WWE Pay-Per-View's 2006

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
WWE RAW's New Year's Revolution
Date: January 8, 2006
Location: Albany, New York
Arena: The Pepsi Arena
Attendance: 10,006​

Chavo Guerrero defeated Gene Snitsky..

# INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Ric Flair defeated Edge w/Lita by DQ to retain..

* Lita was locked in the figure-four when Edge whacked Ric Flair twice with the briefcase for the DQ!
* After the match, Edge said he wasn't interested in Ric Flair any more and had bigger things on his mind..

# INTERVIEW: Todd Grisham & Kurt Angle w/Daivari..

* Kurt Angle said he hopes the U.S. loses the war in Iraq, and France is the greatest country in the world..
* Kurt Angle said he doesn't like black people and he would like to make Jesus Christ tap out..
* Kurt Angle said he could say whatever he wanted and the people would still cheer for him!

Trish Stratus defeated Mickie James to retain..

* Trish Stratus had Mickie James in a headlock but had to break it when Mickie had her hand on her boob!
* Mickie James actually hit the Stratusfaction but failed to follow up and it cost her the victory..

# INTERVIEW: Maria Kanellis interviewed herself but the questions were too hard..

Jerry "The King" Lawler defeated Gregory Helms..

# BACKSTAGE: Mickie James started hitting on Trish Stratus in the WWE.com Unlimited area..

# BACKSTAGE: Viscera found Shelton Benjamin's Mama bent over and wanted some action..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Triple H defeated The Big Show..

* The Big Show was wearing a thick cast on his wrist, which became split after smashing it on the ring post!
* Triple H managed to rip the cast off and spent several minutes viciously assaulting Big Show's hand....
* The Big Show tried to go for the chokeslam but couldn't do it, and then accidentally punched the referee..
* Triple H got a sledgehammer and charged at Big Show, who stopped HHH and smashed the handle with his hand..
* Triple H went to the floor and smashed The Big Show's hand on the ring steps with a metal folding chair..
* Triple H used the broken sledgehammer to whack The Big Show and hit a weak-looking Pedigree for the victory..

# BACKSTAGE: Carlito Cool & Chris Masters agreed to work together in the Elimination Chamber..

# MATCH: Shelton Benjamin defeated Viscera after Mrs. Benjamin hit Viscera with her loaded purse..

# BRA & PANTIES GAUNTLET MATCH: Ashley Marraro won!

* Maria Kanellis stripped Candice Michelle to eliminate her..
* Maria Kanellis stripped Torrie Wilson (New Theme Music) to eliminate her..
* Victoria stripped Maria Kanellis to eliminate her..
* Mae Young & Moolah came out and made a mess of the match and then left..
* Mae Young stripped down to her bra and long-johns and then ripped Victoria's shirt off..
* Ashley Massaro ran down and quickly ripped Victoria's shorts off to win the match!
* In the tradition of all WWE ****s, Ashley Massaro stripped down to her bra & panties..

# ELIMINATION CHAMBER: John Cena defeated 5 others to retain the WWE title..

* Shawn Michaels entered the Elimination Chamber first..
* John Cena entered the Elimination Chamber second..
* Carlito Cool entered the Elimination Chamber..
* Kurt Angle entered the Elimination Chamber and German Suplex'd everybody twice each!!!
* Chris Masters entered the Elimination Chamber and saved Carlito Cool from a double-team..
* Shawn Michaels eliminated Kurt Angle after a superkick!
* Kane entered the Elimination Chamber..
* Chris Masters & Carlito Cool (formed an alliance) eliminated Kane!
* Chris Masters & Carlito Cool also eliminated Shawn Michaels together..
* Chris Masters DDT'd John Cena on the steel platform, busting Cena's forehead open!
* Carlito Cool eliminated Chris Masters when he double-crossed him with a roll-up!
* John Cena eliminated Carlito Cool seconds later with a roll-up to win the match and retain his WWE title!

# CONCLUSION: Vince McMahon + "Mr. Money in the Bank" Edge..

* Vince McMahon came out and congradulated John Cena, but said the night was not over for Cena..
* Vince McMahon announced that Edge had chosen to cash in his "Money in the Bank" title shot TONIGHT!

# WWE TITLE MATCH: Edge defeated John Cena to win the WWE Championship!!!!!

* The crowd became unglued when Edge pinned John Cena in about 2 minutes after a pair of Spears!
WWE Royal Rumble 2006
Date: January 29, 2006
Location: Miami, Florida
Arena: American Airlines Arena
Attendance: 16,000

1. SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT: Hosted by Todd Grisham & Maria Kanellis & Josh Matthews..
* They showed clips of the publicity stunt that happened with Shaquille O'Neal hitting Carlito with a chair!
* MATCH: Fit Finlay defeated Brian Kendick..

2. CRUISERWEIGHT OPEN: Kid Kash vs Jamie Noble vs Nunzio vs Paul London vs Sho Funaki vs Gregory Helms..
* RAW's Gregory Helms was eligible to participate since it was open to all former Cruiserweight Champions..
* Paul London did a Shooting Star Press off the top rope to the outside but completely missed everybody!
* Gregory Helms pinned Sho Funaki after a Shining Wizard to capture the Cruiserweight title!
* Editor's Note: So twice now, RAW guys have jumped ship to capture Smackdown! championships..

3. BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & Theodore Long + Torrie/Candice/Victoria + Randy Orton + Triple H..
* Theodore Long said he was there to supervise the drawing of the Royal Rumble numbers..
* Vince McMahon said he already had enough help, in the form of Torrie Wilson, Candice Michelle & Victoria..
* Randy Orton came in and picked out his number and seemed to be very happy with his number..
* Triple H came in and exchanged words with Randy Orton and picked his number, but asn't so happy!

4. MATCH: Mickie James vs Ashley Massaro (Trish Stratus as the guest referee)..
* Backstage, Mickie James pulled Trish Stratus aside to tell her that she loved her..
* Trish Stratus showed no favourtism towards either of the girls, who fought relentlessly..
* Mickie James pulled the tights to power-bomb Ashley Massaro out of the corner to score the pin!
* Trish Stratus counted 1.... 2.... and then hestitated before counting 3!
* Mickie James kept trying to hug Trish Stratus but she pushed her off..

5. BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & Torrie/Candice/Victoria + The Big Show + Rey Mysterio..
* All three divas were showing Vince "I Write My Own Scripts, Thank you" McMahon their tatoos..
* The Big Show came in and said he had tatoos but Vince didn't care, and The Big Show picked his number..
* Rey Mysterio picked a bad number and played it off as Eddie Guerrero playing a joke on him....

6. MATCH: The Boogeyman defeated John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall..
* The Boogeyman pinned Jillian Hall down on the mat and spit worms from his mouth onto her chest and face..
* This was an absolutely terrible match, The Boogeyman won with a Pump Handle Slam and pinned JBL..

7. BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & Torrie/Candice/Victoria + Shelton Benjamin w/Mama + Melina Perez & MNM..
* Vince McMahon thought Candice Michelle gropped him but it turned out to be Shelton Benjamin's Mama..
* Shelton Benjamin kissed his Mama for luck picked his number and promised to eliminate Shawn Michaels..
* Melina Perez came in asked for a favour, then Mercury & Nitro picked their numbers and were satisfied..
* Vince "I Write My Own Scripts, Thank You" then sat on the couch and snuggled with the divas..

8. ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH: Rey Mysterio won the Royal Rumble to earn a main event at Wrestlemania 22!!!!!
* As Lillian Garcia was introducing the Royal Rumble, the Spirit Squad came out and did a special Rumble cheer!
* The crowd booed the Spirit Squad heavily, then they left and Lillian Garcia continued her announcing duties..
* Michael Cole (SD!) and Jerry Lawler (RAW) did commentary | It should have been Joey Styles & Tazz dammit!
* Triple H (#1) and Rey Mysterio (#2) were the first two entrants, Rey Mysterio drove a low-rider to the ring..
* The Coach (#7) came out and was eliminated by The Big Show after only a few seconds in the ring!!
* Bobby Lashley (#9) was heavily featured and got power-moves over on both The Big Show and Kane..
* Bobby Lashley eliminated Sylvan (possibly injured) but then turned around and got double choke-slammed!
* Kane & Big Show eliminated Lashley, then fought eachother, but Triple H snuck in and dumped them both out!
* Booker T (#13) came out with a confident look on his face but was eliminated by Chris Benoit within seconds!
* Tatanka (#15) was the first surprise entrant, looking to be in great shape, representing RAW, I assume..
* At the half way mark, Triple H (#1) and Rey Mysterio (#2) were still going strong in the Rumble..
* Rob Van Dam (#20) came out and performed a flurry of moves on the 10 wrestlers still in the Rumble..
* Chavo Guerrero (#22) came out as the fans chanted "Eddie! Eddie!" and tried a frog splash but HHH dumped him!
* Shawn Michaels (#25) came out and everyone went after him, trying to eliminate him for Vince McMahon..
* Viscera (#27) came out wearing purple pajama, and Michael Cole commented that he wore those colours before..
* Chris Masters & Carlito Cool teamed up to eliminate Viscera, but then Carlito double-crossed Chris Masters!
* Shawn Michaels eliminated MNM and Shelton Benjamin -- which caused Vince McMahon to come down to the ring..
* Shane McMahon snuck in from behind and tossed Shawn Michaels over the top rope to eliminate him!
* The Final Four were Triple H (#1), Rey Mysterio (#2), Rob Van Dam (#20) and Randy Orton (#30)..
* Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam formed a brief alliance, until Rey inadvertantly eliminated Rob Van Dam..
* Triple H & Randy Orton formed a brief alliance, but Rey Mysterio fought back and hit a double 619!
* Rey Mysterio dug down deep and eliminated Triple H -- who pulled Rey out and threw him into the steps!
* Triple H wrestled Cruiserweight-style, nearly getting eliminated numerous times, but hanging on!
* Randy Orton thought he had the match wrapped up but Rey Mysterio flung Orton over the top rope to WIN!!
* Rey Mysterio had dedicated the match to Eddie Guerrero and by celebrated pointing towards the heavens!
* Backstage: Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Chavo Guerrero congradulated Rey Mysterio when Edge showed up..
* Edge w/Lita told Rey Mysterio not to think about using the loop-hole that Chris Benoit used 2 years ago..

9. WWE TITLE MATCH: John Cena defeated Edge w/Lita to recapture the WWE Championship!
* A mysterious metal scaffold was lowered from the ceiling and used for John Cena's entrance (waste of money)..
* John Cena hit the FU on Edge, and then made Edge tap out to the STF-U to recapture the WWE Championship!
* After the match, Edge took physical exception to Todd Grisham calling Edge a transitional champion..
* "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan showed up and said he has something to say to Lita ------ Hoooooooooooooooo!!!

10. INTERVIEW: Josh Matthews & Kurt Angle (Said if that "little bastard" Daivari interferes he'll take him out!)..

11. WORLD TITLE MATCH: Kurt Angle defeated Mark Henry w/Daivari to retain..
* Horrible match..
* After the match, the lights went out and The Undertaker made his appearance and stared down at Kurt Angle..
* The Undertaker raised his arms and fireworks went off over Kurt Angle's head!
* Lightning then struck the corner posts of the ring, and the ring collapsed under Kurt Angle's feet..
* Tazz shouted HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! and Kurt Angle looked freaked out and paranoid........


1.Triple H (RAW)
2. Rey Mysterio (SD!)
3. Simon Dean (SD!)
4. Psicosis (SD!)
5. Ric Flair (RAW)
6. The Big Show (RAW)
7. The Coach (RAW)
8. Bobby Lashley (SD!)
9. Kane (RAW)
10. Sylvan (SD!)
11. Carlito Cool (RAW)
12. Chris Benoit (SD!)
13. Booker T (SD!)
14. Joey Mercury (SD!)
15. Tatanka (RAW)
16. Johnny Nitro (SD!)
17. Trevor Murdoch (RAW)
18. Eugene Dinsmore (RAW)
19. Road Warrior Animal (SD!)
20. Rob Van Dam (RAW)
21. Orlando Jordan (SD!)
22. Chavo Guerrero (RAW)
23. Matt Hardy (SD!)
24. Super Crazy (SD!)
25. Shawn Michaels (RAW)
26. Chris Masters (RAW)
27. Viscera (RAW)
28. Shelton Benjamin (RAW)
29. Goldust (RAW)
30. Randy Orton (SD!)


1. Simon Dean by Rey Mysterio (at #3)
2. Psychosis by Rey Mysterio (at #4)
3. Ric Flair by Triple H (at #5)
4. The Coach by The Big Show (at #7)
5. Sylvan by Kane & Big Show (at #10)
6. Bobby Lashley by Kane & Big Show (at #10)
7. The Big Show by Triple H (at #10)
8. Kane by Triple H (at #10)
9. Booker T by Chris Benoit (at #13)
10. Animal by Rob Van Dam (at #20)
11. Chavo Guerrero by Triple H (at #22)
12. Tatanka by MNM (at #23)
13. Trevor Murdoch by Shawn Michaels (at #25)
14. Matt Hardy by Viscera (at #27)
15. Eugene by Chris Benoit (at #28)
16. Super Crazy by Rey Mysterio (at #29)
17. Chris Benoit by Randy Orton (at #30)
18. Viscera by Chris Masters & Carlito
19. Chris Masters by Carlito Cool
20. Goldust by Rob Van Dam
21. Orlando Jordan by Randy Orton
22. Joey Mercury by Shawn Michaels
23. Johnny Nitro by Shawn Michaels
24. Shelton Benjamin by Shawn Michaels
25. Shawn Michaels by Shane McMahon
26. Carlito Cool by Rob Van Dam
27. Rob Van Dam by Rey Mysterio
28. Triple H by Rey Mysterio
29. Randy Orton by Rey Mysterio

WINNER: Rey Mysterio!!
WWE SmackDown's No Way Out 2006
Date: February 19, 2006
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Arena: 1st Mariner Arena
Attendance: 11,000

# SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT: Hosted by Todd Grisham & Ivory..

* The Boogeyman defeated Simon Dean in 2:00..

Gregory Helms defeated everybody else to retain the Cruiserweight title..

* Participants: Super Crazy, Psicosis, Sho Funaki and Scotty Too Hotty..
* Participants: Gregory Helms, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Nunzio & Kid Kash...

# MATCH: John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall defeated Bobby Lashley..

* Fit Finley smashed Bobby Lashley with his shilleleigh leading to John Bradshaw Layfield scoring the pin!

# IN THE RING: Batista made an appearance to talk about his rehab and said he'd take his World title back..

# BACKSTAGE: Randy Orton told Kurt Angle that he (Orton) would be Champion by the time Batista comes back..

# NON (TAG) TITLE MATCH: Matt Hardy & Tatanka defeated MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro w/Melina Perez)..

* The Mystery Partner was rumored to be Road Warrior Animal or Tatanka -- and ended up being Tatanka!!

# UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Chris Benoit defeated Booker T to win the title!

* Booker T came out and said he was still injured and would be forced to surrender the United States title..
* Booker T swerved everybody and attacked Chris Benoit and the match was started for the U.S. Championship..
* Chris Benoit made Booker T tap out to the Crippler Crossface to become new United States Champion!
* Pat Patterson, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Vicki Guerrero (Eddie's wife) congradulated Chris Benoit...

# 1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Randy Orton defeated Rey Mysterio to earn a title shot at WrestleMania 22..

* Chavo Guerrero and Vicki Guerrero (Eddie's wife) despite being advertised were never shown at ringside..
* Randy Orton ducked a 619 and rolled Rey Mysterio up with a small package to win the WM22 title shot...

# WORLD TITLE MATCH: Kurt Angle defeated The Undertaker to retain..

* The Undertaker repeatedly escaped Kurt Angle's Anklelock and kicking out of the Angleslam..
* The Undertaker had Kurt Angle in a Triangle choke and Angle looked like he was going to tap out..
* Kurt Angle ended up kicking Undertaker over and cradling him for the suick pinfall to retain the title!
WWE WrestleMania 22
Date: April 2, 2006
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Arena: All-State Arena

# DVD BATTLE ROYAL: Won by Viscera (Taped exclusively for the WrestleMania 22 DVD)..

* Included just about everyone on the roster who was not included on the main card..
* Final Five: Mercury & Nitro, Gene Snitsky, Road Warrior Animal & Viscera..
* Viscera tossed Gene Snitsky and then kissed Lillian Garcia (dejavu)..

Kane & The Big Show defeated Carlito Cool & Chris Masters to retain..

* Chris Masters accidentally hit Carlito Cool and argued with eachother after the match..

Rob Van Dam defeated five other wrestlers to win the match!

* Rob Van Dam defeated Shelton Benjamin and Ric Flair and Fit Finlay and Bobby Lashley and Matt Hardy..
* Ric Flair took a crazy superplex from Matt Hardy off the top of the ladder and the refs threw up the "X"..
* Ric Flair screamed in agony and was helped backstage by the refs, apparantly favouring his injured leg..
* Ric Flair limped back and climbed the ladder but Finlay whacked him with the shilailee! (Flair took 2nd bump)..
* The crowd was behind Ric Flair 100% at this point and booed anybody else getting close to getting the briefcase..
* Rob Van Dam stood on top of the 15-foot ladder and hit a five star frog splash on Finlay (Chant: ECW! ECW! ECW!)..
* Rob Van Dam climbed the ladder but Shelton Benjamin did an amazing springboard off the ropes onto the ladder!
* Rob Van Dam & Shelton Benjamin punched away at eachother as Matt Hardy set up a second ladder and joined in..
* Rob Van Dam pushed the second ladder over, sending Matt Hardy & Shelton Benjamin crashing to the floor!
* Rob Van Dam grabbed the briefcase and fell to the mat to become "Mr. Money in the Bank" for this year..

# INTERVIEW: Josh Mathews & Mean Gene Okerland + Randy Orton + Batista..

* Josh Mathews tried to interview Hall of Famer Mean Gene Okerland but Randy Orton came in and chased him away..
* Randy Orton started cutting a promo saying that tonight would be one of his great WrestleMania moments...
* Batista showed up and had a confrontation with Randy Orton saying he would be coming back pretty soon....

# ON STAGE: The Hall of Famers (minus Bret Hart) were introduced by Howard Finkel and paraded out on the big stage..

* Howard Finkel announced first that Bret Hart was not comfortable with appearing and would not be there...
* Mean Gene (led out by Kristal Marshall), Tony Atlas (led by Victoria), Sherri Martel (led by Ted DiBiase)..
* The Blackjacks (led by Maria), William Perry (led by Melina), Verne Gagne (led out by Kristal Marshall)..
* Also Eddie Guerrero, represented by an emotional Vicki Guerrero (led to the stage by Chavo Guerrero..

# UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall defeated Chris Benoit to win the U.S. title!

* The entrance ramp was raised and JBL's limosine drove out from underneath for an impressive introduction..
* Chris Benoit had the Crossfaqce on JBL, who managed to roll it over and pin Benoit using the ropes for leverage!
* John Bradshaw Layfield now refers to himself as the "greatest technical wrestler of all time"..

# NO RULES HARDCORE MATCH: Edge w/Lita defeated Mick Foley..

* Joey Styles joined JR & The King on commentary and said he was happy to lose his "WrestleMania virginity"..
* Vicious match that included a cookie sheets, road signs, barbed wire bat, thumb tacks, and lighter fluid!
* Edge speared Mick Foley but cut his arm, when Foley revealed that barbed wire wrapped around his waist..
* Mick Foley cut the barbed wire off and whipped Edge with it and went outside to get a barbed wire bat!
* Lita doused a table with lighter fluid and Edge speared Mick Foley off the apron through a flaming table!
* After the match, the appreciative Windy City fans gave Mick Foley a standing ovation for a great effort..
* Edge vs. Mick Foley at WrestleMania 22 won RAW Match of the Year in the 2006 Obsessedwithwrestling.com Awards...

# BACKSTAGE: Booker T & Sharmell and the freak show..

* Booker T was found backstage trying to calm Sharmell down who was afraid of facing the Boogeyman..
* "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase was reprising his "basketball 100 bounce" gimmick with Eugene..
* They also found Gene Snitsky licking Mae Young's toes (eww) | and Goldust dressed like a drag queen..

# HANIDCAP MATCH: The Boogeyman defeated Booker T & Sharmell..

* The Boogeyman took a mouthful of worms and kissed Sharmell, causing her to leave Booker T alone..

# WOMANS TITLE MATCH: Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus to win the title!

* The fans were actually turning on Trish Stratus and cheering for Mickie James to win the title!
* They tried to justify the reaction calling the fans "defiant" and saying they can "relate" to James..
* Trish Stratus went for Stratusfaction, but Mickie grabbed her between the legs and then licked her hand!
* Mickie James botched a Stratusfaction of her own, causing the crowd to chant "You F*cked up! at her..
* Mickie James followed up with a chick-kick to Trish's head and scored the 1-2-3 as fans cheered!

# BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon (with Family) prayed to God and said he would send his favorite wrestler to HELL!

# CASKET MATCH: The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry..

* The Undertaker did an amazing running dive over the top rope and over the casket onto Mark Henry..
* The Undertaker tombstoned Mark Henry and rolled him into the Casket to improve his streak to 14-0..

# SUPER GRUDGE MATCH: Shawn Michaels defeated Vince McMahon..

* The Spirit Squad was out there interfering for Vince McMahon until Shawn Michaels ran them off.....
* Vince McMahon took a beating for a while until Shane McMahon snuck in and whacked Michaels with a stick!
* Vince McMahon pulled his pants down, but Micheals countered and shoved Shane's face in Vince's butt!
* Shawn Michaels hand-cuffed Shane McMahon to the ropes and whacked him repeatedly with a kendo stick!
* Shawn Michaels whacked Vince McMahon with a vicious chairshot, but decided not to use his superkick..
* Shawn Michaels brought a ladder into the ring and rammed Vince McMahon hard in the head (unprotected)..
* Shawn Michaels laid out Vince McMahon on the table, but decided that the ladder he had was not tall enough..
* Shawn Michaels got a bigger ladder from under the ring and put a trash can over Vince McMahon's head..
* Shawn Michaels laid Vince McMahon on the table and climbed to the top of the "20-foot ladder" and jumped!
* Shawn Michaels, who also used the old DX crotch chop, crashed through the table along with Vince McMahon..
* A team of EMTs immediately ran out to check on Vince McMahon, but Michaels wouldn't let them in the ring..
* Shawn Michaels gave Shane McMahon a crotch chop, causing the fans to erupt with a Degeneration-X chant..
* Shawn Michaels lifted Vince McMahon to his feet and gave him a superkick and pinned him 1-2-3 to win!
* Shawn Michaels got up and celebrated by giving Vince McMahon the another D-X crotch chop.........
* Vince McMahon gave the camera the middle finger as he was being stretchered out..........

Rey Mysterio defeated Kurt Angle and Randy Orton to capture the title!

* Kurt Angle made both Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton tap out, but referee Charles Robinson didn't see them!
* The "defiant" fans booed Rey Mysterio, even starting a "You F*cked Up!" chant when he botched a 619..
* Rey Mysterio hit Randy Orton with a springboard hurricanrana and pinned to capture the World title!!!
* Rey Mysterio broke down and cried while celebrating with Chavo Guerrero & Vickie Guerrero (Eddie's wife).

# PLAYBOY PILLOW FIGHT: Torrie Wilson defeated Candice Michelle..

# WWE TITLE MATCH: John Cena defeated "King of Kings" Triple H to retain!

* Developmental wrestler C.M. Punk made a brief cameo as one of the "gangstas" accompanying John Cena..
* Crowd booed John Cena. Crowd cheered Triple H. Both had elaborate extended entrances to the ring..
* Triple H whacked John Cena with the sledgehammer but John Cena still managed to kick out after 2..
* John Cena nailed Triple H with an FU, but HHH kicked out, and Cena used the STFU to make HHH tap out!
RAW's WWE Backlash
Date: April 30, 2006
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Arena: Rupp Arena

# SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT: Goldust defeated Rob Conway..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Carlito Cool defeated "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada defeated Ric Flair..

# WOMENS TITLE MATCH: Trish Stratus defeated Mickie James by DQ for choking her..

* Trish Stratus suffered a dislocated shoulder taking a bump over the top rope to the floor..

# IC TITLE VS MITB MATCH: Rob Van Dam defeated Shelton Benjamin to capture the IC title!

The Big Show vs Kane ended in a No Contest..

* Kane started hearing voices from above so The Big Show put him out of his misery with a brutal chairshot!

# BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & Candice Michelle..

* Candice Michelle came to Vince McMahon to cure her chest cold (you know, because he's God now)..
* Vince McMahon grabbed Candice Michelle's breasts and she orgasmed and she was immediately cured..

# TAG MATCH: Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon defeated Shawn Michaels & God...

* "God" was represented by a spotlight moving down the ramp and entered the ring where the ref "checked" for weapons..
* Shawn Michaels climbed a 20-foot ladder but changed his mind and jumped onto all five members of the Spirit Squad!
* Spirit Squad all beat up on Shawn Michaels and gave him the High Spirits finisher through a Table inside the ring!
* Vince McMahon then covered Shawn Michaels for the 1-2-3 to win the match (God did not come to Michaels' rescue)..
* The Spirit Squad held the McMahons on their shoulders while Lawler said "The Father, son, & the Holy Spirit Squad!"..

# IN THE RING: Matt Striker & Eugene Dinmore..

* As if this show hasn't been bad enough thus far.....................................................................................................
* Matt Striker told Eugene not to pick his nose and eat so he picked his nose and made Matt Striker eat it!

# WWE TITLE 3-WAY: John Cena defeated Triple H and Edge w/Lita to retain the WWE championship..

* Triple H got busted open really badly and was covered in blood and dripping blood everyone he went..
WWE Judgment Day
Date: May 21, 2006
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Arena: US Airways Center
Attendance: 15,421

Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated MNM (Mercury & Nitro w/Melina) to win the titles!

* Joey Mercury accidentally collided with Johnny Nitro and Nitro ended up knocking Melina to the floor..
* Melina scolded Mercury after the match, causing Mercury to shove Melina, so Nitro knocked Mercury out!
* Joey Mercury fought back against Johnny Nitro until referees and officials pulled them apart..
* General Manager Theodore Long came out and got involved and ended up getting knocked down too..

# MATCH: Chris Benoit defeated Fit Finlay (Excellent MOTY Contender going 20+ minutes)..

# DIVAS MATCH: Jillian Hall defeated Melina Perez ..

* After the match, Kristal Marshall made fun of Melina, and then they had a pull-apart brawl..

# BACKSTAGE: John Bradshaw Layfield cut a promo and was then confronted by Chavo Guerrero..

# CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Gregory Helms defeated Super Crazy to retain..

# BACKSTAGE: Theodore Long & Melina Perez & Johnny Nitro..

* Melina Perez & Johnny Nitro burst into Theodore Long's office and complained about how Melina was treated..
* Theodore Long turned around and fired BOTH Melina Perez & Johnny Nitro from Smackdown! on the spot!

# KING OF THE RING FINALS: Booker T w/Sharmell defeated Bobby Lashley..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Mark Henry defeated Kurt Angle by Countout..

* Mark Henry did his gorilla splash onto Kurt Angle against the ring post on the floor to get the Countout..
* Kurt Angle fought back with chairshots after the match and applied the ankle-lock outside on the floor!
* Kurt Angle then Angle-slammed Mark Henry onto a Table, which didn't break so he chairshotted him!

# GRUDGE MATCH: The Great Khali w/Daivari defeated The Undertaker..

* Khali was horrible. Undertaker bumped a lot. Khali won after a chop to the head and a boot to the chest!

# WORLD TITLE MATCH: Rey Mysterio defeated John Bradshaw Layfield to retain..
* Chavo Guerrero showed up after the match to congradulate Rey Mysterio on retaining the World title..
Date: June 11, 2006 (8 PM ET)
Location: New York City, New York

# EXTREME HEAT: Hosted by Joey Styles..

# IN THE RING: Paul Heyman's motivational speech..

* On behalf of the wrestlers who wanted to be Hardcore and not a Superstar, the tribe of Extreme has risen again!
* Paul Heyman said he was going to pour is kool-aid down the throats of a new Global audience and start tonight..
* The ECW fans erupted in chants of "Thank You Paul E.!" and Paul Heyman plugged the Sci-Fi debut this Tuesday!
* Paul Heyman said it didn't happen because of him, or because of Vince McMahon, but because of the ECW fans..
* Paul Heyman said the phrase "Back By Popular Demand" ever rang true it was with Extreme Championship Wrestling..
* Paul Heyman got on his knees and thanked all four sides of the Hammerstein Ballroom and kicked off the show..
* Paul Heyman said tonight will be better than Monday Night RAW and Friday Night SmackDown!, this is E--C--W!!!!!

# KICKOFF: Joey Styles welcomed viewers to the rebirth of ECW and will commentary solo for the first match..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Tazz defeated Jerry "The King" Lawler..

* Tazz was wearing baggy pants and a baggy jersey as opposed to his trademark singlet gear..
* Jerry Lawler went over to the announce position and slapped Joey Styles accross the face!
* Joey Styles followed Lawler to the ring and jumped on his back, and Lawler tried to pile-drive him!
* Tazz grabbed Jerry Lawler and put the Tazzmission on him and Lawler passed out giving Tazz the victory!

# ANNOUNCE POSITION: Tazz joined Joey Styles on commentary for the rest of the night..

# OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH: Kurt Angle (ECW) defeated Randy Orton (RAW)...

* Randy Orton came out with his usual WWE pyro, which Joey Styles noted didn't belong in an ECW environment..
* The crowd got surprisingly behind this match, despite the fact neither are traditional ECW-style wrestlers..
* Randy Orton tried to "wrestle" Kurt Angle but was clearly out of his league; fans chanted "You Can't Wrestle!"
* The crowd was all over Randy Orton with chants of "Orton Sucks D*CK", "Orton's a Homo" & "F*ck You Orton!"..
* Randy Orton took up several minutes in a head-lock rest-hold and the fans chanted "Boring! Boring! Boring!"
* The fans chanted "Break His Ankle!" and Kurt Angle went for the Anklelock, but Orton quickly broke it up..
* After a few more attempts, Kurt Angle finally made Randy Orton tap out to the Anklelock Submission!
* Randy Orton sold an ankle injury and needed help getting to the back as fans chanted "pussy! pussy!"

# TAG MATCH: The Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke w/Big Guido) defeated Tajiri & Super Crazy..

* The crowd had lots of love for Tajiri chanting "Welcome Back" and "Ta-ji-ri!" and also "Nacho Libre!"..
* Big Guido interfered, but Tajiri & Super Crazy double-teamed him and sent him out of the ring..
* The FBI nailed a Double-Fishermans-buster on Tajiri and pinned him to win the match..
* After the match, The Big Show came out and kicked Big Guido and threw all the Cruiserweights out of the ring..
* The Big Show kicked Big Guido in the head, sending him flying out of the ring through the 2nd & 3rd ropes..
* Editor's Notes: I am completely shocked that the ECW fans popped for this!

# EXTRA-CIRRICULAR: John Bradshaw Layfield..

* John Bradshaw Layfield showed up in the balcony and cut a promo on the fans (who chanted "You Suck D*ck!"..)
* John Bradshaw Layfield talked about beating the crap out of The Blue Meanie last year at ECW One Night Stand..
* The fans chanted "Shut The F*ck Up!" as JBL bragged about not being punished for his actions last year.......
* John Layfield said that Vince McMahon made a star, and scolded Tazz for leaving SmackDown! to go back to ECW..
* John Bradshaw Layfield said they all paid to see him, and Tazz noted that JBL wasn't even advertised..
* John Bradshaw Layfield announced that he was returning to SmackDown! to replace Tazz on commentary..

# WORLD TITLE MATCH: Rey Mysterio vs Sabu ended in a No Contest (stopped by NY State Athletic Commission)..

* Rey Mysterio was wearing tight pants (like he used to) as opposed to his new trademark baggy leather pants..
* Rey Mysterio hit a springboard seated senton on Sabu through a Table at ringside and the ref threw up the X..
* The match continued as Sabu favoured his left arm, but still managed to hit a lot of his trademark offense..
* Sabu went for a triple jump springboard and hit a DDT through a Table at ringside with Sabu landing on his neck!
* Trainers ran down to check on both men, and the nerdy resident WWE doctor named "Dr. Rios" cancelled the match!

# IN THE RING: Mick Foley + Edge & Lita + Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer & Beaulah McGillicutty..

* The fans chanted "You Sold Out!" at Mick Foley who agreed "Yeah, I did sell out Madison Square Garden..
* Mick Foley remembered the "glory days" of ECW when it was run by a true creative genius, Stephanie McMahon..
* Mick Foley yelled "Long Live The Alliance!" and introduced his partner, escorted to the ring by Lita.... Edge!
* Edge w/Lita said that tonight was like Christmas for ECW fans except their Santa was fat and jewish (Paul Heyman)..
* Edge said the fans were going to go home and text message their imaginary gfs and then look at pics of HIS gf..
* Lita said that when she sat on Tommy Dreamer's face it was more action than all the fans combined had in a year..
* Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer & Beaulah McGillicutty came out and Beulah cut a promo on Lita saying she likes 3somes..
* Beulah challenged Lita to make the match a 3-on-3 and lunged at Lita but was pulled off..

Mick Foley & Edge & Lita defeated Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer & Beulah..

* Terry Funk slapped Mick Foley around and Foley said "this wasn't a good idea, I don't wanna be here"..
* Terry Funk and Mick Foley brawled outside of the ring while Edge rammed Tommy Dreamer with a ladder!!
* Tommy Dreamer moved out of the way of the spear and hip-tossed Edge into the ladder placed in the corner!
* Terry Funk put the ladder on his shoulders and spun it around, knocking down both Edge & Mick Foley!
* Tommy Dreamer set up the 12-foot ladder and Terry Funk climbed to the top but Edge pushed it over!!
* Tommy Dreamer went for the Dreamer-driver on Edge but Lita came in and kicked Dreamer between the legs!
* Edge & Mick Foley found a barbed wire piece of plywood under the ring and slid it into the ring..
* Edge & Mick Foley sandwiched Tommy Dreamer between the mat and the barbed wire getting stuck to it..
* Edge & Mick Foley tried to drop the board again but Tommy Dreamer moved and the wire landed on Edge!
* Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer double-teamed Mick Foley and threw him viciously into the barbed wire board!
* A minute later, Terry Funk was caught in the barbed wire and cut open all over the place and bleeding..
* Mick Foley wrapped his arm in barbed wire and ripped away at Terry Funk's eye, causing more blood....
* The trainer came out and told Terry Funk to go to the bank, and the fans chanted "We Want Sandman!"..
* Edge & Lita & Mick Foley got the barbed-wire bat and took turns smashing Tommy Dreamer with it..
* Beulah McGillicutty was still on the apron watching in horror as Lita leg-dropped Tommy's crotch!
* Mick Foley pulled Mr. Socko out of his pants and gave Beulah the claw causing Dreamer to go nuts..
* Mick Foley then gave the Mr. Socko claw to Tommy Dreamer as Edge took Dreamer out with a spear!
* Edge & Lita then dragged Beulah McGillicutty into the ring and forced her to look at her beaten husband..
* Terry Funk returned, bloodied and bandaged, with a barbed wire 2X4 and lit it on fire! (fans erupted)..
* Terry Funk took several swings at Mick Foley, who fell off the ring apron through the board of barbed wire!
* Terry Funk then jumped off the ring apron onto Mick Foley, thus taking both of them out of the match..
* Tommy Dreamer went after Edge with barbed wire and Beulah finally got her hands on Lita (catfight!!!!!!!!!!)
* Tommy Dreamer nailed Lita with a Dreamer-driver and celebrated with Beulah but Edge got up and hit him!
* Edge then callously speared Beulah and rolled her up in a sexual position to score the pinfall to WIN!
* Mick Foley got up and left with Edge & Lita, but Terry Funk had to be literally cut out of the barbed wire..

John Cena was found in a dark secluded corner thinking about his match with Rob Van Dam..

# BACKSTAGE: Rob Van Dam was found in the basement of the building preparing for his WWE title shot..

# MATCH: Balls Mahoney defeated Masato Tanaka after a brutally stiff chairshot to the head!

* They got their hands on chairs and swung them at eachother until Balls destroyed his chair over Masato's head!

# IN THE RING: Eugene Dinsmore + The Sandman..

* They were about to start the WWE Championship match when Eugene showed up and said he loved ECW!
* Eugene chanted "I'm Hardcore!" and the fans Booed, but Eugene thought it was "Eu" for Eugene..
* Eugene then read a poem dedicated to ECW as the fans chanted "Shut the F*ck Up!", confusing Eugene..
* The Sandman showed up with a cigarette and chugging beer and did an short version of his famous entrance..
* The Sandman made it to the ring and Eugene wanted a hug so Sandman cracked him with the singapore cane!
* Eugene was on his knees begging for mercy and Sandman whacked him again and chased him backstage!

# WWE TITLE MATCH: Rob Van Dam defeated John Cena to win the WWE Championship!

* Rob Van Dam came out first and there was a brief delay before WWE Champion John Cena made his appearance..
* John Cena's music hit and the entire building erupted with Boos and middle fingers towards the WWE Champion..
* John Cena held the WWE spinner belt over his head as he walked by himself down to the ring to his fate..
* John Cena tried to throw his shirt into the crowd five times but it was prompty thrown back each time!
* The match finally got started and a roll of toilet paper came flying into the ring [crowd loved that!]
* The chants began "Cena Swallows", "You Can't Wrestle!", "Same Old Sh*t", and "Cena Sucks C*ck"............
* John Cena and Rob Van Dam traded punches as the fans Booed Cena's punches and Cheered RVD's punches..
* John Cena later hit a semi-botched DDT on RVD onto a folded chair and RVD landed on an awkward angle..
* John Cena followed up with a slingshot into the corner, sending RVD's head through a folding chair..
* John Cena signaled for the 5-knuckle shuffle as the ECW fans chanted "Same Old Sh*t" and "Asshole!"
* Rob Van Dam fought out of an F-U attemped and connected with a kick to John Cena's face.......
* Rob Van Dam went to the top rope, but Cena caught him with a powerbomb; Fans chant "You Still Suck!"..
* Rob Van Dam tried something with John Cena in the ropes but screwed it up and dropped Cena on the floor..
* The ECW fans blammed it on John Cena chanting "You F*cked Up!" and then "Cena F*cked Up!"..
* Rob Van Dam wasted time getting a Table into the ring, and John Cena locked in the STF-U Submission..
* Rob Van Dam reached the ropes but John Cena refused to break and then knocked out referee John Finnigan!
* John Cena gave Rob Van Dam a super-plex and then rammed Van Dam in the head with the metal ring steps..
* John Cena covered Rob Van Dam and SmackDown! referee Nick Patrick ran down and made a close 2-count!
* John Cena picked up RVD and dumped him over the top rope as a man dressed in black hit the ring..
* The mystery man speared John Cena through the table and took off his black helmet revealing Edge!!!
* Rob Van Dam got up and saw John Cena out cold and hit a frog splash and Paul Heyman counted 1-2-3!!
* Rob Van Dam was declared the NEW WWE Champion and celebrated with ECW wrestlers, fans, and his wife Sonja!
* Paul Heyman gathered the ECW roster in the ring for a post show celebration praising Rob Van Dam....
WWE Vengeance 2006
Date: June 25, 2006
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Arena: Charlotte Bobcat Arena

# DARK MATCH: Val Venis defeated Rob Conway..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Randy Orton defeated Kurt Angle..

* Kurt Angle went throat first into the exposed turn-buckle and Randy Orton hit an RKO to win....

# GRUDGE MATCH: Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada defeated Eugene;

* Eugene was accompanied to the ring by a couple of his friends: Jim Duggan, Doink the Clown and Kamala!
* Umaga destroyed Eugene, then took out Doink & Duggan, but Armando instructed him to leave Kamala alone..

# 2/3 FALLS WRESTLING MATCH: Ric Flair defeated Mick Foley in two straight falls..

* Ric Flair won the first fall with by rolling Mick Foley up with an inside cradle..
* Ric Flair won the second fall by Disqualification after Mick Foley used a trash can!
* After the match: Mick Foley found a barbed wire baseball bat and destroyed Ric Flair!

# BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon wanted to try-out the new Penis Pump but got sprayed with green DX mist..

# IC TITLE 3-WAY: Johnny Nitro w/Melina Perez defeated Shelton Benjamin and Carlito Cool to win the title!

# WWE TITLE MATCH: Rob Van Dam defeated Edge w/Lita..

* Rob Van Dam dodged the spear and Edge crashed into a steel chair which was held up by Lita!
* Rob Van Dam followed up with a frog splash and pinfall to retain the WWE championship..

The Fake Kane (aka Drew Hankinson) defeated The Real Kane with a chokeslam..

# LUMBERJACK MATCH: John Cena defeated Sabu by Submission with STF-U..

* WWE Lumberjacks: Viscera, Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade, Rob Conway, Gene Snitsky, Matt Striker..
* ECW Lumberjacks: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Al Snow, Stevie Richards..
* John Cena gave Sabu an F-U over the top rope through a Table set up at ringside..
* John Cena did what nobody had every done before... he made Sabu tap out to the STF-U!

# BACKSTAGE: Rob Van Dam congradulated John Cena and offered him a title shot tomorrow night on RAW..

# MAIN EVENT: DX (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) defeated All 5 Members of the Spirit Squad..

* The Spirit Squad = Kenny Doane, Mikey Mondo, Nicky Nemeth, Johnny Jeter, & Nick Mitchell..
* Triple H pedigreed Kenny Doane and Shawn Michaels superkicked Mikey Mindo and laid out the rest!
* HHH & HBK rolled everybody out except Mitch, who had his face squashed between Triple H's bare butt cheeks!
WWE The Great American Bash
Date: July 25, 2006
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Arena: Conseco Fieldhouse

Sho Funaki defeated Simon Dean..

# TAG TITLE MATCH: Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated The Pitbulls (Kid Kash & Jamie Noble) to retain..

# IN THE RING: Theodore Long + Bobby Lashley..

* Theodore Long announced to the live crowd that Bobby Lashley couldn't wrestle due to elevated liver enzyme count..
* Bobby Lashley came out and claimed there was nothing wrong with him and that he wanted to wrestle tonight..
* Theodore Long said it was in everyone's best interest for Lashley to take the night off...

# UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Fit Finlay defeated William Regal with help from the Little Bastard to retain..

Gregory Helms defeated Matt Hardy..

# BACKSTAGE: The Undertaker + The Big Show & The Great Khali..

* The Big Show & The Great Khali attacked The Undertaker and Theodore Long kicked Khali out of the building..
* Theodore Long replaced The Great Khali with The Big Show against The Undertaker in the Punjabi Prison Fight..

# PUNJABI PRISON FIGHT: The Undertaker defeated The Big Show..

* They set up two Cages made out of bamboo sticks, an inside Cage and an outside Cage, and you had to escape both..

# BRA & PANTIES 4-WAY: Kristal Marshall vs Ashley Massaro vs Jillian Hall vs Michelle McCool..

* Rules were the first woman to get stripped down to the bra & panties, the one who stripped her wins the match..
* Kristal was stripped by Jillian & Ashley - then Jillian & Ashley helped each other out of their shirts..
* Michelle McCool was wearing two skirts so nobody got to see her bra or panties -- keeping her heat.

# OPEN CHALLENGE: Mr. Ken Kennedy defeated Batista by Disqualification..

* Mr. Kennedy was busted open and bleeding all over the place before Batista lost his temper and got DQ'd..
* After the match, Batista nailed 3 spinebusters and a Batista-bomb and left Mr. Kennedy in a pool of blood..
* Editor's Note: Mr. Kennedy was drenched in blood and we are being told that it was NOT a blade job...
* WWE.com reported that Kennedy needed more than twenty stitches to close the gash he suffered on his scalp..

# WORLD TITLE MATCH: King Booker w/Queen Sharmell defeated Rey Mysterio to capture the World Heavyweight title!!!

* Nick Patrick was knocked out and Rey Mysterio hit a frog splash on King Booker but there was no referee to count..
* Chavo Guerrero ran down and turned on Rey, smashing him with a chair and helping Booker score the 1-2-3 to win!
* This makes King Booker the first black World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history....
WWE SummerSlam
Date: August 20, 2006
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Arena: TD Banknorth Garden

# DARK MATCH: Carlito Cool defeated Rob Conway..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Chavo Guerrero defeated Rey Mysterio with inadvertant help from Vicki Guerrero..

* Vickie Guerrero came down and got booed and accidentally pushed Rey Mysterio off of the top rope..
* Chavo Guerrero hit a frog splash while Vicki Guerrero screamed "No More Fighting" to both men from ringside..
* The crowd absolutely hated the Eddie Guerrero exploitation and booked Vickie, Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio..

# BACKSTAGE: RAW Champion Edge and SD! Champion King Booker met-up and made side bets on their title matches..

# ECW WORLD TITLE MATCH: The Big Show defeated Sabu the ECW World Heavyweight Title..

* The Big Show won after a Spinebuster through a Table and a Choke-slam through a second Table..
* This match was full of botched moves and clumbsy mistakes with Sabu trying for a sympathy pop at the end..

# BACKSTAGE: Layla El was initiated by other WWE Divas insulting her and throwing her in the shower and spanking her..

# LEGEND VS LEGEND KILLER: "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan defeated "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton..

* Randy Orton nailed the RKO to win but the referee didn't see Hogan's foot on the ropes and restarted the match..
* A few minutes later, Hulk Hogan dropped the guillontine leg drop on Randy Orton and picked up the 1-2-3 victory..

# I QUIT MATCH: Ric Flair defeated Mick Foley....

* Mick Foley destroyed a bloodied Ric Flair with a barbed wire board, barbed wire bat and a pile of thumb tacks..
* Ric Flair fought back and was knocked out by Ric Flair so badly that the trainer ran out and put a stop to the match..
* Ric Flair protested and refused to accept it reminding them it was an "I Quit" match and wanted Foley to say "I Quit"..
* Ric Flair continued the assault mashing the barbed wire bat in Foley's eye, causing Melina Perez to throw in the towel!
* Ric Flair again rejected the finish and threatened to attack Melina with the bat -- Foley saw this and yelled "I Quit!"

# WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Batista defeated King Booker w/Queen Sharmell by Disqualification..

# BACKSTAGE: Triple H & Shawn Michaels were talking to an "unknown monster" to help them during their match..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Degeneration-X (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) defeated Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon..

* The McMahons brought out The Spirit Squad, Mr. Ken Kennedy, Fit Finlay, William Regal, The Big Show to destroy DX..
* All of the extra muscle helped destroy DX and give the heavy advantage to Vince & Shane McMahon for several minutes...
* HHH & HBK started a slow come-back but Umaga came out to attack them, but Kane soon followed and took care of Umaga!
* Triple H cracked Vince McMahon with a garbage can, Michaels hit a superkick and Triple H pinned Vince after a Pedigree!
* Shawn Michaels injured his arm/shoulder after going over the top rope along with Shane McMahon late in the match..

# WWE TITLE MATCH: Edge w/Lita defeated John Cena to retain the WWE Championship!

* There is an interesting added stipulation where the WWE championship can change hands on a DQ finish..
* Edge repeatedly told Lita not to interfere, fearing he would get DQ'd, but he used brass knux to win!
WWE RAW's Unforgiven 2006
Date: September 17, 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Arena: Air Canada Centre
Attendance: 16,105

# DARK MATCH: Super Crazy defeated Shelton Benjamin..

# INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Johnny Nitro w/Melina Perez defeated Jeff Hardy to retain..

* Melina took a bump on the apron and "injured" his ankle -- she then whacked Jeff Hardy with her boot!

# BACKSTAGE: Matt Hardy consoled Jeff Hardy until Lita showed up to insult Matt and call him a loser!

# GRUDGE MATCH: Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Kane ended in a No Contest..

# TAG TITLE MATCH: The Spirit Squad (Mikey & Kenny) defeated The Highlanders to retain..

* Johnny, Nicky and Mitch continually interfered for the Spirit Squad during the match..

# HELL IN A CELL MATCH: DX (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) defeated The McMahons & The Big Show..

* The finish of the match was DX pulling The Big Show pants down and making Vince kiss his giant ass!
* Shawn Michaels super-kicked Vince McMahon and Triple H hit him with a sledge hammer shot and got the pin..

# WOMENS TITLE MATCH: Trish Stratus (retirement match) defeated Lita to win the WWE Women's title!

* Trish Stratus won by making Lita submit to the Sharp-shooter to capture her seventh WWE Women's championship!
* Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler gave Trish Stratus a standing ovation and Lilian Garcia was brought to tears..

# GRUDGE MATCH: Randy Orton (suffered a bloody mouth) defeated Carlito Cool...

# WWE TITLE TLC MATCH: John Cena defeated Edge w/Lita to capture the WWE Championship!

* Super spotfest with tons of bumps that is the tradition for Tables & Ladders & Chairs matches....
* The finish saw John Cena F-U Edge through a pair of stacked tables and grabbed the belt to win!
WWE SmackDown!'s No Mercy 2006
Date: October 8, 2006
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Arena: RBC Center
Attendance: 9,000

# DARK MATCH: Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Sylvan...

# NON (CRUISERWEIGHT) TITLE MATCH: Matt Hardy defeated Gregory Helms (Champion)..

# BACKSTAGE: King Booker told William Regal to convince Fit Finlay to help him win the 4-WAY main event..

# TAG TITLE MATCH: Paul London & Brian Kendrick w/Ashley Massaro defeated Idol Stevens & K.C. James w/Michelle McCool..

# BACKSTAGE: William Regal searched for Fit Finlay but found Big Vito and tripped and got food all over himself..

# IN THE RING: Theodore Long & Mike "The Miz" Mizanin + Layla El + ECW Male Stripper (Big Dick Johnson)..

* Theodore Long gave Mike Mizanin a present for his 26th birthday --- Layla El showed up to give The Miz a lap dance..
* Layla El blind-folded The Miz and the ECW Male Stripper (Big Dick Johnson) appeared and danced around the seated Miz..
* Mike Mizanin began touching the strippers breasts when Layla El untied his blindfold to reveal the unpleasant sight..

# MATCH: Montel Vontavious Porter (in-ring debut) defeated Marty Garner..

* Marty Garner worked in ECW near the end as Puck Dupp and has worked various independent promotions as Cham Pain...

# BACKSTAGE: William Regal & Big Vito + Theodore Long..

* William Regal was taking a shower when Big Vito showed up, sending Regal running out the door naked....
* Theodore Long told William Regal to put his ring gear on because he has a match later tonight....

"World Wrestling Entertainment would like to apologize to anyone who watched WWE No Mercy and was offended by the William Regal locker room incident. Conduct of this kind is unacceptable in a family-friendly environment, and WWE accepts full responsibility. Nudity of any kind, even in a live television environment, is offensive to our audience and to the reputation of our company."

# NON (UNITED STATES) TITLE MATCH: Mr. Ken Kennedy defeated The Undertaker by Disqualification...

* The Undertaker whacked Mr. Ken Kennedy with the U.S. championship belt (which Mr. Kennedy brought into the ring)..
* After the match, The Undertaker gave Mr. Ken Kenned a tombstone piledriver and then gave the referee one too..

# FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Rey Mysterio defeated Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero....

* The usher holding back fans during the brawling portion of the match was North Carolina indy manager Count Grog..

# SURPRISE MATCH: Chris Benoit defeated William Regal by Submission (Both men busted open from Head-butts)..

# BACKSTAGE: King Booker & Queen Sharmell + William Regal + Fit Finlay..

* King Booker admonished William Regal for not finding Fit Finlay when Finlay showed up and said he was going for the title..
* King Booker verbally took out his frustrations on William Regal until Regal punched him and walked off with his dignity..

# WORLD TITLE 4-WAY: King Booker w/Queen Sharmell defeated Fit Finlay and Bobby Lashley and Batista to retain....

* Batista gave everybody spine-busters and then Bobby Lashley speared Batista while King Booker pinned Fit Finlay..
Cyber Sunday
November 5, 2006 - Cincinnati, Ohio (US Bank Arena)

# DARK MATCH: Super Crazy defeated Rob Conway..

# MATCH: Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada defeated Kane after the Samoan Spike...

* Fans Chose Umaga's Opponent: 1) Kane (49%), 2) Chris Benoit (%) 3) The Sandman (%)..

# TEXAS TORNADO MATCH: Cryme Tyme defeated Cade & Murdoch and Charlie Haas & Viscera and The Highlanders!

* Fans Chose Match Stipulations: 1) Fatal 4-WAY (%), 2) Tag Team Turmoil (%), or 3) Texas Tornado (50%)..

Jeff Hardy defeated Carlito Cool to retain the Intercontinental title!

* Fans Chose Hardy's Opponent: 1) Carlito Cool (62%), 2) Shelton Benjamin (%), or 3) Johnny Nitro (%)..

Edge & Randy Orton defeated DX (Triple H & Shawn Michaels)..

* Fans Chose The Referee: 1) Vince McMahon (%), 2) Eric Bischoff (60%), or 3) Jonathan Coachman (%)..

# WOMENS TITLE TOURNAMENT FINAL: Lita defeated Mickie James to win the Women's Championship!

* Fans Chose Stipulations: 1) Submission Match (%), 2) No-DQ Match (%), or 3) Lumberjack Match (%)..

# TAG TITLE MATCH: Ric Flair & Roddy Piper defeated The Spirit Squad (Kenny & Mikey) to win the Tag Team titles!

* Fans Chose Flair's Partner: 1) Sgt. Slaughter (%), 2) Roddy Piper (45%), or 3) Dusty Rhodes (36%)..
* After the match, Sgt. Slaughter & Dusty Rhodes helped Ric Flair & Roddy Piper clear out the Spirit Squad..

# CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPIONS: King Booker (SD!) beat John Cena (RAW) and The Big Show (ECW) to retain the World title..

* Fans Chose Which Title On The Line: 1) WWE Title (%), 2) World Heavyweight Title (%), or 3) ECW World Title (%)..
* Kevin Federline showed up and cost John Cena the match and helped King Booker retain the World Heavyweight title!!!
Date: November 26, 2005 (8PM ET)
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Carlito Cool defeated Charlie Hass..

The Flair Squad defeated The Spirit Squad..

* THE FLAIR SQUAD (Ric Flair & Dusty Rhodes & Sgt. Slaughter & Ron Simmons w/Arn Anderson)..
* THE SPIRIT SQUAD (Kenny Doane & Mikey Mondo & Johnny Jeter & Nicky Nemeth w/Mitch)..
* Ron Simmons was eliminated by Countout and the referee kicked Arn Anderson & Mitch out almost immediately..
* Sgt. Slaughter was eliminated. Nick Nemeth was eliminated by Dusty Rhodes. Dusty Rhodes was eliminated by Kenny.
* Nicky was eliminated by Ric Flair. Kenny was eliminated by Ric Flair. Johnny was eliminated by Ric Flair - wooooo!
* SOLE SURVIVOR: Ric Flair (The Spirit Squad attacked Flair and Kenny finished him off with a top rope leg drop!)...

Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero by Submission to retain!

# BACKSTAGE: Edge w/Lita cut a promo while Cryme Tyme stole some of Lita's personal items in the background..

# WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH: Mickie James defeated Lita (retiring) to capture the WWE Women's Championship....

* After the match: Cryme Tyme came out and started selling Lita's personal items to people around ringside..


* TEAM DX (Shawn Michaels & Triple H & C.M. Punk & Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy [The Hardy Boyz!])..
* TEAM RKO (Edge & Randy Orton & Mike Knox [w/Kelly] & Gregory Helms & Johnny Nitro [w/Melina])..
* Mike Knox was eliminated by HBK. Nitro was eliminated by C.M. Punk. Gregory Helms was eliminated by Matt Hardy.
* Edge was eliminated by Shawn Michaels. Randy Orton was eliminated by Triple H - - - - - giving DX the clean sweep!
* SURVIVORS: All five members of Team DX (Shawn Michaels & Triple H & C.M. Punk & Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy)....

# FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Mr. Ken Kennedy defeated The Undertaker with help from Montel Vontavious Porter...

* Mr. Ken Kennedy bled from the mouth first but Montel Vontavious Porter came out and cleaned it all up..
* Montel Vontavious Porter turned on Mr. Kennedy and swung a chair at him but accidentally hit The Undertaker..
* Referee Charles Robinson noticed that The Undertaker was bleeding and awarded the match to Mr. Ken Kennedy...
* After the match, The Undertaker destroyed and bloodied Mr. Ken Kennedy with multiple chair-shots to the head!

Team John Cena defeated Team Big Show..

* TEAM JOHN CENA (John Cena & Bobby Lashley & Kane & Rob Van Dam & Sabu)..
* TEAM BIG SHOW (The Big Show & Test & Fit Finlay & Montel Vontavious Porter & Umaga w/Armando Alejandro Estrada)..
* Umaga was eliminated by DQ. MVP by RVD. RVD by Test. Test by Sabu. Sabu by The Big Show. Kane by The Big Show.
* Fit Finlay was eliminated by Bobby Lashley after a SPEAR. The Big Show was eliminated by John Cena after an F-U..
* SURVIVORS: John Cena (WWE Champion) & Bobby Lashley (possibly the NEXT ECW World Heavyweight Champion)....

# WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Batista defeated King Booker w/Queen Sharmell to win the World Heavyweight title!

* Theodore Long announced the World Heavyweight title would change hands on a Disqualification or Count-out..
* Batista won after whacking King Booker with the World title belt and got the pin to win the World Heavyweight title!
Date: June 11, 2006 (8 PM ET)
Location: Augusta, Georgia

# DARK MATCH: Stevie Richards defeated Rene Dupree..

# TAG MATCH: The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff Hardy) defeated MNM (Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury w/Melina Perez)..

# MATCH: Balls Mahoney defeated Matt Striker...

# BACKSTAGE: Sabu was found unconcious being checked by medics so he's out of the Extreme Elimination Chamber..

# TAG MATCH: Sylvester Terkay & Elijah Burke defeated The Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)..

# BACKSTAGE: Sabu was taken away in an Ambulance while Rob Van Dam and C.M. Punk wanted on with concern..

Shawn Daivari w/The Great Khali defeated Tommy Dreamer....

* The Great Khali was sent backstage by the referee during the match..
* The Great Khali returned afterwards to Choke-bomb Tommy Dreamer hard on the entrance ramp..

# BACKSTAGE: Paul Heyman announced that Hardcore Holly would replace Sabu in the Extreme Elimination Chamber..

# MIXED TAG MATCH: Kevin Thorn & Ariel defeated Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly..

* Mike Knox dropped off the ring apron and walked out on Kelly Kelly..

# MATCH: The Sandman defeated Kevin Thorn (Not really a match, just Sandman canning Kevin Thorn)..

# PROMO: Michael Cole ate up some air-time plugging SmackDown!'s Armageddon PPV in 2 weeks..

# EXTREME ELIMINATION CHAMBER FOR THE WORLD TITLE: Bobby Lashley wins the ECW World Heavyweight title!

* Rob Van Dam and Hardcore Holly entered first, then C.M. Punk (with a Chair), then Test (with a Crowbar)..
* C.M. Punk was the first to be eliminated by Rob Van Dam after a Five-star-frog-splash...
* Hardcore Holly was eliminated next by Test after the big boot (They were supposed to be backing up Big Show)..
* Rob Van Dam was eliminated next by Test after a flying elbow off of one of the pods onto a steel chair..
* The unhappy fans in attendance started a loud "TNA" chant after Rob Van Dam was eliminated early on...
* Bobby Lashley was the next to enter the Elimination Chamber, but Paul Heyman's security wouldn't let him out..
* Test was eliminated by Bobby Lashley after a Spear and the fans booed Lashley heavily and chanted "Boring!"
* The Big Show came out of his Pod and was eliminated within five minutes giving Bobby Lashley the ECW World title!
December 17, 2006 - Richmond, Virginia (The Coliseum)

# DARK MATCH: Oleg Prudius defeated Scotty Too Hotty..

# INFERNO MATCH: Kane defeated Montel Vontavious Porter when MVP's costume caught on fire from behind..

Kendrick/London beat Regal/Taylor and The Hardyz and Mercury/Nitro to retain!

* Brian Kendrick & Paul London beat William Regal & David Taylor and The Hardy Boyz and MNM (Mercury & Nitro)..
* Joey Mercury had his nose destroyed by a ladder shot to the face and was rushed to hospital bleeding profusely..
* This match won SmackDown! Match of the Year in the 2006 Obsessedwithwrestling.com Awards...

# GRUDGE MATCH: The Boogeyman defeated Mike "The Miz" Mizanin and then spit worms in his mouth!

Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero to retain...

# CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain the Cruiserweight title..

# LAST RIDE MATCH: The Undertaker defeated Mr. Ken Kennedy..

* The Undertaker tombstoned Mr. Kennedy on top of the hurse and then put the bloody Kennedy inside of the hurse..

# LINGERIE CONTEST: Ashley Massaro vs Kristal Marshall vs Jillian Hall vs Layla El ended in a No Contest..

* Big Dick Johnson was there playing Santa and declared all four girls the winner and then stripped and danced..

# MAIN EVENT: Batista (World Champion) & John Cena (WWE Champion) defeated Fit Finlay & King Booker w/Queen Sharmell..

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