Wrestlemania 27 - Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

At WrestleMania XXVII, the inner-turmoil that consumes Cody Rhodes will turn outward, targeting the Superstar he blames for all his recent misfortunes – Rey Mysterio.

In the final moments of a fast-paced match on the Jan. 21 edition of SmackDown, Rey Mysterio delivered to 619 to his handsome adversary. Mysterio’s leg brace – which Rhodes himself had exposed earlier on – struck his opponent’s nose with tremendous force, causing it to break. Though injuries are always a potential hazard in the squared-circle, the results would be catastrophic for the Superstar who prided himself on his extraordinary appearance.

Weeks later, Rhodes would return to SmackDown a completely different Superstar than before the injury. Replacing the sheer confidence that once accompanied his “dashing” persona, Rhodes came forth as a bitter shell of a man; drowning in self-conscious contempt; unable to stand the mere feeling of the WWE Universe staring at him. And, in his warped mind, the sole reason for all that he was experiencing was The Master of the 619.

On the Feb. 25 edition of SmackDown, Rhodes and his WWE Hall of Famer father Dusty Rhodes shocked the WWE Universe when they executed a sinister plan to gain revenge on Mysterio. Luring the masked Superstar into a false sense of security, Cody unleashed a brutal assault on his adversary and ripped off his mask.

Rhodes went on to challenge Mysterio to a fateful match at the Show of Shows one week later, promising to rip his foe’s mask off again and expose him to the WWE Universe.

What lengths will the darkly-obsessed Cody Rhodes go to quell his inner-demons at the expense of Rey Mysterio? Find out at WrestleMania, Sunday Apr. 3 at 7/4 PT, only on pay-per-view.

Cody Rhodes issued the challenge, Rey accepted and now they'll go one-on-one when the lights are on bright. Personally I've loved the build to this feud. Keeping Cody off of TV for close to two months, bringing in Dusty Rhodes and having Cody look strong against Rey, the entire build has been great. It's also turned me into a fan of Rhodes, someone who I was never that fond of. Excellent writing all round. As for the match, this could be a show stealer. Cody's pretty solid in the ring and we all know Rey can pull out excellent matches. I personally see a good contest with Mysterio getting his revenge, but solidifying Cody Rhodes as a big player in the future.

What are your thoughts?
While I can acknowledge that both Rey and Cody are great in the ring and will probably put on an entertaining match, I am just not really interested in the story or the outcome.

The whole storyline does not appeal to me. I think that the WWE could have come up with something better.
First of all, Cody looks like a serial killer!

I am happy to see this match on the Mania card, Both men have good in-ring ability and no doubt can give us a good entertaining opener to Mania! VKM must really have it for Cody giving him his first singles Mania match, and I think it would do him wonders if he is to win this match, I can't pick a winner because it's not that easy for me, could be a big thing for Cody... Also I would like Cody to win this..
This one could be the opener, I think it's goin got be a very fast match. Not by lenght, but seeing these two wrestlers, it's going to have some technical moves, obviously some spots for Rey and maybe the inteference by Dusty Rhodes. Other than that, I don't see anything really interesting, I don't care who is going to win this match, butI think it will be good to get the crowd excited.
This match will be one of the eye opening matches of the undercard. You have Mysterio and Rhodes who are more than capable of pulling off a hell of an exciting match against on another at the show of shows. Mysterio is always great worker and can pull off very good to great matches with just about anyone who isn't over a bumbling seven feet tall. And Rhodes has been a solid worker since his WWE debut and I'm sure will bring his A-Game at the WWE's biggest show of the year. This is one of the matches I'm looking forward to most on the entire card let alone the undercard so I'm glad it's official. This match win or lose is the beginning of a big push for the "Dashing" one and even though it's an easy prediction to claim Rey the victory, don't discount Cody's chances of winning come game time.
This is hard to judge. I think if Cody wants to he can put a stamp on his character with this match. I just really think this is a sink or swim type deal for Cody. Could be a solid showing by both guys.

I like the gimmic Rhodes has. It may come off redone. But if you use the wheel well enough and make it your own..then roll with it.
Could be a fun match, that's for sure. I just have one little thing to say on it; Rey needs to lose. Seriously. Mysterio has nothing to gain by winning this match and nothing to lose by losing this. If Cody were to win, it could put him on a level playing field with some of the other upper mid card guys on Smackdown. It would be his biggest win to date, I believe. If he loses, he's going to be right where he is now. As a guy with a decent gimmick who isn't a viable threat to go over anyone.

All that being said, these guys are super talented and could work really well together. Could be a lot of fun.
These are a few thoughts i have of this matchup.

First up is that Cody's character almost has a Phantom of the Opera feel to it. If he could handle wearing an uncomfortable mask he could keep it a bit longer. Have like a half mask that way he still can show emotion through facial expression.

Second Cody should win as it will give him a big boost and help get him rolling into the future. WWE is supposedly trying to get young wrestlers right? Then why not has the Legends usher them in, because it shows they are getting better then what was years ago. This gives off the look that WWE is evolving and getting better.

Third and last. Cody when he wins should go for the mask of Rey. Rey fights him but Cody about has it and then suddenly music hits and someone comes to Rey's aid. Sin Cara is who i want to do it. It debuts him and sets up a run with Cody. So now you have two young guns in the light. There is solid grounds for it as well. Rey respects his heritage with his mask and Cara would deffinately want him to keep that respect. So see by helping Rey out you can get a few things. Rey can play the mentor/buddy of Cara and keep Cody legit in matches and not destroy his body totally before he hangs the mask up for good. Also you keep Cody's momentum of being in the light but also get Cara right into the action and showcase why WWE wanted him sooo badly.

Any thoughts guys?
Cody NEEDS the win here! it just makes sense for him to win and no sense for Rey to win because he is on his way out of wrestling. As for the match it should open the show like Mysterio-Eddie did at mania 21...... It could be a great match and set the tempo for the other matches
Out of all the matches at Wrestlemania, I'm looking forward to this over nearly all other matches. I love both Rey and Cody. In Rey you have without a doubt, WWEs most reliable performer, he will more than likely give you a fun good match. Rey will no doubt do his best to provide a quality match, and it's about time WWE give him some decent time again in a Wrestlemania match, with very short appearances the last few mania's. In Cody you have a rising star, who has had some fantastic matches on Smackdown since he went solo. Cody has one of the best gimmicks in wrestling at this moment. His new mean streak is awesome. He’s cutting damn good promo's every week, and is being booked in a total dominating fashion in recent matches. Cody has a great look, topped off by the new mask, which just adds a whole new dimension to Cody's character.

I fully expect this to be less than 10 minutes. I don't see Vince allowing them more than that (I hope he does), even though, with the card the way it is at the moment, this could steal the night, unless you prefer slower more technical matches. It will be fast paced, with high flying from Rey, and some power moves from Cody, who will also bring speed to the table. Rey will be allowed to break out some more of his moves, like he is every big PPV. They have good chemistry from their encounters in the ring so far, and the fact that Rey requested this match with Cody, shows that they will work great together.

As for the winner, Rey will probably do it, Wrestlemania in recent time nearly always have the fans stay happy throughout. Though I'm not writing off Cody, and if he were to win, good on him as it will definitely lead to a push to bigger things. I was unsure of the match type though at first. When Cody said he would rip Rey's mask off at Wrestlemania, I thought it was going to be a mask match, but thankfully nothing more was mentioned to make it a mask match, as we all know who would win then.

Can't wait.
rey vs cody seems like an alright match. of course, ill be cheering for rey the whole time as i strongly dislike rhodes. to argue with the main post, i could never see rhodes as being a big time player in the future of wwe, he isnt overly good on the mic, and his inring ability doesnt stand out at all cant really say that i find him entertaining.
Since this is a Rey Mysterio match on PPV, is it going to be good. He can fly, and wrestle a great match with nearly everyone. And he is going with someone who has been going very well on Smackdown. Cody Rhodes has been going great with his character, and deserves to be on the PPV. The build has been very well done, and the face mask stuff is brilliant. It's these smaller storylines that keep people watching. I'm loving the whole thing, and expect a great match here. Just like CM Punk and Rey did, I expect the fans to be into the match, however it'll be very underrated.
As I was typing out a response on another post, topiced about the upcoming debut of Mistico in his Sin Cara alias. I noticed something, something which, honestly I think could happen.

Cody Rhodes has promised he'll remove Rey Mysterio's mask at Wrestlemania. In Mexico, wrestlers wearing a mask almost has its own set of national rules. I mean, it has rules but they take it deadly serious.

Example is, if you remove the mask in public, you can't put it back on as it's seen as disrespectful.

Mistico's first promo showed him placed the mask over his face. And right now a thought came to me...

What is the chance of Sin Cara debuting at Wrestlemania, post match or during the match, to help Rey Mysterio while Cody and Dusty Rhodes are attempting to remove Rey's mask? I mean, it's clearly evident that Sin Cara will be face, it would be stupid to make him a heel. Rey is one of the most respected names and persons in Lucha Libre wrestling, and history.

So, it would make sense. What better place to debut him than Wrestlemania in-front of 70,000 people.

Just said I'd share the vision. Makes you wonder though.
The chance of Sin Cara debuting at Mania is slim to none. The WWE has been hyping up his arrival for over a month now, and having him debut at Wrestlemania would kill his momentum. Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year, and he would be overshadowed by the rest of the night. Sin Cara's debut should be the high point of the night, not an afterthought compared to things like Triple H vs. Undertaker or World Championship bouts.
Cody Rhodes is executing his new character to perfection. He is doing such a great job of playing this broken man. He comes off as this disturbed person, and his body language is great, as he tries to hide his face during his entrance. Also, I think keeping the suit on during matches is a nice touch.

The build for this feud has been pretty damn good. Adding Dusty into the mix a while back was a good move, because it gave this feud more of a personal feel. Cody used his father to catch Mysterio off guard, and that entire segment was done well. The attacks from Rhodes have been viscous, and I'm sure everyone wants to see Mysterio triumph over Rhodes at Mania.

I want to see Rhodes win this, because he could use the momentum a lot more, but I have a feeling Mysterio will walk away with the victory here. I have a hard time betting against Mysterio at Mania, because he is the lovable face, and Cody is the mean and bitter heel, so I have to believe Rey is going to win.
not the best storyline or build up for this match but im willing to give it a chance it could be good! :shrug: i fully expect rey to get his revenge and win the match but after mania we could c cody rhodes go on to become a main eventer although i think he should win the ic title before going after the whw title but i never liked cody rhodes...then all of sudden he comes back and beats down rey! i LOVED it! i thought his "dashing" gimmick was dumb but he was good at it expect...what good has it done for him? just my thoughts
Well, after this Friday's edition, I am even more intrigued in this match. Cody was awesome on Friday, with a sick beat down. The man has made the character his own. I have loved Cody ever since that first Dashing promo, and he has evolved it perfectly. The story writing has been excellent. They saw that the Dashing thing was starting to idle, so they had the whole facial damage angle, unleashing in my opinion, the best character in WWE today. There have been some great promo's by Cody on the most part, and he's totally dominated Rey in recent weeks, and that is just what was needed to be done, to plant seeds of doubt whether Rey is actually going to win at Mania, as before the last few shows, I was 90% sure Rey would win. Great build up, and just can't wait for this match.
Such an awesome program to lead us into this, very very well put together. Could be a damn fine match as well, if it is allowed the time to be. Which in all likelyhood, it wont.

Could be memorable, probably will just be good, becuase Mysterio gets at least good out of everyone, regardless of the amount of time allotted.
Guys, I can see where you are coming from from but to me it looks like WWE has put Rey Mysterio down a peg.

It shows that Mysterio, as popular as he is, is competing with non-popular heels to get a free push via Mysterio. I would really enjoy it if there was a championship on the line (ex. IC, since Wades going to do nothing with it at WM). If Cody Rhodes is looking to swim and thrive in this business he needs to get a new gimmick and ditch the wimpy, "good-looking" heel version.

Thats just my opinion but I do very well believe that this match isn't going to be anything special, but of course i have been wrong many times in the past.
I'm hyped for this match. Alot of the matches seem rushed this year and I actually believe that this match will be one of the greats of the show. Cody Rhodes, who I thought was shit in Legacy, has a great gimmick and I can see him being a future world champion. I actually see him going over Rey Mysterio in this bout and I see them ending the fued at extreme rules.
I'm absolutely in love with the build up to this match. If you would have asked the majority of us on these forums a year ago who was going to be the breakout star of Legacy, the answer wouldn't be Cody Rhodes. Here we are one year later, and Ted is looking FCW bound while Cody is looking like the second coming of Mick Foley.

This match could steal the show, if given the proper time. Mysterio is solid, as much as some don't like him. He consistently gives it his all on almost every pay per view.

I'm not sure who wins, but I'm leaning with Mysterio, but it should be a fun match regardless.
Mixed feelings here. I’m so glad that Rhodes is in a decent feud and getting pushed. I’m NOT happy that it’s against Mysterio, who I really do not like. Rhodes could benefit so much from a victory here because of the heel heat he could generate from making Rey lose, let alone if he unmasks him. Rey will remain over no matter as a face, so a loss here would do nothing to him. I hope they have Cody unmask him. Do it, WWE! They keep teasing an unmasking in many Rey feuds but never do it. The match should be alright, but like I said, I have mixed feelings about it.

Cody Rhodes will defeat Rey Mysterio.
Rey isn't going to get unmasked so I don't see it as a Mask vs. Mask stipulation they might throw in there at the last minute. Mysterio has been the most consistent big match performer other than Cena the last few years and Rhodes will benefit greatly from working with him. I have Mysterio winning which doesn't mean the feud will end there. Hopefully, these singles matches will get at least 10 minutes but this will probably be the shortest one.
The Build Up for this match has been Very Good and I'm Very excited for this match. Cody Rhodes new character has been GREAT and has made me grown to really like him. Always love me some Rey Mysterio and he is Always having good matches and this one should be no different if giving the right amount of time this should be really good and possibly one of the better matches on the Card.
This could be the sleeper of the night.

Rey is an amazing wrestler and I feel he could bring out the best in Rhodes.

Rhodes, I hope wins here, build new stars, although I can see Rey winning and them doing a Mask/Mask situation further down the road.

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