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MUM-of-three Beth Hoyle claims an Asda till worker refused to serve her because she was wearing a wristband backing injured troops.

Beth says the checkout lad told her the band for Help for Heroes - aided by The Sun - meant she supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And when she complained to a supervisor, he BACKED the Asian youth, saying he was entitled to his view.

Beth, 40, who has two brothers in the services, said the checkout worker told her he didn't want to serve her because of "what she was wearing."

Shocked Beth, of Whitworth, Greater Manchester, said that at first she thought the youth at Asda's Rochdale store meant a cross round her neck.

"He pointed to my Help for Heroes wristband and accused me of supporting the war. I told him it was nothing to do with the war, but about supporting our injured troops.

"I immediately complained to a supervisor, but he said it was his right not to serve me. I was disgusted."

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MUM-of-three Beth Hoyle claims an Asda till worker refused to serve her because she was wearing a wristband backing injured troops.

Beth says the checkout lad told her the band for Help for Heroes - aided by The Sun - meant she supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And when she complained to a supervisor, he BACKED the Asian youth, saying he was entitled to his view.

Beth, 40, who has two brothers in the services, said the checkout worker told her he didn't want to serve her because of what she was wearing."

Shocked Beth, of Whitworth, Greater Manchester, said that at first she thought the youth at Asda's Rochdale store meant a cross round her neck.

"He pointed to my Help for Heroes wristband and accused me of supporting the war. I told him it was nothing to do with the war, but about supporting our injured troops.

"I immediately complained to a supervisor, but he said it was his right not to serve me. I was disgusted."

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MUM-of-three Beth Hoyle claims an Asda till worker refused to serve her because she was wearing a wristband backing injured troops.

Beth says the checkout lad told her the band for Help for Heroes - aided by The Sun - meant she supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And when she complained to a supervisor, he BACKED the Asian youth, saying he was entitled to his view.

Beth, 40, who has two brothers in the services, said the checkout worker told her he didn't want to serve her because of.."what she was wearing."

Shocked Beth, of Whitworth, Greater Manchester, said that at first she thought the youth at Asda's Rochdale store meant a cross round her neck.

"He pointed to my Help for Heroes wristband and accused me of supporting the war. I told him it was nothing to do with the war, but about supporting our injured troops.

"I immediately complained to a supervisor, but he said it was his right not to serve me. I was disgusted."

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Just wow
Whether you believe in the war or not the employee essentially discriminated because someone supported a charity!
Discrimination against a belief. I would argue slippery slope from hating on other, extreme forms of thought, but supporting your injured troops is nothing like discriminating against the KKK or religious fundamentalism.

The clerk was making the wrong extrapolation, that supporting injured troops means supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. See what horrible logic will get you guys?
Clearly, the clerk was a fundamentalist in his politics. The kind we're seeing more and more of nowadays, where they see everything as black and white. He didn't think about that she might not be for the war, he just automatically made assumptions about her. Sounds like modern day politics. "You're either with me, or against me!"

We're living in a time where people feel like it's their right and obligation to get up in your face and tell you that you don't have the right to think how you want politically. And if ever the establishment makes laws about it, say bye bye to free speech.
OK, since I used to work in the exact same position as the checkout operator, I think I have some insight into what has happened here. Now, the operator is completely ignorant to what the band signifies and to be honest, it is fucking petty. The thing is though, that in that position, you can choose who you do and do not want to serve. It's shit but that's the way it is. Those of you getting on at the supervisor need to shut the fuck up though. That is my position and we are constantly told to back the operator views. We are not allowed to tell the operator to serve someone if they do not want to. The whole thing has become a racial motivated action, thanks to the Sun. Especially when it happens a lot.
Just when I think the world couldn't get anymore fucked up, something like this happened. How does "Help our Troops" or "Support our Troops" translate into, "Support the War"?
I think the better statement is "Wow, people actually give a fuck about this story"?

Oh noez! Da lady had to put away her own groceries! The humanity!
I think the better statement is "Wow, people actually give a fuck about this story"?

Oh noez! Da lady had to put away her own groceries! The humanity!

I think it is a bit more serious than that to be honest.

Plus, wasn't it you that was campaigning for troops to get more support from the public, just the other day? Now, when this woman does something to show her support, she is treated differently. I thought you would have had a stronger view on this to be honest.
I'm not going to waste my time caring about some woman in England who had to carry her own groceries. I can't really believe others would.
I think the better statement is "Wow, people actually give a fuck about this story"?

Oh noez! Da lady had to put away her own groceries! The humanity!

if you don't give a fuck don't post it, that's why I avoid your drug threads.
I'm not going to waste my time caring about some woman in England who had to carry her own groceries. I can't really believe others would.

Well it was an English guy who made the thread. It's the same as why the fuck should the UK guys care about America passing some healthcare bill
if you don't give a fuck don't post it, that's why I avoid your drug threads.

Yeah, because I make drug threads. Go find me one drug thread I've made Lee, love to see it. As far as I know I've never made a single "drug" thread. Maybe one at most but probably not.

Well it was an English guy who made the thread. It's the same as why the fuck should the UK guys care about America passing some healthcare bill

Yeah, because someone having to carry their groceries is clearly an equally important issue as millions of people's health. :rolleyes:
Oh, didn't see that this was from England. They've already lost the battle for freedom of speech. No wonder the guy thought he could act the way he did. He was just making sure she didn't have a thought crime occur :lmao:
It's more than the groceries thing, it's the fact that she was discriminated against for supporting a charity. What if it was a pink band on, and in some place in America, I'm sure you'd give a fuck then.

And bladerunner, free speech is very much in place in the UK.
It's there but it's being chipped away slowly but surely.

Right now England has a list of people banned from the country simply because they have political beliefs that the English government does not support. Banned from England because they think differently. That's "thought crimes", and that's not freedom of speech.
It's there but it's being chipped away slowly but surely.

Right now England has a list of people banned from the country simply because they have political beliefs that the English government does not support. Banned from England because they think differently. That's "thought crimes", and that's not freedom of speech.


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