Wrestlemania 27 - Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes needs a good win more than anything right now. On Smackdown, well, he's just been kinda...there. Not really doing anything significant. Rey is the perfect man for Cody to face in a big match type. Mysterio is everyone's hero thus getting a good amount of heat for Cody Rhodes which he so desperately needs at the moment. Cody Rhodes has the potential to be very very very successful on Smackdown. All that is needed is a good feud to solidify him at the top, and Rey Mysterio is your boy. I'm definitely loving the build to this match as Cody is doing a great job with the transformation of his gimmick. This match has the possibility of stealing the show if given enough time. I fully expect Cody to walk out the victor with all the fucked up shit Rey has done to him.

Hamler's Prediction- Cody Rhodes
I hope the match is good but in the end I also hope rey puts over cody. I like codys "darker" side. Hes definitely championship material (I.C./U.S. to begin with) so i'd like to see him find some success. Reys time is almost up so I think win losing at W.M. to give the spotlight to cody would be cool. This is one of the few matches I look foward to seeing.
The build up for this match has been spectacular, and I expect this match to be just as great. I think these two will work great together. I see the match going back and forth, until Rey hits the 619 and gets the win. I think the match will be pretty quick, but the post match shenanigans will be the main focus.
I see Cody getting the best of Rey after the match. Maybe even using his mask as a weapon to take out Rey. I know Sin Cara is set to debut the next night on RAW, but I see him coming in to chase off Rhodes. I think this beat down on Mysterio will give him the time off that he has been rumored to be getting, and could be a great way to bring in Sin Cara and establish him as a face.

Rey gets the win in the fifth match of the night.
This is a close one. Either wrestler could be the victor in this match. Cody Rhodes would have a lot more to gain from this match than Mysterio. A win here would solidify Rhodes' credibility as a wrestler and possibly push him out of the mid-card and into the lower upper-card area. Mysterio has nothing to gain in this Wrestlemania and should be close to retiring in a few years.

Rhodes for the win.
Surprisingly good feud so far. Rhodes has really improved as a character this year. Shame that this will likely get about 6 minutes. If they need to trim a match at Mania then they have no problem doing to to a Mysterio match. Considering Rhodes could have been left off the card and nobody would've batted an eyelid there is no way this will get the 15 minute they need to put on a really good match. On the plus side, the Smackdown rematches should be worth watching.

I don't see any reason not to give Rhodes the victory.
Is it wrong that this was maybe my favourite match of the card? Cody Rhodes needs to take a bow, in the big league 1 on 1 for the first time he carried this fued and the match. This character change has been 'Dashing'. Hopefully more to come and quick from him. Nice of Rey to get him over pretty well too.
One of my favs as well. Not a huge Rey fan, and his Cap America outfit just made me chuckle. Its funny to me that after most people pegging Rhodes as the Jannetty of Legacy, he carries a match against a vet like Rey, while Dibiase watched WM from his couch. Ok, back on topic. Great match from Rhodes. Told a great story and kept it entertaining from bell to bell. I hope people are watching Rhodes a little closer from now on.
I didn't get to watch the show but I heard that this match was solid. On top of that, Rhodes won! That was the result I was hoping for. The rising Rhodes picking up a HUGE won over the established veteran at Wrestlemania. I only wonder where Cody goes from here? Continue the fued with Rey? Or move onto the IC title picture (probably not likely as long as the heel Barrett holds the title)? Or become a contender for Edge's title? I'm looking forward to where he goes from here. Rhodes is really riding a wave of momentum at the moment.
This was one of my favorite matches. I always thought that cody could hang even when he was with legacy but tonight, he went out there and proved himself. when he held mysterio up on the turnbuckle for that suplex was a moment i'll remember. i kept thinkin "damn, this could be bad if he drops him" and "okay, slam him now..... no.... okay, now?.... no?..... okay, now?..... damn cody!" it was a great match with a great switch of "weapons" rey using the mask and cody using the brace. I really enjoyed it.
Cody Rhodes will defeat Rey Mysterio.

I got this correct. The match was ok. I'm glad Cody got the win that he needed. I would not have changed anything about the match because the guy who needed the win won, and the match was alright. Hopefully this feud will end now though, the only reason I would want to see it continue would be if Cody keeps winning.

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