Wrestlemania 29: A Retrospective Look

I mellowed on my disdain for this show after buying the DVD. I would make a few changes, but I always run into one big problem: The Undertaker. He needs a high profiled match at Wrestlemania, so my ideas for Punk VS Cena or The Rock VS Brock Lesnar fly out the window.

All four men are busy with each other, and Triple H is the ONLY one left on the roster, who could measure up to Taker for a formidable opponent, but you can't do Triple H VS Taker 4 at Wrestlemania for obvious reasons.

So I'll go with the card as is. There's nothing wrong with the quality of the big rematches, but the outcomes for Lesnar VS Triple H and Rock VS Cena were too obvious. There was no reason whatsoever for Rock to retain the WWE Championship, and there was no real reason for Lesnar to beat Triple H again. To make matters worse for Lesnar VS Triple H, with Triple H's "Let us fight" demand, their match at Summerslam was a no dq match, so the stipulation didn't feel fresh, and nobody bought into the possibility of Lesnar retiring Triple H.

Undertaker VS CM Punk was a good match, but Del Rio VS Swagger needed more time. In hindsight, Jericho VS Fandango feels like a waste of a rub, because Fandango disappeared off the face of the earth after this match.

My idea solved that dilemma... Have Punk vs Cena, Rock vs HHH, and Taker vs Brock. As Lesnar's first Mania since his return, taking on the Undertaker was what should've happened given their UFC confrontation not all that long before. This would've been such a fresh bunch of matchups and would've really improved that card.
This PPV had great talents, but it still wasn't that good. I wasn't interested in seeing Rock vs Cena II. I don't think most people were. Triple H vs Brock Lesnar was a good match, but there was something missing in this feud. Maybe it could have got a bit more personal by adding Stephanie into the storyline. Putting Triple H's career on the line was kinda stupid. I liked the match, but there was something missing in it. Undertaker vs CM Punk was truly the one match worth remembering. It would have been one for the ages if it had gone for about 8 more minutes (a 30 minute match), with some more big spots and the WWE Championship on the line. Streak vs Streak would have been great! This match deserved to end the show. I really wanted Chris Jericho to win the Rumble that year since he couldn't win the previous year and he never won a Rumble. Honestly, I would have rather had Undertaker win that year's Rumble for the second time and headline Wrestlemania with CM Punk. That was the match people were really into anyway.

Fandango vs Chris Jericho. REALLY? At least if Jericho won it wouldn't have been so bad. Come on, just because Jericho is a part-timer doesn't mean he has to put over every f'n superstar who's gonna end up jobbing to jobbers in no time! This was one of the worst decisions of Wrestlemania. Period.

The Shield's match was alright. But it needed a better build up and the match needed some more time. Mark Henry vs Ryback could have been scrapped. The tag team match was good, but it had no backstory to it. ADR vs Swagger was quite intriguing when they began feuding, but they got boring in no time. Why not have Jericho win the Rumble and face ADR rather than having Cena win and face Rock?
I watched this again a few weeks ago and while it has its moments, the crowd just doesn't care. The fact that the two main events are rematches that didn't hold much interest at all didn't held and the finisher parade in the main event made things even worse. Brock vs. HHH is one of those matches we just have to live with, even though it was all about making HHH look strong over the villain he happened to be fighting at the time. It's not terrible, but it's weak like most sequels are.

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