the outcome - Cena reigining for as long as he did, but this match was great.

From worst to best:

vs. Ultimate Warrior
vs. Batista
vs. Kane
vs. Goldust
vs. Booker. T
vs. Jericho
vs. Cena
vs. Owen
Fatal Four Way
vs. Undertaker
Triple Threat
In my 20 years as a wrestling fan, few matches have had the crowd as vocal as Cena vs. Triple H. That's what made the match so special. The atmosphere was amazing and both men played the crowd perfectly. The crowd noise was comparable to Hogan vs. Rock, Hogan vs. Andre, Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith, and Foley vs. The Rock (when Foley won the WWE Championship in Worcester).

It was also exciting because it was hard to pick a winner. A legitimate case could have been made for Cena or Triple H winning the match.

Another cool part was the finish. I remember the loud pop that Cena got for making Triple H tap. Fans that seemed to be in Triple H's corner even cheered. It reminded me of Wrestlemania 18 when The Rock delivered the People's Elbow. While most of the fans were cheering for Hogan throughout the match, when The Rock did the People's Elbow the fans were once again on his side.

Triple H, for three consecutive years, gave it his all to put over Benoit, Batista, and Cena. Hulk Hogan would have never done that.
Ha ha ha, I voted for Wrestlemania 12. When I first looked at the poll, I was soo disappointed it wasn't on there. Luckily I saw it there hiding at the bottom. I had to vote for it. You never know, Triple H might come on here one day, look at the thread and be like "Wow, remember that time I lost to Ultimate Warrior to start out my career". In all serious though, I would say my favorite moment is another Triple H loss, its also my Favorite Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit Match, and that was Wrestlemania 20 at Madison Square Garden, When Triple H, actually let someone else into the spotlight (for a few months). The Chris Benoit victory over Shawn Michaels and Triple H will last forever in my wrestling memory, and It is probably my favorite match ever. Triple H did put up a good show, along with the other two wrestlers, and somehow, after losing, he looked as strong as ever. Chris benoit looked good, not Triple H good in standings. Only Shawn decreased after this match.
Seriously tho folks, Hogan is a piece of crap. This guy wouldnt even put over a condom if he had to fuck a 4 inch open herpes soar. HHH on the other hand is not shy about losing big time Championship WrestleMania matches to the stars of tomorrow as in Orton(orton did pin cena true, but trips did drop his eleventh title to orton), Cena, & Batista. I wont include good ol Chris as a star of tomorrow since well, we all know the story there. Never the less, HHH did push Benoit. Hogan wouldn't even lose to Orton at SummerSlam when it would have done wonders for Randy's career since he was obviously being groomed as a leading man so to speak. Hogan sucked in that match, he was clearly washed up, how believable is it that a man in his prime, in his early 20's at peak condition is going to lose to an old beaten up hoe bag that can't even lift his leg high enough to do a decent big boot. What did it do for Hogan's career by beating Orton? nothing. The Legend Killer status had the chance to reach its all time high but Hogan's damned ego got in the way. fuck hogan, HHH is the fucking man and i would have married steph too so fuck all the haters condemning Trips for that shit. If HHH attempted to be a face and got no reaction and then tried the heel route and no reaction...regardless of who he is married to he wouldnt be on top. The fact is the fans love to cheer him when he is a face and the love to boo him when he's a heel. Oh yeah, I voted for the fatal 4 way, it was a very very close one between Taker and the 4 way but the fact that HHH won the 4 way gives it the edge IMO. Also guys, if I was Andre the Giant I would finger fuck a bitch and she would think its my dick. :sabu2: = Juggalo
I'm also going to have to go with Taker vs. Triple H. This match had everything. A great build-up, great story telling, false finishes, sledgehammers. Everything that is needed for a good match between these two. This ranks in my top 5 of Triple H matches of all time.

Another one that I loved was the Triple Threat with Benoit and HBK. It trips was truly overshadowed though in this one. With Benoit winning and all. All 3 men brought there A game in this one.
I also will go with the Taker vs HHH at WM17, although of course a close second is WM20 Triple Threat.

The Taker vs Trips match was just amazing to me. It was built extremely well, had so many close falls, they fought into the audience, etc. I just plain, flat-out enjoyed this match.

Even though I knew at the time Undertaker wouldn't lose (even when I watched it after WM24), I almost thought Undertaker would take a bow after a sledgehammer mid-Last Ride. Say what you want, but ow. Quite the cranium he has.
I voted for the wrestlemania xx triple threat although the match was all about Chris benoit every man brought their A game and made each other look good some of the spots in the match shocked and amazed me it is well and truly a match I will never forget.
While I can't discount anything about the WM XX match between Triple H, Benoit, and Michaels, I had to vote for his match against Taker as my favorite. I wish I could say that it was because of false finishes and reversals and whatever other techinical jargon everyone else keeps throwing around. I wish I could sound that intelligent about it.

Honestly, though? I'm not that technical. I've been a Taker fan since the first day I saw him - but I became a Triple H fan that night. I was totally engaged in both of them and what they were doing inside that ring, and out of it, from bell to bell, which is saying something for me I (seeing as I normally have the attention span of a teaspoon, unless there's something shiney - or bleeding - in the ring). I'm not a fan of 'technical' wrestling and am the first to admit that I would much prefer to be flat-out entertained. That night, I was.

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