WWE 2006: Wrestlemania Rewritten

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24th of April 2006
Target Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Last week on Raw John Cena regained some needed momentum on the penultimate show before Backlash, but this week Triple H showed why he is the ‘King of Kings’. The champ started the show, coming down to the ring and telling John Cena that despite his impressive win last week he still wasn’t even in his league. He informed Cena of a tag team match that was just made for tonight, pitting Cena along with a partner of his choice against Edge and himself. He then on to tell Cena that if he made it to Backlash, he would face the biggest challenge yet and afterwards he’d never be the same again. Cena’s music hit immediately and he hit the ring. He told The Game, that he had faced bigger odds before and that after he won at Backlash, the WWE Championship will be around the waist of the rightful owner, again. Cena threw the mic down and was about to leave but was met by a Spear from Edge, who had run through the crowd. The two made there way to the back , looking victorious.

Triple H told Edge that he would have a title shot if he helped him retain the WWE Championship and this week he made the date, next week on Raw, if Triple H retained. But they didn’t even think of the possibility of them losing at Backlash. When it was time for the main event, Cena revealed his tag team partner, the Nature Boy Ric Flair! But the match turned out to be more of a handicap match, mid way through the match when the referee was down Umaga, hit the ring and demolished the non-legal man Ric Flair. Edge and Triple H managed to fend Cena off while Umaga did his work. Flair was taken off in a stretcher while the match continued. Cena fought valiantly but was finally taken down when he pulled a clothesline out on Edge and turned into the Pedigree for the 3 count. Triple H screamed at a downed Cena to ‘Bow down to the King’ as the last Raw before Backlash closed.

Ric Flair shouldn’t heve been surprisde by Umaga’s actions when earlier on in an interview. Armando Estrada told Flair that his monster was coming after him. Umaga kept his word and took Flair out. There’s no word yet whether or not he’ll be fit to compete at Backlash. Even if he can compete, will he be able to stop the Samoan Bulldozer?

Shawn Michaels inadvertently Super Kicked RVD last week and the two faced off this week, in preparation for their bumper triple threat match with Shelton Benjamin on Sunday. The match was at lightning pace through out, the two exchanging vicious kicks. RVD was obviously not over Michaels’ attack last week, but the match unfortunately ended in a no contest when both contestants were counted out when the continuesly brawled by the announce tables. Then Shelton Benjamin joined the fray, setting up a ladder in the ring and leaping of the top to the outside taking out both men. HOLY SHIT!, echoed around the arena as the fas got a teaser of the carnage that will be Backlash. But who will come out on top when so much is on the line. Shelton Benjamin has it all to lose.

Big Show made one final plea with Kane, his opponent for Backlash and told him that they had a final rematch with The Spirit Squad. Big Show came out alone and was later to his relief joined by Kane. Kane got tagged in by Big Show and looked like he was back to his normal self, but Big Booted the ref and ran out to take a steel chair, it looked like he was going to hit Kenny, but nailed Show which busted him open. Kane continued hitting him as he lay on the floor. Kane left screaming at Big Show ‘It’s happening again!’. Spirit Squad revived the referee and got the pin. Kane just stared from the ramp holding his head. Will Big Show seek revenge on his troubled former partner or will he show some compassion?

Two more former tag team partners will square off at Backlash as Carlito will face Chris Masters. Last week Carlito failed to break the Masterlock and this week he got his revenge when Masters faced off against Val Venis. Masters dominated Venis throughout the match, but when he locked the Masterlock in, Carlito rushed in, Masters seeing this, let Venis go and Carlito scattered from the ring. Masters was wondering what just happened when he was rolled up for the 3 count. Carlito again left tapping his head implying he was smarter, just like what he said in his earlier interview. Carlito is clearly ready for Backlash, but can he compete against the raw power of Chris Masters?

Also on Raw, Mickie James and Trish Stratus finally came to blows after Mickie beat Torrie Wilson rather easily. Trish hit the ring and attacked James. The two were finally held apart by officials. These two finally clash head on at Backlash, after weeks of mind games. But will Mickie come out on top again, like Wrestlemania 22?

Quick Results
Val Venis def Chris Masters
The Spirit Squad def Kane and Big Show, to retain World Tag Team Titles
Mickie James def Torrie Wilson
Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels drew
Triple H and Edge def John Cena and Ric Flair
Another amazing show dude, I just love the way you are going with all ur feuds......

I cant wait for Backlash.. i really think that Shelton vs HBK vs RVD will be the match of the nite..

Cant wait for Smackdown and Backlash....
Yet another quality show man. Well Done.

Can't wait until Backlash.

As wotdoiput said above, I think the Shelton - RVD - HBK match will steal the show. I am also intrigued to know exactly what's "Happening again".

Keep 'em coming
yea excellent show man! and for the thing that Instannt Classic whe nu sed that u wanted to know what was happening again wel umm dont u remember tht the day that his mom was burnt happened that day and then the old Kane came back?

don't u remember that?
love what your doin with the graphics!

check out BCW.com - I have posted my first show, if youve got time give it a read, thanks

27th of April 2006
Target Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chris Benoit gave Randy Orton, some well thought advice this week, he told him not to mess with Kurt Angle, because he was already in dangerous grounds and that Angle will snap, along with Orton’s ankle. Orton just laughed and walked off. Later in the night we’d find out that Orton didn’t take that advice to heart, because during the Main Event, Orton did the exact opposite of what Benoit advised. Kurt Angle would take on Rey Mysterio, but earlier in the night, Angle came out to address the fans. He told them that he didn’t care about Rey Mysterio’s current problems. Because he needed to take out his frustrations, because he needed too be focused for his match at Judgement Day, when he would end Randy Ortons career. Strong, determined words by the Wrestling Machine, which you’d think would be enough to deter Orton

But Orton, ignored Angles threats and Benoit’s advice and rushed out during the Main Event and nailed Angle with an RKO, while Mysterio distracted the referee. Mysterio stood cockily over Angle as Orton made his way up the ramp, but Angle, quickly rolled Mysterio into the Ankle lock, which after struggling for a moment, tapped out. Orton looked angered on the ramp, but still just smiled and held the World Heavyweight Championship aloft, while Angle screamed at him, as Smackdown! came to a close. Orton has evaded Angle again this week, but when Kurt gets a hold of his Ankle, Orton better have a way to counter it, because more than likely, Angle will stay true to his word, and break it, and at Judgement Day, Orton’s title will be gone.

Mysterio faced Angle in the Main Event, but earlier in the night he had to confront, his other problems. He and Chris Benoit’s relationship has broken down over the past few weeks and it looks like Mysterio has no intention of rekindling it. The show opened with Mysterio bursting into Theodore Long’s office, demanding a match with Chris Benoit at Judgement Day. Long told Mysterio to calm down and try and work things out. Mysterio stormed out and went looking for Benoit, when he found him later on, he slapped him and told him that they were never going to be friends again. Benoit looked shocked, but jumped onto Mysterio, landing hard blows onto him, not able to control his rage. Agents pulled him off before any more damage could be done. Benoit was pulled in to Teddy Longs office, so he wouldn’t ambush Mysterio during the Main Event. Later on it was announced that two would infact be facing off at Judgement Day. Can these two make it to Judgement Day, with the hate building up between them, or will they clash beforehand?

Matt Hardy returned this week and picked up a victory over Booker T. Hardy had not been seen since he broke his nose in the Money in The Bank match at Wrestlemania. Booker looking cautious throughout the match, was never really in control until the end. When he set Hardy up for the Scissor Kick, but a gong echoed around the arena and Booker looked spooked looking for The Undertaker, but he was nowhere to be seen. Booker turned into a Twist of Faith and the 3 count. Booker looked on, still looking scared. Undertaker is playing mind games with Booker T and they seem to be working,

Last week Lashley was screwed out of his US Title Shot this week he got a rematch, with no-countout and JBL was up to his usual tricks. JBL was complaining to Long all night, saying that he had picked up an injury during the week and he could just about walk. T-Lo said that without a dostor saying the same he was fit to compete. JBL limped out to the ring, and played his injury well, but not to everyone’s surprise he was faking and when Lashley ran after him, JBL ran outside, grabbed a chair and nailed Lahhley in the head, Lahely was down and JBL kept his title, but sooner or later Lashley will get a fair shot.

London and Kendrick are officially the no.1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championships. They defeated the MNM the Champions this week, to receive their shot. London pinned Nitro after Kendrick drop kicked Mercury out of the ring. London went high and hit a Shooting Star Press from the top and got the victory. MNM finally have some very serious challengers in London and Kendrick. Are their days as Champions numberbed?

Super Crazy has shown he can match Gregory Helms, this week he was up against Jamie Noble, Super Crazy showed some exciting high flying moves throughout, Crazy picked up the win, despite
Helms trying to interfere, Helms rushed out, but stopped at ringside, just like Crazy did last week, but he dodged Noble and rolled him up for the 3. Helms looked irate that Crazy won. Crazy smiled and celebrated with crowd. Can Helms overcome Super Crazy, in his upcoming match?

Quick Results
Super Crazy def Jamie Noble
Lashley def JBL, via disqualification
London and Kendrick def MNM
Matt Hardy def Booker T
Kurt Angle def Rey Mysterio
This is the first time that I have read your shows, and I have to say that while your doing your matches in review format is different, it is effective, as you give a pretty desent overview.

Despite your matches not being very long, and in consequence, your shows seem to lack that flair that I see in other book this feds. the upside is that your able to churn out a few shows rather quickly, thus moving your storyline forward quicker, and you keep us up to date with every change you make so I'm not complaining that much as your storylines look really cool and well thought through. I would only hope that you give more than just a detailed review for the PPV, as I would like to see longer matches. That way, I can enjoy your show more.
The PPV matches will be written out in full, don't worry. I prefer writing and reading this style though, just like WWE.com

Official Preciction Contest

WWE Championship
Triple H © w/ Edge vs John Cena

Money in the Bank and Intercontinental Championship
Ladder/Triple Threat Match
Shelton Benjamin(c)(c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Rob Van Dam
Winner (IC Title) :
Winner (MITB Briefcase) :

WWE Womens Championship
Mickie James © vs Trish Stratus

Grudge Match
Carlito vs Chris Masters

Grudge Match
Umaga /w Armando Estrada vs Ric Flair

Grudge Match
Big Show vs Kane

Bonus Questions
What Match will open the card?
Who will get pinned in the Intercontinental Title Match​

Winner decides which development talent make debut next (Via PM)
Official Preciction Contest

WWE Championship
Triple H © w/ Edge vs John Cena
Winner: Triple H.

Money in the Bank and Intercontinental Championship
Ladder/Triple Threat Match
Shelton Benjamin(c)(c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Rob Van Dam
Winner (IC Title) : Shawn Michaels
Winner (MITB Briefcase) : Rob Van Dam

WWE Womens Championship
Mickie James © vs Trish Stratus
Winner: Mickie James

Grudge Match
Carlito vs Chris Masters
Winner: Carlito

Grudge Match
Umaga /w Armando Estrada vs Ric Flair
Winner: Umaga

Grudge Match
Big Show vs Kane
Winner: Kane

Bonus Questions
What Match will open the card?- Carlito vs. Chris Masters
Who will get pinned in the Intercontinental Title Match- Shelton Benjamin
WWE Championship
WINNER : Triple H

Money In The Bank and IC Match
WINNER OF IC TITLE: Shelton Benjamin
WINNER OF MITB: Shawn Michaels

Womens Championship
WINNER: Mickie James

Grudge Match(Carlito vs. Masters
WINNER: Carlito

Grudge Match(Umaga vs. Flair)

Grudge Match(Big Show vs. Kane)
WINNER: Big Show

What match will open card? - Carlito vs. Masters
Who will get pinned in the IC Title Match? - Rob Van Dam
WWE Championship
WINNER : John Cena (He always defies the odds!)

Money In The Bank and IC Match
WINNER OF MITB: Shelton Benjamin (He is young and cocky just like Mr. Kennedy!)

Womens Championship
WINNER: Trish Strautus

Grudge Match(Carlito vs. Masters
WINNER: Masters via the Masterlock

Grudge Match(Umaga vs. Flair)

Grudge Match(Big Show vs. Kane)
WINNER: KaNE ( He is gonna go phsyco

What match will open card? - Kane vs. Big Show
Who will get pinned in the IC Title Match? - Shelton Benjamin!

I just wanna say that i would not be surprised if Shelton Benjamin would win both matches (just saying)
WWE Championship
Triple H © w/ Edge vs John Cena
Winner: Triple H
I don't expect for Trips to lose the title that early, god he only won it one month ago.

Money in the Bank and Intercontinental Championship
Ladder/Triple Threat Match
Shelton Benjamin(c)(c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Rob Van Dam
Winner (IC Title) : RVD
Winner (MITB Briefcase) : Benjamin
I expect to see HBK pushed big time after the Cena-Trips fued, maybe a DX reunion or Cena vs. HBK or HHH vs. HBK?

WWE Womens Championship
Mickie James © vs Trish Stratus
Winner: Trish Stratus
I'm picking Trish because I only expect this title to change hands and I really don't care about this one.

Grudge Match
Carlito vs Chris Masters
Winner: Carlito

Grudge Match
Umaga /w Armando Estrada vs Ric Flair
Winner: Umaga

Grudge Match
Big Show vs Kane
Winner: No Contest

Bonus Questions
What Match will open the card? Womens Title

Who will get pinned in the Intercontinental Title Match? Shawn Michaels
WWE Title Match
Winner: John Cena

Intercontinental/MITB Match
Winner IC Title: Shelton Benjamin
Winner MITB Briefcase: Rob Van Dam

Women's Title Match
Winner: Mickie James

Kane vs. Big Show
Winner: Big Show

Carlito vs. Chris Masters
Winner: Carlito

Umaga vs. Ric Flair
Winner: Umaga

Bonus Questions:
Who will get pinned in the IC title match? - Rob Van Dam
What match will open the show? - Umaga vs. Flair
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